
Stripped Of Power: I Married a Useless Heir

Lisa Qin was a heiress who had it all; Beauty, brains, a loving family, and the highly coveted Young Master of the Yun household as her fiance. However, she lost everything when she stood up for Kaizer Yun, the most hated Miss of the Yun family. Despite helping the woman who would be her future sister-in-law, Lisa was stripped of her heiress title and forced to attend a rundown university with zero support. Friends and relatives deserted her in droves! Her only ally, the outcast Kaizer became her new roommate in the University. Unbeknownst to her, Kaizer Yun is actually a man! Born as a male, Kaizer was forced by his mother to become a cross-dresser from young, to stay alive in the Yun household. Contrary to popular belief, Kaizer is not just an insignificant man who stays in the female hostel. He is actually a first class graduate and the talented business mogul, Lord K whom the business world fears. But for Lisa Qin, he is willing to remain the unwanted 'Young Miss' of the Yun household.

Hassy_101 · Urban
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112 Chs

The chick and the python (4)

Next morning…

Lisa got ready for school and left her room. While she was locking her door, she heard hurried footsteps behind her. As she was about to turn in the direction, something came flying towards her face and the next thing was an object coming in contact with her temple, accompanied by a sharp pain that came from all directions assaulted her head. Lisa saw a white light explode behind her eyes and in the next second, everything became pitch black and she felt her body falling before entering into the abyss of darkness.


Celine's lips curled into a victorious smile the minute Lisa's body hit the floor like a sack of grain. With a broken cricket bat in her bandaged hand, she turned but before leaving, she told her girls, "Drag her body along."

"Yes, my lady," two of the girls held Lisa's hands and literally dragged her body along the passageway.

Hours later...