
Strongest In the Apocalypse

*Read ten chapters before deciding to quit!* ... The end of the world didn't come in a way anyone would expect. Dungeons tore themselves out of the land, monsters littered the world and the Earth was put in a global trial. The shadows were no longer safe. A being that called itself the System appeared to help the people of Earth, carving out a path to power for everyone. Prince was taking a hike when the apocalypse arrived, leaving him stranded and stuck in a dungeon that had spawned on him. The multiverse is watching, and he'll be damned sure to give them a show. Perhaps even knock out a god. ... [Disclaimer: You Might Get Addicted] Chapter word count guarantee [1000-2100] What to expect: - Long series, massive world. - Battle Maniac MC who isn't ridiculously addicted. - Daily Uploads, 12:30PM EST.

TheOneWho_Asked · Fantasy
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43 Chs

The Perfect Dao

A single man stood, tall and imposing. His cloak fluttered, revealing his body- muscles rippled across him, chiseled and defined. Dark hair fell around his sharp, handsome features and stormy eyes.

Prince felt reborn. Strength flooded through him. He had reached unprecedented strength.

He felt like a god. And this was only the E-Grade.

A barrage of notifications entered his vision, begging to be read.

Congratulations! Dao Node of Martial Arts -> Perfect Dao Fragment of Martial Arts (early)

Congratulations! F-Grade -> E-Grade

Congratulations! Your body has been infused with your Dao, taking on its attributes.

All stats +10

Level-up! You are now Level 50.

Congratulations! The Towering Peak faction has reached the E-Grade. New functions unlocked in the faction screen.

Congratulations! For being one of the first cultivators on your planet to develop a Dao Fragment, you are awarded the Title: Planetary Dao Torchbearer (50). A sign of great potential, marking the owner as a person worthy of the Immortal System's assistance.

Class Upgrade available. Please choose your new Class:

Prince read over all of the notifications one by one. There was no rush, after all. 

He had developed a Perfect Fragment. That had to be something rare, or something extremely beneficial. Prince looked toward his class options. 

Class Options:

Class: Martial Artist (Common) 

Follow the well-worn path toward the peak of Martial Arts. All stats +5. +5 Attribute Points every level.

Class: Iron Fist (Rare) 

Rule with an Iron Fist. +10 Str. +10 End. +10 Attribute Points every level.

Class: Stormlord (Rare) 

Move with the swiftness of a typhoon. Strike with the power of a hurricane. +10 Wisdom. +10 Dex. +10 Str. +5 Attribute Points every level.

Class: Titan Fiend (Mythical) 

Follow in the path of the legendary Titans. +10 all stats. +5 Attribute Points every level.

Class: Tempered Pugilist (Rare)

Martial Arts is a journey. Fighting is secondary to that journey. +10 Men. +10 Wis. +10 End. +5 Attribute Points every level.

Prince eliminated every option except for Stormlord and Titan Fiend. 

Martial Artist was obviously the straightforward class everyone got. Tempered Pugilist didn't describe him. And Iron Fist didn't really give off his vibe, either.

Stormlord could be him. After all, he had Phase Shift. Though he couldn't create storms.

Titan Fiend- he didn't know much about it, but it was Mythical, so it had to be powerful. The main thing Prince worried about, however, was the Fiend part. He wasn't a Fiend.

Plus, he didn't want to commit himself to any one path before he knew what he was doing.

Eventually, however, the Mythical was too tantalizing, and he picked it.

Strangely enough… He received no class skills. 

Class Vision is Ready.


"Nice, a new vision." Prince grinned. This one would likely have major benefits, like the last one.

But for now, he opened his status screen.

Attribute Screen - Prince Collins

Species: Human

Faction: Towering Peak (E)

Class: Titan Fiend 

Subclass: Champion of Victorious Fighting

Titles: Planetary Frontrunner (1000), Planetary Dao Prodigy (100), Solo Leveler, Planetary Torchbearer (50)

Grade: E

Dao: Perfect Fragment of Martial Arts (early)

Level: 50

Strength: 124

Endurance: 124

Dexterity: 124

Vitality: 124

Mental: 90

Wisdom: 89

Free Points: 0

Skills: Martial Arts (III), Drill (I), Titan's Awakening (I), Titan Fist (II), Phase Shift (II), Victorious Spirit (I), The Odds Are Against Me (I)

Dao Skills: Thunderous Palm (II)

It seemed as if the System had compressed his status screen to include his skills.

He could still open up his full skill screen if he wanted, but the change was much appreciated.

Prince bounced on his feet.

He leaped 6 feet into the air casually and dropped back on the ground without the slightest noise. His body moved with ease, his fists shot out like mini-bullets. 

His Martial Arts skill was actually struggling to keep up with his newfound power. Prince knew he would evolve it soon. 

He grinned at Sebastian. 

Sebastian didn't flinch. 

"Oh?" Prince walked up to it. "Looking at me, huh?" 

He threw a casual punch. 

Sebastian dodged, counter attacking with a kick that matched his power. 

Prince raised his hands, blocking the kick from hitting his face. He slid back. 

Okay then. 

Prince twisted into his own roundhouse, landing cleanly against Sebastian's neck. 

He then used the momentum to release a flurry of kicks, punches, and palms, his body becoming a blur. Sebastian reacted in kind, the two locked in a battle. 

Prince was trying to apply pressure, but Sebastian matched him perfectly. He didn't want to use any skills, as well. 

Prince moved like a machine. He was a monster, twisting and turning into impossible maneuvers, dashing into even the smallest openings. He moved like a master, a man who was a black belt in every single earthly martial art. 

Prince punched the training dummy's face.

The training dummy punched back.

A shockwave rippled through the room, as Prince halted. Sensing this, Sebastian resumed its normal pose. 

Prince clutched the side of his steaming cheek. This was a good training robot. Very good, infact. Very useful. His smile widened.

Class Vision is Ready. 


Prince looked at the notification again. He couldn't wait to get stronger. 

"Hell Yeah!" 

Five minutes earlier

A ripple of pure Dao spread out from the peak of the mountain Prince was on, spreading through the faction.

A few people who had combat Daos sat down and began to meditate on the spot. 

Tah'Mahkul's eyes widened. "It… Can't be…" 

The effect continued throughout the whole planet- though, at that point, the energy had been polluted so that no one was strong enough to sense it.

Except for two people. 

A single, handsome man with gray skin and silver hair floated above the blue planet of Earth. His eyes were pitch black, and he was dressed in a billowing cloak. Horns extended from his forehead.

"A Perfect Fragment…" The man muttered. "Why this planet?"

"I don't know, brother." The other figure said. It was an equally beautiful woman with the same long silver hair- though done up in a bun. She had two horns, but they were smaller than his. She was dressed in a pitch-black cloak as well. "Since the age of the Titans and the Ancient, it hasn't been sighted in a freshly Integrated World."

"This planet isn't Integrated yet." The man reminded her. "They have to survive the incursion. Once that happens and if they survive, then the games begin. I pray the System lets them survive."

"Yeah, yeah." The woman said, rolling her eyes. "Let's go before the boss man finds us."

The man snapped his fingers. 

The two suddenly vanished into nothingness. They completely disappeared, as if they had never existed at all.

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