
Fragile Strength

In the quiet chambers of a fragile heart,

Where pain echoes its somber art,

A smile adorns a weary faces,

Concealing struggles, leaving no trace.

Beneath the facade of strength, a trembling soul,

Bearing burdens beyond control,

Yet amidst the weight of sorrow's rain,

A fragile smile, a silent refrain.

In the depths of darkness, where shadows dwell,

A flicker of hope, a whispered spell,

For even when the heart's too weak to bear,

A smile emerges, a testament to care.

Through the tears that silently fall,

Echoes of resilience heed the call,

For in each smile, a story untold,

Of strength found in the midst of cold.

So let the world see the facade we wear,

For within lies a strength beyond compare,

In moments when the heart can barely cope,

A smile shines forth, a beacon of hope.

"In the depths of vulnerability we find the resilience to smile through the pain."

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