
string's of fate ... and string of king's { anime/novel ... fanfic}

a young boy ..... was in a basket in the front of the church .... the boy was from his first second in life was giving aura of happins and greatnes .... what will he do in his life in this curl world .... and can he awake the ....p&$*#k&#&#

cosima_li_ansaldo · Anime & Comics
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moving out

it was a day.... a normal one i might also say .

i was training in the woods as always and i was training with asta and yuno .

it was a good day ... normal beutieful one ... the sky was clear ... the sun was .. will bright ... the clouds are as always the best thing to watch when ypu are done training .

it was normal to say so ... exept the part where i was making string out of thin air ....

well it is mana but you got my point ... and you heard this right i was making strings out of my mana.

i was so happy that i can control string ... you may ask ..jugram why are ypu happy with string when you could get like fire ot i dont know space magic ...

will my good frind that i talk to him in my mind ...because it have a lot .... and i mean a lot of uses .

like for one i can make wepans from string .... second ... i can make arms like that moves left and right and so on .

it was a useful magic .... and i did take advantig of it in every way ...

now you might ask your self <aka you are me in my mind but i like to talk to my self > ... what in the hell i am doing now?...

i was tur... ahm ... training the boys ... and there a cute little bird on my shoulder as i was whatcing them train with wight on them ....

i was a clothes made by my magic..... i made it be compressing the strings to make it ....

it have a have wight like 20 to 30 pound [aka like 10 to 15 kg ] .... by the way ... i am waring same clothes as them but 2 times havier .... like 40 to 60 mabey 75 pound [ aka 20 to 30 or 40 or something kg ] .

it was a heavy clothes but ... it was good trainig cuz it pays of .... a lot .

ab by the way .... my string have healing ability .....you see i learnd ... the hard way .... that my strings are spical ....

i broke my arm when i was training ..... yeah broke it .... or more of .... shatring it like glass .... but the strings that was on my back came and heald my arm ....

it was strang to say the least .... seeing your hand that was broken being heald by .... string that took the broken parts and glued it together ....

i didn't see any of the fixing part .... i was laying done in pain ... but it was .... hmmm how to say it .... it was wierd funny pain ....

i wanted to laugh when i felt it .... idk i was something like it ..... like it was really funny ... idk mabey i am crazy ... ?...

oh yeah i am talking to my self .... i am crazy huh ,... that sucks ....


p.o.v back

when jugram was thinking?... talking?.... to himself he was also doing some push-up with a bolder that was bding caried be his strings .... like arm things .

on top of his shoulder are .... a bird .... a cute looking black and red feathers one .... he named it secre .

after half an hour .

jugram was on the ground painting in a poll of his sweat .... as he was lying in his won sweat he was talking to secre the bird ''' hi secre what do you want to do now?''' he asked .

secre just looked at him and then flow over his head and went on his shoulder as he got up .

jugram just took a look arounf his srunding as he said ''' yeah lets goo to see what asta and yuno are doing ''' secre just nooded her head .

crack ... crack .

as he was walking closer and closer to where the two 10 years old boys are training he heard a cracking sound .

''' i will do 1000 push up before you yuno !''' said asta in a high pitch tone ...aka his normal voice .

''' in your dream asta i will do it first ... and then i will challeng ju-nii and become the wizard king ''' said yuno in a his normal not so high not so low tone .

asta looked at yuno and said with a grin ''' i will be the one who will challeng ju-nii and become the wizard king ''' ....

yuno just looked at him and then said ''' ok the first one to do 1000 push up and a 1000 set up will challeng ju-nii ''' ... asta heard him and nodded .

as the boys where about to being doing the training the felt someone grab there skull and squeez it .

''' acha acha ju-nii that hurts ''' said the due .... jugram looked at them and said in a cold tone ''' what did last time ? ''' .

the due then said in union ''' no fighting in training ... and doing the training as you said ''' jugram shoke his head and said ''' no i said to not suppras your limt if i was not with you ... you morans ''' .

and then he releasd them ... the boys just layed down on the floor ...[the dirt of the woods ] ... and qhere chacting there head in pain .

jugram looked at the two as the role on the floor as the tought of his talk with father oris and the whisprs he was hearing .

<<flashback some months ago >>

in the church of hage .... you can see a man in his 40 with gray hair ...to his side was a woman no older than 20 years old with dark blue hair looking at a boy who looks to be 10 years to 12 years old with brwon hair ...

it was father orsi and lily and jugram .... as the first two were sitting jugram came and said ....

''' you want to go out of the village for what ?''' said father orsi loud as he was looking at jugram like an idiot...

jugram shoke his head and said ''' i want to go out of the village for training .... i want to exprince the world father ''' he said as he took his fist to the sky ...

after arguing for arounf 10 minutes.... lily who was quite soopke her opinion and said ''' father why not let him go when he is 10 ?... i think he will be ten in about 5 months?''' .

father orsi just who heard her sighed and after some thinking he said in low tone ''' hahhh you could go when you are ten .... but ypu need to send a letter every now and then .... okay? '''' .

jugram who heard him jumped and huged orsi and said ''' yes thanks father orsi ''' the old priset just shoke his head with a bitter smile .

after some time jugram was alone in woods as he was thinking to himself ' i am going out of the village .... i will finally be able to know what this whispers want '.

as if it was wanting to this moment a ... string ... a black string that came out of thin air ... came to jugram ear and said in a low .... low tone with broken words '' place .... black .... water .... dungen .... power .... demon slayer .... help .... you power of fate '' .

and it gone after it said words that didn't make any sense for the young jugram ... not even ounc of sense.

<<back to the present >>

'and i will be 10 in a week ' tought jugram as he was looking at his two little brothers .

whispers ...

that what the wanted to know .... why it came to him ? ..... why all the people in the village have white/green string that room all over there bodys without any one bothering it ....

and why does asta and yuno have all sorts of colored string's over there heads that leads to nothing ?....

and why he doesn't have any string above him .... only one red/pink string that leads to one and only one place .....

so he needs an answers ... and he needs it next week on drago... ahem i mean ...

in the next week on his birthday and journe...


hey boyyys

it is me ramios ... i am here to say .....

i am very sorry if you see any bad/fucked up grammar ...

i am ....as you can see ... not an english person nor i have a family that nor my country speeks english even a bit good ....

so i am sorry for any bad spelld words ... i am going to be better ....

mabey ...

ahem so yeah have a good chapter

cosima_li_ansaldocreators' thoughts