
Strongest Existence's Son

This is a story about a special child. So special actually that he is the son of the strongest thing to ever exist. Upon reaching the age his father wanted, he is now put on stage, a world like stage to prove his worth as the sone of the great one himself. Now placed in the world made by his oh great father, a world so complicated only his father could be praised. But of course the start would be simple, as in this vast world, his existence is but a miniscule dust. Watch as the adventure of a man that is to be the strongest lives, as the son of this great ol fat- of the GREAT ONE HIMSELF!!!! *On Hold

KinglessHeaven · Fantasy
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23 Chs

21. The Academy Capital

Valhalla, is such a huge country that it's own cities are categorized as a foundation or a factory of even the littlest resources.

There are cities focused on magic research, a city for the countries politics, a city for farming(with a city of its own, for every type of farmable food.), and even a city for making shoes.

It is a rich country, that is for sure. But not every city includes a production, but that is not important.

What is important is the city I was going to, the Academy Capital of Valhalla. Or also known as the Central Academy of the World.

With the richest education in the world. Containing geniuses around the world, with diverse races and infinite resources.

It really is the most prestigous place for anyone yearning for a wonderful education.

But as a systemized country, getting into the city is already an almost impossible task for anyone without an already high position. Or an immeasuerable talent.

"Prince we are here."

We arrived at the city. And as for my first challange, I have to get in.

[Quest "Get In The City Of Stupidity" Main Quest 0.1]

[Enter The City]

[Reward: A New System Function]

Am I finally getting the patch? Wait what, is my father back already? There is no way it only takes him 2 years to get back and go to his trip. It should at least-

[It Is Not]

Oh... I alm-

"Admition Card, Recomendation, Coupon, Or Talent."

A gaurd was in front gaurding the city. The gaurd was exuding such strong energy that is much stronger than Gordon. And that man is just a gaurd at this place.

I truly have yet to scratch the surface of this world. 'Even though I know every magic, ahahaha!'.


I said as I reached my arm far and gave him my Recomendation Card from my father.


And Abel gave a talent one.

"So were a talent one. I totally thought it would be a card."

"Hehehe, I didn't run away with no reason!"

The gaurd then took the two and went away and came back after a few minutes.

"I am quite nervous, but I am sure you aren't."

"Well... I do have Talent..."


"Well... you are probably talented too, don't worry about it."

"Hahaha." 'You'll just see, Abel.'

The gaurd came back and told us our places.

"You, go to the entrance examination district. And you, you are good to enter at the dorm district."

The gaurd gave a card to Abel and then we entered the city.

"Well, it's good bye for now! Thanks again, i'lll definitely pay you back next time! Good luck!"

He said as his voice faded as he ran further and further.

I went to the examination district of the capital and as soon as I arrived, I got off the carriage and my Knights finally left.

"Prince, this is as far as we can go."

"Take this Prince."

I was given some instructions and the system of how this city worked.

But I don't really need it that much, as I already knew it all.

I finished my mission and got a new one immediately.

[Quest "You Can Do It, I Mean Like Come On" Main Quest 0.2]

[Pass The Exams]

[Reward: New System Function]

Wait where is my new function? Hello?

[Finish All The Decimal Main Quests]

What the fuck! Fine, you know what, it's ok.


The Academy Capital was set in many different systems.

With different Admition Plans, of a Card, Recomendation, Coupon, and then Talent.

All the four are quite complicated, but what is really important for me now is the way on how the entrance exam works.

The Academy Capital has their entrance exam open everyday. Which makes the exam easy for me to complete. As there really isn't many people in this place.

As I looked around, there actually wasn't anyone. So as I stood in this normal looking street that was actually not normal in any way.

In a street with many buildings till it hit the city wall. I needed to start at the first building, called "Introduction Interview."

I entered inside and looked around as there were no one in it.

"Please come in."

It was like any appointment building with chairs in the open and a couple doors that you go in when you are called.

I heard a voice coming from the door on the left so I entered that door.

It seemed creepy but this was definitely normal.


I entered and I was facing a wall with a chair in the middle of a small chair.

'Well, I don't really know what to do here.' So I just answered her... well it sounded female, the question.

"Ryu Reinhart."

"You may sit."

I sat down, and I will soon later learn, that this exam wouldn't be a quick one. That even this interview will take so long, I will totally be interogated way too much.

'Is this really meant for 7 year olds?'

"How old?"


There was a little pause that definitely indicated that she changed her questionnaire as I was not allowed to be admitted to the school this year yet.

"Your birthday?"

"September 14."

A pause again, that definitely meant her changing the questionnaire. And why am so sure of all of this?

Well of course because in reality what I was looking at was not a wall, but a woman sitting on a desk as I could see through the walls by using oerception magic.

Well it's not like I am looking through the walls, like some x-ray ability, I just installed a camera inside her room using water magic.

Which then allowed me to see what she was doing and what she is even going to ask. And being found out won't be a problem, I already analyzed everything, and the entrance exam district is definitely the least monitored one.

"Do you plan to admit at the start of the year or in the second half."

"I have the money."

Which seems like a stupid and unrelated answer to the question, but I looked into her papers and a secret answer was definitely written on the questionnaire.

She paused again and this time it took much longer.

'There are way too many questionnaire in her desk. There is even a drawer behind her, just what the fuck is this contries complexity.'

She pulled a questionnaire that had answerd to her question that I was for sure meant, even my spying on her was something this acedemy has already thought of.

'My God.'

And that was not all...

"What is your profession."

There were 3 answers on the paper. One that is normal, and 2 that was hidden with strong magic barriers. But from what I see the three didn't even have what I really had.

The first answer was "It's a secret for the physical exam."

The other one is "Two, i'll tell later."

And the last one was "I don't know, guess it."

But what I wanted to answer was 3. And as much as I want to answer the third one with the strongest magic barrier, I just want to find out now if they have a plan for literally every situation.

As my case of having three professions, was definitely not something normal in the entire world.

"I have all."

She paused again, but this time she turned behind and she did not open her drawer, but she stood up and left.

'Where is she going.'

I stayed and didn't follow, I know that the examiner won't just leave like that.

After a while she got back holding a single piece of paper that had a single question.

And even that weird one had a hidden answer with probably the strongest barrier ever.

Unlike the others which I can just see with no problem, I had to decipher this one for some seconds till I could see it.

"What is the academy for you?"

And the hidden answer was... well it seemed like this was a plot made by my father... god damn that man.

"My starting empire."

She didn't even sit back on her chair and just said this.

"You are admitted, you do not need to take any further exams."

Well that was realitively easy.

"A knight will escort you to your destination."

My quest was completed and even the other ones just got automatically completed as it seems like I passed everything fast and easily.

[The Reward Is Loading: 4:59]

Oh my God, there was a timer. But it was ok, I just left the room and even the building to meet a knight outside the building.

"Follow me."

He rode a horse and had another one for me to ride. 'Umm... I don't know how though...' I never learned to ride a horse, but fine, I can just make it obey me if I fail.

And so I touched the horse and it was for sure not happy. And so I went in front of me and looked at it in the eyes and showed in eternal darkness...

"Well lets go!"

I was on my horse and we finally left to my destination, the dorm.

'I hope I get a good one.'

[The System Has Added A New Function]

[Rebirth Function Has Been Added]


Far in the sky of the Academy Capitsl of Valhalla was one man flying.

"So he has come..."