

A young man is transported to a fantastical world and embarks on a thrilling journey filled with danger, discovery, and fights. He have a special ability to adapt to anything and surpass his limit. Follow Lukeas together with his brutal training and uncover the truth of the multiverse! ****** Not a harem... A single love interest is already hard to handle and develop... And you want me to make a few more?? Hell nah

Night_Star_Gaze · Anime & Comics
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72 Chs

Chapter 22: What a jerk.

"Who's next huh?!" the oldman asked, but now everyone can see him starting to sweat. But still the oldman haven't shown any signs of fatigue. On the other hand Lukeas who was still practicing his collection of styles suddenly felt a hand on his back and he suddenly felt it pushed him forward forcefully. Which made him exit his sea of consciousness.

"What the heck?!" he exclaimed and turned around only to see Arthur with a smirk on his face. "What? I dont wanna go first you go and fight the old man" he said in a very annoying tone.

"fuck you.. Go eat shit.. I'm not listening to you. I don't even know who you are" Lukeas said creasing his eyebrows. "what a jerk" he mumbles..

Then suddenly Arthur lunge at him and pushed him, this time even harder. So Lukeas pushes him back. "what your problem?!" Lukeas asked annoyedly.

"I know what you have been doing, you shit! I know you're learning all their moves." Arthur smirked. While Lukeas started getting nervous. 'Does he know my ability? How? I never showed it yet!'

When suddenly Arthur started talking again "It must have been hard, being weak that is.. You scum needs to study, think and do all desperate attempt just to defeat someone stronger."

"But i dont need that.. Because I'm strong. And ill be stronger.. And I'll be God" he said as his smile grew larger.

Then Lukeas smiled.. "Then you dont think at all and just punch? Hah.. I understand now, Orcbrain"

"You bi-"

"HEY! You two! Seems like you guys want to settle something yeah? Wanna fight it out?" the old man said with his lips curving upwards interrupting Arthur mid speech.

"I'm getting sick fighting you guys anyways." the old man sigh as he turned around and slowly got down the ring. "Now, don't be shy now.. Hop in!" he said pointing at the ring.

Which Arthur accepted openly as he pushed Lukeas aside and confidently stride into the ring. Lukeas didn't actually want to fight since for him he was not ready yet. But since he doesn't have a choice he just went with it and got up the ring.

And the moment he stepped on the ring the atmosphere suddenly got tense as Arthur was looking at him seriously and he even have a hint of killing intent on his eyes. Too bad it was too faint to be detected.

"You two.. What weapon do you guys prefer?" the oldman asked not caring about the atmosphere at all.


A moment later the match have started yet no one have made the move yet.

Lukeas have taken a basic stance called Schlüssel Stance back on earth how he remembered that name is still beyond him, perhaps because of the adaptation his brain have taken?. His stance was wide and steady, and he could easily attack at any given moments. Hes also holding a sword that is quite similar to a rapier but it was a little bigger than a normal rapier. And from his years of experience as a game nerd he thought it's quite similar to the sword in a Fantasy-Finale VII called genesis rhapsodos rapier.

Arthur, on the other hand, exuded an air of cockiness that bordered on stupidity. His posture was lax, his guard down, but he seemed utterly unfazed by Lukeas' formidable stance. He stood tall and proud, a smug grin playing on his lips, his eyes twinkling with overconfidence.

The crowd held its breath, waiting for the battle to commence. Lukeas eyed Arthur with a mixture of caution and curiosity, wondering how this smug opponent would fare against his D.I.Y swordsmanship.

Suddenly, Arthur lunged forward, his movements swift and unexpected. Lukeas barely had time to react, but he managed to parry the blow just in time, his blade clashing against Arthur's with a metallic ring that echoed through the arena.

The battle had begun, and the two opponents moved with lightning speed, their swords flashing in the sunlight as they exchanged blows. Lukeas' Schlüssel Stance proved to be a formidable defense, but Arthur was no slouch either, his unpredictable movements and wild attacks keeping his opponent on his toes.

As the battle raged on, the crowd cheered and gasped, their excitement growing with every passing moment. Who would emerge victorious in this epic showdown of skill and wit? Only time would tell...

As the battle between Arthur and Lukeas raged on, it became increasingly clear that Lukeas had the upper hand. Arthur was valiantly trying to hold his ground, but he was steadily being pushed back by the relentless assault of his opponent. Each time he managed to evade one of Lukeas' attacks, another would come hurtling towards him without a moment's respite.

It was a sight to behold - Lukeas' mastery of the sword was truly awe-inspiring. His movements were fluid and graceful, almost like a dancer, yet at the same time they were deadly and precise. With every flick of his wrist, his blade would trace a glittering arc through the air, each stroke more mesmerizing than the last.

Lukeas' attacks came in a dizzying flurry, one after another, as if he were performing a deadly ballet. The beauty of it was almost hypnotic, but at the same time it was horrifying to watch. No matter how hard Arthur tried to parry or dodge, he simply couldn't keep up with the sheer speed and skill of his opponent.

And it wasn't just Lukeas' speed that was so impressive. As he switched between different stances after each attack, it was like watching a master painter create an intricate tapestry of blades. The seamless transitions between each move created a never-ending pattern of lethal beauty that was truly mesmerizing. It was as if Lukeas wasn't just fighting, but creating a work of art with each stroke of his sword.

But everyone seems to have a single thought in their mind. 'why is it so familiar?' it's as if they have seen it before. But they just couldn't tell why or how.. But some if them can... And those who can see it was shocked beyond their mind. The Oldman, the royal siblings, the two twins, and Camille who was watching everything.

'He-.. He's using all the fighting styles of everyone that fought me earlier.. And combining it to one!.. N-now it makes sense why he chose that weird sword! Because with its length he could make use of the spear's and the longsword's fighting styles, and with its double edge he can use almost everything he saw, and with its weight he can easily perform those slash!.. A genius! No.. A master!.. ' the oldman was grinning wildly while watching the fight.. He was starting to regret not fighting that kid..

But suddenly his eyes widened even further..' T-that move! '


On the ring Lukeas suddenly "missed" which Arthur didn't hesitate to take advantage of. And speaking of Arthur he looked like a mess.. He already have sustained a dozen of cuts throughout his body, his breathing was labored and unsteady his body shaking in fatigue. And as if being desperate he quickly strikes the gap on Lukeas' defense... Not even wondering why he somehow missed.

Seizing an opportunity, Arthur lunged forward, his sword aimed for Lukeas' midsection. But just as the blade was about to make contact, Lukeas shifted his weight and deftly sidestepped the attack. In a split second, he had closed the gap and was striking back with a vengeance.

Arthur barely had time to register what was happening before he felt a powerful force on his sword. Lukeas had effortlessly blocked his attack and was now twisting and weaving his own sword with deadly accuracy. Arthur's arms shook as he desperately tried to hold on to his weapon, but it was no use. In a final, swift motion, Lukeas disarmed him, sending Arthur's sword flying through the air.

As the crowd erupted in cheers, Arthur stumbled backwards, disoriented and defenseless.

Back on the ground Adam the first volunteer have his eyes opened wide with shock because that move was the one that defeated him.. 'He... Did he just?-' a look if confusion surfaced on his shocked expression.

And those who understand whats going on have a single thought once again..

'He copied the oldmans move!'

'He copied my move!'

'He copied Dylan's move!'

"Surrender, Orc brain," Lukeas sneered, his sword pointing dangerously close to Arthur's throat. The tension in the arena was palpable as the spectators held their breath, awaiting the outcome of the match.

Arthur's heart raced as he tried to think of a way out of this situation, then he smiled. On the other ground before he could say something, a sudden glimmer caught the attention of the old man Dylan. His eyes widened in shock as he realized what was happening.

'That bastard!!' Dylan cursed inwardly as he desperately tried to intervene. But he was too late. With a deafening crack, a massive bolt of lightning struck the ring, causing a thunderous explosion that sent Lukeas hurtling through the air.

Arthur couldn't help but laugh maniacally as he watched Lukeas' body slump to the ground, smoke rising from his singed clothing. "HAHAHAHHA WHO'S STUPID NOW??" he taunted, relishing in his victory and the adrenaline coursing through his veins.