

Renowned financial genius and adventurer, Fang Ye, during an exploration in the Bermuda Triangle, unexpectedly encounters a space tunnel, transporting him to the Marvel Universe. From that moment on, the real world loses a financial genius and a world-class explorer, while the Marvel world gains a financial king and a super villain claiming to have unrivaled power. He becomes the target of S.H.I.E.L.D., the number one wanted criminal in the Marvel Universe. And besides the Hulk, he becomes the second man capable of transforming into the green giant. He is bestowed with the title 'King of Power'! This is a journey across dimensions for the Green Giant, and the Marvel Universe is just the first stop. MC already have power of intuition and emotional control. MC will be first focusing on increasing his influence in the Marvel world MC is Evil and cold and ruthless [ can do anything to achieve his goal! ] Killed Professor X + Magneto + Laser EYe + Daredevil +....... many mutants + ordinary people + shield members + .....etc. Have his own evil or criminal army. Become enemy of X-Men + Mutants + Shield + Hydra + Hell Fire Club + Military +......... So a good evil cold calculative MC [ Go and read it! ] I own nothing in this novel [surprising isn't it?] It's a translated novel.

Mortimer_Darkbane · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Hulk Serum

After leaving the underground laboratory and returning to the top-floor office, Feng Ye sat down on the sofa.

Deadpool was truly dedicated, sticking closely behind Feng Ye, looking like a guard protecting his precious possessions.

In Deadpool's eyes, Feng Ye was like a pile of money, and it was all his.

Feng Ye ignored Deadpool and poured himself a glass of red wine. Taking a sip, he picked up a document from the desk and examined it closely.

"Mr. Blue, also known as Dr. Stern, was born in Illinois in 1976 and is currently unmarried. He is an outstanding expert in gamma-ray research..."

Several pages of information recorded Dr. Stern's basic information and current situation.

With Feng Ye's current status, it was a piece of cake to obtain information about Dr. Stern. This was the advantage of having financial power!

"Boss, is this person important?" Deadpool stood behind Feng Ye and couldn't help but ask curiously while seeing Feng Ye carefully reading the information about Dr. Stern.

"Mmm, very important." Feng Ye replied casually without paying much attention.

"Did he offend you, boss? I can go kill him, but you'll have to pay me extra in dollars. I'm a top-notch assassin in the industry, and my prices are very high. But now that you're my boss, I can give you a discount..." Deadpool offered, trying to use money as leverage.

"Shut up! Or I'll deduct your bonus at the end of the year!" Feng Ye's face twitched slightly, and he couldn't bear Deadpool's constant pestering. Even someone with good temper would have exploded by now.

Feng Ye was both amused and helpless with Deadpool, who was crazy about money. Because he had this flaw, Feng Ye believed that he could be controlled. However, when someone kept asking for money, chattering in your ear non-stop, even the best temper would be tested.

Besides, Feng Ye didn't consider himself a particularly good-tempered person. He sometimes wondered if it was a right move to keep Deadpool as his bodyguard. But then again, he had eaten the money of his bodyguard and therefore had some control over him.

"Will you go to Colorado, and bring back something for me!" The Hulk serum was of utmost importance, and Feng Ye couldn't afford any mistakes. To ensure that everything went smoothly, he planned to send Deadpool to retrieve the serum.

"After you return, I'll reward you with ten million dollars! Of course, if you're not willing to go, forget it. I believe many people would be willing to take a trip for ten million dollars!" Feng Ye said, trying to entice Deadpool with the promise of a bonus.

Deadpool's unwillingness instantly vanished upon hearing the amount. "I'll go! Boss, you can count on me to complete whatever you order. Don't worry, with me on the job, nothing unexpected will happen!"

Deadpool pledged wholeheartedly, eager for the opportunity to earn ten million dollars. Feng Ye knew that Deadpool was sold on the deal.

"Fine! If something goes wrong, then I'm sorry, but your one hundred million dollar bonus at the end of the year will be gone. You'll have to deal with it yourself!" Feng Ye no longer wanted to talk to Deadpool. If this continued, he might be driven crazy. He waved his hand, dismissing Deadpool to go on his errand.

Back in the office, Feng Ye's mind was full of thoughts about Dr. Stern and the Hulk serum. He hoped that Dr. Stern had already acquired it.

He had planned to approach Dr. Stern initially, trying to persuade him to deceive Banner and obtain the Hulk serum. But he eventually gave up on the idea. He didn't want to take any risks that could lead to losing the serum. Therefore, he only allowed a part of the serum to be intercepted and sent to Dr. Stern, while keeping some for himself.

Feng Ye's laboratory had experts in gamma-ray research, but he couldn't guarantee that they were better than Dr. Stern. In case Dr. Stern's research produced better results, Feng Ye wanted to be prepared.

Hulk serum couldn't be injected directly; it was a suicidal act. The serum needed to be processed into a medicinal formula. However, the green giant's blood contained immense energy, making the standard methods unsuitable.

But Dr. Stern, being an expert in gamma-ray research, had successfully developed a new method for the serum and created a serum that could transform people into Hulk-like beings. The proof was right in front of them with the creation of Abomination.

Though Abomination had defects, gaining the power of the Hulk was still a tremendous breakthrough.

However, Feng Ye didn't plan to let Abomination resurface. He had been closely monitoring Dr. Stern, and if Dr. Stern successfully developed the serum, Feng Ye would invite him to join his research team to create an even better Hulk serum.

As for the issue of Bruce Banner's inability to transform back from the Hulk, how did that concern Feng Ye? He only cared about achieving his goal and returning to the real world.

"Hope Dr. Stern won't disappoint me." Feng Ye muttered to himself, knowing that the success rate of fusing the serum was extremely low. He didn't know if he would succeed, but to return to reality, he had to try.

Was Feng Ye afraid of death? Yes, he was afraid! He was definitely afraid of death.

But there were things that had to be done because some things were more important than life itself...