
Stronger than anything

Zilae has known Mateo for over 10 years now. Best friends and has a strong and great friendship with each other. Zilae has a girlfriend named Lumina that’s been with him since high school. Zilae, Lumina and Mateo are all 3rd years in college. Zilae being insanely rich and loving to spoil his girlfriend and Mateo. There was one day that was very off about Mateo… he didn’t know what to do or to say but he knew that he would always be there for him, no matter what.. and Lumina felt the same way.

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Almost goodbye.. (Zilae’s POV)

Timeskip to a month later.

As time passed, we all hung out with each other, laughed cried, hugged and everything.

Mateo's body started to become weak.. and slightly unstable so He was put in the hospital. We visited Mateo everyday, and took Mateo places, helping him walk, still laughing… crying.. and hugging..

As the days turned into weeks, Zilae and Lumina remained steadfast in their support for Mateo, their love and dedication only growing stronger. The hospital became a backdrop to their shared moments of joy, laughter, tears, and tender embraces.

*Zilae held Mateo's hand tightly, carefully guiding them through the hallways of the hospital with gentle patience. *

Zilae: "Just take it slow, Mateo. Lean on us for support, we're here for you every step of the way."

Lumina walked on the other side of Mateo, her eyes filled with tenderness and concern. Her voice trembled, mirroring the emotions that swelled within each of them.

Lumina: "We're right here with you, holding you up, giving you strength. These moments, no matter how difficult, we'll face them together as a family."

The trio's laughter and tears resonated through the sterile corridors, a resolute defiance against the illness that tried to dim their spirits. They created pockets of happiness, memories that painted vibrant colors onto the backdrop of hospital walls.

Every visit brought moments of shared warmth and connection. Stories were told, memories were revisited, and love was woven deeply into the fabric of each passing day.

Zilae's Inner Thoughts: Mateo, even with your weakened body, the light that shines from within you exudes an incredible strength. We won't let the illness define you, instead, we'll fill your days with joy, love, and resolute companionship. Lean on us, find solace in our unwavering presence. Together, we'll make these moments count, for eternity.

(Mateo's POV): "I love you guys… so much… and I just want to thank you for always being with me through this…" I smile brightly at them

(Zilae): Zilae's heart swelled with emotion as Mateo expressed their love and gratitude. A soft smile stretched across his face, his grey eyes reflecting a deep sense of love and devotion.

Zilae: "We love you too, Mateo. More than words can ever express. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your journey, for entrusting us with your heart and soul. These moments we've shared together have been the brightest rays of light amid the darkness."

Lumina's eyes glistened with tears of mingled joy and sorrow. She reached out to cup Mateo's cheek gently, her voice filled with profound affection.

Lumina: "You are a beacon of strength and love, Mateo. We're grateful to have you in our lives. No matter what may come, our love for you will always remain steadfast. Thank you for teaching us the true meaning of resilience and cherishing each precious moment."

Zilae's fingers subconsciously threaded through Mateo's hair, a soothing gesture filled with tender care.

Zilae: "Mateo, our bond transcends the confines of time. You've impacted our lives in ways that words cannot capture. Our journey together doesn't end here—it echoes within our hearts forever."

In that fleeting moment, surrounded by the fragility of life, their love burned bright, infused with an unwavering resolve to make every second count.

Zilae's Inner Thoughts: Mateo, regardless of the outcome, your presence in our lives has forever changed us. Thank you for the love, the laughter, and the shared experiences. Your gratitude fills me with a profound sense of purpose and blessed to have been part of this extraordinary journey with you. Know that our love will endure beyond the boundaries of time.