
Strongest Mage in Fairy Tail

Arios Aeon was a senior high school graduate student who will be going to college soon. On his way for his 1st day in college he notice a beautiful girl looking everywhere not noticing that there's a truck coming on her way. Out of his concern he warn the girl but instead of moving out of the way of the truck she was startled and was frozen on the spot. Not knowing what to do he run towards the girl pushing her out replacing her place making him die in the process. After regaining consciousness he notice that his surroundings are entirely white. After a while a the girl came and apologize, reincarnate him in the world that he choose and granting him 3 wishes. ... ... ... The picture is not mine. It's Arthur Pendragon from fate This is my 1st story .. English is not my first language Help me critique my work Provide reasons Don't just spam the review section with negative review without a reason. Provide at least a reason that you give my work a negative review so that I can improve

AriosAeonVonBelser · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 3: Training

Chapter 3: Training and Departing

"Ha..ha.. That was hard. I need to train. Although I manage to defeat that black panther, I feel that my performance was lacking. I need to erase all my wasted movements.

Saying so Arios look for an environment suited for his training.


Looking at the the mountain that is 4000 meters tall with a towering tress around it and an uneven terrain due to the thick roots of the trees. Arios just have one word for it "Perfect".

Arios started warming up his body. He stretches his limbs as far as he could to make it flexible.

After warming up he deactivated Avalon to maximize his gain in the training that he will go, he also take of the bracelet that enhance reaction speed.

"Let's start." Arios started to run towards the top of the mountain while regulating his breath and form. Although the grounds is uneven due to the thick roots of the tree. He uses it to his advantage and use it as his foothold, though he always fall and get brueses here and there. After just 5 minutes of running "Ha..ha..ha.. I'm tired. I'm not even halfway to the top and I'm already tired. I should have exercise in my past life." As he continue to run and get brueses due to continuously falling and hitting the tree, Arios unconsciously revolved his magic power around his body.

[AN: I made a mistake in the chapter 2 in the Fairy Tail world the energy that they use is ethernano and not mana. Though it's all the same for me.] Arios continuosly revolved his ethernano around his body unconsciously. After running for more than 637 meters Arios noticed that his body is warming up and feels refresh. When he check it, he found out that he is unconsciously revolving his ethernano around his body revitalising his tired cells and muscles. "What the heck? When did this happen? Well it's a nice surprise so I guess it's okay." Arios just continuously run until the top of the mountain which takes him 3 days to reach because he rest when he runs out of magic power.


"Ha..ha. Finally I reach the top." Said Arios while collapsing due to being dead tired, less oxygen supply and running out of magic power.

After resting for around 1 hour Arios decided to meditate to get acclimated to the thin oxygen at the top of the mountain and also to absorb the abundant ethernano in the air and convert it into his magic power.

[AN: Ethernano is the name of the magic particles in the air, it is like ki/chi or whatever you call it, it exist in all living organisms and and atmosphere. Magic power is the source of power for mages, it is a ethernano that enters the body of the mage. When the ethernano enters the body of the mage they convert it into a magic power. Though I don't know if that's true😀]


It's been a week since Arios arrived at the Fairy Tail world, the past him who is thin became slim and muscular. He also got used to the the lack of oxygen in the top of the mountain making his lung capacity stronger.

" I need to fight again and accumulate battle experience, after all if you have power and you don't know how to use it, it will all be just for naught. Good thing I know just a thing perfect for this." Arios created a simple house, it is yellow in colour with a single window in the left side and a door at the right side, the inside of the house have no other thing except for a single bed and pillow. He also created a gray helmet that has eyeshield in it, after putting it on and laying on the bed Arios said, "Link Start!" multitude of colour appear before him before fading away replace by a the familiar forest where he first arrived. He also found the black panther around the vicinity.

Arios created his now favourite sword, Excalibur and it's sheath Avalon. Merging the sheath in him, Arios glows for a while before it fades. This time he won't be using the Bracelet of Inhuman Reflex, he will just be using his own reflex and try to defeat the panther without using it, after all he will be testing the results of his training for this past week.

Noticing that there'sa trespasser in its territory the panther got angry.


The panther lunges at Arios while swiping its claw. When the panther arrived with its claw aiming at him, Arios just evade it with a hairs breadth. Seeing his chance has come, Arios slash the black panther's neck not even making it retaliate or get serious. "This is not enough, I can't see my progress with just this kind of difficulty." While complaining Arios swipe his right hand from up to down and put 100 in the designated enemies. "There that's better." Completely satisfied with his work, he ready himself with the upcoming hordes of black panther coming on his way.

Running towards the hordes. Arios begun his slaughter, he slash those who are in front while evading the claws and magic that's coming on his way. While he dodge, he also fire different kinds of elements that he made using his magic towards the horde. As time passed by, Arios became more efficient in using his weapon and body due to his second wish, eternal arms mastery making his efficiency in killing the black panthers fast. 5 minutes later and all the panthers are all now dead. "Ha..ha.. I've run out of magic power. This is tiring, although the Avalon grant me limited immortality and heal my wounds it can't restore my stamina so I need to make another item to take care of that."

Please stop commenting on paragraph comment, I can't read it and reply. I'm writing this on the phone and I'm writing this because I'm bored of waiting for new chapters of my favourite fanfics so I just decided to write my own when there's no new chapter. :P peace

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