
A Girl Like Me

Alicia Long peered at her son who was sitting on the couch with a red face. Her eyebrow raised as she turned her attention to him while the designer continued to blubber on the side. She noticed his furtive glance towards the changing room and then the deepening of the flush. Well well. 

The last time Ru had such an expression was when she had caught him with that Playboy magazine that he had been trying to desperately hide..

Tapping her son on the shoulder, she smiled at him as he hugged her hard. Rou Rou squealed a greeting as she saw her brother in there before happily chattering about the preparations for the next day.

Just then an equally red faced Xin came out of the changing rooms and this fact too was not missed by Alicia. 

After ordering the dressed to be delivered home, Alicia sent the girls back home while commanding Ru to take her to lunch..