
string's of fate ... and string of king's { anime/novel ... fanfic}

a young boy ..... was in a basket in the front of the church .... the boy was from his first second in life was giving aura of happins and greatnes .... what will he do in his life in this curl world .... and can he awake the ....p&$*#k&#&#

cosima_li_ansaldo · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

accident in bakery .... and the birthday party

<<jugram P.O.V>>




it finally came .... the day of my birthday... will because me and asta and yuno where found on the same day father orsi made our birthday the same .



any way i am now in the bakery of the village .... it was a bakery ran by the old couple .... the old couple were a magic knight when the were younger ... or what is the equivalent of magic knight in there time .



the have a small shop but it was also beutieful and have a wonderful baked food .... it also a place i worked in for like 2 or 3 months because ... why not i wanted to learn how to cook at some point .



now as i was wallking to there store i was greeted by a paninking old man and his wife in his hand .



i became panicked ... even tho i don't know the old cuople for long the the are like my real Jiji and grany ... the were nice to me .



i swing the arms in my back to where the are and got to them in fast speed .... as i got in front of him a hold the old woman and said to the old man ...



''' hey old man orian stop it ... what happend to grany julia ''' i said loud but there was a hint of panic in my voice .



the old man orian looked at me and then said in some reilef in his tone ''' thanks god you are here jugram ... julia and i where finishing the finall touchs on the cake when all od the sudden she holds her heart in pain ''' .



•• third person P.O.V••


jugram just looked at grany julia as she was struggling and came to his mind an idea .... his string arms disappear and strings come out of his hands at it just go to the old womans heart .



slowly put surely it was making it way to rhe old woman heart ... as jugram was focusing all of his sensing and mana on his string to reach the old woman heart and save her .



he made his way to her heart and saw it was beating slowly and almost not even moving .... jugram moves his strings that dreans almost 15% of his mana and start warping her heart slowly and at the same time moving his strings of her vein.



it was a hard ... really hard thing even for jugram as his very high mana revers are lamost gone by 30% .... his string are on a millimeter to even meicro level ...



he was geting tired but he was pushing his self past the limet of it ... after 10 senconds of moving string truogh the old woman veins as well as moving her heart slowly jugram found the problem ..



it was a small ... so small twist in the veins that stops the blood from going out of her heart and to her brain and ves-versa .



jugram with almost 10% of his mana start to fix the vein be healing/ unfolding the vein .... and finally the done it .



jugram ... now painting from his mana almost drained out looked at the old man orian and said ''' she is now all right ... she just need to rest ''' .



the old man orian keept thanking jugram but jugram said the old woman is like his grany so he just took the cake of his birth day and gest out of the bakery .



as he was rushing to the church the hits a man on his way ... as he looked at the man he apologize and said ''' sorry sir i was rushing and didn't see you in the way ... sorry ''' .



the man was a tall man as he lloked at jugram with a smile and said in a carefree tone ''' don't worry kid it is okay ... just remember to not rush thing like that any more ''' jugram juat apolpgized again and went on his way .



the man looked at jugram back as he said in a low tone to nothing ''' he will become a good pawn in the futur ... but if he can control that power he will be needed to be killed ''' .



the man in the next second faid to nothing like he wasn't there in the first place .



jugram without knowing have came on a man so strong that he will need to break his limet and break his own to do something to him .






•• jugram P.O.V back••

i finally made it finally .... it almost 6pm ..

*idk who the do time there but ... do the have clocks in bc ?*..



as i made my way to the church i saw the light are on and the children are not to be seen in the playground ...





as i got closer to the church i could hear the sound of the children in the church ... so i thought to my self ' hah the are in the church good thing '.



i made my way to the church as i opend the door of the church ... crack . crack . squeek.... with this sound the door opend ..



i was greted by the sight of as always yuno and asta fighting and nash the kid that no more than 6 years was cheering for yuno .



recca the small girl that's no more than 8 years old was trying to make the due stop fighting .... the key word is try.



as i made my way in the hands of string on my back that came back stretched out to catch the due .



as the hands warped arounf the due i came and said in a casul tone ''' i am back ''' all the children in the church turned to me and the said in one voice ''' ju-nii you are back '''even the warped due ... tho the can't talk or speek very good do to ... you know being warped .



after this little episode of fun it is now time for the birthday party .



jugram and asta and yuno where seting on a table as the cake was in front of them ... as the children and fahter orsi where singing a song .... as the ended the song jugram cut the cake .



asta looked at jugram with almost tears in his eyes as he said ''' he ju-nii that's was supposed to be our cake ''' yuno noded his head in aprovel .



jugram looked at the two and said in a sadtic tone ''' ohhh do you want to do 3 times the training ...hmm i see ''' as the two heard his voice the looked pale and said in union ''' no we were joking '''.



jugram just shoked his head with a smile in his face as the other where laughing in the background .



after half an hour of laughing and playing it was time for present ... jugram took two larg presents as he handed it to the due ..



asta and yuno loked confused be his action but jugram just said ''' open it ''' the didn't ask ant other qusetions and juat opend there presents .



when asta opened his present what came to his view was a sword ... it have a beutieful blade .... it was beutieful white blade that have a paint of a dragon on it ....and the edegs where sharp with a teeth like paint on them ... the looks so real as if it was not a paint ... the hilt lf the sword was blue and white hilt and there was a head of dragon like paint on the hilt.



as asta was the blade his eyes where filled with start as he said in a excited voice ''' oaaaao that looked so cool ... thank ju-nii i love it ''' jigram smiled at is actions as he said ''' i want you to be a good swordman and learn how to use it ''' asta nodded his head like a hungry chicken .



jugram looked at yuno and then nodded his head as go ahead sign .... when yuno opened his gift what came was a green long bow ... the body of the bow looks to be made out of some sort of expensive wood .... the string of the bow was also green in color and it was thin it stong looking one .... the bow had a crack in the middle of it ...



yuno looked at jugram to explain what was the crack for and the later did explain ''' aha this crack like thing in the bow is a hidden balde ... you can open the bow from half and it will become a spear ''' yuno nodded his head in excitement .



after the little party with the family it was time for jugram to go .... it was the middle on night and every one was sleeping as jugram made his way out .



as he did he saw the figure of father orsi wating for him .... ''' do you really need to do that ?''' said orai in a low -sad tone .



''' i need to do that father ... i need to be stronger ''' said jugram .... father orsi shook his head and said ''' what about asta and yuno who will train them?''' .



jugram said with a smile in his face ''' the can do it father don't worry especially asta ... he have a pure heart and a will to do it '''.



orsi again shook his head and said ''' ok you can go ... but remember to send letter at least once a month ''' jugram with a smile in his face said ''' i will do father i will do ''' as he huged orsi for the last time .



after this jugram took his way out of the curch as he looked at the sky and said ''' now how the fuck i am going to go ?'''





i hate my keyboard ...






ah yeah boys so hello how are ypu doing .




i am fucked up .... i have a test the next day ... and the day next to it .... and i am writing 2 novels other than this in my notes .... and u need to study for biology or some shit like that ...




ah yes i need to make a better grammer .



hehe i am fucked

cosima_li_ansaldocreators' thoughts