

Renowned financial genius and adventurer, Fang Ye, during an exploration in the Bermuda Triangle, unexpectedly encounters a space tunnel, transporting him to the Marvel Universe. From that moment on, the real world loses a financial genius and a world-class explorer, while the Marvel world gains a financial king and a super villain claiming to have unrivaled power. He becomes the target of S.H.I.E.L.D., the number one wanted criminal in the Marvel Universe. And besides the Hulk, he becomes the second man capable of transforming into the green giant. He is bestowed with the title 'King of Power'! This is a journey across dimensions for the Green Giant, and the Marvel Universe is just the first stop. MC already have power of intuition and emotional control. MC will be first focusing on increasing his influence in the Marvel world MC is Evil and cold and ruthless [ can do anything to achieve his goal! ] Killed Professor X + Magneto + Laser EYe + Daredevil +....... many mutants + ordinary people + shield members + .....etc. Have his own evil or criminal army. Become enemy of X-Men + Mutants + Shield + Hydra + Hell Fire Club + Military +......... So a good evil cold calculative MC [ Go and read it! ] I own nothing in this novel [surprising isn't it?] It's a translated novel.

Mortimer_Darkbane · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs


"It's been a long time since I came out for some fresh air..."

Dark Phoenix looked around, her eyes filled with desires, violence, anger, and various other emotions.

With each step she took, nearby mutants were either controlled and suspended in mid-air or disintegrated into ashes. No mutant could stop her advance.

Dark Phoenix possessed many abilities, including telepathy and telekinesis, but her most formidable power was undoubtedly her ability to disintegrate matter.

In theory, she could disintegrate anything!

"Save me..."

Many mutants cried out for help before meeting their end, but they could only watch helplessly as their bodies were disintegrated until they vanished into ashes.

Dark Phoenix's power was unquestionably immense!

Even in the entire Marvel universe, she was one of the most powerful beings. Not even Magneto or Professor X, if they were still alive, could match her.

With her joining the battle, the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. gained a significant advantage.

On the other hand, the people from the Yuanyi Fund found themselves in deep trouble. In just a moment, dozens of them fell at the hands of Dark Phoenix.

"Not good!"

During his fight with Norman Osborn, Shu Long had been keeping an eye on the surroundings. When he saw Dark Phoenix dominating the battlefield, his heart sank.

Jean Grey's second personality, Dark Phoenix, had been mentioned in the Yuanyi Fund's intelligence database. Shu Long was well aware of just how terrifying she could be!

Perhaps Fang Ye could withstand her, but none of the mutants present stood a chance against Dark Phoenix.

"Ha-ha, do you dare to be distracted during our battle..."

Norman Osborn smirked fiercely as he punched Shu Long, sending him flying.

" Humph!"

Shu Long stabilized himself and coldly snorted.

Their physical abilities were similar, but Shu Long possessed lizard genes, granting him powerful regenerative abilities. While their attack power was comparable, Norman Osborn couldn't match Shu Long's endurance.

"We found it! We found..."

Suddenly, a voice came from the cockpit.

Shu Long turned to look, and his heart sank as he saw that they had found the Tesseract!

A robot climbed onto the warship from the sea, holding an energy cube in its hand, none other than the famous Tesseract.


Agent Coulson on the fighter jet showed a pleased expression. Now he finally knew what Fang Ye was after!

The information about the Tesseract was on file at S.H.I.E.L.D., and Coulson naturally knew what it was. However, during World War II, the Tesseract had been lost in the vast ocean. Over the years, S.H.I.E.L.D. had been searching for it, but searching the vast oceans was no easy task. How could they explore all four oceans?

After all, when Captain America's plane lost contact with headquarters, they could only roughly determine where it had crashed.

(Changed this part; in the original, they could roughly determine the crash site before the plane lost contact with headquarters, but in this version, the plane loses contact from the very beginning, and the military doesn't know where Captain America crashed.)

Phil Coulson picked up the intercom and requested assistance from all his people.

"Everyone, that energy cube is the Tesseract, an item lost by S.H.I.E.L.D. many years ago. It holds great significance for the United States, and we must not let it slip away. Please retrieve it!"


Mimic was the first to respond. After shaking off the mutants that were bothering her, she slowly disappeared, stealthily approaching the Tesseract.

Others also tried to break free from their opponents and rushed towards the Tesseract. They could hear the urgency in Coulson's voice, which meant the Tesseract was indeed crucial.

Of course, not everyone was unfamiliar with the Tesseract. Some had heard of its name before.

On the side of S.H.I.E.L.D., while they were trying to seize the Tesseract, Shu Long immediately issued an order for the mutants to guard it.

"Iceman, Sabretooth, Deathbird... You guys assist Nightcrawler in guarding the Tesseract. Nightcrawler, as soon as you get the Tesseract, use your teleportation to leave immediately. You must personally hand it over to the boss, do you understand?"


Shu Long knew how much Fang Ye valued the Tesseract. Even if they were all wiped out in this battle, they couldn't afford to lose it!

The battle between the two sides intensified further, and over 80 mutants had already died in the fierce fighting. Most of them had fallen at the hands of Dark Phoenix.

Storm, Wolverine, and the others didn't look good. After all, many of those mutants had been their students.

But they couldn't stop those mutants who willingly sought death. It was Shu Long's strategy to stall Dark Phoenix. Since nobody could deal with her, they had to sacrifice their lives to delay her.

"Hey! Buddy, put down the Tesseract!"

As Sabretooth reached out to grab the Tesseract, Pyro immediately controlled a flame and swept towards him.

Pyro's flames were scorching hot, forcing Sabretooth to dodge.

"Damn it! Your opponent is me..."

At that moment, Human torch also arrived. Both he and Pyro were fire manipulators, and they were evenly matched. Neither could defeat the other easily.

A figure suddenly appeared in front of the Tesseract and reached out to grab it. Just as it seemed Nightcrawler would obtain the Tesseract, he was suddenly sent flying as if hit by something.

Then, Invisible Woman gradually became visible. It turned out she had quietly approached and kicked Nightcrawler away as he tried to grab the Tesseract.

However, Invisible Woman didn't get the Tesseract either as she was blocked by Deathbird.

In this way, they were all caught in a stalemate. The longer the battle dragged on, the more unfavorable it became for their side.

Thankfully, Black Phoenix finally arrived, which relieved Coulson.

A powerful shockwave emanated from Black Phoenix, sending all the mutants attacking her flying. Anyone who tried to impede her was ruthlessly disintegrated into ashes.

"Not good!"

Shu Long urgently tried to intervene, enduring a blow from Norman Osborn to free himself from his entanglement. He then flew towards Black Phoenix, attempting to intercept her path.

The Tesseract absolutely couldn't be lost; it was the task given to him by the boss. Even though he knew he was no match for Black Phoenix, Shu Long rushed forward without hesitation.

"Seeking death..."

Black Phoenix sneered, using her telekinesis to immobilize Shu Long in mid-air.

Long felt his body suddenly unable to move. Soon, his body started to disintegrate, even though he possessed super regenerative abilities, he couldn't resist Black Phoenix's disintegration power.

"Boss, I'm sorry to disappoint you. I can only repay your great kindness in my next life..."

As his body disintegrated, even his glider was similarly turned into ashes, as if this person had never existed in the world.