
One Kiss is all it Takes

Third Person PoV

"Well what should we do now?" La Folia said, gazing towards the keystone gate.

"We will do what Kojou said, my phone is dead too, let's try to get a hotel, then we can plan ahead."


Kojou was walking back to his home, carefully. And he had seen many people get confused about which direction they were going.

"This would get chaotic real fast if a solution isn't found, although I don't want to get involved in things like this, Natsuki-chan is involved so I must help her."

His phone beeped and he checked that he had new mail, although he was planning on ignoring it, the sender's name made it hard to do so.


"Was her disappearance really foreseen by her?"

Kojou muttered as he began reading the mail.

"Akatsuki, I have researched the murals in the Adelard Monastery as you had asked and it was indeed a troublesome thing.

As per my knowledge that is the wise man's blood, a thing of Alchemy, something every alchemist would want.

It would seem my snooping around had alerted whoever wants that, he may have begun his plan sooner than he wanted to.

Seeing Kanon's history with that place, it may endanger her too. I have asked Astarte to protect her in case I am not around, but I also task you with this.

Try to solve the problem without much showing off, I might just give you some relief from homework if you do so.

Take note that any kind of physical attack doesn't work against the wiseman's blood."

"So this shit wasn't enough that I have to deal with some alchemical bullshit too?"

Kojou said in frustration, he reached his home and entered through the window.

He walked into the living room and saw Nagisa and Yuuma cooking together.

"Oh, Kojou-kun should go and take a bath, I will take one with Yuu-chan later."


Kojou said and went to take a bath, it would help him take his mind off the current matter.

Kojou took off his clothes, put a towel around his waist and walked inside the bath.

And he was greeted with a different sight than he expected. The sight was such that he hadn't even closed the door.

Astarte was sitting inside the bathtub, the water clouding her features, Kanon sitting on a stool, the soap suds covering her features as well.

"Confirmed intrusion by the 4th Primogenitor." Said the homunculus in her monotone voice.

"O-onii-san, is that you? Sorry, we were taking a bath first."

Kanon said innocently, but the blush on her face said otherwise.

"Take your time." Kojou said and walked back, and closed the door and found himself back in his room.

"Fuck me sideways!" He could only curse at such a time.

Kojou didn't enter to take his shower again, he dressed up and went out to eat dinner.

He also had to talk with Yukina about Sayaka and La Folia.

The three had a scrumptious dinner and then Nagisa and Yuuma went to sleep, Kojou said that he wanted to go and talk with Astarte and went over to Yukina.

He knocked on the door and went inside after Yukina opened the door.

"Senpai, where is Kirasaka-san and La Folia?"

"Lest sit first, Himeragi, this is going to take some time."

Kojou explained what had happened, alongwith the mail of Natsuki-chan. He had forwarded the mail to Asagi and also informed her about this.

"So we must be careful when going through the door?"

"Essentially, yes. But I think the more spiritual and magical power one has, the chances of getting warped are higher, as it can been seen that normal people only had some traffic issues, ofcourse if left unchecked it could lead to massive chaos."

"So we must solve the spatial distortion as quick as we can?"

"Yes, but that is the problem. We don't have anyone who specializes in spatial magic, Natsuki-chan is missing and we still have to deal with a rougue psychopathic alchemist, who quite possibly wanted to kill Kanon."

"Me?" The girl wearing pink pajamas said.

"Yes, he is targeting the Adelard Monastery, if he was the one who caused the incident back then, he would want to get rid off all witnesses. Be careful, Kanon."

"I will, and Astarte-san is also here."


"Well from tomorrow we will began to try and see if we can figure out who is doing this, we will also find Natsuki-chan through this."

"Alright, senpai."

"Goodnight, you three!" Saying that Kojou went to his home.

Kojou entered his house and saw that the lights were off, he didn't turn them on and went to get a glass of water.

As he was drinking, he sensed someone coming behind him, he knew who it was so he didn't do anything.


"Yuuma? You didn't sleep?"

Kojou said, turning around. His eyes landed on the costume of Yuuma.

"What's up with that outfit?"

He said moving near the sofa and sitting on it.

"Oh! This? It's a witch costume! I wanted to wear it tomorrow so I was trying it."

She said, twirling around and giving Kojou a look at her outfit. It was a rather revealing outfit.

It only went till half of her thighs, from which a purple see through stocking started,and it was backless, while showing a moderate amount of cleavage.

"Does it look weird on me?"

"No, it looks great!" Kojou told her his honest thoughts.

'But every girl or woman I am involved with is a model level beauty, am I secretly a harem protagonist and don't know it? Nah, this is the real world, not a fantasy world, right?'

"I'm glad that you still haven't changed."

"I could say the same to you too. Even if you did change, you are still my friend no?"

"But what if I was not human?"

"I have plenty of non-human friends. Although I would prefer it if you didn't suddenly become a therianthrope."

Kojou said half jokingly and half seriously.

'Is she finally going to come clean about her witch powers?'

"I see, I now fully understand, that you are the only one for me."

Yuuma said with resolve in her voice and a burning passion in her voice. Kojou was a bit shocked at this.

'Is she going to confess?'

Yuuma moved towards him and straddled him. She closed her eyes and neared her face towards his.

But she didn't take the final step.

'Is she hesitant? I should stop, she still is a suspect for the spatial distortion.'

Kojou looked at her face again and

'No, what am I thinking, I told myself, I am a Primogenitor, I will take what I want, if a girl is this daring and I still hesitate, then will I even be a man? Forget being a Primogenitor. If this does cause problems, I will handle them later on.'

With his little monolouge done, Kojou clutched Yuuma's head with his hands and pulled her in, and their lips touched.

Yuuma's body shook as if she was surprised by the sudden action taken by Kojou.

It was the perfect moment, the time was 12 o'clock, fireworks were going out, illuminating the room through the window, and it was the last thing Kojou saw along with a metal knight before he fell unconscious.

Kojou groggily opened his eyes sensing the sunlight falling onto his face coming through the window.

He raised his boy and stretched with a yawn. He then stood up, he felt surprisingly light today, his skin felt soft.

'Wait, where are my familiars?'

He tried to sense them but failed to do so. He immediately went to the bathroom and saw his reflection in the mirror and was shocked.

But he didn't scream or do anything rash, his mind ran at a million miles per second before he calmed himself down with deep breaths and counting backwards from ten.

"Calm down, calm down."

After truly calming down he took out his phone and called Asagi. Within two rings it was picked up and Kojou said in a grave voice.


"Yuuma? Where is Kojou? Why are you calling me using his phone?"

Hearing a different but familiar voice Asagi immediately asked the questions.

"Asagi, Yuuma has hijacked my body, I am stuck in Yuuma's body, I will tell you how this happened later, but hear my advice first."

Yuuma, now with Kojou inside her, not literally, for now, spoke in the deep voice she or he could.

"Asagi, we could have the hottest scissor session ever-!"


Due to this scream, Yuuma would later need to get her ears checked for severe damage.

A man wearing a white suit with a large top hat was killing people in a prison facility on Itogami Island.

He finally reached a door, and he immediately cut it into pieces, by using his hand which turned into a razor sharp sword.

The room was filled with various machines and an old man sat on a chair, facing away from the door.

"Couldn't you just knock on the door like a civilised person?"

Kanase Kensei said, standing up from his chair and looking at the intruder.

Wearing a white suit with a red chequered hat and gloves.

He looked like a lithe young man. He wore a pure white coat with a red shirt, and both his tie and hat sported a red-and-white chequered pattern, and in his left hand, he carried a silver cane with a skull engraved onto the handle. Overall, he had the air of a shady stage magician.

"Well the welcome I got here was of the same nature, so I reciprocated it."

The man said with a calm but cheeky voice.

"You are?" Kensei questioned.

"Pleased to meet you Kanase Kensei, I am Kou, Amatsuka Kou."

The shady magician said, lowering his hat to his chest and bowing a little.

"I do recall a student with that name, under Nina Adelard." Kensei said, his memory allowing him to recall such things easily.

"That saves some time, return my master's keepsake to me."

Kou said, looking at a red orb placed inside a glass box.

"Wiseman's blood, I see you were the one who destroyed Adelard's Monastery back then."

Kensei said and moved near the glass box and handed it over to the disciple.

"What? You are not going to stop me?" The alchemist said, not expecting the man to give him what he wanted so easily.

"Well you must want to finish what you started, but I must warn you, it won't be easy, especially with him around."

As if done with the talk, the former royal court mage sagged down on his chair and went back to his work, ignoring the stupefied expression on the alchemist's face.

In a a unsuspecting room of a hotel of the shady kind, Sayaka woke up to the sunlight passing through the passionate red coloured curtains.

She wrapped the velvet pink cover over her naked body and said in a voice full of disbelief.

"How? How did this happen?"

There was movement from the bed behind her and La Folia woke up with a yawn, the same pink velvet cover on her body too.

"Good morning, Sayaka. You were wonderful last night."

The princess said, sporting a blush on her face. Sayaka bolted from the bed and stood up, making sure that the cover hid her body.

"Don't say things which could cause grave misunderstandings!"

The War Dancer said, pointing her trembling finger at the albino princess.

"Ara~, but the girls told me this is how two people greet each other who wake up on the same bed?"

La Folia said, confusingly.

"Well yes, but not in this kind of situation, how did we end up naked anyways?" Sayaka said.

"We ended up here after following Kojou's advice and decided to stay the night, you fell asleep. I took liberty with your clothes, as they would get wrinkled."

"Is that so?"

Sayaka said with a sigh of relief, hearing La Folia's explanation about this compromising situation.

"Sayaka, what do you think?"

"Well we are both girls, so-"

"I am talking about the spatial anomaly. It's too big to be a bad prank."

"Indeed, seeing that normal people only experienced some traffic issues, our problem must be due to our higher magical and spiritual power, we must be more careful, my phone is charged so we should wait and see if Kojou contacts us."

"I agree, but is Kojou really that reliable to you?"

"Yes, he is."

Sayaka said with a loving look on her face, unaware that La Folia was looking at her and smiling.

AN:- Another chapter done, two or three more until this tournament ends.

Also a question, which piece of fiction(LN,Manga,Anime) do you think would be the best fit with the gamer system? Tell me your thoughts!

Also, any fanfic recommendations?