
string's of fate ... and string of king's { anime/novel ... fanfic}

a young boy ..... was in a basket in the front of the church .... the boy was from his first second in life was giving aura of happins and greatnes .... what will he do in his life in this curl world .... and can he awake the ....p&$*#k&#&#

cosima_li_ansaldo · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

life in a village

in a ball of light .... that was in the castle of infinty ....there was a ...reality...

this reality have it is own ... hero .... and this hero is the one who will have the ....power.... and mind ....and soul .... to be in the cahir....


<p.o.v change>

there was a village..... a neither samll one .... nor a big one ....

it was a village of a good people that where living there ... there where farmers who will farm there food .... there where blacksmith who make tools for the farmers ....

there were children who will play all the day along .... it was a normal village except the skull ....

yeah you read it right it was a skull ... and a big one ...

it wasa big white skull with horns coming from the side of his forhead .... it have three eyes ... and it was larg skull for a monster..... a demon to pe more precise.

the people of the village now are used to it ... after all it was here from when the started to bulid there village .

not to far ... yet not to close from the skull there where a church .... a small one but it is still a church .

in the door of the church there was a basket ... a big one that is .

the basket had a three small children in it .... all of which seems to be arounf a 2 months .

the first child to the left had a black hair with beutiful golden honey eyes .

in the middle there was another child ... he had a gray hair .. and green eyes that shone with energy .... he was full of energy that you could see him movint in the basket .

the third one was a child with ... beutieful brwon hair ... and beutieful black eyes that shone with life and happines .

the three of them where is the same basket and then from the movment and noises of the middle child ...the door of the church moved.

crack ... crack.... squeek .

the door opend and it revealed a man in the robe of a prist ... a man in his 30's .... he had a gray short hair ... and gray eyes that matchs his hair .... he was holding in his hand a letter .

the man looked around him and then at the childeren ... when he saw them his eyes became a soft and he got hold of the basket in a hurry and he gor to a room in the church where it was warm .

the man put the basket down and looked at them .

when he saw the childern he said in a low tone :'' how can some on abanded this angels .... sigh no orsi every one have there own prblems every one have it '' the man ... no orsi said in a low tone .

he then took a look at the the toddlers and said in a cherful tone:''' will boys you seems to be my luck charm '''

the man then took a paper from the basket... three papers that have the name of each child .

'' the black haird one is yuno ... the ball of energy of gray is name's is asta .... and the last one with the brwon hair his name is ...''


the times is moving and it won't stope for anybody .

the time from that day moved in a slow but cool and happy speed.... and 6 years have gone like that .

in woods near the church .... there were three children that are ... playing ...? mabey training ? .

yes the looks to be training ... or the ended there training .

''' nee nee why don't we goo to the skull ''' spoke the gray haird child he was small but not that much for his age .... asta was his name .

''' no father oris said we won't go there untill we are 7 years old ''' said the black haird child who was a little bit taller from asta ... his name is Yuno .

''' aih but i wanted to go there and train ''' said asta again .

asta ano yuno begin to argue with eacg other ... and the brwon haird boy next to them said :''' asta yuno if you don't want your training to be 2 times harder ... dont fight ... and shut the hell up '''.

when the boys heard what he said the said in union :''' yes Jugram nii ''' ... yes the name of the boy was Jugram . ....

he looked at the two boys in front of him and said :'''come on boys don't fight like that it is not good for your body growth ... you need to train to be able to make good growth ''' . fup logic he know it but he didn't care .

the two boys shook there head and said : ''' hai jui nii ''' jugram just shoke his head in denial

* A/N : aka nickname for jugram ... i started to watch jojo all over again and jui nii sound like gyro when he said go johnny go go soo yeah *

jugram looked at asta and yuno and said ''' come on lets back to the church father said he wanted something ''' the boys just ran after him .

there life was ... normal to some extent ... the boys will play some time and train some other time ... and fight some other time but the lived a peacful life .

the walked on the rood that leads from the woods to the church ... and when the came out the saw a sencse that was peacful one .

farmers are farming ... children are playing ... birds are flying every thing whwre cool .

when the trio came to the church the saw father oris he was with a girl that was dressed as a nun ... she had a dark blue hair and blue eyes ... her eyes where big kind teal yes .

as the aproche xame father oris and said ''' ohh Jugram yuno and asta this young woman is sister lily she will be with us from now on ''' .

as he said that the young lady introduce her self and said in a kind tone :''' hi my name is lily ... lily aquaria and i will be with you from now on ''' .

then jugram introdouce himself and the due :''' helo my name is jugram ... and the black haird one is yuno ... he is quite shy around the strangers... and the ball of gray energy is asta ... he have some problem so be patinet ''' .

when they heard what jugram said the giggled but asta said ''' hiiii that not cool juu nii ''' jugram just laught at him .

juat like that time flow ... and it went by...


hai hai boys

it is me yout boy .... ramios ...

sooo i am not very good at english ... so plaese don't mind it .... i am very god at speaking and reading but when it come to writing i became like johnny but with no hands ...

so yeah and aaaa .... i have test .... so till like two week ? mabey the upload will be like 1 chapter per 2 or 3 day ... and i will make chapter from the speartime i have ....

soo yeah and this novel is like .... juat test for my power as an auther and my mind and that thing in it (imagintiont or shit like it idk that much ) and yeah ...

another thing ..... for every novel i make the mc and the mc wife will be yanderes ....

i love yandere sooooooooooooooo much that i love them .... so f for any one who thinks there will be any ntr cuz ... I WILL KILL THEM ALL AND BURN THERE ASHS ... bey till 2 or 3 days