
Strongest Hunter's Ascension

The code name “Shikari” was the only thing that Arun learned from his Status window, about his past. Why he didnt have his memories, when everyone in the Tower of Yggdrasil had theirs, he didnt know. But three things were clear to him from the start. First, he was an anomaly in the Tower of Yggdrasil, and his existence would be erased if the truth came out. Second, unlike others in the Tower, he knew exactly where he was going and was helped by someone outside of the tower. Third, Shikari, meaning The Hunter is a pseudonym that was best suited to him. Because he felt that he had a taste of blood before even setting foot in the Tower. In a world that should breed fear and concern, an environment that makes his fellow players falter, Arun instead finds himself thriving. Perhaps, he was born for this kind of world. _______________________________________________ One can chat with me on my Discord: https://discord.gg/kb7jehGPFX

YashVardhan_OG · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
47 Chs

Dungeon Raid-1

Following the People's Road, Arun eventually reached the small crooked road that could take him to the Goblin Dungeon. Before taking the road, he looked around to see whether anyone was following him or not. He also checked the skies for the astral owl that he saw last night, he had a feeling that Sonia or her group might come back for revenge. It was only after making sure that there was no one in the vicinity, did he started following the side road.

Speaking of which, I did save that old man from dying. Did I get a reward for it?

He opened his system, and to his horror, he didnt get any. This irritated him beyond comprehension, he almost died last night, and too for nothing. Although he was infuriated, he figured that he might as well distribute his stat points while he was at it. He hadn't opened his system in a while now, he was curious to see how many times had been leveled up.


Name- Shikari

Faction- ERROR

Level- 15

Stats- <Think to Expand>

Common Inventory- <Think to Expand>

Quick Access Inventory- <Think to Expand>

Friend List- <Think to Expand>

Skills- <Language> ; <Water Binding>


He had only leveled 3 times in the last week or so, which was understandable considering he wasn't really able to hunt.

Stat Points, he ordered and the stat menu opened before him. He had 24 stat points in his pocket, so he decided to invest in every attribute, only giving a slight edge to endurance.


Exp- 45/100

Vigor- 20

Arcane- 20

Strength- 25 [+1 Bracers]

Dexterity- 24 [+2 Bracers]

Endurance- 30

Stat points- 0


With these stats, he felt confident that he would be able to handle anything that the dungeon would throw at him. But his confidence came crashing down when he started hearing laughter ahead of the road. Getting serious, he ducked down and went off the road. After going through some thorny bushes, he eventually finds himself in a small clearing.

Just like the previous dungeon that he had been through, the entrance of this dungeon was also two gigantic stone doors, located middle of nowhere. The only difference between this and the Kong dungeon was the size of the door, Kong's dungeon door were smaller than this one. Also, this dungeon door was already opened, someone had gone inside.

Arun then focused his attention on the four people there. There was a single wagon outside the dungeon, with what was like adventurers chatting with each other while passing to each other a dirty bottle.

That is strange. This group.. They are not here for harvesting, are they?

The single wagon that was in front was not big enough to transport the goods from the dungeon, but it was big enough to get adventurers from here to there. Also, he could not see any preservatives or anyone running in and out of the dungeon. No matter how he looked at it, these guys didnt seem to be people that had come here for harvest.

Are they Earthlings? Are they here for the dungeon shop, like me?

It was very hard to tell whether they were Earthlings. He couldnt identify about he should do to them. Another problem that he faced at that moment was that he was on a time crunch. If the adventurers inside are able to kill the boss and reset the dungeon, then he would have to wait for 2 more days before he would be able to dive into this dungeon again.

Wait a minute, the guild quest clearly stated that the dungeon raid would take place tomorrow. And there is no way that someone would prepone the raid, without informing the guild. He believed that something was wrong here because as far as he had come to understand the workings of the Adventurer Guild, this sort of thing was not normal.

Raiden looked at the people before him, there was no archer amongst them. From what he could see, these guys were only close combatants at best. And from what his instincts told him, these guys were not strong.

Well then… It's time to hunt then…

A smile enveloped Arun, and he took his bow and special poisonous arrows that he got from the goblin village…


It was a warm afternoon, not many people would opt to stay outside in such weather, but Jared was not among those people. He was outside in such weather because he was getting big money just to stay outside a C-Grade Goblin Dungeon. One of the most influential people in his slums paid Jared and his friend to cause D.N.F. to the dungeon. He didnt know why he was doing it but knew that this would be the easiest money that he ever made.

According to his boss, when a dungeon is opened and no one enters it for a certain amount of time, D.N.F. appears on the dungeon's door. The full form of D.N.F. is Did not Finish, and this locks the dungeon for 5 weeks. He didnt understand why this would be profitable to anyone, but he didnt care.

Now, he just had to sit here and just pass the time until the door of the dungeon closed by itself and a DNF appeared on it.

"And do you know what I did to that man after that?" his Bopi said, "I grabbed him by his crotch… And pressed my thumb in his balls and...…." Bopi was not able to complete the sentence as an arrow struck him straight into his eyes.

For a moment Jared and his friends were stunned, none of them could fathom or understand what happened there. They only moved when his friends screamed in horror. Immediately Jared lept towards the wagon, by whose wheel was his sword. By the time he was able to get his hands on his sword, he saw that two more of his friends were on the ground. One of them was crawling towards him, while the other one was lying dead on the other side.

It was then an arrow struck his crawling friend, killing it on the spot. Now scared shitless, Jared didnt know what he was supposed to do. He was not a fighter. He was just a porter, who wanted to some extra coins.

The sound of footsteps approaching started making his heart beat faster. And then he heard, "Man… Did I really waste my precious arrows for pussies like them?"

Enraged that they were being insulted like that, Jared took out the sword out of its sheathe, stood up, and came out from behind the wagon. It was then he saw a man, holding a bow a bow in his hands.

"Face me!" Jared yelled with all his strength, "Face me like a man,"

The stranger didnt budge, and nonchalantly said, "I am not a man dude. I am Shikari." And with that, the man tossed a knife, which was the last thing that Jared saw.