
Strongest Illegal Alien

An overpowered alien growing up in a fantasy world. Can he live a peaceful life as his adoptive parents wish? Or will he be thrown into the chaos of the universe? -- or perhaps, he is the chaos. High Fantasy meets Science Fiction.

Romeru · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Prologue : The Union of the Eternal Moon and the Blazing Sun

"It's not too late, My Eternal Moon. We can still abort the baby."

"...It's already crawling, My Blazing Sun."

In a galaxy far far away, in a planet whose name has already been forgotten even by its inhabitants, a woman and his husband were arguing. They were human, or at least looked like it — they were similar to the people you and I look at every day, and yet at the same time, unfamiliar. They argue, yet their words are soft and quiet, however, seemingly afraid that someone… or something might hear them.

"We should have heeded the Elders' warnings, My Eternal Moon."

The husband was pacing around their room; spacious, made with stone only available on their planet. He looked outside the window, only to see the clouds and the towers that scraped the skies — the people, just casually floating and flying around cheerfully, unbeknownst that a great tragedy was about to befall their ancient and primordial planet.

"It has already happened, My Blazing Sun," the woman followed her husband with her eyes; the tone of her voice, weighted with regret heavy enough that it could crush the colossal infrastructure that is their home, "We could not foresee—"

"We could, this is what the Elder warned us about," the husband stopped walking as he looked at his wife, "Our union has brought upon us the end of our world—of our universe."

"But it is not our intention, My Blazing Sun. Our only intent is love," the woman approached her husband and held his face with both hands, "Is it so wrong to be so in love?"

"No, no. Of course not, My Eternal Moon," the husband shook his head as he also gently held his wife's face; looking her in her trembling and moist eyes, "If our time rewinds and our choices renewed, I would still make—"


And before the husband could finish his words, a whisper of a whimper touched both their ears. The cry was gentle, but the woman and his husband could not help but embrace each other tight; their eyes filled with a sense of fear.

"It… it's awake," the husband gently pushed his wife away and once again looked her in the eyes, "I… I'll do it, My Eternal Moon. I'll do it for us."

"No, you must not," the wife tried grabbing her husband, but he just pushed her hands away and walked to the door, "My Blazing Sun, you can't go. You will—"

"I must," the husband looked at both his hands, before a piece of cloth just suddenly started materializing in them,

"I must change its diapers, for both of us."

The door in front of the husband slid open and he stepped forward. He then took one final glance at his wife; trying his best to smile, nodding as he walked away.

"My Blazing Sun!" The wife tried to run toward her husband, but the door slid shut. And the only thing the wife could do was plant her face and arms on the closed door; her tears, instantly damping it, "Why… why must it be us that—"

"No! Stay… stay away!"

"My Blazing Sun!?" And before the wife could start her sad and somber monologue, she heard her husband screaming from the other side of the door. She then heard a loud thump, but she could really only imagine what horrific things were happening on the other side.

"Stay away, you abomination!"

"My Blazing Sun!?" The wife placed her palm on the door's security panel, but something was preventing the door from opening on the other side — her husband, "O…Open the door, My Blazing Sun!"

"My Eternal M—"


"Ack! My… My arm!"

"My Blazing Sun!?" The wife once again planted her ear on the door, "Stay… Stay away from my husband, you foul creature! I knew, I knew the moment you forcefully crawled your way out of me that the prophecy was true! We should have killed you!"

"M… Mama?" The other voice that was with her husband was quite small; high-pitched and incredibly soft.

"I am not your mother!" The wife banged on the door as her screams made her voice crack, "You—"

"My Eternal Moon, do it."


"Do it."

The wife could hear her husband's voice quivering, "We can not allow it to grow even stronger, it is time."

"My Blazing Sun…" The wife moved away from the door; her eyes, trembling as her husband's words repeated themselves again and again.

"Do it," he says.

The wife knew what her husband meant, but the only thing she did was shake her head every time his husband repeated his words.

"Please, My Eternal Moon."

"Okay," and after several breaths had forced their way out of her lips, the wife finally nodded her head as she stepped away from the door; her eyes suddenly letting out a violent glow of white, "I'll do it, for all of us…

…For you."

"I love you as long as the universe lives, and even after, My Eternal Moon."

"And I have loved you before the universe was created, and still will after it is long gone, My Blazing Sun."

The wife's feet started to lift up from the floor as the very air itself surrounding her started to distort.

"May this tragedy not fall onto anyone else just wanting to love," and with those words escaping the wife's lips. The bright light coming from her eyes instantly filled the entire room with white—No. The light went through everything, eating everything in its path as a violent thunder boomed across the air and through the skies.

The clouds, rippling away — the very sky itself being torn apart as their ancient and primordial planet started to wither away. The people just casually minding their own business did not even know that their last moments truly were their last.

And then, with another boom, a ripple traveled across the expanse of space as the planet imploded, and then exploded; leaving not even its memory to travel across the cosmos.

And just like that, the Eternal Moon and the Blazing Sun, along with everything they shone upon were gone… except for the very thing they were preventing from leaving their planet — their son.

"Ma…ma? Dada…?"

The son, who was completely unaware of what was happening, was now being blown away at a speed multiple times faster than light. It knew nothing, solely for the fact that it was, indeed, just a small baby — not even a single hair on top of its head.

Soon, however, within the cosmos of infinite possibilities, the son landed on a planet filled with life and a civilization of people very much like our own… 

"What's that? Is that a bird? A pla—"

…and completely destroyed it on impact as it just went through the planet like a bullet piercing through a piece of tofu.

And so, the baby continued to fly through the expanse of space — slowly slowing down with each celestial body he obliterates until finally…

…it landed softly enough on a planet that could endure its speed. A colossal, durable, and colorful planet that was almost as large as the average star.