
STRIFE: A Life and Death Tale

This is an action-packed story based around the second generation of Life and Death. The two entities are to come together to stop the rising of a looming enemy that threatens their very Omniverse. Balance is at stake as they take on old friends, enemies, and new ones alike!

Shiishii_Gaia · Action
Not enough ratings
150 Chs

84.) Warterrors and the Five Dummies!

A mission… an all important mission was commenced by that of Annihilo Sect. This mission involved nearly every member of Annihilo. They all were required to form teams and go after these specific and rare subjects that had made their way into Colossaverse 1. Their genetic code was unrecognizable within the records that are given to every clan leader.

Amongst the teams that were formed was ZeeArc and ZeeShift. They were assigned with the unidentified subject that fell into Gahwardia. Bad part of this was that it landed in warterror territory. These creatures were very hostile in nature and very powerful. Which is why Demetrius Boolat was asked to assist in the mission. They all made their way to the great Warterror Falls, where the subject had fallen just outside their immediate area. Within a strange field that had a molten core that seemed to burn space itself. A moon was only a false appearence.

Demetrius: "Alright y'all, We're here. I will be taking you to where we located the dummy. But word of warning, please keep your essence levels in check. We don't need to have an altercation with one of the 6 Warterror packs here."

ZeeArc: "Yeah, I'd rather avoid that as well."

ZeeShift: "Mhm… yeah we got it Sir Demetrius."

Demetrius: "Good. (Though it would seem… one is already on to us.)"

They fly into the field of distorted space and head towards the molten core where the subject should be. In the midst of their flight, they heard a loud screech from their rear. Demetrius turns around and sees a huge flock of Molten Eagles flying toward them. They were gigantic bald eagles with literal lava sitting at the tip of each of their feathers. Their faces and talons were covered in reinforced rock with cracks of lava flowing all throughout.

*SCREEEEEEECH* Their ears rang from the call of the alpha. It must've been a signal to engage, because every Eagle sped up greatly and some even began to spit fireballs at Demetrius and the others. The attacks didn't have much force behind them, which allowed all three Gods to easily brush them off by covering themselves in their own elements. But it would seem the alpha is far more intelligent and clever than originally put forth. It commanded a weak assault to test his newly found prey. Once finding out they were capable gods, it screeched once more and its underlings let out fireballs literally ten times larger and more powerful than the last.

ZeeArc: "Tch! Keep flying, I'll wipe 'em all out! Annihilative Assault; Cannon Verse!!!"

A sudden fluctuation of high pressure surrounds the flock of Eagles. A sudden spark occurs and a numerous number of cannonball-like explosions take place. The explosions all had an abundance of Annihilative particles within them. This causes an erasure effect to occur and the flock's large amount of essence signatures begin to drop. They dropped and dropped as more explosions occurred and a thicker veil of smoke covered their person.

"That definitely got rid of those annoying pests-" *SCREEEEEECH* ZeeArc is interrupted by a sudden loud screech in the distance. He turns around and sees the alpha making its way out the smoke. It seemed to be scratched ever so slightly and even some of the underlings survived the assault. Now the beast had been enraged by the attempt to wipe them out. It's wings stretched out wide, the wingspan being more than fifty meters in length. The alpha makes perfect eye-contact with that of ZeeArc and then… a rapidly charged molten ball of essence was shot their way.

ZeeArc: "Guys! LOOK OUT!!! *FWISH* *Sizzle* (Damn… that ball breached my Annihilation shields!?)"

Demetrius: "Hm? OH SHIT!!! *FWIP* Gravity Impact!!!"

The gigantic ball resisted the heavy force of Demetrius' technique for a few seconds before falling and dispersing. This gave its user more than enough time to dive past ZeeArc, and blitz their person. Its talons were stretched out and beaming with high levels of heat as they approached Demetrius. He scrambles a bit just before stopping it dead in its tracks with the tip of his Tribal Staff. *fwiTING*

They clash head on, but Demetrius could feel no hard substance coming from the talons. Which was strange due to their molten rock appearance. He quickly took notice of his staff being pulled into the talon and the Eagle getting closer with its beak.

Demetrius: "I didn't want to have to do this, but you leave me no choice. Black Gravity Blitz-" *SMASH*

ZeeShift: "What the!?"

ZeeArc: "Holyyy…"

Demetrius: "Dammit all!"

Alpha Eagle: "HYAAAAAAAAA!!!"

The Eagle was suddenly hit by something with a much smaller stature but far greater strength. Demetrius had a bit of sweat starting to come down his forehead. He no longer allowed for anything less than "zero openings". The creature before them was that formidable.

???: "Who DAreS EnTer OUR TerritORy!?"

Demetrius: "This ain't good. You guys are gonna need to stand back. I thought at least a mere grunt or a beta would show themselves." *FWIP*

ZeeArc teleports over to where ZeeShift and Demetrius were floating. In the moments of hearing Demetrius' words he noticed a terrifying meaning behind them. The same level of being that gave even MorZick a hard time was now standing before them. Yes, an alpha showed up… figures. It had blood stained, brown fur with a humanoid build. But it also seemed animalistic enough to pass for an odd wolf when on all fours. Its face and ears were completely covered in a dense shell of bone with gleaming red eyes that were glowing. The teeth were large and sharp, and the fangs were even moreso. It had sharp, golden claws sticking out of its paws along with knife-like spikes sticking out the back of each one. There was long flowing black hair coming from the skull that acted as its main. And its tail was twice as large as it was with a piece of armor on its left shoulder that resembled the bone material from its skull.

ZeeArc: "Y-You're an alpha class Warterror!?"

???: "YeSsss… my name is KurTaak aNd YoU'RE tRessPaSSing…"

Demetrius: "That's a lie. This zone is more Gahwardian territory than it is Warterror. So why don't you allow us to take what we came for and leave."

KurTaak: "GRrrR! YoU FoOL!!!" *PEW*

All three: "It's fast!!!"

The Warterror known as KurTaak blitzes their squad, but is quickly intercepted by Demetrius. He blocks its deadly slash with his true Boolat-style, Tribal Staff. He then yells, "Go get the damn subject befor more of these savages begin to show up!" ZeeArc and ZeeShift don't hesitate to blast into full speed and make their way to the core. KurTaak attempts to chase after them, but instead has the bottom of Demetrius' staff smashed into his chin. Stopping in his tracks almost instantly

"NrgGh!!" , KurTaak grunts as he flies back a bit from the extra push Demetrius implemented. KurTaak shakes his head a bit to regain his ground, and before his eyes was a twirling staff. Demetrius steps in to cover the distance between them, and then swings the head of his staff towards the Warterror's neck. KurTaak takes a step back and braces himself for the recoil. Then sharp edged, golden blades come shooting out of his neck to stop the attack. He then lifts his left paw and attempts to completely slash Demetrius in half.

Demetrius: "HOLY- *SMACK* (What a shit ton of bloodlust!)"

He was able to block the attack at the last second, but was sent flying back in the process. He managed to stop himself after a few miles were covered. He then readies his staff as KurTaak was already on his tail. The Warterror increases the size of the spikes on the back of his paws to that of an average sized sword… then goes crazy. A deranged driven and unorthodox flurry of strikes came at Demetrius' person. He manages to block each blow as they come near his person while suffering very minor scratches.

(Damn this thing's not letting up!) Demetrius thinks to himself while steadily being pushed back. But to his luck, KurTaak made a mistake and swung far too slow during a left haymaker which gave Demetrius time to dodge and counter. He ducked under the swing and spun just once to build momentum. He then smashes the lower half or the staff into the left side of KurTaak's ribcage.

KurTaak: *ROAR* "Son of a- Wh-WhErE'd he gO!?" *Fwip*

KurTaak looks up to see a descending Demetrius with a strange, yet very potent amount of essence being wrapped around his right leg and foot. It grows as he gets closer, and just a KurTaak was going to leap to intercept him. He made his move.

Demetrius: "Hoooh!!! Zenchi's Enraged Black GRAVITY!!!" *Pwimm… ziBEWWWWWFff*

An immense and heavy amount of essence came crashing down atop KurTaak, who was nearly forced into a kneel. Demetrius lands before him and turns around. Only to of course notice that KurTaak was heavily resisting the force of his attack as well as its influence.

"I see you're a stubborn one." Demetrius says as he twirls his staff in his right hand. Getting into a traditional warrior stance with the left side of his body facing KurTaak. While he holds the staff at the ready within his right hand. He then begins to focus a large amount of essence into the butt of his staff.

Demetrius: "This should do it." *Fwip* *swish* *swoosh*

Both: "Zenchi's…"

Demetrius: "What!? (A mere beast!?)"

KurTaak: "Conceptual Claw Strike!!!"

Demetrius: "Damn you!!! Zenchi's Leasing Commandment; STAND DOWN!!!"

Their attacks clash and a ripple completely tears apart the heated barrier that enclosed the tremendous pressure that core emits. It's enough to push Warterror falls back a bit. But that was mostly the pressure that was released from the clash itself while the force only would've nudged the Falls. ZeeArc and ZeeShift are pushed forward a great distance thanks to the force of their Multiversal collision. But they were compressing it to their person with a barrier the size of Asia, surrounding them completely. ZeeShift and ZeeArc were able to stop themselves from making contact with the core thanks to that same barrier.

ZeeArc: "Holy crap that Warterror was no joke. To believe it can match Demetrius even in his new powered up state."

ZeeShift: "It doesn't surprise me one bit. They're Gahwardian beasts through and through. Of course they can compete, their reputation beseeches them."

ZeeArc: "Hm… well lucky for us we're already here so let's head down to the core and siege or destroy this, ''subject".

ZeeShift: "Right!"

The brothers float down to the surface of the core and activate their Mental Zenchi in order to scan its confines entirely. They both wrap themselves in veils of Annihilative Essence in order to walk on the core itself and resist its heat almost entirely. After a few minutes of walking around the core on both its sides. They noticed the subject may have either been destroyed or taken. If the latter was the case then they'd be in a world of trouble depending on who might've taken it.

"This doesn't sit well with me one bit little brother." ZeeArc says in a low voice while staring at the core. ZeeShift stares at him for a bit while wondering what he could mean. Then it clicked to him… it became obvious what made him feel uneasy. It was the thought of it having awoken already and naturally being their enemy. A being whose essence and DNA they could not trace. And just as they turned around to go inform Demetrius… a sudden pressure hit them both. Freezing them in their tracks.

???: "Why, hello there good chaps. It would seem your intentions were set on finding little 'ol me. Well I say… look no further."

ZeeArc: "N-Nrgh! (What kind of presence is this!? The pressure is immense!)"

ZeeShift: "So… it's easy to say that you're the subject, am I right?"

???: "Most indubitably my boy! But I'd prefer you call me and my fellows Dummies if you will. A certain someone created us for research, so we're here collecting samples from all over. For what reason is there seeming to be a similar duo at nearly every other location of my peers? What is it that you people want with us Dummies?"

ZeeArc: "We wish to take you in… and study you or use you for training purposes. There's an ominous omen floating above our home and we want to crush it before it bares its fangs."

ZeeShift: "But now we have a serious issue. That same presence seems to also be getting emitted by you. Just who are you and your peers really?"

???: "Well for starters, my name is Mal McDave. And as I said before, we're dummies created for research. Nothing more nothing less, but I will admit that I've actually been here for quite some time."

Both: "What!?" *Step* *step*

Mal: "Yes, yes. I have been here for many millennia. I simply went to retrieve and successfully transport the other four. Which… three of them are also waking up as we speak."

ZeeArc: "Oh… this is bad!"

ZeeShift: "Tch! Seems like Jollister and Jabreeze's group aren't our only worries. First the appearance of the two Stuliathans… now this!"

Mal: (Two… Stuliathans?)

And just as Mal had claimed. Three of the other four Dummies were awakening. It was happening at every location besides where Kishin and the others were headed. And it would seem that not a single one of them was in the mood to be going anywhere with strangers. Even Mal himself, the man with the long, green fur coat. He was sharply dressed as if to go to a ball, and even had a single eye piece on his mask with three slashes on the right side for eyesight. He even carried a cane with fine stitched gloves. They had metal strippings lined along the knuckles.

Mal: "Seeing as I won't be going anywhere with the two of you, I suppose I could play around a bit."

ZeeArc: "As if!"

ZeeShift: "Damn… this is gonna be tough!"

Mal: "Oh… you've no idea my boys. Harmonic Meteor!!!"

In their quest to find these "Subjects" , they run into a heaping of trouble. Starting with the arrival of an Alpha Warterror and the awakening of these… Dummies. Just what does their arrival spell for the Omniverse? More questions rise as Haydes' search for the Keys continues…

Next Chapter: We are the Dummies

of Xaxel!