
Stromgarde, an undefended city -- Jorgen's case file

Amidst a series of adventures and predicaments, characters such as Elin, Glocara, Crecyda, Lawrence, Prince Galin, and Jorgen unfold intricate tales in the regions of Stranglethorn Vale and Stromgarde. They confront the vagaries of fate, delving into individual self-awareness, moral conflicts, and identity exploration. The intricate relationship between Elin, Glocara, and Varokar exhibits the multifaceted nature of their characters. In Stromgarde, Prince Galin chooses war and conceals scandals for the sake of power, his relationship with Crecyda fraught with contradictions and embarrassment. Jorgen, a pivotal figure in the story, exposes the conspiracies of Lawrence and Galin, and finds himself in dispute with Galin on moral and ethical issues. He strives to protect himself and Tusha, while also keeping tabs on the fate of Renner. Struggling between illusions and reality, Renner blinds himself to spare Crecyda from further harm, a testament to his profound love for her and his determination to oppose evil. Glocara faces moral dilemmas in her missions, refusing to be used as a tool and insisting on her autonomy. Her relationship with Elin gradually blossoms, as they jointly face challenges and predicaments. In the Refuge Valley, Glocara encounters the imprisoned Varokar, revealing a complex past between them. These events and adventures not only showcase the characters' growth and predicaments, but also reveal the intricacies of power struggles, familial disputes, and personal emotional entanglements. The entire story is fraught with suspense and unknowns, foreshadowing an even more thrilling plot ahead.

Allenyang727 · Fantasy
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74 Chs


Glocara is braiding the hair of a maid seated at the dressing table. A pot of light purple flowers sits by her window, with sunlight particles infiltrating the cracks along the pot's edge, seeping into the soil and hiding in the shadows behind bright leaves. Feeling a slight itch on her back from the sun, Glocara uses her left hand to adjust the part of her shirt adhering to her spine, subtly swaying her waist.

"Sorry to trouble you again," the maid says. "They're all too busy, and I can't do it properly myself."

"I have plenty of free time anyway," Glocara says, gazing at a small strand of hair between her fingers. "Where are you going dressed like this?"

"Accompanying my young lady to Galin's place—ouch."

"Did I hurt you? Sorry, I get a bit sensitive when I hear that name. What's your young lady doing there?"

"A date."

"A date...?"

"My young lady is delighted; after many requests from my lord, she finally earned this opportunity. It's basically an arranged marriage. I bet there's no chance, so today's scene will be awkward..."

"I've heard of such things before."

"Prince Galin has been through five arranged dates this year alone. All set up by the parents, and after one or two meetings, it goes nowhere."

"He sure is in high demand."

"He's not young anymore, and if he doesn't leave an heir..."

Glocara, adjusting the maid's braided hair, interrupts. "If that's the case, my impression of him might improve a bit. At least it shows he's not only about putting on airs."

"Why do you always dislike him so much? The prince is quite capable."

A guard enters, interrupting them.

"Glocara, a big shot is about to see you. It's better to change into a different dress." He turns to the maid. "What are you doing here? Don't sneak into this room for no reason. Be careful, or I'll report you. Get out quickly; don't be a nuisance."

"But my hair is still..."

"Find someone else to do it for you."

The maid frowns, stands up, and turns to Glocara. "I'm leaving. Remember what you promised me just now."

"I promised you something?... Well, I was just joking. I won't spill the beans."

After the guard and maid left the room, Glocara stood in place, not heeding the guard's advice to change attire. A significant figure? She quickly guessed a highly probable answer, but when she saw Jorgen enter the room five minutes later, she wasn't mentally prepared.

"Uh, you..." She immediately recognized him but didn't know how to begin. In fact, she felt she shouldn't speak casually. After all, the other party is a "significant figure" now. She leaned her left hand on the chair by the dressing table, looking at Jorgen.

"It seems you still recognize me, Glocara," Jorgen said. "How have you been?"

After hearing Tusha's words that night, Glocara harbored hostility towards Jorgen, as all signs indicated he had become someone on the same level as Prince Galin. Years later, the person who didn't like to tell the truth was back to disrupt her relatively stable life with Tusha—though there was nothing to yearn for in such a life. Years ago, he was an invader in Glocara's daily life, and today he still is, only with more power, making him even more detestable. From this standpoint, Glocara had almost extended a hundred reasons to oppose and despise Jorgen. However, at this moment, the forced aversion shoved into her brain disappeared like bubbles settling on the water's surface. Besides Tusha, there is someone who recognizes her past, proving she isn't a permanent phantom trapped in this castle.

"So far, so good," Glocara said, "but I've been uncomfortable since seeing you. What bad news are you bringing me this time?"

Jorgen glanced around the room. "Your room is not bad. At least, on this point, you should thank Galin."

Glocara sighed, sat on the edge of the bed, and supported her body with both hands. Comparing Jorgen's current face with the image in her memory, she realized the five years were clearly visible on his features. Then, at this moment, she glimpsed her own reflection in the mirror. Maybe I'm not much better than him. She looked away.

"You certainly didn't just come to visit this room. I heard from Tusha about your conversation."

Jorgen sat in a chair. "How did he describe it?"

"I can't answer that because I don't know why you approached him. Jorgen, can I ask a question?"

"You want to know what really happened with Tusha."

"...Exactly. Since you know what others are thinking, there's no need to speak, right? So, I just..."

Glocara swallowed the second half of "I just hate talking to you." She felt she shouldn't appear so relaxed.

"It's a quite complicated matter," Jorgen said, "involving many people, and Tusha is just one of them. But you're not, Glocara. You can distance yourself from all of this. Because of this, it's better if you don't know too much."

"I guessed you'd say that. However, I'm not completely clueless. I know you're conducting experiments on people."

"No problem. I won't harm you because of this. But Prince Galin might not be as lenient."

Glocara became cautious. "Why bring him up?"

"Staying here is not a solution; it'll be a problem sooner or later. Honestly, Galin and Lawrence only need Tusha. If not for Tusha's request, you..."

"I know, I know. I'm just an accessory, right?"

"In any case... do you want to leave here?"

"Tusha told you this?"

"No. But I think he will mention it sooner or later. I'm not an enemy to you or Tusha. At least, you should believe that."

Glocara stood up, stomped her foot, walked to the window, and gazed at the pale purple flower. She touched the edge of a leaf with her fingertip and suddenly felt annoyed. She picked up a small handful of soil with her thumb and forefinger, crushed it, watching it fall.

"I just don't understand, Jorgen." She turned around. "You, like a few years ago, suddenly appear before me, say a few words, and want to change my life. What kind of person are you? Do I have to... let you manipulate me like this?"

"Don't be so self-centered. I didn't come for you alone. Whether willingly or not, my work affects many people. Your way of thinking is unfair because, similarly, Tusha is also manipulating your life—if you knew all the facts."

Glocara couldn't argue. She knew Jorgen was right.

"You can try to think from this perspective: you've stepped into a world unsuitable for you, and the best way now is to leave it." Jorgen said. "Many people have had similar experiences, wanting to break free, but they never get the chance. I'm not saying I can definitely give you such an opportunity. Right now, I'm just confirming your attitude—Galoka, do you want to leave?"

"What about Tusha?"

"I know you care about how he'll fare, but this involves many complex things you shouldn't know, so I'll ask you this: What do you hope for him?"

"I can't articulate it... just to be safe, probably. And it's better to leave here too."

"Just safe, like now? You should understand that living for three years with a collar around your neck can't be considered safe at all?"

"I know." Glocara clenched her left hand into a fist, hitting the wall behind her. "I can't continue. Jorgen, whatever I say in front of you is wrong. I just... don't want Tusha..."

"Calm down, lower your voice a bit."

Jorgen certainly understood Glocara's meaning. He didn't want to pick apart her words and found it necessary to make things clear.

"So, let me phrase it differently," Jorgen said. "You want me to help Tusha."

Glocara covered her mouth with her right hand, nodding slightly toward the room's corner.

"I can help Tusha. But you need to assist me." Jorgen said.

"How should I...?"

"It's simple, leave this place. Tusha has been trying to preserve your life for the past three years. But at the same time, you've become a hostage used by Galin and Lawrence to manipulate him. This may not sound pleasant, but I have to say, staying here only adds uncertainty to Tusha's situation. If something happens to you, Tusha will... I'm not saying he'll be angry or seek revenge for you, I'm just saying he'll be unstable. And by unstable, I mean I can't predict Tusha's actions, and you definitely can't either. But currently, at least one thing is certain: for so many years, he has protected you. Frankly, I don't understand what you've done to make him sacrifice so much for you, but that's a fact and the only basis for my conclusion. This conclusion is: if you leave, it benefits Tusha. Understand?"

Glocara remained silent for a long time. Since a while ago, she had been staring at the corner of the room, only looking at Jorgen's eyes at this moment, immediately avoiding them. She understood that she indeed had no right to know all the truths. The request was too extravagant. She was just an ordinary woman protected for years by well-intentioned lies. When she was in Booty Bay, she could still feel some pride for the white house she owned and the patients she cared for, but now she was experiencing the most powerless stage of her life. Faced with Jorgen's question, there could only be one answer, but she didn't want to say it. Not at all.

"I understand. If you have a way... take me out of here, Jorgen."

"I'll do my best."

"I still want to know what's on his mind."

"Nothing strange. I want to know too."