

Renowned financial genius and adventurer, Fang Ye, during an exploration in the Bermuda Triangle, unexpectedly encounters a space tunnel, transporting him to the Marvel Universe. From that moment on, the real world loses a financial genius and a world-class explorer, while the Marvel world gains a financial king and a super villain claiming to have unrivaled power. He becomes the target of S.H.I.E.L.D., the number one wanted criminal in the Marvel Universe. And besides the Hulk, he becomes the second man capable of transforming into the green giant. He is bestowed with the title 'King of Power'! This is a journey across dimensions for the Green Giant, and the Marvel Universe is just the first stop. MC already have power of intuition and emotional control. MC will be first focusing on increasing his influence in the Marvel world MC is Evil and cold and ruthless [ can do anything to achieve his goal! ] Killed Professor X + Magneto + Laser EYe + Daredevil +....... many mutants + ordinary people + shield members + .....etc. Have his own evil or criminal army. Become enemy of X-Men + Mutants + Shield + Hydra + Hell Fire Club + Military +......... So a good evil cold calculative MC [ Go and read it! ] I own nothing in this novel [surprising isn't it?] It's a translated novel.

Mortimer_Darkbane · Anime & Comics
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Carnival Celebration

The reason why Feng Ye wanted to take over Oscorp was that Oscorp Industries was different from Stark Industries.

Oscorp Industries could still function normally even without Norman Osborn, but Stark Industries would lose its soul pillar if Tony Stark was missing.

Feng Ye could take over Oscorp Industries, but he would never take over Stark Industries.

Furthermore, even if it required great sacrifices, Feng Ye had to acquire Oscorp Industries because of the human enhancement serum. He needed to have complete control over it so he could rest assured.

In the past, Feng Ye indeed looked down on human enhancement serums to some extent.

But now, Feng Ye changed his mind!

Because the human enhancement serum had already solved its biggest flaw.

Feng Ye believed that as long as some time passed, Dr. Connors could completely perfect the human enhancement serum. Then Feng Ye could start cultivating his own team of super soldiers.

Thus, Feng Ye would never allow the human enhancement serum to leak out, giving any other forces a chance to meddle with it.

Especially the U.S. military and S.H.I.E.L.D., with their official backgrounds. If they got hold of the serum, they could certainly create a team of super soldiers.

Even if he had to destroy the human enhancement serum, Feng Ye wouldn't let other forces get their hands on it!

Because if his plan went smoothly and he managed to retrieve the Cosmic Cube in the future, those forces would become potential enemies, and Feng Ye couldn't afford to give them any advantage.

Although the human enhancement serum was jointly developed by two research laboratories, it ultimately belonged to Oscorp Industries. Moreover, in order to conduct human experiments and reach an agreement with William Stryker, both research laboratories had to share the cost.

The key was that a contract was signed from the beginning, stating that the development of the human enhancement serum would be led by Oscorp Industries, and the research results would also belong to Oscorp Industries.

Even if Feng Ye wanted to change his mind now, he had no reason to do so. Therefore, the only way was to acquire Oscorp Industries.

In fact, Feng Ye had always planned to do so; otherwise, wouldn't he be preparing a wedding dress for others? After working hard to perfect the human enhancement serum, was it just for enhancing physical fitness?

After the shareholders' meeting, Feng Ye returned to the Yueyi Building.

After returning, Feng Ye immediately ordered the mobilization of funds to acquire Oscorp Industries. He had to make preparations in advance.

Time was running out, and he could only raise as much funds as possible during this period.

Time flew by, and within a week, Feng Ye raised a substantial amount of funds.

Not only did the Yueyi Fund mobilize almost all of its liquid assets, but Feng Ye also personally persuaded many members of the Yueyi Foundation to invest.

These members of the Yueyi Foundation were all billionaires, each contributing several billion dollars, which was enough to shock the world.

In just one week, Feng Ye raised 800 billion in funds!

With 800 billion, Feng Ye had about an 80% chance of successfully attacking Oscorp's stock market and acquiring Oscorp Industries!

In other areas, Feng Ye might not be able to surpass other forces, especially those deeply rooted in New York. But in the financial field, who could match him?

Of course, Feng Ye continued to raise funds. His goal was to reach 1 trillion US dollars!

With 1 trillion, he not only had a chance to acquire 50% of Oscorp Industries' shares, but he also had a chance to make those forces that coveted Oscorp Industries suffer a big loss!

On the top floor of Yueyi Building, in the boardroom.

Feng Ye sat on the sofa, crossed his legs, held a glass of wine in his right hand, and enjoyed his leisure time.

At this moment, a knock on the door sounded, and the door was pushed open.

Jennifer, dressed formally, walked in slowly and handed Feng Ye an invitation letter.

"Boss, the World Carnival Banquet will be held three days later. This is your invitation. I don't know if you are interested in attending. If you're not interested, I'll decline on your behalf."

"No need, I will make time to attend."

Taking the invitation letter, Feng Ye smiled lightly. He had been waiting for the World Carnival Banquet to be held.

Now, he just hoped that Norman Osborn wouldn't disappoint him...

Only when those board members were dead could Feng Ye seize the opportunity to acquire Oscorp Industries. If those board members were still alive, it would be almost wishful thinking for Feng Ye to forcefully acquire Oscorp Industries.

The current situation was different from the original plot!

In the original plot, the human enhancement serum had a fatal flaw: it caused personality splits.

When Norman Osborn accidentally injected the serum, a second personality emerged, one that only knew destruction and chaos. It was under the control of this second personality that Norman Osborn transformed into the Green Goblin and did all those crazy things.

But now, the fatal flaw had been resolved. Although the serum still had side effects, making people lose control of their emotions and easily become angry, it would also lead to long-term personality distortions.

Now, Feng Ye wasn't sure if Norman Osborn would repeat the killings. Would he wipe out all the board members?

Thinking about this, Feng Ye frowned. Those board members must die; otherwise, his plan couldn't be implemented. At the same time, Feng Ye was prepared for the worst. If things went terribly wrong, he would destroy the human enhancement serum. In any case, he couldn't let other forces get hold of it!

"Go out for now."


Waving his hand, Feng Ye asked Jennifer to leave.

After Jennifer left, Feng Ye took a sip of wine and called out Deadpool's name.



As soon as Feng Ye spoke, Deadpool appeared in front of him.

The energy circulation system matrix had been fully mastered by Dr. William, and now only the core metal material that operated the matrix was missing.

So, the spatial teleportation belt and the two Adamantium Blades had been returned to Deadpool two days ago.

"Wilson, you've been a mercenary and an assassin. You should be familiar with the assassin world, right?"

"Boss, are you thinking of hiring an assassin?"

Deadpool suddenly became interested. If Feng Ye wanted someone to be assassinated, he could take the job and earn a hefty sum of money...

However, the next words from Feng Ye made Deadpool's smile freeze on his face.

"I am indeed thinking of hiring assassins, but you are my bodyguard, and many people know this. Therefore, you cannot act!"

"Boss, I can teleport through space without being detected..."

Unwilling to accept this, Deadpool tried to argue.

Feng Ye remained calm and waved his hand, cutting off Deadpool's words.

"No need! You should know other assassins. I mean people with special abilities, whether they are mutants or super criminals!"

"Alright! I do know a few capable assassins, two of whom are mutants..."

Realizing that Feng Ye had made up his mind, Deadpool reluctantly spilled the beans.

After some time, Feng Ye smiled and nodded from time to time. Finally, he whispered a few words, instructing Deadpool to make arrangements.

Feng Ye wasn't planning to assassinate anyone; he was just being cautious.

Because those board members had to die!

If something unexpected happened, and Norman Osborn didn't go to the World Carnival Banquet, then Feng Ye would have to let those assassins take action.

If, as in the original plot, Norman Osborn transformed into the Green Goblin, then those assassins would be responsible for cleaning up the mess. Anyway, Feng Ye didn't plan to let any of those board members live!

Feng Ye did things with a purpose, using any means necessary.

Feng Ye didn't care about the process; all he cared about was the result, the result he needed!

Three days later.

The World Carnival Banquet was held as scheduled.

This edition of the banquet was hosted by Aerospace Exploration Group because the Carnival Banquet was hosted by different industrial groups each year.

The banquet not only invited many social celebrities, but also several Hollywood giants were present.

To true high society, actors were always just actors.

At this moment, a luxurious limited edition Osleres limousine appeared at the end of the street, immediately attracting the attention of many people...

A/N: Consider giving some power stones for this novel, Your support is my motivation.