
Strongest God of Magician

midhunj6 · Urban
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2 Chs

Passes through the prelude

The night is very deep, the space star sees at the end of the month, the strong winds howl are curling up everywhere sandstorm, the dense dark cloud has covered the trim world.A person's shadow rushed in the virginforest of this Yunnan border totteringly, 

suddenly this person's shadow was stumbled, falls down distressedly.

Incites, silver lightning has delimited the horizon together, shines the person's shadow pale complexion. He about 30 over ages, the head bare blade of grass end lives, the eyebrow is very thick, the long and narrow phoenix eyes chill/yin cold are ruthless,

a long scar delimits the chin from the corner of the eye slantingly, depending on adding several points of ominous offense cruel color/look.

The person's shadow struggled to crawl, the blood drop reached the drop to reach flows out from the wound of his chest back, dyed the dark-red his clothes.

„Comes out, does the Dragon Group person like hide the head but show the tail now?" The person's shadow weak by a nearby big tree, the sound of taunt is similar to the metal generally is forceful.

The speech sound just fell, seven Shadow silently emerge out of thin air in his surroundings, is stranded him in firmly central, stops up escape route that all possibly escaped.

„Long Yi, turns head, do not repeat an error." Male female sound Youyou (faintly) from the sky moves fast resounds, making people absolutely terrified.

„Turns head, can I also turn head? Can I turn head? Long Wu, above got down anything to order you to be clearer than me." Long Yi laughs to say desolately.

„Long Yi, you are without a fight, I will ask favor for you to above with every effort." Long Wu has gawked staring, the sound is somewhat helpless.

„Plea, Hahaha, my Long Yi does not need, wants to make me be without a fight do not have a dream." Long Yi by the tree, imposing manner mentioned peak gradually.

"LongYi, you must really with the country to doing." Long Wu fierce say/way.

„What I help Little Qi revenge to have not to be right, what I killed that damn the prime minister also to have not to be right, Little Qi was the country has contributed to the innumerable great merits, what has the country given her? She cannot such in vain sacrifice, you on entirely." When Long Yi spoke of Little Qi this name, in the look flashed through wipes the tender feelings and pain.

Long Wu looks Long Yi that such as the injured wild animal same roared, the hand did not shiver on own initiative slightly, his lip shook stiffly, has gesticulated cruel-heartedly a hand signal of attack.

A BOOM thunderclap, piled up for a long time rain water to fall in torrents finally crazily. Dragon Group is the Chinese most mystical organization, is different functions and has giving up study the top powerhouse. Long Yi is only one by one position body has the Spirit Attribute formidable different functions to cultivate the reach a high degree of proficiency person ancient writings of China, is in Dragon Group the most formidable person. If usually is, Long Wu added on these six Dragon Group members unable to win Long Yi absolutely, the killer but who Long Yi was sent at this time by the Dragon Group also Japan chased down for three months, the experience size has fought several hundred times, the body already by seriously the wound , under can resist the Dragon Group elite who Long Wu led?

Long Yi looks at seven person's shadows that swoops, the imposing manner mentioned peak, but in his mind actually passed over gently and swiftly their seven people to grow up together the tips. Their seven people were adopted by country since childhood, experience all sorts of inhuman trainings to emerge to weave Dragon Group, Long Qi is in them the only female, is skilled in the assassination and computer, is much longer gently beautifully, is angels in their six will of the people. although has not stated clearly, but all people know Long Qi to appearance scary extra different, but one year ago Long Qi goes to Japan to carry out the task, does not know how to reveal the rumor/wind sound, in Japan was besieged, but vanished fragrance perished jade, but oneself were in a rage alone goes to Japan to kill the Japanese prime minister puppy stupid wolves as well as every large or small officer several hundred people, the Japanese civilians also casualty several thousand people, caused the relations between the two countries to be highly intense, the war might be ready to be set off very much.

„Since the country does not let off itself, then dies in own brothers hands is also the best home to return, Little Qi, you wait for me, we then can meet quickly." Long Yi was muttering at heart, when seven Shadow various different functions styles welled up fully suddenly withdrew own imposing manner, whole body empty gate exposition outside.

Rumbling, the body of Long Yi such as the kite of broken line throws generally high, the entire body hemorrhaging rain hurricane, on the face is having the smile of extrication.

Incites, the bang, the bucket thick lightning chops suddenly together from the dense dark cloud, since center soars high Long Yi, in the formidable electric current, the body of Long Yi has become by the electrolysis the granule, has not remained including the dregs.

Long Wu holds the clothes fragment that a piece falls gently dull, on the face cannot distinguish clearly is the tears or the rain water...