

Renowned financial genius and adventurer, Fang Ye, during an exploration in the Bermuda Triangle, unexpectedly encounters a space tunnel, transporting him to the Marvel Universe. From that moment on, the real world loses a financial genius and a world-class explorer, while the Marvel world gains a financial king and a super villain claiming to have unrivaled power. He becomes the target of S.H.I.E.L.D., the number one wanted criminal in the Marvel Universe. And besides the Hulk, he becomes the second man capable of transforming into the green giant. He is bestowed with the title 'King of Power'! This is a journey across dimensions for the Green Giant, and the Marvel Universe is just the first stop. MC already have power of intuition and emotional control. MC will be first focusing on increasing his influence in the Marvel world MC is Evil and cold and ruthless [ can do anything to achieve his goal! ] Killed Professor X + Magneto + Laser EYe + Daredevil +....... many mutants + ordinary people + shield members + .....etc. Have his own evil or criminal army. Become enemy of X-Men + Mutants + Shield + Hydra + Hell Fire Club + Military +......... So a good evil cold calculative MC [ Go and read it! ] I own nothing in this novel [surprising isn't it?] It's a translated novel.

Mortimer_Darkbane · Anime & Comics
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Tony Stark

"Jennifer, make a call to Tony Stark."

"Sure, boss."

As the Chairman of Stark Industries, Tony Stark rarely dealt with day-to-day matters.

Currently, all the affairs of Stark Industries were being managed by the company veteran, Obadiah Stane, who was also the second-largest shareholder of Stark Industries.

Obadiah Stane left a favorable impression on Fang Ye.

Fang Ye had met him several times and had chatted with him. Talking to him gave Fang Ye a refreshing feeling. He was a typical successful businessman!

Moreover, Obadiah Stane was quite capable; his contributions were indispensable to the rapid development of Stark Industries over the years.

"I wonder when Obadiah will make a move against Tony?"

Suddenly, something crossed Fang Ye's mind, and he couldn't help but smile strangely, muttering to himself.

Because Fang Ye knew that not long after, Obadiah Stane would hire someone to assassinate Tony. Unfortunately, Tony not only survived the attempt but also invented the Iron Man armor to save himself from adversity.

Knowing the original plot, Fang Ye had been waiting for that day to come.

Because after Tony Stark's return, he would announce the closure of the weapons manufacturing department.

At that time, Stark Industries' stocks would plummet, and Fang Ye could take advantage of the opportunity to make a large amount of money effortlessly.

Moreover, during Stark Industries' decline, Fang Ye could also purchase shares on a large scale.

At least Fang Ye had the confidence to replace Obadiah Stane and become the second-largest shareholder of Stark Industries, rather than holding a pitiful three percent of the shares as he did now.

As for taking over Stark Industries completely?

Fang Ye never thought about it because without Tony Stark, Stark Industries would become worthless.

The reason why Stark Industries became one of the world's largest arms manufacturers was because its soul was Tony Stark!

There was no denying that Tony Stark had many flaws.

But undoubtedly, he was one of the most talented scientists in the world.

Many of Stark Industries' high-tech products were mostly invented by Tony Stark.

It was hard to imagine what Stark Industries would become without Tony Stark.

Just like the Yueyi Foundation, without Fang Ye, not to mention whether the foundation would fall apart, but it would undoubtedly plummet from its position of reverence!

And falling from grace was just the beginning; eventually, the Yueyi Foundation would probably descend into a second or third-rate foundation.

That's why Fang Ye never thought of taking over Stark Industries. Anyone could take over Stark Industries, but one thing they couldn't lack was Tony Stark.

"Boss, the call is connected, but no one is answering..."

"Keep trying!"

Fang Ye knew Tony Stark well enough that the playboy probably hadn't even gotten out of bed yet. He might be cuddling with a beautiful woman on the bed...

In the luxurious seaside villa belonging to Tony Stark, the intelligent program J.A.R.V.I.S. woke him up again from his slumber.

"Sir, Mr. Ye has called again..."

"Oh, damn it! Can't he let me sleep peacefully? Connect the call. If I don't answer, he'll keep calling endlessly..."

"Yes, sir, your inference is correct. Mr. Ye has called again..."

Although J.A.R.V.I.S. was just an intelligent program, it was different from other programs.

Sometimes it was quite human-like, although it didn't have human emotions, it could think on its own.

On the video call, Fang Ye's face showed a faint smile.

"Good morning, Tony. I hope I'm not disturbing you. If I did, I apologize."

"Ye, you know I hate being disturbed in the morning. What's the matter calling me so early? I want to go back to sleep after this call. You know I didn't sleep well last night..."

"Well! Actually, I do have something to talk to you about. You may not know, but I've gotten into some trouble recently!"

"Oh! Who's causing trouble for you?"

Tony Stark suddenly became interested, and it seemed that his sleepiness vanished instantly.

Because Tony Stark was well aware that there weren't many forces or individuals that could cause trouble for Fang Ye, and he knew very well how much power was behind Fang Ye.

Although it couldn't compare to Stark Industries, a deeply rooted old power, in the past couple of years, under Fang Ye's leadership, Yueyi Foundation had become a giant, and no force dared to underestimate it!

"Tony, are we friends?"

"Of course! Ye, you know you're my only confidant. We share common interests and hobbies, don't we?"

Tony Stark didn't have many friends, but among them, there was only Fang Ye who shared the same carefree and woman-loving temperament as him.

Of course, Tony Stark would never admit it was because they were like-minded. Although many people said that about them...

"I've run into some trouble recently, and I need your help!"

"What can I do to help?"

"I need a subprogram of J.A.R.V.I.S. You may not know, but recently, there have been many spies and agents infiltrating the Yueyi Tower. When manpower is insufficient, I need an intelligent program to help manage things, and you're the only one who can help..."

"Well, okay! I'll sell it to you then, or let you borrow it for a while!"

"Thank you! Let's have a drink when you're free. Same place, the Wind Night Bar, how about it?"

"Sure! I like that place!"

In fact, the two of them had met at the Wind Night Bar, but they didn't get along at first. Later, they accidentally found that they had similar interests and became good friends. They would sometimes go hunting together; it was also a good way to relax.

After finishing the call with Tony Stark, a smile appeared on Fang Ye's face.

With the subprogram of J.A.R.V.I.S., Yueyi Foundation's defense capabilities would immediately increase by several levels. At least those spies and agents wouldn't find it so easy to infiltrate Yueyi Tower anymore.

However, Fang Ye was also afraid that Tony might leave a backdoor. After all, he had a history of designing a program for S.H.I.E.L.D., and he had left a backdoor in the program.

But the research lab used a LAN, and Fang Ye wasn't afraid of the lab's secrets being exposed.

Now, the only thing Fang Ye could do was to delay as much as possible and wait for the human enhancement potion and the Hulk serum to be perfected.

As long as the fusion of the Hulk serum was successful, all the troubles would be solved. The only concern was that other forces might not give him enough time. If the fusion of the Hulk serum proved to be hopeless, then Fang Ye could give up the idea of the Tesseract.

Returning to the real world would also become an unattainable dream. In the Marvel world, power was essential, even more important than influence!

Without power, you couldn't even think of touching the Tesseract. It was almost like seeking death.

Even if Fang Ye's influence was huge, could it compare to the United States government? If he really touched the bottom line of the U.S. government and they wanted to deal with him, no matter how powerful he was, he would be annihilated.

And undoubtedly, the Tesseract was essential to the U.S. government!

If the fusion of the Hulk serum succeeded, Fang Ye's next step would be to not only recruit various mutants but also create his own team of super soldiers.

That was why Fang Ye established several mercenary groups under his command!