
Strom of Fire: Trapped Together

The world is full of surprises and mystery. we know everything about our world yet there is nothing we truly understand... Humans always think that they are the most intelligent creatures on earth most of them didn't even believe in magic but are they sure? Humans are so ignorant that they don't even know about the most dangerous threat "The dark aura". Luna Morgenstern is an ordinary 17-year-old human girl whose life is going to change when she suddenly finds out about her true identity and feels a strange connection with an angel-looking man, who turns out to be her new teacher... Lucas Asmodeus is the strongest warlock of Alfheim; the place of magic. He is from the richest Asmodeus family and is a professor at the magic school. When the queen gives him the order to find half-humans he travels into the human world to find them. What will happen when Luna is one of them, will she join the magic school and leave her family friends, and the love of her life alone or will she fight for her freedom? And what will happen if a forbidden love blossoms in all this hatred, a dangerous love that no one is supposed to know about, not even the lovers themselves... ••• " Are you that naive to think that, I will let you go from here...alive?" He mocked and ambled towards me with that same arrogant smile on his beautifully sharp face. His sword gleamed like a dancing flame from the spell he radiated just now. I clutched my sword tightly, can feel the magic from my veins flooding the sword, merging us together like my own body part. And the way he is watching me with adoration in his dark eyes, I know my eyes are not blue anymore... I smirked, " I think after killing you, I can leave this arena, alive..." "Are you sure you can kill me, little fairy? " he replied, his lips tugged up in that same smirk. Ugh, how much I hate that I love it... "Of course, I can kill you. you taught me well, professor." I replied and stroked my sword at his left hand, I know that is his weak spot but he dodged my attack. I tried again and again, our shadows dancing at the rhythm of our rushed breaths on this dirty muddy ground. But he dodged my every stroke. Why didn't he attack me? And just like that, suddenly, he yanked my hand and turned me around. My back, pressing against his hard chest, and his both arms wrapped around my shoulder and waist like a seductive ivy on a tree. I wiggled to unwrap myself from his addictive hold, but his grasp was too tight that I couldn't get free, or maybe I don't want to. I am sick! He leaned lower, so close that I can feel his warm breath near my ears, shivers ran through my body like the shaky waves of the ocean, so erratic, so dangerous. I shouldn't feel like this, he is my teacher, and I hate him. But god, this feeling of his body wrapped in me, and his breath all over my flesh. I can't help but get drowned in him like some lethal addictive drug. Stupid, stupid, stupid, Luna, this is not the time to get aroused by your teacher, who is going to kill you too... I heard the audience, cheering and clapping like some maniacs. They all want me dead... I gritted my teeth as my eyes shifted to the queen. And she is fucking smirking like a bitch. Is that's was her plan the whole time...This wicked queen, she knows I can't defeat Mr. Asmodeous, no one can..he is like a god, invincible. He shoved his soft lips in my ear, dragging me from my hatred, " I told you, not to take part in this Death game... Are you a lunatic, little girl?" He whispered harshly, pulling my body more against him, and I felt like I'd been struck with a lightning bolt. So fucking...hot! I licked my dry lips, "I didn't know, I will have to fight you and you are going to be the deciding warrior " " What do you think, why I was stopping you earlier...", he growled, " Tell me what I am supposed to do now hmm...kill you or let you kill me?" •••

Rain_Droplet · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 5

Lucas p.o.v.

It's been one hour since we left Luna's house and I am driving like a caveman, breaking god knows how many traffic rules. We don't have many cars in Alfheim, people prefer to travel by train or portals. I know how to drive but I am not aware of these stupid traffic rules. Every time we stopped by the police I glanced at Luna expecting to hear her sassy comment on my driving skill but she didn't speak a word.

She is just sitting there staring outside the window, thinking god knows what... I didn't interrupt her thoughts, I am afraid that she will shout at me as she did it in her house, and then I have to tie her mouth and throw her in the trunk for the rest of the ride because no one is allowed to talk to me like that, and I will not tolerate any disrespect.

It's not like she is special, I will treat her like any other student. Although I never became torch while touching other students...fuck I didn't even touch any of them. I don't like it when people touch me or come into my personal space, I don't know why I let her touch me but it will not happen again...no more special treatment...

The cabin is on the outer side of the city in the middle of a forest protected with glamour, hidden from human eyes. We will be there in almost fifteen minutes so I decided to talk to her and get her out of her daydreaming in which she was lost for the past one hour...

" we will be there in fifteen minutes. Check all of your buttons are closed or not. I don't want those poor children to feel that trauma which I felt" I said dramatically and shook my head.

I don't know why I am teasing her. Maybe just to lighten the mood? she is so tense because of that stupid human boy. I am not going to say that I didn't enjoy that teenage drama because I did. I enjoy every single second. And god...how much I enjoyed smirking at that boy showing him that Luna is not his...

" Okay... and I know they are quite umm...big but you don't have to remind me again and again" she replied while stuttering and putting her hair in front of her breast.

I don't know that she is self-conscious about herself. She has nothing to be embarrassed her body is perfect. She is small and cute, her small waist, flat stomach, and big breast are perfect.

She has a body every man dreams about. fuck even I am afraid that she will come in my dreams. And for me that dream will be a nightmare, obviously dreaming about your student who is half of your age is not appropriate... She is indeed not aware of her beauty...

" no need to get embarrassed, little fairy. I was just teasing you. you are beautiful." I replied and her cheeks turn into an adorable shade of pink.

" You said it before...." she said and turn her head towards me and I see her beautiful blue eyes staring at me.

             She is talking about that time when I see her purple eyes. They are not purple anymore. They turned to purple just for a second but when that bastard shouted from behind they returned to blue again.

      Every witch and warlock's eyes turn green when they use magic. Fairies' eyes turn according to their source element and mine.. they already are green so they didn't turn, at least that's what everyone thinks...

I am not going to tell her about her eyes because firstly, I have to find out why her mate and eye color are different and from where her father got that gem.No one should know about it. I just hope her eye color didn't change again in front of everyone it will be dangerous for her...

"I said it... and I will say it again and again until you will stop being self-conscious about your body " I replied

" But..but you said people will get nightmares and trauma because of me," she said while pouting and I chuckle at her reaction. She is so adorable.

"I was just teasing you..." I said and ruffle her hair playfully. ugh, why the fuck did I touch her again... wait... I tilt my head to see my chest. My Aura is not showing. I take a deep sigh of relief. Thank god I don't have to be tense about it anymore.

" And...what about that comment you said earlier? closing your buttons and all? " she said while raising one eyebrow. I see her and smirk, she is back to her normal and cheerful self. Good.

" You are beautiful but it didn't mean you have to showcase your asset in front of everyone... but if you want to show off your black lace bra..who am I to stop you? I will just close my eyes and pretend I don't know you..."

"ugh you are..." she is about to say something bad but I interrupt her.

" an angel " I replied and smirk at her.

" No...you are not" she replies and glares at me.

" Ummm but you said it before...I am your angel" I replied and turn my head to see her. she is smiling brightly and her blue eyes are shining like stars...

" Okay, okay then you are my big bad angel" she replied and poke out her tongue.

My eyes roam over her tongue and a sinister image comes to my mind. Her tongue on my.... fuck.. I immediately avert my gaze. My whole body turns hot and my body started sweating in this cold weather.

I grab the wheels so tightly that my knuckles started turning white. My heart started beating rapidly. I bend my head and see red haze is flickering through my chest. my fucking mate is acting out of control. I take a deep breath. I have to distract my mind.

" yes I am... and you are my little fairy" I replied so I can continue the conversation maybe it can divert my attention from those immoral thoughts. I see her and she is staring outside of the window with a big smile.

" yes I am..." she replied and closed her eyes.

     My inner mind is scolding me about what was I talking to her. I am her big bad angel and she is my little fairy. what the fuck was that I am 31 years old for god sake and talking like a teenager.

I never let any women possess me nor did I call anyone mine. these things are not for me. Feelings and relationships weaken you and at the end of the day, people will going to left you.

They will leave you willingly for someone else or unwillingly when their time of death comes. They will die, leaving you alone with painful memories. So why love or care about someone just to get hurt at the end.

I experienced it over and over again, doing the same mistake just to get hurt at the last so one day I decided to stop that cycle. I decided not to make friends, not to love, not to care, and then I started doing great living alone...

Anyway, this will stop eventually when we go to Alfheim. I will be her teacher and she will be my student.

No more teasing and sarcastic comments and I am sure she will hate me for lying and manipulating her when she knows the truth about why the queen wants half-humans...