
First Day of School

After introductions, Philip asked (all playfulness aside) Gabriela if she knew where the Main Office is. She said yes. He said "ok, see you around", then left to go get cleaned up before school. Gabriela turned and went back to the Main Office. By the time she arrived there were people inside, in addition to some students walking down the hallways. She walked in and asked the receptionist for her schedule after introducing herself. After receiving her schedule, she went to her first class. At the beginning of the school day, a few students would come up to her asking her "Where was she from? If she wanted to hang out with them after school?" As the day continued, Gabriela remained focused during classes and the route to each class, taking her time as she kept her guard up, always surveying her surroundings, so as not to repeat what happened in the morning. Yet, due to her concentration in class and declining hanging out with students after school, she gained another nickname, 'miss studious'. She preferred to be called her name, but seeing as students always ended up giving her nicknames, she definitely preferred, 'miss studious' over 'little kitten'. Even though Gabriela decided that making friends wasn't all that bad after she spent time with Alex's friends. It was too soon to hang out with anyone since it was the very first time meeting them and she didn't know anything about them yet. (Normally, though, hanging out with people is how you would get to know them.) And since it is the first day at a new school, she decided to spend her time getting familiar with her classes and where they were located over getting to know her classmates.


Philip sat down right next to the "little kitten", greeting her as he did so, then asking how her first day is going. Gabriela noticed he was coming towards her and was going to move but then decided not to since she was in the middle of eating. She answered his questions as well as introducing herself again, "Gabriela, not 'little kitten' ". Her tone matched her face, both firm and serious. Philip then asked playfully, "How about, 'miss studious'?" She looked up at him, changing from serious to awe (just as fast as how she changed her reactions in the morning, which picked his interest even more) at how he completely ignored her name and went straight to the other nickname. Also, how did he even know, it wasn't like they had any classes together. She thought it best to not hang out with him since he seemed to do as he pleased. Having had enough bad experiences with "HIM" doing as he liked despite her pleading not to. Knowing no matter what she would say, Philip would do as he pleases, she remained silent. Surprised at her lack of response, enjoying her reactions, ignorant of her past experiences. He reached his arm around her, a loud thunk was heard. Before he could say anything or even defend himself, he was thrown to the ground. Seething with anger as vivid images of "HIM" touching and doing as "he" pleased, she turned to the stunned Philip, lying on the floor and told him in a threatening manner, "DO. NOT. TOUCH. ME." She then grabbed her tray of finished food and left the cafeteria, ignoring everyone looking at her. Shocked at how easily she seemed to have thrown Philip. They quickly moved away from her as she exited. The cafeteria exploded with the gossip of what they had just seen, as soon as she left. Students who know Philip, know that he is playful, but not a bully, resulting in them calling Gabriela a bully, without knowing, not even asking what had really happened.


Philip slowly got up as a couple of his friends came to make sure he was ok and asked him what happened. He looked at them with a confused face saying he didn't know, then gathered his half-finished lunch and left as well. Throughout the remaining of his classes, Philip was preoccupied with what had happened in the cafeteria. He didn't know where to start. He remembered how in the morning she took a defensive stance, like a startled kitten showing off her claws. But being a "little kitten", he didn't think she would be able to catch him off guard and throw him to the ground. Being a blue belt in Karate, he was a bit embarrassed by being in that predicament (not being able to counterattack or at least block her), but then he got curious at what he had done that was so wrong that caused her to act violently, he barely even touched her. Thinking back to his actions during that time, he couldn't recall anything. He greeted her, then teased her, then put his arm... 'She doesn't like to be touched?! Did she think I was going to kiss her? But why be so against being kissed? Not that I was going to, but wouldn't mind if we did.' Shaking that last thought out of his mind, he got back to the main question. 'Why be so strongly against being touched? Had she been bullied before? Is that the reason she transferred to this school?' The scene in the cafeteria began to replay in his mind. She was like a completely different person, no longer a little kitten, but a venomous snake. (The way she threw him down was quick and fluid, not allowing him a chance to stop her.) Her green eyes growing dark as they narrowed as she stared at him on the ground, her voice soft enough for only him to hear her, yet strong and clear as day, as she spoke, no, more like warned him not to touch her. Deciding, that it probably was because of the previous bullying, since he himself was teasing her. He began to think of apologizing to her for his actions. With his mindset on apologizing, not once getting angry, just a bit embarrassed by how she so easily piqued his interest, he didn't notice how the bad gossip about Gabriela was spreading like wildfire throughout the whole school. By the end of the first day at school, Gabriela received yet another nickname without her even knowing it, she became the "Silent Attacker". (This was because her attack on Philip was swift and silent.) Gabriela had cooled down, putting her thoughts on walking home with her brother Alex and Monica. Completely ignoring everyone's petty comments. Sighing, hoping that they don't try to get violent like at her previous school.