
Strike the Blood: The 4th Primogenitor

Kojou Akatsuki, the 4th primogenitor also known as the Kaleid Blood, is a good person who still maintains his humanities and principles even after becoming a vampire. But not this time around. Getting absolute power alongwith immortality, Kojou is different this time around. This time the world will tremble infront of the 4th primogenitor, the apex predator this world. With an hunger for blood and urge for getting blood companions he will stop at nothing. AU, Smart Kojou, Not Dense, Unprincipled, Some questionable pairings. --------------------------------------------------------------- The characters in the story do not belong to me, they belong to the original author. This is a fictional story, do not take anything legal or illegal in it seriously. Enjoy!!! The cover is from pinterest. If the artist wants me to remove, please say so!

Vegeta_Kakarot · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Sword Shaman

Third Person PoV

The 4th Primogenitor is the mightiest vampire in the world, living here in Itogami island alone.

He is immortal and indestructible with no relatives or brethren. He doesn't wish to rule and is accompanied by only twelve Familiars, avatars of calamity.

No one can control him. He is said to be a cruel, nefarious vampire who defies human nature.

"Hmmm.. and?"

A girl with short brown hair, dressed in a navy blue yukata asked the boy walking with her.

"Well.. that's it!"

"What kind of story is that? That's not unusual at all around here."

She said pouting, but quickly changed the topic

"Anyways, how is my yukata?"

Just then a man with a white hoodie passed them.

"Well it's not bad."

"That's so mean! Ths was really hard to put on- aaah" The girl said

The hoodie guy turned backwards to find her fallen on the ground. Her yukata moving up showing her legs.

The man ignored it and moved forward.

"Are you alright?"

"Oww!" The girl made a noise to show her pain.

Then the two lovebirds continued to bicker about this. The hoodie guy moving forward and took his hoodie off and showed the readers his face.

He was Kojou Akatsuki, the 4th Primogenitor, the subject of the story just told and the urban legend of Itogami Island.

But he is unlike the story, not alone, he has relatives and most importantly he is not alone, he has two girlfriends.

Next day at Berry's, the fast food place. Kojou could be seen with his face smashed on books.

Complaining about how unfair it is that he has to do all this work during summer holidays. Alongwith to study for the make tests for him.

"Ahh! Why do I need to study this much during holidays?"

Yaze, Kojou's best friend said

"After ditching all the classes and skipping the tests last month, Kojou do you really need to ask why?"

"That was beyond my control! I had a lot going on!" Kojou said

Yaze only smirked and said

"I wonder if Asagi had a hand in that?"

"Are you a vampire Kojou? Being unable to get up in the morning?" Asagi said, smirking, coming back with a coffee in her hand.

Kojou groaned hearing that.

"You are here to help me and Yaze study, not eat free food!"

"Well I am helping you two, so be grateful."

Just then her phone beeped and she said

"Well that's my cue to leave for my work."

Saying so, Asagi took her coffee and went outside. She was shortly followed by Yaze.

"If she isn't here, then there is no point in studying. Also I completed copying my homework."

And thus Kojou was left to his own devices. Finishing up his remaining work for today Kojou paid the cashier and went outside.

Only to find that

"I didn't bring enough cash with me to ride a monorail. Damn Yaze, ate all my money!"

Kojou cursed in the air and started walking, in the blistering heat of summer.

" It's hot, I am burning, I am scorching!"

Kojou was saying, for a vampire like him this was certainly an unpleasant thing. Walking in the sun on such a hot day.

Kojou was going about his way, when he passed by a shop that had glass walls. Kojou saw a girl was tailing him.

Seeing that Kojou turned back, only to find no one there. Kojou sighed and started walking towards a mall to confirm his suspicion.

Reaching the mall he increased his pace to light running and entered an arcade and hid behind one of the slot machines.

The girl following him didn't come inside but stood at the gate contemplating something.

'The uniform is from our middle school. Nagisa-chan's friend?' Kojou mused

'Anyways doesn't look like I am getting rid of her quickly.'

Kojou made a short plan in his mind and went out of the arcade. The arcade had one way mirrors as its gate.

So the girl was unable to see him coming and was surprised as he came in front of her so suddenly.

She jumped back and quickly brought her guitar bag in front of her. Her hand reached for the zipper.

She looked for Kojou for any sign of aggression and said

"4th Primogenitor!"

Kojou scrunched up his eyebrows at her foolishness.

'Really screaming that in the middle of a mall?'

Kojou immediately started to speak in Italian and broken Japanese with a foreign accent.

"Oh! Mi displace! Auguri!"

"Huh?" The girl was confused. As the 4th Primogenitor is not Italian

But Kojou continued

"I am an Italian who is passing by. I don't know Japanese very well. Ciao! Arrivederci! Grazie!"

And walked by the girl, confusing her even more. She turned around and called out his name, tugging on his hoodie.

"Wait a minute! Akatsuki Kojou!"

Kojou said in broken Japanese.

"You've got the wrong guy."

And moved out of the mall. Using his mind to figure out why she could be tailing him.

'Now that I look back, isn't she extremely cute. Petite body, shoulder-length black hair fringing near her eyes and around her face, paired with strongly lit dark golden brown eyes.'

When Kojou was outside the mall he heard a commotion behind him. He turned to find two older men harassing the same girl he had just fooled.

She was ignoring them and trying to get past them. But they were persistent, blocking her way.

'Really! Hitting on middle schoolers, not that I can say that much.'

But then Kojou's eye caught something reflecting the sunlight.

'Demon registration bands? This is bad.'

Just then one of the men held her arms and another one flipped her skirt. Revealing her panties.

Kojoh stopped his actions and thought.

'Pink, with white and yellow stripes.Nice choice, girl.'

But just then the girl hit the one holding her arm with a punch, disorienting him and threw him away with a quick elbow.

The other one, rushed at her transforming into a therianthrope but she sidestepped him and hit him on his stomach with her palm.

"Young lightning!" That created spark at the moment of connection.

The man was sent flying and crashed into a pole, bending it as he lost his consciousness.

'She hit him that hard? She must be strong,' Kojou reasoned.

Knowing that a therianthrope was heavier and stronger than a normal human.

By then the other man had recovered and used his trump card.

"Are you an attack mage,Come, Shakutei!"

'A vampire?' Kojou was surprised. Vampires were even tougher to fight due to their familiars.

Now he was interested as to how the girl would respond. But the girl was surprisingly calm.

Seeing that taller than normal horse in front of her she simply said

"Meeting a vampire in broad daylight, it certainly is unique to Itogami island."

Sensing the magical power the speaker blared.

"Abnormal magic power detected please evacuate!"

The stores were closed by steel binding falling in front of them and people ran away quickly, but Kojou was still watching the fight in front of him.

The girl opened her backpack, revealing a compact spear. She threw away her bag and aimed it at the vampire.

The familiar ran at the girl, in just a moment the spear extended and became a proper length spear.

Just as the horse was about to crash into her, the girl shouted and trusted her spear at the face of the horse.


And just as the contact happened the familiar vanished, into thin air.

The man was confused and was unable to react to the incoming attack.

But the spear was deflected by Kojou's hand easily.

Seeing that the guy may die, Kojou rushed and stopped the spear. The girl seeing that, jumped back and flipped and landed on top of a truck.

"Akatsuki Kojou!"

'Is saying my name so important?'

Kojou gestured to the guy to move. And the guy obliged

"Thanks, man. I owe you one!"

"Don't flirt with middle schoolers next time."

The man ran away taking his friend along with him.

"Why did you interfere?"

The girl questioned.

"As a normal person, isn't it correct to stop fights?"

"A normal person can't deflect a Schneewalzer with their bare hands."

But Kojou remained silent on that. Seeing that he won't respond, the girl said

"He violated the sacred treaty. No one would object even if he was killed."

"Be as that may be but you threw the first punch."

Hearing that the girl thought and blushed. Kojou said further.

"And he didn't do anything worse enough to warrant his death. He only flipped your skirt and saw the panties."

Hearing that the girl said, while blushing

"Did you see them?"

Kojou looked up at her and the wind blew again, showing him the checked pattern again.

The blush on her face deepened. She raised her spear and said

"Why are you watching?"

"They are in front of me and I can't control the wind, not to mention you are standing up there, it is nature."

The girl jumped down and picked up her bag and put the spear inside it after it became short once again.

She went on her way looking back she said

"You're a pervert!"

'Sheesh! I gave up understanding women long ago.'

Kojou raised his hoodie and was about to go when he found a pink wallet fallen near the truck.

He went and picked it up. It was of the girl.

"Let's see. Himeragi Yukina, class 3-C."

Kojou took it with him to return her wallet at a later date, so he can give it to her homeroom teacher.

He also quickly got out of the place as the siren of police was getting louder by the minute.

'I also have to ask Asagi to remove my video from the camera.'

Kojou directly went home and talked to Asagi about the incident today. They both agreed to simply question the girl if she followed Kojou again, till then she is given the benefit of doubt.

The next day Kojou went to find the homeroom teacher of 3-C class. But unfortunately Sasazaki-sensei was on leave.

Thus Kojou had to keep the wallet with himself. He went outside and opened the wallet. He didn't want to invade the privacy of Himeragi, but he was left with no choice now.

But just then he heard a voice known to him.

"Akatsuki-senpai, what are you doing? Searching inside the wallet of a girl. As I thought , you are a dangerous person. "

Himeragi Yukina was standing here. Watching Kojou look through her wallet. Kojou wanted to bash his head in the pillar for this.

'For one moment I decide to invade her privacy and she magically spawns here?'

"I wasn't, I thought it had your address so I can return it. And also the colour matches." Kojou reasoned back.

Himeragi was embarrassed. She shouted with a blush spreading on her cute face.

"I will be taking it back and forget what happened yesterday."

Kojou dodged her with ease and and asked

"First tell me, why were you following me?"

"You noticed?"

" You were jumping like a rabbit, only a dumbass wouldn't notice you." Kojou said exasperatedly.

The blush reddened at that.

"I will take it back."

She brought her weapon bag in front of her ready to fight but Kojou was unfazed and looked at her amusingly.

'Does she think that she can beat me? She is severely outmatched here.'

Just then a voice rang


"Don't tell me you haven't eaten anything since yesterday as I had your wallet. Do you live alone?"

Kojou questioned.

"What if i-i do?"

The blush was now threatening to reach her ears and overheat her. Hearing that Kojou walked towards her and gave her wallet.

"Come, let's have lunch. My treat."

Surprising Himeragi, who nodded humbly and walked along with her target of observation.

In Magrolands, Kojou and Himeragi were sitting and eating hamburgers. Well Himeragi was and Kojou was observing her.

"So you know about Hamburgers?"

"Yes. They were available in the cities near the High God Forest."

"High God Forest? I know about the Lion King Organization, but I think Asagi said something about it."

"Indeed. It is a part of LKO."

Kojou handed over a tissue to Himeragi to wipe her mouth.

"I am a sword shaman sent by the LKO to observe the 4th Primogenitor, that is you, Akatsuki-senpai."

"Observe me? But why?"

Kojou knew that people would keep an eye on him, but send a person to do it in person. That was well above his expectations.

"Why? Primogenitors themselves are on equal footing with a nation's military force. In other words your very existence is an act of terror or war."

"Like they are considering me a one man army?"

"Indeed. But senpai, why are you here? Do you want to create your own Dominion here?"

"No, I lived here before becoming a Primogenitor. And before you ask me questions. No, I don't know how that happened, nor does anybody living on this island."

Kojou said to avoid any further questioning.

"I understand."

'Just like that? I am now convinced that she is not an observer. Even if she is, there must be another one I don't know.'

"Where will you be going now, senpai?"

"To the library to complete my school work. Why do you ask though?"

"I see, I will also go. As your observer."

"Sure. I wouldn't mind the company of a cute girl like yourself."

Himeragi blushed at that.

'Is this a honey trap?' Kojou was now really confused about how someone like Himeragi could be his observer.

'Well more things to ponder with Asagi tonight.'

AN:- Last chapter for this week! Cannon has started. Parts of this chapter may conclude with the first episode of the anime, as it was taken from there. Write some reviews!!!

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