
Strongest Extra Survival

A fantasy story of a boy named William in search of something that could help him, overcoming the curse he unknowingly invited upon himself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In the center of a vast city stands a towering building that nearly scrapes the sky: the Tower of Babylon. A marvel of humanity, this tower was constructed using nothing but science and primitive tools. Though credit for its creation is largely attributed to an unknown architect, that very architect can be found not within the tower itself, but rather in the alley behind it. In this alley, a young man can be seen rummaging through trash cans in search of food. "One advantage of being near a big building is that there's always some good food here," he chuckled to himself. Despite his unkempt appearance—long, dirty hair, a scraggly beard, and a face smeared with dirt—his striking blue eyes remain his most prominent feature. Maxwell, as he's known, glanced up at the towering structure of the Tower of Babylon and muttered, "Who could even believe that I designed this building?" With a sigh, he began to eat the meager meal he had scavenged for the day. Suddenly, a black portal materialized before him, prompting Maxwell to eye it suspiciously. "Rich folk sure have weird tastes, mixing drugs into food," he mumbled as he discarded his meal and resumed his search. Unbeknownst to Maxwell, a young girl briefly emerged from the portal before it vanished, snapping her fingers in his direction. Oblivious to this, Maxwell continued his search, only to look up in shock as trucks began to rain down from the sky around him. "Now, trucks are raining from the sky!" he exclaimed in frustration, his voice echoing through the alley.

Boring_World · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Start II

While Calliope entering the golden door reached another Divine realm, a realm of her friend and disciple and a God closely associated with workings of Fate and Destinies.

She reached another divine realm, starkly different from Calliope's ethereal sanctuary. Here, instead of heavenly landscapes, she found herself in a vast library, stretching infinitely in all directions. Countless shelves towered overhead, laden with innumerable books containing the knowledge of the cosmos.

In the center of the vast library, Calliope's gaze fell upon a young man seated amidst a sea of books, engrossed in reading while casually nibbling on a snack. His presence exuded an aura of creativity and inspiration, and she recognized him as one of the newly emerged deities, personified from the collective imagination of modern people. He was the God of Authors, a deity embodying the essence of storytelling and literary creation.

Moreover like her, he has the power to write others fate and Destinies and even change them, albeit a weaker  version of her power, though he is quite powerful among the newly emerged Gods.

Sensing someone behind, he tilted his head to find Calliope, An Ancient Goddess.

"what a grandma doing here?" he asked, with a hint of teasing in his voice.

Calliope head vein throbbed and then..


She delivered a fist to his head, her mood was already sour and this brat tested her.

"Watch your tongue," Calliope's voice rang out, her tone laced with a blend of authority and warning. "I may be ancient, but I am not old."

Murasaki, covering his head with a hand in a sign of respect, weakly nodded. "What can I do for you?" he asked, while wondering what made his Master mood sour.

"I need your help to create a champion," Calliope replied.

"Why me?" Murasaki questioned, puzzled by her request. "You are already strong enough to do that on your own." His confusion mirrored that of nursery student a being asked for homework help by a higher-grade student.

Calliope then explained the essence of the matter to Murasaki, who nodded in understanding.

"Okay, I will help you, but remember, I am just a lower god currently. Hence, I can only assist you this one time," Murasaki said solemnly. Calliope nodded in agreement, acknowledging the limitations of Murasaki's current divine status.

With that settled, Calliope led Murasaki to her divine realm. Murasaki followed her, and soon they came upon a sleeping young man. Murasaki examined the candidate closely before turning to Calliope. "So, he is your candidate?" he asked.

"Yes, I want you to create a power that will help him eliminate as many of those pests as possible, but also prevent him from becoming a criminal himself," Calliope replied earnestly. Although she knew William's pain, she couldn't help but be cautious after three failures.


 Muraski nodded and then said "I think I know what power I should bestow him" his eyes gleamed in excitement as he looks at the already excitement powers in William soul.

He then explained to Calliope and Calliope's eyes lit up too, She nodded and told Murasaki to bestow that power to him.

Murasaki nodded, and then his palm pointed to the sleeping William. A divine light emitted from his palm and then entered William's soul. After some time, Murasaki weakly nodded and wiped the sweat from his forehead. "It's done, phew. I guess I pushed myself too far," he said as Calliope helped him to sit aside.

Calliope then too blessed William with last of her remaining Divinity and then looking at sleeping William she gestured to Serene who nodded and then started preparing for William rebirth in that Chaotic world after intervention of many gods pawn.

"Master, can I sleep here?" Calliope heard Murasaki's voice as he leaned on her.

She checked his condition and exclaimed, "Idiot, who asked you to go this far?!" She was alarmed to see that he had lost 99% of his divinity.

"It's okay, Master. This is the first time you've asked for my help. How could I not pour all of my heart into this?" Murasaki reassured her before falling asleep.

Calliope sighed, feeling the weight of responsibility upon her. She gently picked him up and laid him where William's soul had once rested. "Now I truly feel old," she sighed to herself, first tending to William like a baby and now her worrisome disciple.

On the other hand, Serene led William's soul to the reincarnation cycle of that world. As she passed his soul there, she cast a divine protection spell on it to prevent any loss of memories. Watching William's soul entering and vanishing into the reincarnation cycle, she whispered, "Best of luck, William Walker."


In a corner of the vast galaxy, a multitude of worlds appeared to converge through a spatial bridge.

There were eleven worlds in total, and on the outermost one, amidst the birth of many new lives, one stood out. His eyes shimmered with a combination of wisdom and confusion, starkly different from the usual innocence of a newborn.

William, just born, glanced at the couple teasing him, and he responded with baby-like giggles. However, as he grew weary of their banter, he let out a yawn, prompting the couple to fall silent and tenderly caress him.

Internally, William couldn't help but sigh. "This is my third time being a baby," he mused inwardly, feeling a mix of resignation and amusement at the situation.

"So much for being a god. At least use your power to reincarnate me as a young man," William mentally complained before falling asleep.

[It can't be done that way] 

William looked around as he heard those words, 

[I am inside your head] 

"Are you the blessing from Calliope?" William asked.

[No, I am part of Serene, she bestowed her blessing upon you]

William nodded thinking it's just another blessing, and then named her Sera.

Three years later,

William looked at himself in the mirror. He had brown hair and amber eyes, with a cute little face still showing traces of baby fat.

As he examined himself, he nodded. "At least she lets me retain my handsome face," he remarked to himself.

Observing him, the maid smiled tenderly. "Young Master is the cutest kid" she said.

William looked at her quizzically. "Cutest in what?" he asked.

The maid felt momentarily confused, then understanding his question, she replied, "Cutest in the whole Alliance Nexus, of course."


"Alliance Nexus" - it is the name of those converged worlds. It was Calliope who orchestrated this merging to aid these worlds. Unlike other realms, these worlds had numerous protagonists and antagonists, leading them down a path of destruction. To prevent this, Calliope merged and connected them, restoring balance to each world within the Alliance Nexus.

And how does he know this? It was because of Sera. She is a small part of Serene who bestowed her blessing upon him. She now acts as William's guide, imparting knowledge and insights about the Alliance Nexus and its creation.

And many other things.

William hearing the Maid nodded and then said "where is Pansy?" 

Before she could reply as energetic bark reached them.


"Young Master, it seems Pansy heard you," the Maid smiled and said, upon hearing the sound of Pansy.

William nodded and then hid himself.

"You are acting like a small kid," teased Sera.

"Because I am," William replied to Sera's teasing.

Hearing him, Sera fell silent. She had the urge to mention that he had the experience of two lifetimes, but she refrained, remembering that those lives were not particularly peaceful.

Soon Pansy or his mother pet Dog, a magical one reached the room and started sniffing around, William looked at this and jumped from behind but it seemed he knows of William as he turned around and spotted William.

"tch, you found me again" William rubbed the almost 2 meter big face of pansy and pouted,

Pansy gave a happy bark and then he grabbed william and putting him on himself he run towards the living room.