
Strongest God in Omniverse Vol.1

Reincarnated as... see the title, anyway this is my second dragon ball fanfic, and there will not be a constant update, don't get your hopes up. All the pictures I use is not mine, if you want me to take it down just comment. English is my third language so, sorry for the mistakes and the punctuations.

Forgettable_Author · Anime & Comics
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(Massive Timeskip in this chapter so sorry cause I don't know what I would put in the yardrat training, and this chapter has the most PL info for the fighters.)

Age 764, March 14.

"It's been 1 year since we arrive here in planet Yardrat, we should go back now, Ryuu" Goku said in a yardrat suit while Ryuu is meditating.

Ryuu open his eyes and nod at Goku as he look at Grat and his wife Cel.

"We will go now Grat and Cel, Thank you for teaching us throughout this year, We will visit this planet if we have time in our planet, Goodbye Yardratians, Goodbye Grat and Cel" Ryuu said as Goku and Ryuu go to their ship and type the coordinates of earth and will arrive 4 to 5 months from Yardrat to Earth.

Goku and Ryuu wave at the Yardratians as they flew towards the space and in a blink of an eye the ship is out of the Yardratians sight and they disperse.





Somewhere around the different timelines, mutliple saiyans pop out and get into their time machines.

This saiyan is the enemies of Ryuu who did not like him because he thrash them like a ragdolls.

"I am coming for you Ryuu, wait for my revenge as I will beat you up like you did to me" Idot the enemy of Ryuu in timeline 2(Ryuu timeline is 1) who has a power level around 2,000,000,000 PL or 2 billions but can't go into super saiyan at all.

"Kekeke, I am coming for you, Ahh, I hope you are doing well and enjoy your remaining life Ryuu, Kekeke hahahahaha" Iodot said as he laugh evilly, this guy is from timeline 3, and have a power level around 6,000,000,000 PL or 6 billions.

"Why did you leave me Eris!, Why did you go with Ryuu!, That monster will pay for stealing what's mine!, Wait for me my love and I will rescue you from that devil called Ryuu!" Oidot said, who has 20 billion PL. He look at the photo of Eris smiling with someone that looks like Ryuu but in teenager.

The three enemy of Ryuu in different timeline press a button and a portal open and their time machines suck towards the portal.

The three didn't know that Ryuu from their timelines is 10% weaker than the timeline 1 Ryuu they would go and the time they travel at is the cell saga.

While Ryuu who has base 200 billion PL just travel in Space with Goku and oblivious of what will happen.

Goku's power level also increase to 5 billion because of the saiyan regime, just a few near deaths and he's powerful now.

" Hey son, We should train all the saiyans from earth with your saiyan regime, sounds good right" Goku said with a different motive and think of Gohan, Raditz, Eris, Vegeta and Nappa getting into a near death experiences.

"That would be good, We will see if they like to train with us when we arrive Dad" Ryuu said not knowing the motives of Goku who is smirking evilly when he turn around to not be seen by Ryuu.

The saiyans on earth shuddered thinking someone is going to make their life hell.





Age 764, August 14.

A ship landed somewhere while a teenager is standing at the top of a rock looking at the ship landing.

While the z fighters,Raditz with Kana and a baby girl in Kana's arms, Eris with Bulma, Tien and Launch with two baby boys in her arms and Nappa arrive when they sense a power level so powerful.

Nappa power level - 30 million

As he always train and improve with Vegeta as a sparring partner.

Vegeta power level - 45 million

As a high level saiyan, vegeta would have a faster growth than Nappa who is getting old.

Raditz PL - 46 million.

Vegeta growth is the fastest but Raditz also train sometimes as he need to take care of baby Belle, the name of his daughter with Kana, making his growth slow down.

Gohan PL - 10 million

He also spar with Raditz if there is no homework and chichi also let Gohan be as she didn't want him to feel that he is getting controlled by her. Which make her a better mom than the original.

Eris PL - 5 million

Not much to say about her since she is learning from Bulma about technology, and only train sometimes with Gohan but he mainly research about a healing pod.

Piccolo PL - 11 million

Train with Raditz and sometimes meditate to calm his mind, and also he heard what Elder said to him about merging with kami, which he does and also making a new baby namekian called Pico, who is playing with Blossom at the watch tower and Mr. Popo become the baby sitter of the two, of course he cried for Kami but Kami is getting older and needed someone and he and Piccolo are originally the same person.

Krillin PL - 3 million

He is training with yamcha and sometimes Tien.

Yamcha PL - 1 million

Reason for why his PL is low because he become a professional baseball player and only train with Krillin if he have a day off.

Tien PL - 750,000

He have a twin sons, each having the same hair of their mother Launch, who have finally merge and become one personality. Ban the blonde hair boy and Ben the blue hair boy. The only reason why he has a small PL compared to the others is because his potential did not get unlock because he didn't join them to the namek.

The ship open it's door and two being walk out, one is a tall man that is the same race with Frieza, and also a tall man that is the same race with frieza, and he's in his 4th form.

"Is this the planet of the killer of Frieza, Cooler?" King cold said and look around to see 12 people if you didn't include the babies. The 12 people are, Nappa, Vegeta, Gohan, Raditz, Eris, Piccolo, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, Bulma, Kana, and Launch.

"Yes, Father and that group should be in the same group of the one who killed my brother." Cooler said in a cold tone, while in his mind, he is celebrating for the death of Frieza.

"I see, go kill them all and when I mean all it means even the babies will be also killed, now go!" King Cold said with a frosty tone and anger in his eyes, I mean his favorite child is Frieza who has the potential to surpass him and rule over the empire he created.

Cooler nodded and look at the 12 peoples but when he take a step someone appear infront of him, a guy in a jacket with a logo of capsule corps, and a sword in his back.

"Who are you!?, Get out of the way!" Cooler said as he shot a ki blast towards The guy who deflect it and slash him with the sword.

"Weak, I'm sorry for stealing your limelight, but I have to wait for someone here, you all could join me for waiting, oh and I'm trunks by the way" Trunks said with a smile towards the group while King cold is shock by the fact his son, Cooler died in a single slash.

"Who are you!?, We have no business to you and why did you kill my son!" King cold who lost his two sons said in anger.

"Your friendly neighborhood Trunks, now die okay" Trunks said as he transform into super saiyan surprising the groups, and King Cold.

"What!?, A super saiyan!?..But ho.....!?" King cold tried to complete his speech but got cut by the sword of Trunks.

The z fighters fly towards trunks while the saiyans throw an envious look except for Eris and Gohan, while Vegeta is clinching his fist as he thought how he can use a super saiyan.

Next time on Reincarnated as the middle son of goku.