

Simply, Rio reincarnated in Demon Slayer world. BUT HE ALREADY DEAD. He didn't have any knowledge in that world, while knew the anime, he never watch it. Our MC didn't try to get into the action but one day his whole family killed by Muzan Kibutsuji. After he buried them properly, He met with Yoriichi Tsugikuni, while he was really a ghost. He properly trained him from the age of 5. Rio Kamado starts his Demon Slaying Journey and at last... He completed all forms and fight with Muzan for hours. Thanks to drugs, He could keep up with Muzan and beats him. After Rio killed Muzan and passed the technique of the man he saw as his second Father...after various person learned Breath of the Sun, and Rio finished what he couldn't, Yoriichi didn't had any reason to stay in the living realm and fades after they lastly hug each other. While Rio, a Demon Slayer didn't had ANY person he has bonded like he bonded with his father'... But he was left already. He...unfortunaly didn't possessed Yoriichi's Godly talent... While he gained 'See Through World' when he is 12 years old permanently and he might surpassed him after 5 years he defeated Muzan... His body and Yoriichi's was different. He broke his body so hard... While he might stay alive if he didn't use any breathing technique. But he didn't want to breathe any air without Sun Breathing, so he also left the living world. And now he has his memories of his first reincarnation and slowly recovering his 'Demon Slayer' life... Rio was born in the world of DxD... Which was the world he knew very well. The cover is not mine.

Starmegalo · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Kameka Kamado finally interacts with decent beings... It didn't take long.

Well... this chapter will be about... our MC's realizations like the chapter before this one, but in this one, he will start thinking more logically, at least just about his training.

Today normally I wouldn't update and this chapter was for '2 chapter day' but you guys wash me with power stones.

I wanted to reach 25 but it's 50 already.

So '2 chapter day' won't happen but this chapter will be updated early I guess that would be better. I update that one too after all.

In this chapter, we will see some interesting things and it will be explained in another chapter.

While Breath of the Sun is a really important part of the story... this story contains lots of different magical styles (usually other series but I changed lots of things.)

And don't forget our MC is 9 years old for now.

And he didn't develop... just a shadow of Rio, and base of Yoriichi which it's breaking him right now.

BTW, while MC eventually become more calm and collected... he will lot of problem, and evil side if you want to call like that.

If you want the story to update more frequently please use power stone... I want this to be finished, so there will be +1 'Demon Slayer' and DxD with the actual plot.

Let's start.

*Kameka POV*

Since that day I am doing things differently.

Since that day, that day I decided to do things differently... for my freedom and everything.

I think a lot more about my life and it's not a human life at all... I lived like a dog. I figured out, I was manipulated by my dad. I figure it out, being Rio Kamado, the strongest human in my old life doesn't help, Kameka Kamado, which is a child with no defining aspect for others.

If they let me I would live a peaceful life. Definitely.

I swung my sword with lots of sharp cuts and movements.

I figured out something, I made the same mistake in my old life... While Yoriichi is a calm fire... or a kind Sun.

I am not... I learned how to be calm when needed but I shouldn't do things in that way. Because it is not 'me'.

Should become more, more, and more. I will adapt to this world and every species in it.

Yoriichi... he said something terrifying to me. One day he told me words that made me angry that a attack him because of his bullshitting... while I shouldn't because he is my father. He said something that pissed me off to my very core.

'I believe I was born in this world to defeat Muzan Kimutsuji....'

What the fuck? why? why is any human being born for stopping a random man become nigh-immortal because of a drug?

It's not like humankind didn't deserve him.

If Demon Slayer corp didn't kick you out and tell you to kill yourself... did you think they treasured life like you? why are they killing themselves in a slight mistake? Because of Honor? How different they are from demons?

if you wouldn't quit, You would kill every demon then Muzan should have to step his feet outside then... you would kill him.

It's not like killing Muzan was hard for Yoriichi after that moment... I could kill Muzan in 60 seconds if he escaped and I find him again.

Yoriichi completed the 13th form... created it while he was fighting him... think if he already had known.

I couldn't do anything but using the 13th form which he should've made a mistake for my win. If I did 1 little swing out of 13th form. I would have passed the lifeline.

Stamina line... Demon slayers always increased that one. With breathing, muscle training... if they passed that line, their body hurt much more and blood starts to come out from their eyes and nose.

But lifeline... every Demon slayer tries to expand this one. With every cell of their body, because one cannot pass this line.

I move out of 13th Form... and I would pass that line.

I would have died if I did any extra movement... Funny case? I killed Muzan... then didn't stop doing 13th form. Sounds funny right? it was the smartest move of my life... probably.

2 reason...

1. If I stopped I would faint. I couldn't faint there... It was risky. Until someone comes... which they didn't know the location only Tomoya and she was hurt. Damn... my Eagle(Yes I had fucking Eagle, fast as fuck and I NEVER regret the time I trained her. It saved my life at least 10 times and she had Nichirin claws set his foot... I never use her in a fight but she was a sign of hope... after she reached the place everyone knows I am here to massacre demons.) where was I?... she pissed me off that day. She was too happy I killed Muzan she was going to back and tell everyone without calling for help... Luckily she heard when I called her with little voice. My eagle pissed me off that day.

2. I was... literally didn't want to stop. While I was %100 going to faint the first second I stooped... I wanted to tire myself to sleep so healing would be better and I won't die...


'Oh... Rio-kun dancing for us.'

'Oh... Rio-kun fighting with invisible Muzan.'

Well... much like Shinobu. But she was hiding the actual joy~

But it was good they killed Uppermoons... which even the ones Muzan keep secret. Which total of 4 they killed without any kind of my help.

But the problem was... they used Mark... I was swearing them while switched Himekami Kagura dance... (The same principle so I thought I can use that while talking.)

Which is solved. l find a way to broke the curse (Any people died with Mark in the past... other than Yoriichi and Him. Interestingly... some special Hashira's... not just broke the curse, they keep Mark as openable) They couldn't use passively which the only one had that strong Mark from birth, Yoriichi and only one managed to have passive mark was me. It was like a reward...

Fight with Muzan was the end and when I awoke... everyone looking at me weirdly... Mark was covering my face... never gone after that day and I was kind of similar to Yoriichi.

While one Marked person with Breath of Sun or Hinokami Kagura can cause other people with enough training to have Mark.


That's the example.

I should change... more shapeless and sharper. That what made me stronger...

I immediately stopped my flexibility training which is a joke I did to myself. I already succeeded. I am more flexible... that's it.

Now I am making form themselves better. To use it against the others in this world.

"[Breath of the Sun First Form - Dance]"

I made a vertical slash with my sword. It's the basic offensive form of Breath of the Sun... for this world. I made it capable of using it while doing other moves... Which will give more momentum and speed.

[Breath of the Sun Third Form - Blazing Sun]

To practice this I need projectiles coming towards me but this technique can be used as offensive and cuts every part of the target.

But I see it as an ultimate defense... Normally you can't defend yourself with multiple slashes and swings against projectiles, your body will break if you do with speed. With this form... I can do it with ease.

But my purpose is to make it capable of defend against all attacks this sword can cut.

I can't use it in the 13th form in every fight... if I am against more than one opponent stronger than me. Because I am still 9 years old.

Ironically, in those type of fights, I need that form.


Who knows how Breath of the Sun looks like in other's eyes? Probably they would laugh before I cut them.

'I really should work on my battle spirit... it is much more in this world and if I can erase my presence from every type of energy, intent, etc. that is something that makes me a monster in their eyes...'

Any being...


Has instincts, like if someone becomes the middle-class devil. They starting to sense. Even if you don't practice any martial arts or do energy sense training. Which is countering me.

Every powerhouse capable of sensing Assasins etc. without any training or need for an ability.

Kameka didn't know if it's possible to erase presence in a deadly fight... in this world might be impossible after some level of lowering presence against strong beings.

After he finished his training he did something different...

He went towards the forest. Which is in the lower parts of the mountain.

He walks in some random place...

purposeless. But he guesses some creature might attack him and he can use forms... or maybe a train.

He just passed some wolves... They seemed strong. But these creatures could sense... 'he is strong and not our enemy', he liked the dogs and wolves. But his old eagle would be jealous... TOO JEALOUS. So she was his only pet back then.

He did kill monsters before... but the forest he was walking had much more dangerous monsters inside of it.

Youkai beast... capable of doing magic, Ki attacks, and there were countless different types of them. There were danger levels for them, so no one would hunt something stronger than them. They could be used with different types of things like any creature. Some creatures can be spawn at specific times of the year. Which those times people try to find those creatures which this type usually drop some expensive stuff.

Also, those wolves were Youkai beast.

"Well... it's funny, all town is from strong magical families, swordmen... when for sword material or armor, the hunt is needed." Kameka remembered youths bragging about how they killed creatures.

"But while all of them saying how they did kill, cut its head, how much blood gushed out. They never say how many people they attacked one monster." Even when I pointed out Dad just shout at me and said 'How can you say something like that... Their sword cut the neck of those strong creatures. That's Honour alone.'

'Tch... I don't know why but, these days I am getting angrier at them while thinking about the past...'

Then his powerful hearing capabilities show themselves and he heard a voice of water. "A river? finally. I was thirsty." While he can do without water for a long time. He could drink more water than any human... and thanks to the breath of the sun it used water's full potential. "Awesome. I rarely go pee with my new technique that controls metabolism with my usual breathing."

'Water becomes an energy source... That is my most prize-worthy technique as Kameka Kamado'

"Well... sometimes, I stop using to go pee. Never going toilet is weird after all." Then he realized something...

"In a forest like this... while walking I am talking loud. Well... probably I can't be ambushed by creatures, for now." The location was bad for ambush and he was good at sensing.

'Uh... Really? just after I said this?' He heard... unnatural movements in trees... there was just... too much sound.

Well, it's not like I have to act unnaturally. When they attack they will die in the air after all.

He just Breathed for some quick attack and waited. While keeping his Breath of the Sun in an active state.

While he was thinking about what he should do about his workshop.

Then he started talking loudly like always "I set up in a cave, while it is nice... and in a normal living room size. I can't help but thinking to upgrade... In my old life, I didn't do any cool places for myself." The secret workshop in a cave... all devices were inside of one half of the cave, also a bed.

'There is no way anyone finds that place, it doesn't have an entrance. While for now I am just crawling and getting in thanks to a hole. I need to make an entrance... '

Well... I have the greatest idea.

'While my cave's only opening is a hole and I can go with just crawling... there was another place to escape or get in.'

'It's just a guess but my cave might be connected to the river. And if that's true... there might be a lake below, I just know water is near and there is a BIG emptiness below the cave.'

"If the opening I am talking about was in the waterfall then forget about... No one can past that waterfall, the water going down super fast and it's famous. " said quietly and calmly.

'The name is

[Giant Water Fall of Amaterasu Mountain.]'

Well... while no one can get in for some reason. I might find a way. Further information and test are needed.

While It's an impossibility, the reason is the waterfall is magical after all. And the ones with magic said it's impossible... They don't use physics usually... actually rarely.

It's protected. One of the few things I like about Amaterasu...

She doesn't blow up natural beauties for possible treasure... I am the only person who has actual clue, that the other side of the Waterfall is might indeed exist. I mean there might be a lake or something, or any emptiness, cave. But people want to destroy it even without evidence.

One of the things makes it hard to buy this Mountain... and maybe forest. I still don't know if I can manage this even with money.

"They just came here some times of the year and that's for killing things... I am thinking about living."

Then he passed the river and stop in a place with tall trees around him and there was an open space where he stands.

*Normal POV*

Then there was a jump. Red monkeys bigger than normal monkeys you know jumped at him.

2 of them super fit and taller than him jumped, the other monkeys on top of their head fire start appearing, and fireballs created in their hands.

'One of them just jumped top of me and it will take a while to land...' He didn't look upwards... he knew were second monkey fall.

'The other is kicked the tree and coming much faster than other... but not exactly on me... directly in front of me.' He didn't understand exactly why and he didn't felt in danger... he was breathing rather well.

First Money comes in front of him and then he released the energy beam he was charging...

'So the two is charging those... the others readying preparing Fireballs.'

When the first monkey used the beam he dodged it with a step and it was a rather strong beam... it blasted a big boulder in far away.

But still... the second monkey above him makes a funny voice then he attack with the beam it's charged.

This time Kameka leaped behind the monkey and pulled his sword.

"[Breath of the Sun Fifth Form - Fire wheel]"

After he silently chanted the name of the form, he turned like a wheel while in the air and cut back of the monkey, and pushed the monkey towards the beam. The monkey's whole back was cut and also the neck part. It would die even without the beam but Kameka showed mercy by pushing it.

He kicked the ground to dodge the beam and land the side of the tree with two legs. the monkey in the air hit the first monkey and killed it.

Then Kameka kicked the tree and flew towards the monkey with great speed, towards the second tall monkey above him

"[Breath of the Sun First Form - Dance]"

He holds the sword with two hands while in the air and made a vertical slash... the second monkey also died a quick death.

But he was still going towards the other two monkeys with great speed, They attack with powerful fireball they charged.

Kameka took a risk... he didn't exactly know how would his cuts make fireball react. But his instincts tell him to use it while he can dodge in mid-air.

He took a quick breath and used one of his favorite techniques... he used so many times before to cut all tentacles Muzan send towards him from the front.

[Breath of the Sun Sixth Form - Burning Bones, Summer Sun.]

He cut the fireballs quickly and surprised... they didn't even explode, which he knew they would, he understood when they charged for a long time. His cut even managed the stop that.

Then He lands the same tree with 2 Fire monkeys... He lands perfectly on the side of the tree, below of the monkeys, before they react he kicked the tree and appeared before them... in the air.

[Breath of the Sun, Ninth Form - Setting Sun Transformation.]

He flipped upside down in the air and cut two monkey's necks at the same time. Their body falls from the tree... with two severed heads.

*Kameka POV*

That was surprisingly satisfying...

'That monkey... his body didn't erase with beam, it has a strong defense against magical attacks I suppose.'

"Well, I already hunted and I am full. I don't even know if there are any valuable parts. I also don't want to leave... I killed it after all."

Then He heard voices of several footsteps... he smelled it. It was the wolves he saw before.

'*Sigh* Seriously? make me kill dogs? what a nice forest. They were super cute... and a bit strong but I guess... nothing to do.'

He never stopped breathing after the fight.

Wolves came... he didn't know how rare they are. The only thing he knew they are strong.

They just waited there while looking at corpses of monkeys he killed and then him.

Just after 3 minutes a wolf came and bring a big wolf with him.

"Seriously? Oh my god... that some majestic fur you have." While other wolves also had beautiful appearances... for normal wolves this one big, strong, and had pitch black fur.

After he said that fur change a part of it and white signs and patterns appeared... there was also a magical wave so...

He didn't do anything... while even it wolf preparing to attack, there was no need to move an inch. He didn't have to take a stance or attack from a better position.

'[Human child...]'

"Heh? Telepathy? that solves the problem. That's some nice ability to have." Kameka made a relaxed expression and said loudly and prepared for a conversation in mind... or mind attacks.

"Yes... our leader is awesome right?"

Kameka nods and stopped. What?

"Did you just talk?" Kameka asked with a surprised expression to the wolf brought the 'Leader'.

"If someone here trying to find a way to communicate it is us! How can a human gives that kind of vibe?" Another female wolf said with annoyance.

"Yes, that's right... This child is damn confusing." Another wolf talked... much younger than others.

'So they can talk with their mouth... or creating sound waves with magic? No... Both.' While he thinking logical things.

"Did he killed those apes? They are a little group, if they are hunting in small numbers, they are strong..." Asked the female wolf while her tail is nervously moving.

"Killed? He damn slaughtered those... there is no killing intent I could sense. While killing intent was 'exist' I am sure only apes did feel it... maybe little."

"Wait? those annoying humans... they are not like him. Then he born in this forest? His hair long and..." Then the leader is cut in.

"Child is from the town... He is living here for a while. It was a topic before... in a meeting of guardians." Then finally he looked at me.

"My name is Kamado Kameka(Japan style, the surname is first. I'll do it like that from now on.), I am from Kamado's... well, I am pretty different from my family."

"Tch... that hunters, and he is coming from the most annoying line, that old man and his brat is coming once in a month... normally humans came with long periods. How about you? You are not from here, normally humans can't live for long because they do not belong here... forest doesn't accept them." I silently waited because I had no answer.

"You are part of a forest... Accepted by magic. Yet you didn't do anything. You lived in the hottest part of the Mountain. Doing a weird dance... Are they even sword moves? Whatever... you leak nothing... it's hard to sense you." Said Leader of the wolves.

"When I said I am different... I meant there is nothing the same between me and others. While I didn't hurt, it's because I am not greedy about weapons or anything... " I said and waited then continued.

"I hunt alone... and have the power comes from it. But I didn't come here for that reason, I just wanted to be alone and train for the future. What about Guardians?"

"Do you know about Mystic beasts?"

"Yes. They are much more powerful than their species, leaders... capable of using different things, much more pure strength and always attacked by more than 10 decent warriors... Since 3 years ago there is no that level beast is killed." Kameka told what he knew.

"That's right... I am a mystic level creature, Your country's obsession with legendary weapons and any kind of magical device is known... The Goddess invoke the magic of the forest and took the right of it. While she stops humans from doing stupid every time we killed them... she doesn't play fair." Kameka didn't know what the wolf talk about... but he knew he can at least guess.

"Let me guess... usually goddess or elders of the town, Let people go for avenge beasts and it gives honor and prestige the person achieve this" Kameka said normally then annoyed expression appeared on his face.

'Same shit as always.'

"So they give some magical sword and... it is not fair?" Kameka asked... then the Leader start shouting.

"It's NOT LIKE I CARE ABOUT SWORD.... damn... That kid... Your stupid yellow brother survived the battle with an expensive teleportation spell, the group was killed and the 'precious' sword of his was lost..."

"Don't tell me... But he can't use armor like that, he doesn't have that kind of control and his body is not that buffed."

"Tch... those words make us stronger if we manage to absorb the magic or eat if our fangs strong enough... It was ours! We won! But later... they somehow manage to make him wore fucking Takemikazuchi's armor... We just left the sword in front of him. Normally we would try but armor itself does thunder spells..."

When Kameka heard this... he was beyond pissed off.

"Couldn't YOU JUST KEEP THE FUCKING SWORD AND DON'T GO OUT FOR A WHILE? He became famous because of that event! FUCK, PEOPLE SAID EVERY BEAST IN THE FOREST SCARED SO THEY GIVE THE SWORD." Said while shouting... he remembered the time Hayate was chosen as 'young man of the year'... in the whole town.

"Tch... How stupid." Said Leader.

"Do they have a brain?" Said the female wolf talked before.

"They are so dumb! why they are so dumb?"

And all the other wolves whined or put their paw on their head.

Kameka joined them... after all making, someone who wore a Divine armor can attack itself then send him to the forest... It's a violation of... balance between Kangoku and magical forest.

"So? who made the ritual... don't give me shit about goddess did. She won't do something like that... it's risky. There are better ways of stopping the beast of the forest to raid the town."

"But we saw it... It was Seijin and an elder... They made it." Kameka while not a master of rituals and pacts... he somehow knew something was... not right.

"Seijin the Goddes of Lightning? making ritual in a part of the forest which Amaterasu Town? It is suspicious as fuck. What did they do? Why? I don't know. But certainly not something good. If I had political power I would help. But maybe in the future... I am planning to have this mountain for myself. If I ever achieve this I also help in those matters."

"It's good to hear... if you ever find anything about your theory please inform us."


"Hmm? why we got super silent? no enemy is coming for us..." Kameka asked... finding sudden silence a bit fun... but after 5 minutes he got nervous.

"..." no one answered then... Leader talked.

"Would you let us eat the bodies? You are not using it after all. Eating magical parts or creatures, such as magical stones inside the body... while it is dangerous to humans, we monsters get stronger from it... While it is not for me, it would help greatly to children."

"Well... It was my first hunt so-" He was started to giving his negative response... then he saw the little wolves...

'Don't tell me... IMPOSSIBLE!'

they were slowly getting closer to him... The end was near for Kamado Kameka.

'The power...'

Then one of the little wolves put his paw to his leg.


They looked at him.

'... While there was a research that tells dogs developed their eyes to make 'that'.... HOW THE HELL WOLVES SHOULD NOT BE ABLE TO!'

The terrifying attack... THE PUPPY DOG.



Damn... Shiro is so cute!


.... After 5 minutes of war...Before I died from a heart attack, I made a pro gamer move and won.

"Just STOP! OKEY DAMN APES ARE YOURS. JUST STOP I AM BEGGING YOU!" Yep... I definitely won... I destroyed them and eat their faces like a terrifying monster.

While he still running from reality at full speed... after 10 minutes later he heard something... Something big.

"Hey, LegendaryWolfLeaderAlpha-san Something big is coming... what is the possibility of he is being a friend," Kameka asked with a normal voice but after Kameka heard... the wolf also felt creature by its magic.

"It's more like... Ally of ours... enemy of yours." That's.... that was a good rhyme.

Then a big thing appeared with super speed... it was nigh-impossible to catch for the normal human eye... Kameka Kamado had the most abnormal ones. Even compared to the eyes of his sibling Rose which she saw everything in slow motion because of the high dose of swordsmen blood in her veins. She also gained a special magical eye, but he didn't know how good she is with that one.

Did you wait for a fast animal? Like giant cheetah? Kameka also did...

"Gorilla? why a gorilla is this fast? Aren't you just type of one shot and kill like killing Mosquitoes?" While Wolves nervous and puppies stopped eating already and moved behind adult wolves. Kameka asked the most ridiculous creatures.

"Keh Keh Keh... Little Human, I am not a normal gorilla, I am the strongest gorilla in this side of the forest... I WILL BECOME THE LEADER ONE DAY! I AM GARON" Gorilla said angrily after laughed... killing intent just focused on him. While Kameka didn't react... To him, it was much more than Miharu's and Amaterasu's.

First Miharu used a technique when he was 7 and she didn't fight in a true battle.

Second Amaterasu just came from uncontrolled anger... she didn't intend to kill. If she did it would be far worse than this Gorilla's. Killing intent... is also a feeling of something that threatens the person, it can be felt even without the other person do nothing. Kameka felt it because while Amaterasu leaking magic... She was dangerous.

'Something is different about his magic... I need to find what I felt when he ran towards us.'

"You can't just hate me because I killed those right? They attacked me first... with a good plan." He remembered those apes they certainly attacked very well... last compressed fireballs were really dangerous... it could kill some high-class devils if they have a low magic defence.

"You've done well. But I send them to kill you because you are bothering me with weak feeling of yours-" Garon was going to talk more but Kameka stopped him with his hand.

"In my all life... everyone pissed off and saw me as a weakling because they couldn't sense my presence well when I am not fighting...

But you know? you might be the most reasonable one so I am going to ask something I always wanted to ask."

Kameka put his hand on his sword and air get hotter for Garon.

*Normal POV*

He didn't felt anything different from a child. Even he acted different... nothing was different according to his senses.

It was the same. But like Kamera thought before... in this world, everyone's instinct was better... and gets better when they got stronger.

Garon's instincts didn't tell him to run or 'he is in danger.' But only... 'THERE IS SOMETHING'


'Don't BLINK'

'Don't BLINK'

It was... ridiculous, a creature of nature... and even with his special power. His instinct sending nonsense messages to him.

But that was what he thought.

No... while his instincts couldn't understand Kameka logic or reason... it concludes something wrong...

That is why Kameka said, 'It's countering me'.

Kameka would already kill him if it's not for his 'instincts'.

"THEN... Let's PLAY HUMAN CHILD AAHAHAHAH" Then with only his body's power he leap toward Kameka and punched him. His punch hit 'Him' and leave a crater in the ground... all wolves start to went towards the high ground... to watch.

They couldn't interfere.

"So... he died. He was a kind human, how unfortu-" While Alpha wolf talking he and Garon stop thinking because the child was disappeared.

[Breath of the Sun Forth Form - Fake Rainbow]

With high-speed twists and other motions, Kameka created an after image. Normally this technique couldn't be used at the start of the battle and needed certain momentum, but he modified it before...

He didn't attack him and start running in the opposite direction... 'I still need to understand that magic... I won't kill him, while it might dangerous. I also don't want to kill Gorilla... I am a friend Garon-san!' He shouted in his head... but even then he knew it won't work even if he said loud.

He could kill him there...but Garon didn't know that.

He was running fast but not full speed, he didn't want to run from fight.

But Garon did something... he didn't chase him.

'It's the... magic... Wait something is charging?'

He looked at his back... In front of Garon's mouth was a giant energy ball... Green colored?

'that is.... which class power?' Kameka couldn't help it but asked himself... while he didn't care about other's fights, spars. He should've learned a bit for categorization.

The beam got even bigger and the mana in the air was sucked by the energy beam.

'It's a spell... Some very dangerous, kind.'

'ROOOOOOOAAAAAR' Garon roared and the beam was sent... a big green laser beam, the strongest attack he ever faced.

*Breath* he knew what to do.

'I'll dodge but I have to keep running, I don't know if he can change the trajectory.'

But something was wrong...

What is this feeling?.. AHHHHH AM I REALLY GOING TO TRY?

'I am dead if it does not work... and there is no way I can imagine it will work.'

The Green Beam was in front of him... He took a very big breath his sword gets redder and redder and every increase of the redness in the sword makes it hotter.

Then he shouted inside of his mind. "[Breath of the Sun First Form - Waltz] He cut the beam vertically. What normally would happen is... beam continues and hit him...

Beam did continue but didn't hit him, it has torn apart and become two beams and continues from his left and right side...

Kameka was shocked.

Garon gives more power to blast... nothing changed... what happend two beams got stronger but it never becomes one again.

Garon didn't understand...

"YOU'VE DONE SOME SWORD MOVE THERE... BUT IT WON'T SAVE YOU!" Then magic around Garon changes again, this time it's red...

But... he understood.

Because he could [See through the world.]

'His muscles got bigger inside... more focused, before when I dodged him, he knew I would attack, he used a different one makes his skin tougher and something similar to Touki but invisible appeared.'

'Very simple but versatile I thought but wrong! He has a special ability, simple but incredible!'

"GARON! It's time to finish this!" I shouted and took a stance... normally I don't but this was a like a massage ' Let's end this'.




Garon kicked the ground and appeared in front of him... he stayed still... then Garon started giving immense pressure.


He took a breath, In front of him was more than a random magical beast... He had to do be careful... he had to guarantee victory, and took the risk for it.

He could've use Threads, but NO!


Garon put his two hands together and smash towards Kameka... the ground was cracked, everything was shaking... He had added so much magic in this physical attack, wawes could be felt from far away.

The only wolf near was alpha, but he was also strong... he didn't effected.

The wolf looked at the fight zone... He sends a wave of magic and it cleared the dust-covered place.

No one was down or passed out.

But Kameka put his Red Nichirin to its sheath.

"Keh...*cough* Keh" Wolves saw heard Garon.

"I fight countless...*cough* swordsmen... that move... I, Garon with my [Antique Magic]... my enhanced eyes... I was tricked by that slash. What the fuck was that? Why the hell your sword covered by haze? Without magic..."

Garon was holding his shoulder... and his left arm was cut. The attack he was talking about caught every wolf's attention.

"What is the name of the technique? Young warrior."

" I was intended to never tell a soul... But I guess after... a fight like this... I can't hold my promise." Every creature there saw swordmen and...

"That would be wise... It would be disrespectful after a short but marvelous fight." Said alpha of the wolves...

"The name of the technique is..."

"[Breath of the Sun Eight Form - Solar Heat Haze]


"Wait a minute? Did you say "Breath of the Sun"?" Garon said with a shocked voice... Kameka also felt the different emotions from wolves.

'No way... does... Breath of the Sun... exist in this world? OH NO! How?' Kameka was frozen... and it was famous if these creatures knew.

"Garon... your arm. You should use your magic to heal."

"Before that... answer the question kid." 'DAMN WHAT THE FUCK?! NON-MAGICAL SWORD DOES NOT LET ME HEAL? AND HE SAID "BREATH OF THE SUN" that's so... ' Garon thought while shouting in his mind...

'He caught one of the most powerful creature's skin without a magical sword... Breath of the Sun huh... yes it's clearly....' Alpha wolf thinks silently, waiting for an answer.

"Yes. Did you ever heard?" Kameka asked... nervously, that would open infinite possibilities if it's true.

"Of course not kid... that was awesome. But there is a problem." Garon, now only has his one arm said while at least trying to stop bleeding.

Leader of wolves come close towards them. "Yes... Did you create the technique? It was you who name it? I also understand the problem and you are lucky that the first beings you told the name are us." Said with a very serious tone. Kameka had a feeling all wolves were thinking the same thing... only he didn't understand.

'What the hell is happening? Do they want to manipulate me to stop? What they are talking about...'

"Yes... I created. Thus I am the one who gives its name." 'While Yoriichi gave the name, it's not like I would give a different name' Kameka thought... and he was right. Even without his memories, he named Breath of the Sun.

"You see kid... the 'doggy' here and me like any other creature in this forest heard every kind of sword name's and technique of their name... we even talked which ones are stronger..." Garon said differently than before said calmly... while joking, then 'doggy' continued.

"What 'ape' is saying is true, and what he means is...

Garon/Wolfie = " That's the worst name we heard..."


"You are talking about... The eighth form... well you see-" But then, a young wolf from before appeared and cut him.

"No GODDAMIT! What the fuck? Breath? let's say it's a breathing technique... but you didn't have TO ADD TO THE NAME! It's lame." then... Kameka hold his heart... 'Lame? khhhh...' damaged from his soul.

"It's fire? then call "Godly Fire of Kameka?", what about other cool words in your human dictionary? like, Eraser, Divine, Strongest?" Said wolf while annoyed for some reason...

Goran then added, "While your family sucks... no offense, you could've added Kamado or something..., or even 'secret technique in it' even if it's not."



I AM GONNA KILL ALL OF YOU AND EAT YOUR FACE'S" Chill down their spine's everyone was scared from burning voice... in his past life, he found a way to make his voice like that... it becomes natural and it always happend when he is TOO angry.

Then after some talk, the day ended and everyone went their own home.

Author Note: 6368 words without this part...

I don't know if I did write well or trash but I did my best to write fight scenes.

'How he cut beam and it just becomes two then hit other place's?' this and similar questions will be answered in another chapter. Nothing is too OP, requirements for technique always exist.

The creature's capable of talking and some jokes, it was fun to write.


THAT WAS NOT ME. I like the name of 'Breath of the Sun' But... in DxD you can imagine the names of weird techniques...

And while hinted... Garon has a power like strength mode and gains strength. There is more hinted but it is also for the chapter after this.

So... Did you guys like the chapter? please comment on it.

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