
The Frost Demons

*Disclaimer: In DB we don't know much about the frost demon race or their planet so 80% of what I am going to say about them is my pure imagination so yea


It has been 11 years since Andy came to this world and he was finally being 'born' or more like hatched

11 years ago when Andy was created he did what all Frost Demons do they cocoon themselves into an eggshell-like sphere where they incubate themselves until they hatch

The process takes from a few months to years and the more time a Frost demon spends in a cocoon the stronger they are expected to be that is why today is such a monumental day for the Frost demon on their home planet (Sorry don't know the name)

Most Frost demons stay in incubation for roughly 1 year as for the strong or mutated ones such as King Cold or Frieza they stay in incubation from 6 to 8 years depending on various conditions yet at this moment Andy has been in incubation for 11 years surpassing the highest of 8 by 3 full years meaning that his power upon birth will be incredible

After the 10 year mark of Andy's eggshell like state some Frost Demons began to doubt if he is alive so they brought many machines and did many tests only to confirm that he was indeed alive

Now 1 year later cracks began to appear on the smooth surface of the cocoon and every Frost demon came to see the soon to be a newborn powerhouse of the universe and the glory he will bring to the Frost Demon race

The Frost demon race don't value honor and heroism they value glory while most Frost demons are sadistic and cruel with rare exceptions and while they don't mind working with their own kind like Frieza and Coller like in the example Frieza won't feel anything if Coller or King Cold died but the fact is that they value glory almost as much as power that is mostly why King Cold, Frieza, and Coller came to see the newborn they came to see their future glory

After another 10 minutes the shell broke leaking out mist from its cracks and after another 5 minutes it was completely vertically split in half with an uneven edge looking like lightning passed thru the eggshell while only moments later a gargantuan figure rose up from the mist

Frost demons are usually born with very high combat power but they are unable to suppress it so what happens is that later generations accidentally destroy stuff or kill things so they created stages and transformations like Frieza's 4 forms but Frieza's last form is actually his birth form, in other words, the form he was born in so Andy's form right now is probably going to be his most powerful form

Once the mist cleared a hulking black, white and red, 180 cm monster can be seen which is odd as usually Frost Demons are born with a hight around 140 cm

The body was white except certain areas like around the neck, eyes, and spine which were colored in a black pigment almost seeming like a tattoo not that Frost demons knew what a tattoo is but the black wasn't only on the upper body

The tail was also black at its end with a spiral pattern going around the tail before meeting up with the spinal black part

Black lines similar to the ones from the tail could also be seen on Andy's chest region which has a crimson chest plate like Frieza but this one is surrounded by the black lines and it has 3 lines one going inbetween his chest coming at two sides of his neck and also connecting with the spine while the other 2 go down and separate into his legs going across his knees finally arriving at the ankle where they stop and circle around the Encke while above the Encke is a purple like part surrounded by lines like Frieza's but a crimson red color

On his shoulders are also crystals like Fiza's and also red and with black lines surrounding the and going 2 ways

One way is shorter and leads to the neck connecting with the necks black part while one is longer and goes across the arm and elbow towards the wrist where it circles around it like the ankle and like Frieza has crystals on his forearms but a red color

All in all the hight combined with the color Andy looks like a demon just without the horns and while everybody was gawking at him something happened

Andy's arm grew a blade or more like a blade came out of Andy's wrist then it slid back in it then a spike grew from his knee then it slid back in

(It seems I got the ability to change my body with growing spikes and blades out of any of my body parts I also guess that I also have regeneration like Frieza) Were Andy's thoughts and the controlling of the blades came completely naturally to him like instinct making marvel at the Frost Demon race before he noticed everybody gawking at him so he stepped forward but an incident occurred once he did so

When he was stepping forward which he didn't manage to do he waved his left hand to clear the smoke but once he did so he accidentally made an air blade from how strong the gust of wind was and killed a Frost demon

The Frost demon wasn't that strong as he was in incubation for 2 years and was born last year but still, he was born sooner so he was expected to be stronger for now yet here Andy accidentally killed him with a swipe of his hand

Seeing this many Frost demon turned on their scanners only for most of them to break but those that didn't break showed an astronomical amount

It was 1 700 000 that is an astronomical amount for most races even for the Frost demons

In the grand scheme of things and compared to Angels or Gods it isn't much power but one has to know that in the incubation period it isn't the power that is nurtured but the potential

Frost Demons don't need to train and rarely do Frost Demons train as they like the easy way out and their power always grows just by existing so after the incubation period the speed they gain power at depends on how much time they spent in the eggshell or rather cocoon

Frieza was in an eggshell for 7 years and when he got out he had a power level of 530 000 while he has lived for 70 years excluding the 7 year incubation period and at full power has 120 000 000 units of power yet here Andy was born with almost 1/90 of that

The power itself isn't much but Frieza has lived a whole 70 years while Andy was just born the potential difference is huge that is why every Frost Demon was shocked even King Cold was included but before they could speak Andy spoke or rather laughed

"Hahaha hello my fellow breatherin you may ask yourselves how I can speak well I was conscious for the last 3 years and learned a lot of things hahaha so this is Forst Demons so this is part so this is snow hahaha" John manically laughed trying to get into his role and surprisingly talked as he put his right leg on the cold, hard metal ground with a loud stomp gaining everyone attention

Frost Demons at birth are already adults but they don't know how to talk and even thou they would learn how to talk very fast they still couldn't talk at birth so this was a big surprise

"I am King Cold you are named Sycamore your father is Icing and from today onwards you are going to join the Frieza Force" King Cold was the first to snap out of it, walk forward and talk wanting to get Andy to join Frieza force like all other Frost Demons do and at this point the other Frost Demons snapped out of it too while they considered his talking normally after all no one knows what would happen if you were incubated for 11 years as it never happened before

"I am Frieza your older brother and this is Coller my older brother" The next one to step out is Frieza he acted as he should have like the galactic emperor he is but before Coller could talk Andy interrupted him

"Hahaha I know your name older siblings and King Cold but I am not going to join Frieza force my instinct are telling me not to so I would request a spaceship and star map of all the planets you know if you don't want to I will gladly fight you to death to it but I would rather not die so that I can expand our grasp hahaha" Andy or rather Sycamore didn't want to expand or anything but he had to act so that he can get to earth for more than one reason first 80% of what he knows about Dragon ball is happening on earth and while that is important the real reason he wants to go away is because he wouldn't fit in with the Frost demons since he has his memory and isn't sadistic like other Frost demons plus another fact that he is male so Sycamore gave them a proposition

The Frost demons do a very simple thing to earn a living they are traders but they don't trade food but planets or rather they come to a planet, enslave it's population or kill it then they sell the planet to the highest bidder while using the slaves as a workforce easy but there is an obvious problem they constantly need more planets so what Sycamore proposed is that he goes off and kills civilizations, notifying Frieza force of the location and finally Frieza sells off the planet while Sycamore looks for more planets to destroy that is at least what King Cold thinks

"Fine you set out now" King Cold thought for a bit and agreed because as told earlier Frost demons care for glory and power but not their own kind and King Cold seeing that he can't get Sycamore to Frieza force doesn't really care he will kill him if he refuses but Sycamore had a profitable idea that will cost neither King Cold nor Frieza anything while they earn money so why not

King Cold turned towards some Frost Demons commanding them to prepare a spaceship and moments later a spaceship is in front of Sycamore with King Cold gesturing towards it

Sycamore just grinned his plan had been a success and now he is in front of the spaceship looking around himself or rather looking at the frozen home of the Frost Demons

The buildings were all very tall and didn't have windows but seemed to be completely metal in contrast to this earth spherical buildings while it had a look similar to Sycamore's previous earth but without the silver shine that all the buildings have or the piles of snow gathered on them

Looking behind himself Sycamore sees the building he came out of which was shorter than the surrounding buildings and more cubical while it had an open entrance without walls nor doors if somebody looks carefully they could spot bluish white sphears at the back those are the new Frost Demons that still haven't hatched

Looking at everything carefully Sycamore sees an incoming snowstorm yet he doesn't feel anything when it hits but he is sure everything is in subzero temperatures here reminding him once again that he is no longer human with a bitter smile he focuses on what King Cold has been telling him

King Cold told him about navigation, the star map, and autopilot so Sycamore got into the spaceship and set out from his home planet with his gaze lingering on it he let out a sigh of satisfaction as it the whole confusion is known as his birth no one noticed his acting, loopholes in logic nor an additional dangling body part in between his legs but the gazes from all the other Frost Demons, King Cold, Frieza, and Coller were directed at him until he gets so far away he exits the planets gravity

Sycamore turned on auto navigation and set the course to a planet in the opposite direction of the earth but not before he looked and memorized all the planets in the star map prompting him to praise the Frost Demons and their brains which lead to him doing tests and experiments on himself

He tested his regeneration, strength, speed among other special abilities such as telekinesis and his blades/spikes producing the ability

He found out quite a lot like that his regeneration is at insane levels, not Wolverine insane but still he cut his arm off and it regrew back 10 minutes later he also slashed himself and regenerated 5 minutes later without any visible wound, scar or energy loss

As for the spikes and blades he can extend the spikes 6 meters and make them as thin as a needlepoint at the end as for the blades he can extend them 4 meters and make them the width of a standard sword

His telekinesis is weak and can only lift small objects such as pencils or paper not that he has any here as for the strength, speed, agility etc. they are as expected OP as fuck to the point he didn't even look at his results for too long as he was afraid he would get the unholy retribution of his past world's scientists

He then proceeded to do something important his first transformation or rather his first suspension as with a combat power of 1 700 000 he can't even walk on earth without destroying it

Sycamore didn't want an ugly transformation even thou Frost Demons themselves aren't really pretty boys but they are better than many members of the Frieza force so still he wants something decent and possibly something without an elongated head

So he created his second form which lasted 1 week a form smaller than the first standing 172 meters tall and it looked menacing even more so than his first form

His face changed to an almost mask-like appearance if compared it looked like a hollows from Bleach no rather it looked like Hiyuri Sarigakis top part up to the jaw but with 2 horns and without the colored red bit but his jaw both top and bottom looked like the jaw from Halibel while his arms and legs elongated a bit and the ends of his fingers became more claw-like with spikes at the ends of the fingers

The red parts and black lines disappeared almost entirely but he still had 2 red parts on his knees instead his elbows have blades coming out of them and his foot which was 3 long fingers before turned almost paw like with more of a hind leg look from lions or other big cats as for his tail it got many bony sections protruding out of it with blades attached to the bones but bright red muscle in-between the sections all in all he looked like a frightening Oni

But what intrigued him after the transformation is that the speed is something incomparable with his power level

In his transformed form, Sycamore has 1232 battle power but his speed is on par with people in the 60 000 regions prompting him to do more experiments, more test, more training and transformations

After 3 months he arrived at the targeted planet but from his reasherch, he found out something that changed his view of the Frost demons forever

Hei yo it's me your darling author here enjoy another chapter and like last time I still believe Saiyans and humans are overrated in Dragon Ball anyway good bye

Electezcreators' thoughts