
STRIFE: A Life and Death Tale

This is an action-packed story based around the second generation of Life and Death. The two entities are to come together to stop the rising of a looming enemy that threatens their very Omniverse. Balance is at stake as they take on old friends, enemies, and new ones alike!

Shiishii_Gaia · Action
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150 Chs

97.) Gaia-Minéttia and The 6 Guardians.

Beasmera Apexela, home to the Beasmerans and their chimera-like brethren. A place that's abundant with many species, easily the most in Colossaverse I. Their culture was an esteemed, pure form of what the US should've been, but ten times greater. Everyone lends a hand and the wealthy, as well as the rich all pitch in with efforts to fix any financial struggles found in the clan. They all currently help rebuild and reshape the "slums". They all wish for the term to be abolished, but that's not all here. Every Beasmeran shares ANY progress they make that may help the clan. Their constant ability to keep this afloat and constantly expand their influence within their own territory, so neatly I should add. This is the very reason they are trusted with the trade of goods throughout all of Colossaverse I.

Thermias and his family are also Beasmerans, royal ones at that. They lead over the clan with a firm, yet warm grip. A guiding hand that keeps them more than afloat. But just like everyone else, they too fall to the ill intent of those that wish to break balance. Thanks to this, a major piece of their trade port and goods were demolished and stolen. Repeatedly ever since Shiishii's return. They loom in a cloud of thought, looking for a way to avoid that fate coming to pass again.

In the meantime… we take a stroll, a lovely trip down to the lovely and flourishing clan, Gaia-Minéttia. A clan famed for it being created by none other than, Life I. As Gahwardia is said to be created by Death I. Shiishii and Gaia make their way through the front gates where a familiar face awaits them. For it was none other than Le Destrucíon member, Kitiro. Dressed in a sharp, forest green suit. His button down was white and the tie, black. His hair was twisted into dreadlocks and put into a ponytail. He bowed and greeted them to his home.

Kitiro: "Welcome, mahn! Welcome to the beautiful, lush fields of Gaia-Minéttia! Hahaa how have de two of you been? Good?" *Pat* *pat*

Gaia: "We've been good Kitiro, what about yourself?" *Hug*

Kitiro: "I've been good actually. Late news around here, but I'll be a father soon."

Gaia: "Whaaat? Congrats my boy! Do you know the gender?"

Kitiro: "I'm having a little junior!"

Shiishii: "That's pretty dope my man." *Clap* *Clench*

Kitiro: "Thank you both very very much. Now let's get a move on, mahn. Times a wastin'!"

Gaia: "Lead the way."

Kitiro: "Indeed my gyal. We'll be doing dis meeting ting today, mahn. The 6 Guardians wish to meet you two bambagods."

Shiishii: "Oh forreal? Wonder how those guys are."

Gaia: "One of them is our Gaia-Minéttia Captain for STRIFE, Kareezim. Let's go meet him and his pals."

They fly at high speeds into a stream of wormholes that cause a boosted propulsion to warp speed. Jumping right into the capital of Gaia-Minéttia, Rûttel. There they found a huge Empire constructed around a gigantic God tree. It stood taller than even Jupiter itself with a width that was greater than Earth's, a truly colossal tree. The branches held many buildings of different sizes. There was more than a million of them thanks to the massive number of branches held by the tree. There were hanging buildings, buildings coming out the side if the base of the tree. There were some that could float thanks to the core of the tree itself. It allowed for its own gravitational pull. There were of course many rooms throughout its base and even more on the roots.

At the top held a huge room where meetings are held in times of conflict. This tine around… it was more wholesome and friendly. The legendary warriors that protect the six clan sectors have gathered to meet with Gaia and Shiishii. Kitiro leads them up the side of the tree until they can see a light between the leaves. They crash through and before them was a great red star, shining bright in the rift. Below was a white haired fellow with brown skin. His hair was in the form of a flat top with three lines hashed into the side if his taper. His all black tracksuit had white stripes down the side. And his shoes were all white tennis shoes with a blackened rim. They had 'X's engraved on the sides. Gaia calls out to him yelling, "Kareezim!!! Hey!" As she waves on and greets him. They all fly down to greet him and enter the hall.

Shiishii: (So that's Kareezim huh? His presence is immense and his essence is suffocating. Are they all like this… worse even!?) *SWOOSH*

Kitiro: "Yo Kareezim boa, yawh be ready to do dis ting?" *Clap*

Kareezim: "Ayo, my boy. How ya been?"

Kitiro: "Same ol' same ol' out'chere in de Minéttia. Is everyone here for de ting?"

Kareezim: "Oh hell yeah my boy. Go'on head and go in my boy, ima holla at the chika and her lil pahtna. Let'em know we'll be right dere, ya heard?"

Kitiro: "Sure ting, mi can do dat right dere." *Zap*

Gaia: "Kareezim, I'd like you to meet my younger cousin, better to say my brother… Shiishii. Better known as Death II."

Shiishii: "Nice to meet you brotha." *Fist bump*

They start to walk towards the entrance to the hall. Kareezim asks Gaia and Shiishii what was so urgent that they'd even need his assistance. Gaia was quick to explain their situation and everything Luminaria had gone through, amongst other events too. Kareezim understood immediately and noted that he'd convince the others to assist. And just as he said this, they found themselves strolling through the doors and into a massive room euth a gigantic round table. There were four rows of seats. They surrounded the round table as if an audience would be there.

At the round table sat five Minéttian Gods with power scale ratings on par with Kareezim's own. They all carried a calm, yet intimidating aura that pressed down on you. They were sizing Shiishii up as this was their first time meeting him. They liked what they saw, but could tell he was lacking heavily due to the thousand year creep. The woman that sat furthest to the back cleared her throat and addressed their person.

???: "I humbly welcome da two of you to our clan. It is a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance Lord Shiishii. My name is Rosalina Senkozen and I am da leadah of de 6 Guardians."

Gaia: "She's the Gaia-Earth Elemental and my younger sister. There's four other's and my older sister of course. But you met her in that realm."

Shiishii: "Yeah yeah, yeah… I knew she looked familiar! It's nice to meet you cuzzo."

Rosalina: "Pleasure cousin Shii. Everyone, please introduce yourselves and den, we can get started."

Rosalina wore a forest green, sleeveless crop top that was tight on her body. It showed off a pink floral pattern that flowed into her leather leggings. They too were forest green, as well as her double belt that held her two katanas. She had on rose blade gauntlets and greaves. The greaves flowed up to the middle of her thighs for maximum coverage and protection to the lower half. She wore an Alpha class, Senkozen fur coat on her shoulders; they had her badges of merit and accomplishment all down the left side. Her hair was mossy green and she had it tied back into a ponytail. She left a single bang to cover her left eye. Her skin was fairly light with a hint of brown. She looked identical to Gaia as far as facial structure went.

Her 2nd commander and best friend stood to introduce herself as well. She wore a green long sleeve, crop top-style fur coat. Underneath was a white sports bra with a star on the left side. She had a white, cloth-style fauld on with green flames at the ends. Her green leggings were covered by her draken-style, techno greaves that matched her gauntlets underneath her jacket sleeves. They were green and white as well and you could see a tattoo of a hydra on her stomach. Her hair was sky blue and her eyes, turquoise. Her lips were full and her skin was a pale version of brown. She and Rosalina were both easily 6 foot even.

2nd Commander: "Hi there, My name's Zaya(Zie-yuh) Fluorescent and I'm the eldest daughter of Maiyalee & Jamaal Fluorescent."

Shiishii: "Whoa, you guys are like the equivalent to the Vermilli tribe. And your dad's up there with our legendary warrior, Xebeel Vermilli."

Zaya: "You know it my dude! I've been working as a guardian for a good three millennia now and I love it. Everyone here is pretty damn swell though there are a few strict bodies here."

3rd Commander: "I guess you're referring to me?"

Zaya: "Maybe."

Gaia: "And what's your name, big fella?"

3rd Commander: "My name es Kafitti-Atu Gaian. I'm the heir to the family chair of the third most powerful family here. Or so they say. I've been here twice as long as everyone else and have never lost my position. And I don't have a reason to retire."

Shiishii: "I see… well then, nice to meet you Kafitti."

Kafitti was over seven feet in height and was a tower of muscle. He wore traditional tribal gear, toting a golden bone chain that had the fangs of beasts he had slain. He had golden arm bands on his biceps and wrists. Be was shirtless with a white wrap around his waist all the way up to his belly button. He also had sandy white baggy pants suited for combat. They had an abundance of plant-like essence etched into the threads. His belt was thick and held his dual axes on both sides. He had on big brown combat boots with golden braces wrapped around the base. To top it all off, he had a white cape on his shoulders with a hood attached. With a turban on top and really big and bright circle earrings. His skin was dark brown and his eyes were yellow-green.

Kafitti: "It's a great pleasah to finally meet de God of Dyeath. Welcome to your sister clan and second home, young negus."

Shiishii: "Preciate that Kafitti, you should visit Gahwardia sometimes. I'm sure you'd love it."

Kafitti: "Ha! That's my family's next vacation spot."

Gaia: "Oh, sweeeet!"

Shiishii: "Hell yeah! So… we got Kareezim, Rosalina, Zaya and Kaffiti. Who are you two?"

Shiishii addresses the God and Goddess who look identical to one another. They take their stand and now one could notice that they even dress similar to one another. Making it mor3 obvious they were identical twin siblings. The male had his hair combed back and a bang over the center of his face. The female had her hair in a mixture if curly and wavy. It was wavy and creased all the way until the ends. She had about 14 small, yet perfectly rounded twist on each end due to how curly it was. In the back she had one big curl that hung as low as her butt. She too had a bang down the center of her face. They had brown skin and forest green eyes with thin eyebrows to top it off. They were both dressed in tribal-style paladin gear. Their capes were white and hung to their ankles. The God had on a perfectly stitched suit with the same floral patterns as Rosalina going down his right side. He also wore white gloves and penny loafers of the combat class. The Goddess was the same, but had on a skirt with thigh high combat boots in the stiletto fashion. Her floral pattern ran down her left side and they both had identical armbands on the opposite arms. He carried a rapier and she carried a saber.

Male Twin: "Hi dere Lord Shiishii and Lady Gaia. My name es Abdakhan Alsefia."

Female Twin: "And I em Eaolie Alsefia. As you heard, we reign from the Alsefia house. Which is the fourth most prominent family within your sister clan."

Abdakhan: "We two siblings dabble in resource affairs, and help discover and dig up new elements and materials around the clan's vast territory. On top of protecting the two southern quadrants."

Gaia: "This group is quite vast indeed. And I should be the one to say this, but Shiishii. Look at Kareezim's neck."

Shiishii: "Hm? What do you mean- err… well I'll be damned. He's ome of us as well."

On Kareezims neck was the famous Minéttian Senkozen crest. It mirrored the Gahwardian one but had vines instead of fangs surrounding their star at the center. The Senkozen family is vast indeed. They even have branches in other Colossaverses… but moving on. Everyone had taken their seats after the introductions and began their questioning if Gaia and Shiishii.

Rosalina: "So… I'm guessing dis has to do with de strange crap that's been going on, right Sissy, Kitiro?"

Kitiro: "Right on da money Rosalina, ma'am. Et seems as doe dese invasions and tamperings aren't just happening here. But everywhere else as well and I'd hate to say, mahn. Deir issues may just be a tad bit worse dan ours."

Rosalina: "Hm… so you're here for our assistance dhen?"

Gaia: "Yes, and I'm sorry to say, but I can't be taking no for an answer lil sis."

Kafitti: "Ok… but what if we refuse anyway? What den, huh?"

Zaya: "Mhm…"

Rosalina: "Yes, sister… what den? Hm?"

Gaia: "That's simple…" *Rumble*

Everyone: "Hm!?"

Shiishii: (Why… no HOW is her power scale that high. Has she had her power locked away this whole time- No… she couldn't have!) *Glare* "Gaia."

Kareezim: "Hey… I know that technique."

Rosalina: "Yeah… pretty high tier stuff. Not surprising though, she waited a thousand years and "remained" at the same level. Guess training really has come some kind of ways."

Gaia: "Indeed it has. As you know… we gods are able to lock away our essence levels and keep them hidden. Growing all the while concealing our true strength. I decided to do this when Shiishii was announced split in two. Me and many other gods decided to do this as we awaited his return. Who knew it'd take a thousand years though."

Rosalina: "Who knew indeed. You'd probably be council level had you truly trained diligently for the last thousand years, as we all have. But… this is still impressive nonetheless sissy."

Kafitti: "I'd have to agree."

Kareezim: "No doubt b. That shit's dope brah."

Eaolie: "Quite impressive indeed."

Abdakhan: "I'd have to say I'm a bit jealous."

Zaya: "I as well brotha Abdakhan."

Gaia: "Yes, at current… the value of the numbers when this high on scale increases. But they have not increased enough to where your advantage solidifies a thing in terms of victory. You don't even know how to shift your stats yet children."

Shiishii: "They don't!? Daaaamn… Kareezim-"

Kareezim: "Ayo, on my mother… don't lump me with them. I showed Gaia the last time she was here and we had a spar with each other. She is strong as hell."

Rosalina: "Damn… even Shiishii knows it? Hmm… alright then, I'll spar with you sis. We'll help if you win."

Zaya: "Hey… we didn't vote dat as tbe decision Rosa."

Kafitti: "She's right… you know your absolute word is not always active here, malady."

Abdakhan: "Indeed."

Eaolie: "It's just the guardian law Lady Rosa."

Rosalina: "Mhm… I guess you're right."

Rosalina sits back down as everyone calls her out on rash decision making. Which now made it obvious she was itching to face her older sister. Kareezim looked as though he was now irritated by what he could sense from the room.

Kafitti: "Truth be told… part of me just doesn't think their issues are more important than our own."

Kitiro: "Lord Kafitti…"

Zaya: "I'm sorry to say, but I agree."

Kitiro: "Ah… Lady Zaya… not you too."

Kareezim: "What a bunch of bullshit brah. Like… I can't even fathom dis shit right now, deadass!"

Rosalina: "What's the issue with their honesty here?"

Kareezim: "Everything… you know our oathe to our ancestors Rosa, don't be playing right now b!"

Kafitti: "You got an issue with us Kareezim?"

Kareezim: "Bruh… stop fuckin'- er… mrhmmm. Bruh it ain't about liking ya dumbasses it's about not liking ya dumbass decision not to help. Fuck what issues are heavier, we have an oathe to help our sister clan as they do us!"

Gaia: "Hmph!" *grin*

Shiishii: "You guys know… he's right."

(Diablos: "Heh, some sister clan this is.")

(Angelos: "Man… they suck Shiishii.")

Shiishii: (Oh trust… I know you guys.)

Zaya: "Who cares about tradition right now. If we go down while helping, no one would be here to protect de clan. Use your fucking head Kareezim, damn!"

Kareezim: "Bitch what- man… suck mah dick Zaya, you sound dumb as fuck, like deadass."

Gaia: "This is cool and all, but how about you both shut up and suck a dick?"

Rosalina: "Yeah… like we said earlier, winner makes the decision."

Gaia: "Couldn't have said it better myself. Everyone else can shut the hell up. You don't stand a chance with a major advantage in stats. My skills are council level to make up for the lack of strength training."

Kafitti: "Welp… I'm done with my dumb rebuttahls."

Zaya: "I am as well."

Abdakhan: "This should be fun, two forms of Gaia fighting one another."

Kareezim: "Won't see me objecting. I restricted myself to her false base level and got destroyed during our sparring match. Her level of shifting is unbelievable."

Shiishii: "Most indubitably so… this should be good as hell. But in the end… Gaia will win… because a lot of our loved ones will die if she doesn't."

Eaolie: "Hmm…"

Kafitti: "Mhm."

Zaya: "Whoa… what?"

Kareezim: "Hence my reaction earlier." *sigh*

Gaia: "Whatever… nothing matters, but the message my fists will deliver. Bring it Rosalina Gaia Senkozen."

Rosalina: "Hmph! Oh I will… no matter the stakes at hand. Such is my pride and ego."

Gaia and Rosalina draw down the gauntlet in face of a petty argument gone south. The fate of Luminaria and many other civilizations rests om the results of this battle. Just what will come of this as Haydes' search for Le Destrucíon continues…

Next Chapter: "Gaia VS Gaia!

The Fate of Cverse I is Decided!