

Renowned financial genius and adventurer, Fang Ye, during an exploration in the Bermuda Triangle, unexpectedly encounters a space tunnel, transporting him to the Marvel Universe. From that moment on, the real world loses a financial genius and a world-class explorer, while the Marvel world gains a financial king and a super villain claiming to have unrivaled power. He becomes the target of S.H.I.E.L.D., the number one wanted criminal in the Marvel Universe. And besides the Hulk, he becomes the second man capable of transforming into the green giant. He is bestowed with the title 'King of Power'! This is a journey across dimensions for the Green Giant, and the Marvel Universe is just the first stop. MC already have power of intuition and emotional control. MC will be first focusing on increasing his influence in the Marvel world MC is Evil and cold and ruthless [ can do anything to achieve his goal! ] Killed Professor X + Magneto + Laser EYe + Daredevil +....... many mutants + ordinary people + shield members + .....etc. Have his own evil or criminal army. Become enemy of X-Men + Mutants + Shield + Hydra + Hell Fire Club + Military +......... So a good evil cold calculative MC [ Go and read it! ] I own nothing in this novel [surprising isn't it?] It's a translated novel.

Mortimer_Darkbane · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Seizing the Codex

As Fang Ye walked out of the forest again, the battle outside intensified. Fighter jets filled the sky, and the booming explosions echoed through the void. Laser beams crisscrossed the sky, and occasional aircraft crashed to the ground.

Fang Ye's figure was agile and swift as he moved among the peculiar buildings.

He didn't transform into the Green Giant because the Green Giant's appearance was too eye-catching. Instead, he maintained his Asian appearance, which was quite unique on Krypton. However, it was much better than transforming into the Green Giant.

The flames of war engulfed the entire Krypton, and there was not a single person on the streets. Every household had their doors and windows tightly shut.

During his journey, Fang Ye encountered several Kryptonians and interrogated them about the location of the Kryptonian Codex. Unfortunately, those Kryptonians were just commoners, and they had no knowledge of where the Codex was kept.

"Knock, knock, knock!"

When he arrived at a castle, Fang Ye stopped his steps. In his opinion, whoever could afford to live in a castle couldn't be an ordinary person.

Shortly after Fang Ye knocked on the door, the owner of the castle opened it.

Fang Ye found that the person on the other side was a middle-aged woman. She was elegant, dignified, and beautiful, which indicated that she was not an ordinary person. She might even be a noble among Kryptonians.

A smile appeared on Fang Ye's face, not because he was interested in the middle-aged woman, but because he had recently asked several Kryptonians about the Codex's whereabouts, and unfortunately, none of them knew. However, this middle-aged woman didn't seem ordinary, so she might have the information he sought.

Seeing Fang Ye's Asian face, the middle-aged woman's expression tightened, and she instinctively took a few steps back.

"Who are you?"

"Who I am is none of your concern. You just need to answer a few questions for me!"

"I am asking who you are! You're not a Kryptonian!"

"I just want to know where the Kryptonian Codex is placed. I believe you will be happy to tell me, or else I don't mind stripping you naked and throwing you on the street for others to admire..."


Facing Fang Ye's shameless threat, the middle-aged woman eventually gave in.

After learning the location of the Codex, Fang Ye hurriedly rushed over. He had to steal the Codex before Superman's father could integrate it into Superman's body and send him to Earth. Otherwise, he would have no hope!

Even if he returned to Earth later, the Green Giant wouldn't necessarily be Superman's opponent.

Moreover, Krypton's sun was red, which restricted the abilities of Kryptonians. On Krypton, they were just ordinary people, making it the best opportunity for Fang Ye to seize the Codex.

However, it was undeniable that Kryptonians were an absolutely terrifying race!

Compared to Earthlings, Kryptonians had a set of incredibly powerful body systems. First, their bodies could directly absorb nuclear fusion, the pure energy produced by stars.

It could be understood that Kryptonians had two sets of digestive systems. One was a digestive system similar to humans, converting food into bioenergy through a series of chemical reactions.

The other system could directly convert pure energy (solar energy) into usable power. This energy system was extremely powerful, as if Kryptonians had an advanced nuclear energy absorption and conversion device within their bodies. This allowed Kryptonians to have an almost limitless supply of energy, granting them immensely strong bodies, incomparable strength, and iron-like muscles and bones.

Moreover, even if they were injured, their energy could rapidly heal their wounds. In short, there was a perfect fusion between Kryptonians' bodies and energy.

If this race hadn't been wiped out, it would have been capable of dominating the universe!

Fang Ye was quite envious of the Kryptonians' ability to absorb solar radiation. Although he had successfully fused with the Green Giant's serum, the Green Giant's genes still had significant defects.

This time, he had the opportunity to steal the Codex, perfect the Green Giant's genes, and maybe even gain the ability to absorb solar radiation just like the Kryptonians. Fang Ye absolutely didn't want to miss this chance!

As Fang Ye was rushing forward at high speed, he suddenly noticed a strange beast flying overhead. The creature had four wings and somewhat resembled a Western pterosaur, but the most eye-catching thing was that there seemed to be a person sitting on the beast's back...

"Oh no!"

Fang Ye suddenly remembered that in the original plot, this strange beast was Superman's father's mount, and Superman's father rode it to steal the Codex. Moreover, the direction in which the beast was flying seemed to be the Central Chamber, which the middle-aged woman mentioned.

The Central Chamber was the sacred place of the Kryptonians, where all Kryptonians were born, and the Codex was stored below the nutrient pool in the Central Chamber.


Seeing Superman's father flying away on the beast, Fang Ye couldn't sit still. He immediately transformed into the Green Giant and flew after Superman's father at high speed.

Unfortunately, the beast's speed was extremely fast, and although Fang Ye did his best to catch up, the distance between them kept increasing.

"Darn it!"

Fang Ye cursed inwardly and turned around, rushing towards another direction. Since he couldn't catch up with Superman's father, he decided to wait in Superman's father's castle.

No matter what, Superman's father would undoubtedly come back, and as long as he guarded the newborn Superman, he had a chance to get the Codex.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

As Fang Ye ran and jumped, he was suddenly hit by laser beams from several fighter jets.

Several fighter jets surrounded Fang Ye from above, and their continuous laser fire struck him. However, as powerful as the laser cannons were, they couldn't harm Fang Ye.

The Green Giant was too eye-catching, and Fang Ye had been running without concealing his appearance. It was impossible not to attract the attention of the Kryptonians.

Fang Ye originally didn't want to entangle with the Kryptonian military and just wanted to hurry to Superman's father's castle. However, the Kryptonian fighter jets persisted and occasionally fired lasers to disrupt Fang Ye's progress.


Fang Ye roared to the sky. Being chased by the fighter jets, he couldn't travel quickly. Since these Kryptonians didn't know how to appreciate kindness, Fang Ye didn't mind disposing of them with his bare hands!

Fang Ye's feet pushed off the ground, and he jumped onto one of the fighter jets. With a single punch, he smashed the back of the jet, causing a large dent. The pilot inside was almost knocked unconscious.

Fang Ye landed blows three or four times in succession, and the last advanced fighter jet was dismantled by Fang Ye's raw power!

Before the fighter jet was about to crash, Fang Ye leaped onto another fighter jet. In just a moment, Fang Ye had dismantled all the fighter jets.