

Humanity was ruled by gods and in the circle of the gods, they all worked together to create a world where everything would not turn into an endless cycle of chaos. Humans abide by anything that the gods yearned for to achieve perpetuity and peace. Yet, the god of knowledge, intellect, and wisdom chose to betray them to which he belongs and decided to create a rebellion against the other gods. Because according to him, the promised perpetuity and peace were a hoax to earn the trust of mankind into a greater and selfish desire of the divinities. He found this answer while witnessing a taboo action caused by his fellow deities. And now, his ambition to create a new world for humanity has been passed on by his descendants. And they were called "Anshientiae"

zhxien · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs


Heavy breaths and a rush of adrenaline occurred on the three youngsters as they sprint away from their pursuer. It has been a while since they entered the premises of the Noguchi clan. And the first thing that greeted them wasn't guards posted to watch the security but a man holding a kitchen knife to chase after their lives. The man was faceless, his head was covered in nothing but pure skin and his eyes, nose, brows, and such were nowhere seen. The three had wondered why no one had welcomed them upon entering and the strange man had suddenly appeared upon witnessing their arrival.

"Is this what she meant by staying alive?!" Raijin exclaimed between breaths. He had almost tripped while running on a stone lingering on the ground.

They ran as fast as they could hoping to see a glimpse of a house or building owned by the Noguchi. But unfortunately, everything was covered in trees as if they had just entered the woods. Though the woods was only meant to shove the intruders into losing their direction upon entering the Noguchi land. And to conceal the home of the nobles from the eyes of many.

"Rai! Show him the pass" Hiro said.

"Faster tomato head! Are you stupid?!" said Mitsuka who was in control of shoving the fallen branches away from their way. Her palms glowed in green as she controlled the nature debris, pushing them to the side to clear up the path.

Raijin reached for his back pockets. His hand took a hold of the charm. Its lace swayed as he raised it for the man to see, waving it repeatedly for a response. They turned their heads on the man while running and hoped to get a reaction or it would make him pause from chasing. Since as far as they were concerned, they expected to stumble upon a grand mansion of the Noguchi and be filled with warm welcomes from honorable and historical warriors who had fought through the years.

"Ah! -" said Raijin when the faceless man had stopped abruptly.

They also halted from running and gave themselves in the way of panting. Though their relief was immediately replaced with wonder when a strange squeal came from the man that repeated all over again till several figures emerged from the back of the trees.

The figures wore the same dirtied tuxedo as they took a hold of a kitchen knife. When their whole had appeared clearly to them, that was the time Raijin wanted to eradicate every strawberry on Anshiantum and shove the 3rd General in an endless pit of bitter salad and drinks. Being trapped in a circle of faceless men is the last thing he had wanted before setting off on a dangerous expedition. For he wasn't sure if this would be the last time he would catch a glimpse of the land.

The three had no choice but to face them back-to-back with each other as they surveyed their whole surroundings for escape or an opening.

"Rai, Mitsuka" called Hiro. His eyes roam around the enemy. "Witches"

"Half-cooked guy, this is not the time to joke! What are you..." with wide eyes Mitsuka let out a gasp. She immediately covered her mouth in shock that made the vine she was pushing out of their path bounce shortly.

There were more than the faceless men. Behind them, there comes another wave of strange people who carry levitating voodoo dolls beside them and books and wands in their hands. Their eyes glinted in crimson as their aura oozed bloodlust.

Raijin who was a stranger on the land, had only heard of them from his grandfather. Hideo had told him that witches are said to be the Nemiendlich who had tried to infiltrate Anshiantum.

It was a couple of years way back when the division that is posted to guard the border (which is a river between Anshiantum and Nemiendr) reported sightings of the enemy. And to protect the land, the older generation of the Generals immediately arrived to stop the witches. They took their forces and rushed after the witches before they could step beyond the border. They battled their kind and slew them as they held others captive to gain information.

It was then rumored in the present that the remaining witches to this day had been freed and got to live as one of the Anshiantiae.

"Why are they in the Noguchi land?" said Raijin. Preparing himself to launch an attack.

"I have no idea" with a whisper of a chant, Hiro scattered ice blocks around and it caused the trunk of the trees near them to be frozen.

Mitsuka who had seen what the Kazahana heir had done, muttered a silent curse to herself. She had disliked seeing nature be treated as that. But she still positioned herself to support the two in making sure that they had a clear room in initiating the timing of their attacks.

"Alvary-" Raijin stopped. He returned to gaining his focus, right now he had to believe in what he could do despite the doubts that continued to devour him. Raijin immersed himself in controlling his breathing as he had thought of the things General Noguchi had taught him—controlling the flow of his energy and matching it to his breathing. It has been days since he had trained using the method, and Raijin has still struggled in executing it.

Mitsuka and Hiro who were on his side sensed his energy slowly calming. Perplexed, they readied themselves to guard and support him for the attack he might suddenly charge.

Hiro's eyes watched the witches and along with their wands accumulating controlled energy, he glanced at the young man on his back. "Rai! Now!"

Raijin remained on his feet. His eyes were still shut closed as he could still feel the rippling of energy that seemed to lead him into oblivion until he could reach into the distant horizons of his power. It was almost stable but he could still sense it slightly wavering.

Even so, he took the final exhale and his eyes flickered with a flash of lightning. As his whole charge with a ball of it that almost shredded everything into its light towards the circle of witches and faceless men that surrounded them. Raijin's fist landed on the ground creating small bolts lingering around.

The impact was a diversion to an escape for the three of them. And there were no witches and faceless men harmed in the making of this attack. Though, it was enough for their pursuers to take their steps back in keeping their distance away from the young man.

Mitsuka had taken the chance to capture the enemy by the briars that crawled and grasped onto their feet. But it was not enough and had missed some of them hidden behind far way trunks, and one of the faceless men who escaped and hid from her reached inside his coat. And it was late when Mitsuka saw that it was a gun pointed toward Raijin who was still recovering himself from the energy he released. Raijin was not aware of his life being threatened in a single shot as his back was faced on the faceless man.

Mitsuka pulled her briars to take the man but she felt the cold steel of the knife pointed at her neck and a pair of hands restraining her arms on the back to stop her from controlling the briars. She glanced at her shoulder and another faceless man rested his head towards her as if to grin at her helplessness.

"Tomato head!" she shouted. Raijin looked at her, his eyes widening in shock at the sight of her as he reached to help her yet his eyes caught a glimpse of the faceless man nearing to completely pull the trigger in shooting the bullet to him.

Just as before the gun could fire, they felt the gushing of cold air hitting their skin as a couple of small icicles came flying towards their enemies. It glistened towards the sun and resembled the sharpness of a blade as it ran closely past them, almost piercing the witches and faceless men. The icicles grazed their enemies.

"Let her go," Hiro said while rushing towards Raijin, offering his hand and helping him onto his feet.

The ice brought a warning to the man that he withdrew his knife to Mitsuka and she immediately took her way to come for Raijin.

"Mitsuka, are you alright?" said Raijin. He could still feel the vague dizziness.

"I am. How about you- really are stupid!" she replied, her hands glowed in green once again as she roughly placed it on Raijin to heal the little scratches. Raijin on the other hand grunted at the pain.

"You're from the Noguchi division?"

Their eyes darted from where the voice was. The person who had spoken was one of the witches.

Hiro took a step in front of Raijin. He made the icicles that fell on the ground and had slowly melted, float in mid-air—molding them back to take a concrete sharp again. In a swing of his hand, he pointed them closely to the witches and faceless men.

"W-we apologize!" one of them said. "We just saw your badge and we didn't know the Princess had taken someone in her care after the incident"

They had been confused about the said incident but had been more puzzled by the sight before them. The faceless men and witches had lowered their heads as they muttered repeated apologies that had sounded like the buzzing of bees. Though Raijin had also kept in his mind what they had called the 3rd General and he had thought that the title didn't suit her that well. Since 'Mistress of sugar coated berries that might lead her in following the 1st General next' might be quite fitting.

"The incident?" Raijin asked, dusting his clothes. The dizziness he had felt after releasing his attack is starting to subside.

"It's when the-" one of the witches didn't finish her response when one of them had also spoken.

"Did the General invite you here?" said another witch.

Raijin nodded but still wondered about the incident.

"Then we should lead you to her"

A mile away from the woods that surrounded the Noguchi land, a path going through the west lies a civilization of the clan. Structures were built into a town and people scattered through the area carrying their own business. Kids played around, vendors called for buyers, and some farmers had brought their goods on the stoned road between the buildings of wood, bricks, and stones. There were also a number of guards patrolling around that carried guns on their shoulders.

The three youngsters stared in awe at the peace of the land that they had almost forgotten their purpose in running those lengths just to get to that point.

Along the houses owned by the Noguchi clan members, the stone road they're walking into opened to an elevated wide space that would take them a couple of minutes to arrive at. And on it, their eyes can view a towering construct that resembled a fortress and a great gate guarding the area as guards stood firmly to secure the place. The mansion's roof held a sharp end on the tip as the insignia of the Noguchi clan was seen on the gable and walls surrounding the estate. Green grasses lay before the manor and a clear path branching for the entrance leads to the mansion door. As for the gardens, flowers didn't bloom on the land but weapons of all sorts lined in each designated spot of racks and holders, many of them were guns. Though quite far at the back of the mansion, was a lake and a view of the green trees and peaceful hums of birds was the 3rd General's beloved spot in watching the daylight, for the place had always reminded her of a distant smile.

"Let's go," The witch said as she led them on the road.

They followed her in walking while their eyes lingered everywhere in awe.

"We're here,"

After the road they had taken, a wide furnish of stone stairs connected in entering the manor grounds. And after the last step there stands the General, whom they've been waiting to see.

"It's a surprise you made it alive, I should give you my compliments," Seratsuki said as Raijin, Mitsuka, and Hiro climbed through the long and wide steps.

Their breaths were getting heavy each time they took their feet to land another stomp in reaching the top. To run and be chased by a faceless man and to find the means to escape those witches and right now taking the last step into the stairs after a long way in getting there was more exhausting than breaking the bones of hundred Nemiendlich warriors. Though of course, the talk of a fair guardian and battling of a queer god is still a long way nowhere from those.

"General, were you trying to kill us?" Raijin muttered in between pants, resting his hand on top of his knees after they reached the final step.

"Not at all. I told them that if they saw someone holding a red charm, they should kill them immediately.`` With her answer, Mitsuka and Hiro stared in disbelief and horror.

"That's just the same!" Raijin exclaimed, beginning to calm himself from the pants.

"That is nothing compared to what's beyond the border," said the 3rd General.

Even being exhausted from the climbing Mitsuka pulled herself together, disregarding the comment of the General a while back. She straightened herself to display a firm and formal composure to the woman for she had to admit that she spent her sleepless nights practicing to act like a 'professional amateur soldier' in front of her. But right now, she had been contemplating since on their way here whether to greet the General a good morning or issue a salute to her. Or Mitsuka, you might as well take her shopping.

Their attention had been caught when a man approached them. He stood beside Seratsuki, showing a flashing smile that could bring an end to the light prowess of the 2nd General. He wore the insignia of the Noguchi clan pinned on his maroon vest as his sleeves that stopped on the elbows were black from his inner cloth.

"Let me introduce you to Teijou Noguchi, my brother," said the 3rd General.

'Another brother again?' Raijin thought as he was reminded of Akaru Hiraoka.

"It was a pleasure to meet you, sir. This is Ikazuchi Raijin and Hitomi Mitsuka, I am Kazahana Fujihiro" said Hiro, his tone was unwavering in confidence and formality. And there was no hint of stutters but only right pauses as if every word that came out of his mouth were made of elegance and dignity.

"Hmm," Teijou hummed, his eyes squinted at them. "Listen," he moved closer to the three and his voice changed into a whisper. "You see, Sera—when she was a child, she would always call me brother and-"

"Our father wanted to meet you all, but we don't have time" The 3rd General intervened. "Let's go" she walked past them, stepping down the stairs as her dark long hair moved from her back whenever she took another step.

Muttering their excuses to Teijou Noguchi, the three followed the General. People had shown their smiles and greeted Seratsuki after they reached the bottom of the road. But the warm grins changed into a crease on their brows and their greets became suspicious murmurs when their eyes landed on Raijin who wears the badge of the Noguchi division. Was he that plain that it was only this time that they had noticed his presence after coming all the way here?

"I forgot something," said Seratsuki, stopping mid-way quite a distance from the mansion. She took a turn on the road and headed towards one of the small paths between the rows of houses and tents of marketed goods.

"General, make sure that's something important" said Raijin who anticipated for her to stride off to a sweet shop yet Mitsuka interrupted his words.

"D-don't worry General! We'll surely wait for you" Mitsuka said, nudging Raijin to signal him to let the woman go which started their bickering as Hiro had only smiled on the 3rd General.

Seratsuki glanced at them one more time before she continued to head where she was going. And it's only been a couple of seconds till she returned, it was swift that they had not realized she was already standing before them. Her whole hued a faint crimson miasma that immediately disappeared.

"Before we go, wear this" the 3rd General muttered. She handed Raijin a clothed piece tied with strings.

Raijin looked at her puzzled as he held the piece in his hands, pulling the strings that bound it together. He held the edges of the cloth when it wore off from its ties and a cloth carrying the same color palette the 3rd General had flown on his grasp.

The young man gazed at it meaningly, stretching it wide from him to see the fabric. It was a military uniform of deep crimson. There are strides of black running from the collar and of the plate on the shoulders. Its white belt hanging just above the waist along with an aiguillette of the same hue dangled on the uniform's chest pockets and circled on the left armhole.

Raijin was lost at words, for the only thing he could comprehend at the moment was his unspeakable delight in it. He had not dreamed of the time he would be grasping a uniform personally made for him. His eyes glinted in nothing but pure joy, glancing at the General, to his friends, and back to the uniform again. For at last and at one point he had achieved the goal he had shared with his grandfather.

Their adventures on the land of Noguchi had come to an end when they had finally arrived near the riverbank where the borderline of Anshiantum and Nemiendr is. Soldier troops of General Hermes Nephus stayed on their posts, not halting in finding more possible clues and records for the Phaedrus. While General Hiraoka had also come to assist the division since they were in charge of the defenses.

"You guys are here," Akaru greeted. Hermes and Nova approached them.

"We'll be taking off," said Seratsuki.

On the word of the 3rd General, the three youngsters had to admit they crawled in nervousness and tension in preparing themselves for what might be supposed to happen.

"Sera, if something happens, we'll-" Akaru's words trailed off when the 3rd General raised her palm in stopping him from further speaking.

"We can handle it" Seratsuki turned on her back, staring at the three. Each of them wears the respective uniforms that made them look far different when she saw them at the invasion. Even her soldier who is now the literal definition of a walking red flag.

"General Noguchi, I'm counting on you," said Hermes.

Sertasuki nodded at him.

"Soldiers! Third General Seratsuki Noguchi, Ikazuchi Raijin, Kazahana Fujihiro, and Hitomi Mitsuka. The special task force will now commence the mission!" Akaru called as every soldier stopped their work and faced them to issue a salute.

Nova walked up to the three closer, smiling at them. She bent forward on them each to kiss them on the forehead. "It's for good luck, as my father said," she said, returning beside Hermes who gave her a scoff at what she did.

He might be embarrassed to admit it, but the act had made Raijin push the remaining doubts that lingered in his head. And had helped him regain his focus on what was the most important—which is to accomplish the task without fail.

Their feet began to run towards the river bank. Seratsuki held on to the hilt of her sword and a crimson miasma lingered on their whole. The three were startled for a moment since the energy of it had quickly made them dash and cross the water as if it was only a snap and they had already taken their landing to where the passage to Nemiendr begins. Though it had only consisted of nothing but gray mist engulfing the whole forest.

Without any words, they followed the 3rd General. The crimson miasma immediately vanished when they had entered the wilderness. And trees were not almost visible due to the mist, only their towering shadows were seen standing. The crackles of dead leaves were the only sound heard throughout as they ran. It was the 3rd General's figure that kept them guided. Yet her movements were swift that they had felt the struggle in catching up.

Keeping the pace, Seratsuki suddenly stopped in her tracks. Her eyes searched around and her hands quickly unsheathed the sword.

They heard a low voice echoing from different sides. The three accumulated energy to prepare themselves in launching charges but it was hard to determine where it had come from for it started to grow louder. With their delayed responses, their eyes landed on where the General was and her figure vanished. Even if they searched, they couldn't see any signs of her nor feel her energy and aura.

Raijin started to panic. Their thoughts of regrouping and searching for the General had vanished when a sound of an explosion roared in the woods, birds flocked their wings away from their branches and were followed by a thump near them. Their heads followed the direction, for it was like something had fallen from above. And to the horror plastered on the sight, it was Seratsuki's tattered and breathless body lying before them.