
Strongest Exorcist: Rise of The Damned

“Those who stand at the top determine what’s wrong and what’s right! This very place is neutral ground! Justice will prevail, you say? Of course, it will! Whoever wins this war becomes justice!” said Rui while looking at the army of yokai. In a world filled with yokais and exorcists, life isn't that easy. The prophesied War of Liberation is near. The [Nine Mythical Armaments] have awakened and Ito Rui, a normal high school student is in the centre of all this chaos. Watch as he tramples on the yokais and becomes the strongest while the users of the [Nine Mythical Armaments] look at him with jealousy.

Depressed_Buddha · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Kusanagi Vs Kurus

"That's a nice sword you got there," the girl said to me while smirking. She seemed confident in her abilities. Maybe a bit too much.

"Thanks and don't forget the bet," I replied while standing ten metres in front of her with Kusanagi pointing towards her.

"[First form, first stance, Moonwalk]," I muttered slowly and charged towards her from the air. I wanted to finish this as soon as possible.

Within a span of a few seconds, I was standing before her.

I swung my sword aiming for her neck but she sidestepped, blocking it.

"That's a nice ability to fly. Now let me show you something even better. [First form, First stance, Water missile]," shouted the girl while pointing her trident at me.

Water started to appear out of thin air in the form of missiles which were 5cm thick and 1 metre wide. There were ten of them. Seeing this I used [Moonwalk] again to gain some distance.

Now I was standing ten metres in the air. 

"No use running away," she said and shot all ten water missiles at me. I ducked under two while cutting four of them off while maneuvering in air. But I wasn't able to evade the rest of the four and they hit my sides.

'Tch, those missiles are strong and do a lot of damage even though they are made of water. It seems as if they are flowing under great pressure,' I thought while gritting my teeth.

Even though I wasn't bleeding I was pretty sure that my internal organs were damaged by it.

"What happened? Giving up so soon," she said with a smirk on her face. I could see that she was mocking me.

"Yea as if," I replied and swung my sword towards her. A sharp air current formed in the shape of an arc and attacked her.

Since the arc was fast and precise, she wasn't able to dodge on time. The arc hit her right arm just a bit above the wrist making her bleeding.

Whenever I swing my sword, a sharp current follows the swing as long as I put even a little bit of Ki into it because of Kusanagi's air abilities.

This allows me to attack opponents far from me. Right now my range is around 10 metres. I could cut anything within a radius of ten metres around me. 

This was how I had cut the branch of the tree in the playground. 

"Who's the one losing now?" I asked her in a taunting tone. 

"Not me. [First form, Second stance, Heaven's cry]," replied the girl while clouds started to cover the whole sky. After a bit it started raining heavily.

'Hmm, What's rain gonna do?' I thought while looking at the clouds. Was she going to use these clouds to boost her water abilities?

'I should finish this before she gets stronger,' I thought and sped towards her once again. Using [Moonwalk] not only allowed me to walk on air but also gave me a large speed boost.

Right now I was thrice as fast as Usain Bolt.

As soon as I was going to reach her, I felt something was wrong and I backed off.

"You have good reflexes," said the girl praising me.

'What's happening? Why do I feel heavy?' I thought while paying no attention to what the girl was saying.

I examined my body from top to bottom but I noticed no changes. My senses had become very sharp ever since I bonded with Kusanagi. Yet I wasn't able to figure out the cause.

"Water missile," said the Katsu girl directing water missiles at me while I was trying to figure out the cause of my heaviness.

'Give me a break,' I thought while landing on the ground. Since my body feels heavy, being in the air will only put me in a disadvantageous position. 

Moving my left leg forward, I held Kusanagi in my left hand while sending ten wind slashes.

Each one of my slashes collided with the missiles and stopped them.

I was a leftie which gave me an advantage in this battle. People aren't used to fighting with people who are lefties. This made it easier to catch them off guard. 

'I thought I was a goner. At least now I know the reason for my slowness,' I thought while looking at the sky.

The clouds didn't make her attacks stronger, they made me slow.

'But it seems like this doesn't work on the user,' I thought while observing the girl. She didn't look any slower than before.

'Hah, fine. I'll give my hundred percent now as well,' I thought while holding my Kusanagi even more tightly. This battle was making me excited. 

It was so much fun. Adrenaline was running through my whole body right now. I wanted to battle like this forever and ever.

"Let's dance, shall we?" I said while laughing.

Putting my Kusanagi in my right hand, I charged towards the Katsu girl one more time.

As soon as I got in close contact, I swung my sword once again. 

"Foolish beggar, you can never beat me. First form, Third stance, Thrust," said the girl while putting the trident in an attacking position.

Till now she was just standing in her place and using long-range attacks so I thought she was a mage. But it seems like I was wrong.



Our weapons made noises as they collided together. A large shockwave ran through the whole field making everything shake.


(Katsu Amane's Pov)

'This beggar is annoying. I only have half of my Ki left now. I should stop [Heaven's cry]. He's already slow enough,' thought the girl while stopping the rain.


(Rui's Pov)

'Seems like she wants to preserve her Ki,' I thought while looking at her. Our weapons were still colliding and none of us was willing to give up.

I wielded Kusanagi with my left hand and used my right fist to gather Ki. After I thought I had collected enough Ki, I punched the girl right in the face.

She flew about twenty metres before crashing on the ground. 'That felt refreshing,' I thought while sighing. 

I was going to go near the girl to ask for my meal but before I could do that, the girl stood up. She looked really angry. 

No, rather than looking angry it looked as if she had lost it.

"How dare you punch me?"




"You filthy bastard, you will pay for this," she said while Ki burst around her. Her Ki was visible with naked eye now. It was raging blue with an ominous feeling.

'What's happening?' I thought while looking at her with terrified expression.


Hey guys, I am participating in a competition. I will be very grateful if you guys help me win it by donating me your power stones and gifts.


[Edited by OtakuSumit]