
Strongest Abandoned Son

When Ye Mo suddenly woke up, he realized that everything around him seemed to have changed. His pretty master was nowhere to be seen. Most importantly, he remembered something scary that wasn’t about himself. Therefore, Ye Mo hurried to run into a small alley without people after class. The first thing he did was pull down his pants. He just wanted to check out his p**is. ------ **Warning: This novel contains mature content** Release Rate: 14 Chapters/Week

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2258 Chs

Renting Home

Translator: Timothy_ Editor: Tehrn /Carolin

Ye Mo took the cheque and said, "Just like the other one, simply throw the charm at the patient and say 'Lin'."

"Um, what is your last name, and would it possible for you to come see my mother with me? I will double that cheque as commission," taking the spirit cleansing charm, Jiang Li felt that her hasty mind seemed to be gradually calming. On top of that, this paper-looking charm weighed quite something which gave her more confidence in Ye Mo, and that's why she thought about inviting him.

Ye Mo waved his hand: "I don't need to go, this charm will definitely save that person."

Su Jingwen could only leave


The first thing Ye Mo did after getting the 50,000 dollars was to find a place to live because he needed some herbs to make some serums, and it wasn't convenient for him in the school; it would be much better if he rented a house outside.

The Ning Du district and the Ning Hai University where Ye Mo went to school were coincidentally on the north and south respectively. Although it was all in the same city, there were more than 30 km of road in-between. When Ye Mo had found Ning Du, it was already almost midnight.

There were two reason why he wanted to find somewhere to live far from the university. The first one was because he didn't want the people in the school to know his secrets, and the second was that he wished to run to the school in the future in order to train his body.

Just when Ye Mo gave up on looking for a house for the night, a little yard with faint traces of spirit Chi appeared in front of him. What gave Ye Mo an unexpected joy was that there was actually a sign saying "For Lease" on the yard.

"Who are you looking for?" as the door was knocked open by Ye Mo, a woman in her fifties appeared and scanned him. Meanwhile, Ye Mo forgot to reply to this woman because he saw that there was actually a Silver Heart Grass here. No wonder spirit Chi was emanating. He was surprised to see this herb here. 

Ye Mo forced down the excitement in his heart and faced the woman who looked at him with a weird glance before he hurriedly said: "Aunty, I saw that this place was for lease and I want to rent it."

Hearing Ye Mo's words, she finally understood for his presence. It was someone looking to rent the house, so she quickly let Ye Mo come in.

After the conversation with her, Ye Mo finally understood how this place worked. This yard house had two rooms on the east and west as well as a living room. The house owner didn't want to rent the living room, and the room on the west side was already rented by someone else. 

What took the woman by surprise was that she set the rent to be 1100 a month but this not-so-wealthy looking young man didn't even say anything and just paid out a year's rent straight away.

Ye Mo felt very pleased with his new residence. He still had tens of thousands of dollars on him right now, and for the moment, he didn't need to go out and earn money. Every day, he stayed in the yard to cultivate and also carefully moved the Silver Heart Grass into another flower pot.

After a month, Ye Mo also knew that the person living on the west side was a young woman in her twenties. However, Ye Mo cultivated every night and went into the yard every morning to practice martial arts. Meanwhile, the woman also seemed to go to work very early in the morning, and by the time she got back each day, Ye Mo had already begun cultivating in his room. Therefore, after a month, the two still didn't even see each other once.

There was still another half a month remaining before school started. This month of cultivation only made Ye Mo's Chi purer, but it was still far from the second stage of Chi Gathering. From this, it could be seen how much the spirit Chi in the world affected cultivation. However, his mortal martial arts didn't lag behind, and he was becoming more and more proficient.

Ye Mo also knew that if he wanted to reach stage 2 in this place, it would be impossible without the help of external things.

His only hope laid with the Silver Heart Grass in the yard. Yet, there was only one Silver Heart Grass, so Ye Mo wanted to keep this spirit grass alive. Ideally, it would bear seeds, and he could cultivate another batch.

Ye Mo walked out of his room and saw that there was a 20-year-old or so woman washing clothes in the yard. With one glance, he knew it was the lady living next door. Before, she always washed clothes at night. How come she didn't go to work today and washed clothes in the morning?

When Xu Wei saw Ye Mo walk into the yard, there was a hint of a smile on the corner of her mouth. 

"Hello, my name is Xu Wei, I live next to you, and I work at Li Kang Hospital."

Xu Wei was very open and greeted Ye Mo. Ye Mo also smiled and nodded: "I'm Ye Mo, a jobless nomad."

It was also Ye Mo's first time seeing Xu Wei, she was a very gentle-looking lady, and the smile on her face seemed genuine. Her hair was curled up on top of her head and didn't appear to be very long. However, her skin was very white.

The first thing he did was to look at his Silver Heart Grass and then proceeded to care for all the other flowers as well. Then, he planned to practice a set of fist techniques; however, remembering that Xu Wei was by his side, he greeted her and left.

Qing Du Lake Garden was the closest garden near where Ye Mo lived. Not only was the area big but there was also a clear lake.,

The air here wasn't bad, and the environment was obviously better than the yard. After finishing a set, Ye Mo was very satisfied, his Chi grew purer and, although it was still far from stage 2, it was good as long as he improved.

"Your fist technique is excellent, my friend. However, I've seen a lot of fist techniques, but I can't tell what fist technique you used. What a shame," just when Ye Mo was finishing up, a 30-year-old middle-aged man came over and complimented him.

Ye Mo smiled and answered, "I'm just practicing randomly by myself, it's nothing much."

"My name is Fang Weicheng. I can tell you have a great master, and my hands are itching to perform, how about we have a quick match?"

1: The "Lin" here literally means "arrival/arrive".