
Strongest Elementalist: Runic System Descent

As the chosen bearer of the Elementalist system, Ruvian dedicated his life to the path of a knight, guided by the Alliance. However, when he lost his life during the war, the Alliance decided to bury his heroic history. Peace was restored under a white lie. A demonic warlock then managed to reanimate Ruvian, merging its soul with the soulless body. However, Ruvian's heart remained true. He thrived to see the world after the war and to find out about his diminishing power. Until he met a troublesome white-haired girl who constantly gave him headaches...

_Re_ · Fantasy
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107 Chs

Dagger II

"Well, actually, there is something I want to ask you," Ron said after handing the bottle to her.

"Wait, what …. "

"Haha, chill. It's nothing sort of like that." He caught Adelle's expression early on. "Let's hope you want to hear me first."

"Well, go on."

"Would you reconsider joining the hunt? Luke already told me. To convince you, we'll be in a big game this time. 16 grands worth. But we're dealing with dark forests' creatures. Your Ordo would really help the team to make it go smoothly."

Adelle couldn't hide her jaw dropping this time. 'Each of us would yield 4 gold coins!'

"See," Ron laughed. "It's like eight times what we usually made on average."

Despite her surprise, Adelle shook her head. "I'm sorry, I still can't. I've something to deal with."

"Well, you sure want to deal with it, alone? I mean, Adelle, you could ask me to help you with your troubles. We've been a team for quite some time. If I could leverage some of your burden, so that we could still go on with the hunt. Wouldn't that be a win-win solution?"

Not at all surprising. That is her team leader after all, such pushy.

"Then, what if I told you to say 'no' to Mr. Lefazio?"

"What? The Grandmagus himself?! You're not kidding, right?"

Some people in the town, including Ron, knew that the famed researcher had one pupil that lived with him, her. At least that was what they thought it would be.

Adelle then grinned and shook her head.

"Well, it still depends on the context though. If I do that, would I be on the righteous side, like you've been wronged and wanted for justice. Who would say 'no' to the truth? That'll make them a villain."

"Then, I'd say that we'll be the villain. 'cause we are on the wrong side." She then laughed. "It's just unnecessary for you to get involved in this."

"I … see." Ron looked at her with uneasiness. "You sure you will be fine by yourse–"

Adelle hushed him. "Please keep all that a secret. Will you?"

Ron gave her a quick nod.

"Cool!" After a smile, Adelle then just turned and walked away. "See ya later."

Deciding not to bother her anymore, Ron didn't give her a chase. "Take care on your way!"

She just waved her hand to reply to him.

With everything she needed in the bag. Adelle decided that it was time to head back to the cottage. As the sun already slid from its peak, she had estimated that she would arrive just before sunset.

To her luck, she managed to get a ride from a caravan that was just set out from Rumabel. Thanks to her reputation working with Ron under the town's guild on various commissions.

They told her that they were heading for town in the east and taking the King's Road, which was just perfect for her in a reasonable amount of silvers.

Sat under the wagon roof, she let the forest breeze graze her soft cheek. Losing her thought to the possibility of her plan.

'What if I failed? I would be punished for sure. But it's worth the risk.'

It was not Lefazio himself that she feared. It was the Gramps' colleague, whom Adelle calls him her master, the one who sealed the Rune of Obedience on her.

Before being under Lefazio's care, Adelle was an orphan of war during the time when demons rained stones of fire upon the earth, known as the Invasion.

When she was little, her village was ravaged by demons. They attacked without warning, and knew no mercy. Her parents sacrificed themselves to save her.

Seeing hope to survive was gone. All of sudden, the forces of demons were counterattacked. Barrage of magical arrays rained down upon them.

Warriors in clad armor one by one warped through flashes of teleportation and then fought the demons back.

Later, the leader of the clad-armored people snapped from the brightest flash. The very talented young man. His striking golden blonde hair caught the most attention from all people present and demons alike.

Little Adelle was there, witnessing how he cast forth blazing fire that soared as phoenix in one breath. It completely seared any lesser demons and fatally injured the bigger one in its path.

Outpowered, the horde of demons fled. Not many of them made it out alive. However, these are merely the surface of their rampages.

Many of the villagers then rallied to safety. The talented man who led the army stood in front of all of the refugees and asked, "Would you all work under me to thrive and fight back? You are all free to choose."

The villagers muttered to each other. Some who still think highly of themselves refused. Unlike those who've lost almost everything.

Little Adelle didn't know much at that time, but she was truly grateful for her aunt, the only person who survived with her and was willing to comfort her by wiping away her tears and blood spatters at such desperate times.

"Let's follow them that saved us," said the aunt. She smiled at Adelle but the little girl just couldn't stop hugging her.

The moment of her parents dying still flickering in her mind. Her cries took all the words from her mouth.

On the following morning, the villagers who accepted the man's offer boarded the airship. Leaving behind those who refused. But the leader of the army is not that cold hearted. He gave them some armor and weapons.

Under the warm sunlight above the clouds, all the refugees then lined up on the airship deck. One by one, they were ordered to make a vow to the leader. To serve under him. He then, with help of his trusted thaumaturges, uses their Vis to write the Rune of Obedience around the refugee's neck as proof of loyalty.

Many hesitated and sounded their complaints which made the leader speak, "it may look like I'm stripping your freedom. I'm not a tyrant, I won't force you to do things that are wrong. Have a month for you to see it for yourself once we arrive at my land. Then, you may decide to stay or leave."

Some asked the guarding soldier. Most of the answers they received are the same. "Trust him. Take the chance."

The villagers were left with not many options. Having calmed at last, they lined up to receive the rune.

The leader projected his Vis on his fingertip. Then he touched it to the person's neck and said, "would you willing to accept it?"

Once he has him or her acceptance. The rune would appear circling around the neck then vanished from the eyes. Sealed the vow underneath their skins under fair circumstances.

Until it was Little Adelle's turn, the leader stopped for a moment.

She trembled, but pushed herself to stand unhesitantly. It was the blonde young man that seared the demons with a bird of fire.

The leader's azure eyes gaze met the little girl's light blue iris. He patted her on the head. "Silvery hair. You are a Lektia. One that would be gifted with Venevisium or the revered Primuvisium."

Shortly known as Primus, a higher version of Venevisium which was rare and of course, much more potent and influential.

"What is your name, little one?" he continued.

She looked back to her aunt only to receive her smile and said, "It's alright, darling."

With all her bravery, Adelle turned back to him.

"A–ad–ade–elle." She pulled in her breath a little hard to suck out the runny nose. The wind was rough up here.

The young man then crouched. "Adelle, can I get your hands?"

She nodded. Her small arms had a dried scar from a demon's claw. She put it on top of the man's palm which then glowed in a red-warm light.

It was the man's Vis. Eventually it healed her wounds. The scar vanished like they were never there before.

The soothing red glow persisted on Adelle's hands. It perplexed the man, since he already ceased the usage of his Vis. Then he realized it was Adelle's own Vis.

He then made a little scratch on the back of his hand and ordered Adelle to use her Vis to him. As expected, the scratch then slowly healed.

Adelle has awakened the similar Aspect just like the leader had, the Aspect of Sano, right in front of him.

The man then stood and moved his finger, creating the rune around her neck then repeated the same asking phrase like before.

"Yes!" she answered firmly. People cheered seeing the little girl forgotten her sadness for the moment as she smiled and laughed joyously to her newly awakened Vis Aspect.

From this point, their life changed drastically. To her, boarding the airship was truly an unforgettable experience.

Seeing how the vast ocean filled every angle of her view. How the beauty of sunset and sunrise looked from the highest point man ever made possible.

A week later, they arrived at a big town on the snowy land borders. Again, the refugees who never had seen snow, filled with awe as they touched the white dust.

It was the man's land. He provided them with shelter, sustenance, and most importantly the opportunity to contribute to the society that he built.

Every effort and contribution would be compassed towards the leader's army growth.

Those who are capable would be assigned to tasks like hunting, building, and farming when the season came. Both men and women. Those who are eligible would join the military. Children like little Adelle would receive education and be taught how to manipulate Venevisium.

It was almost like a utopia.

'Until I started to yearn for my freedom.'