A soul mismatched and misplaced is at the end of its life going to be reincarnated into Dragon Ball but not as he imagined it to be as he isn't going to be a Saiyan nor human but a Frost demon "Don't own Dragon Ball, I am bad at English and no regular updates"
"What the hell?" Were the only thoughts that came to mind once Andy came to himself
Andy is your typical salaryman who isn't really exceptional is what everybody in his past life thought but when night came he would become one of the most famous street artist of all time nicknamed Joyboy as he would always leave the phrase 'It's a joyous night gentlemen' next to his paintings besides that he was also a fan of manga, anime, manhwa, light novels and many more of entertainment forms
He already knows he is dead as he can remember that one night he got dressed into his usual disguise which consists of black pants, shoes, zip-up hoodie and bandana and went out to paint on a street wall but just when he was about to begin to paint he encountered a robbery
A woman was being held at gunpoint from a seemingly bald middle-aged man who is wearing a dark blue jacket with red stripes, gray pants and was holding a what seems to be 9mm beta and being good Samaritan he was he saved the poor woman from the router via means of a tackle
But fate is a cruel bitch as when he saved the woman he was shot by the robber 3 times before stumbling backward
He could see the robbers confusion and fear in his eyes he probably didn't expect things to turn out like this well neither did Andy
The shots all hit the vitals and he would soon die but just before he died two blinding lights came from both his left and right before the world turned to darkness and moments later Andy woke up
He knows what happened as you see when he stumbled backward he landed on the road while a little later two trucks came to a collision with him in the middle ending his short 27-year-old life
Yet even with this information, he was surprisingly calm which is strange as in his life he was always easily panicked and surprised
Feeling his body he realized that he doesn't have a body but with some effort, time and experimentation he managed to materialize a humanoid body just without a face or anything for that matter except hands, legs, toes, fingers and the basic human body structure
When he looked around himself with his nonexistent eyes he spotted a computer in the distance
It seemed to be a white HP computer just without the logo while the desk it was resting on was seemingly made from oak wood while there was also a genuine leather chair while there was a lack of a keyboard and mouse
Walking up to it he turned it on and sat in the leather chair across the monitor on which a message was shown
{Hello I am the Dimension Center a device which has stored all worlds and dimension and their past, presents and future}
Reading the message Andy was dumbfounded but looking at the whole situation it wasn't so abnormal but quickly another message was shown
{User may ask yourself why are you so calm in this situation, where you are so let me answer that and why are you here}
(Damn it's like it can read my thoughts) Was what Andy was thinking before nodding as it wouldn't be weird if considering the situation something could read his thoughts
{You are calm because I surprised and slightly altered your personality as for where you are it is called the Hub, in other words, the main part of the Dimension Center as for why you are here it is for reincarnation}
Suddenly realization hit Andy and he realized the situation but he had one question ( Why am specifically I here and talking to this thing right now? )
{As for why you are here it is because of your soul. You see every soul created has an affinity with a world and when somebody or something dies their soul gets reincarnated in the same dimension with either more soul or less soul so a human, if he loses a part of his soul can become an animal or a plant, can gain a soul and become a human. As for your soul, it isn't completely compatible with the dimension you were in so after your death you are going to be reincarnated into a different world or rather into the world, your soul should be in{
It was all jaw-dropping information but because of his new personality Andy was calm without any problems but a few questions as any normal person would have
"In which world am I going to reincarnate in?" A fairly standard question but it is essential as information is power
{The world of what your dimension calls Dragon Ball}
"Oh cool that doesn't sound that bad being a Saiyan or having enormous power sounds awesome" Andy was a bit hyped but also scared because the world of DB is a merciless one in which the strong rule and weak die but hiped, because he remembers Naruto and DB being the anime that lead him to the dark side besides DB, has many beauties
{The user is wrong you are not supposed to be a human nor Saiyan but a Frost demon so you shall reincarnate as a frost demon}
*Crash* something could be heard shattering in this nothingness or more precisely Andy's heart
Frost demons are the race Friza belongs to and nobody likes them it would be better if Andy was a human than them so Andys heart naturally cracked but just when he was going to speak out another message appears
{User shall be granted privileges for the error that made you be in an incompatible dimension. I give you 1000 points depending on your wish a certain amount will be reduced as well as one race changing fact like making you a Frost demon without a tail}
"One question. Can I keep my past memories?"
{Yes for 700 points}
"Good then that is my first wish second, third, fourth and fifth I want to be a mutated Frost demon, I want to have all the knowledge of my past lives entertainment industry, cooking industry and technology how many points do I have left?" The technology was pretty advanced in his past world although not as advanced as in DB there still are some things from Andy's previous world that DB lacks as for entertainment well if he can't be rich thru knowledge he will do it by popularity, cooking is basically a must as witch man doesn't want to cook food for his harem or have a harem at all last but not least all of the top Frost demons are mutants Frieza, Cooler, King Cold and the rest are all mutants
{Acknowleged you have 20 remaining}
"Can I put those points into something like improving my memory or body?" This was a big wish from Andy as he wanted to use the racial changing fact for something but if he could use points why not
{Yes it is possible}
"Then I wish to be a man as Frost demons don't have a gender I want to be a Frost demon with gender specifically a male is that possible?" That's right being male is more important than sanity as the Frost demons are known as a genetically inherit sadistic and psychotic race but even with that knowledge Andy still would have picked to be male instead of having a sound mind
Why well it was one of Andys greatest wishes as there are a lot of beauty in DB witch he wants but he couldn't put strength above fun yet with more points he can
{Yes and it costs 20 points}
"Perfect implement all of that and for the race change I want to be wiped off the Frost demons personality and urges such as their sadism" There it comes Andy now became a truly unique Frost demon
"Good now I am ready to go in witch timeline will I be born in?" Time was a very important aspect of reincarnation and knowing the time you are born is a big advantage
{The user decides}
"Then I wish to be born 7 years before Goku lands on earth" In Andy's mind 7 years is perfect as Frost demons are known to go into an incubation period after birth being encased in eggshell like now that lasts from a few months to years with the longer the frost demon being inside the stronger they are at birth so Andy has 10 years to be born more than enough time by his estimates
{Allowed. Good luck and good bye}
So the body disappears from the chair and if Andy had a face he would be grinning as from now on his adventure begins