
STRIFE: A Life and Death Tale

This is an action-packed story based around the second generation of Life and Death. The two entities are to come together to stop the rising of a looming enemy that threatens their very Omniverse. Balance is at stake as they take on old friends, enemies, and new ones alike!

Shiishii_Gaia · Action
Not enough ratings
143 Chs

76.) The Aftermath.

The many ashes had settled in with what one could call a perfect victory. The Empire was left unscathed and the enemy beaten. A great warrior was returned home and an even greater warrior makes her way home after two long years. The people rejoiced upon hearing the news even though their fair leaders were able to keep them from panic or even noticing the invasion. The injured were brought home for briefing and treated for wounds. In the midst of it all… a surprise left the lot of them speechless. As to who truly saved Demetri, no one wanted to believe it. But Haydes stuck his neck out and got hold of Demetri at a time where his abduction was assured. A Grand Decision was being made in correlation to said events.

The Ten Gates of Elders were hosts of the Decision and could not decide between the weight of his crimes and the weight of his heroism within the clan. And now a new height of heroism shows through as he saves Demetri from abduction. The jury of the royal class helps solve their dilemma with a weigh-in on the weight of each scenario. Haydes sits idly by as he's being weighed on in a way that could decide his fate moving forward.

Haydes: (These idiots will only go to approve of my recent actions. Due to Amiyama and the others also being my supporting witnesses. This is a cakewalk.)

Flametress was sitting in the audience intensely staring at Haydes. For she just knew there had to be a catch with Haydes' current actions. As did each of the others that were present, they all had a great suspicion that there had to be a catch. As Haydes would've never guessed, they all planned to throw him away. Especially Amiyama who may love who he truly is deeply, but hates what he committed. Her dearly beloved was taken from her and for this… she wished for his suffering.

Elder Yahkk: "Haydes Senkozen, by the weight of your crimes and by the weight of your heroic acts. We have balanced the two forces and Consulted our jury. By decision of the Ten Elder Phoenix, we hereby rule you a Hero of great honor."

Haydes: "Heh!"

Amiyama: "Mhm. Well I was okay with either verdict."

Aiyama: "As was I. Guy helped me on a few missions back in the day. Though he did try to use a contract to steal my study."

Miamori: "He taught me defensive martial arts… Just before sapping half my essence without permission."

Yolmi: *sigh* "Same."

Demetri: "And he did just save me after all… though he did send his Self-Split persona to use me and my friends. Mhm… bastard's annoying and pleasant all at once."

Sonya: "Mhm… he can get away this time but I still don't trust the bastard."

Joe: "Agreed."

Kaguro: "Fuck 'em"

Kimichi: "He got Demetri back for us when we failed. He's good with me honestly."

The crowd claps as it would seem no one was truly in hatred of his minor acts within the clan. Though a trial for crimes outside the clan and empire would have a much different outcome. The session is adjourned and everyone exits the building. Haydes walking out with an insidious smile which is quickly wiped away. His father had made an appearance at the front of the Justice Dome.

Crowd: "Lord MORZICK. Can I get a picture!?"



Haydes: "Father."

MorZick: "Hmph! Haydes, my son."

The crowd of gods surrounding MorZick began to bicker and whisper amongst themselves. Watching Haydes as he walks towards his father. Amiyama and the others look down from atop the Justice Dome's balcony. Watching to see what MorZick had come for. One of his sons being home for once wouldn't be enough to pull him from his current assignment. With that being said, everyone was surprised to see MorZick smack Haydes in the back of his head.

Haydes: "F-Father!? What the hell!?"

MorZick: "You thought you'd be let off easy after attacking your elder brother? And everything else you committed these past one thousand years."

Haydes: "Mrrhm! Seems I'm really in deep shit. Everyone, but Morpheus seems to be here within the clan."

MorZick: "Indeed. And we'll be having ourselves a family meeting once Morpheus is done with that little party he went to today."

Haydes: "MRRHM!!! So… SO I CAN'T LEAVE!?"

MorZick: *PRCH* "Of course not you little twerp. We're going to see Kishin and Vashjai in the medical rooms!

Haydes: "Jeez, alright already father! Need to calm down, hitting me like I'm still some Godling or Goddolescents."

MorZick: "Oh… is that right?" *Crick* *Crack* *Crackle* *he cracks his knuckles while staring at Haydes. With a big vein bulging out of his head*

Haydes: "U-Uh…"

Amiyama and the others couldn't help but giggle and laugh as they stared down at Haydes.

Amiyama: "Alright, that was pretty satisfying to watch. Like seriously!" *chuckle*

Demetri: "No kidding man, but I do have a favor to ask of you, sister & Aiyama."

Both: "What might that be?"

Demetri: "Could you guys help Yolmi and I out with some training?"

Amiyama: "Of course! It's just… I never knew you wanted to train under us. Thought you hated our form of training."

Demetri: "I do, but… I hate losing like that even more. Flametress, no even worse… Haydes! Haydes was the one to save me while Flametress had to deal with Joelli. So of course I can throw away my pride for this."

Amiyama: "I love commitment and resolve. So I say we can definitely train you guys. It just won't be a walk in the park."

Aiyama: "Truthfully… I'm going to make this harder for you."

Demetri: "Fine by me… we'll both be fine."

Amiyama: "Alright then, you've got yourself a great deal, little brother."

Demetri: "Perfect… thank you both!"

Aiyama: "No problem kid, but hey Amiyama? Where's Shii at?"

Amiyama: "Left him in my quarters. Best he not be here due to Haydes-"

???: "HAAAYYDES!!!"

Amiyama: "Oh dear prono, NO!"

She and the group turn their heads to the south of their location. And on top of the great bridge that leads the Phoenix from the capital to the Dome, was a very enraged Shii. All from simply seeing his own younger brother. He dashes down at top speed and tackles Haydes just as they began walking towards the medical facilities in the capital.

He tackles Haydes and they go rolling for a few feet. Haydes is then slammed into the floor with Shii mounted atop his person. The two glare at one another with fierce looks.

Shiishii: "What's a piece of shit like you doing here in this place? And what's this I hear about you saving Demetri?! What's your motive!?"

Haydes: "As if I'm obligated to tell you a damn thing. Just know that I saved a fellow Gahwardian, heathen!"

Shiishii: "Since when was the last time you truly did something so noble without an incentive? It's been more than five millennia since the last time I saw it."

Haydes: "Doesn't matter how long it's been brother Shiishii! What matters is that I've come to commit good and heroism rather than heinous crimes. Be happy for that at the very least until I kill you."

Shiishii *Grip* *GRIND* "Oh… you little… BITCH! Kill ME!?!? *Fwip* As if!!!"

Haydes: "Well shit if you insist, we can test it NOW!!!" *FWIP*

They both swing their fists at one another with lethal intent. Neither showing a hint of backing down nor giving a damn about anything else, no hesitation whatsoever. A flash came forth as their fists got within range, and behind that flash was a single finger from their father. Looking at both of them with disappointment. He then proceeds to bop both of them on the head. Looking up at the Elders who sat and watched the event.

MorZick: "You idiots cause any damage here and you'll be locked away for a year bare minimum. I don't control these grounds anymore."

Shiishii: "CHSS!! Yeah… I know."

Haydes: "Understood father. No big fuss. (Damn! He's above me again! Fighting Jollister really boosted his growth. A damn 24!)"

Shiishii: "You say no big fuss yet you're frustrated. Same ol' Haydes."

Haydes: "Eh- … fuck you man."

Shiishii: "Pfft. Well it is good seeing you as always-"

Flametress: "Shii, Haydes and Lord MorZick! How goes it?"

Flametress walks down the huge flight of stares. Exiting the main entrance doors to the Dome. She had a huge grin on her face as she approached Shii and the others.

Aiyama: "I wonder what big sis is up to."

Amiyama: "Huh? Oh- What the hell is she doing?"

Demetri: "Just an educated guess, but big sis Soi is hostile and violent. Yet fun with it all at once. There… right there! *He points at Shii and his family* The most skilled warrior in the art of battle and war in MorZick. You have one of the two most DOMINANT and skilled hand to hand fighters in big brother Shiishii. Then… even Haydes is a top five war tactician out of Gahwardia's ENTIRE history. He just doesn't use it much. And I'm certain she knows Gaia is here. She's going to ask to train."

Aiyama: "Huh… yeah you right."

Amiyama: "Makes sense."

Yolmi: "Yeah it does."

Miamori: "You damn right about that."

MorZick: "Woah there, Soi Flametress in the flesh. Come to check on your daughter's progress."

Flametress: "What!? No. I came to ask about training me. You and your kids as well as Gaia."

Shiishii: "Ohh??"

Haydes: "Hm-hmmm!"

MorZick: (Damn brat doesn't even care about- No… no. Calm down.) "Hmn… they seem to be interested so I don't see the harm?- *FWITING*

Shiishii: "What in the-"

Flametress: "What in prono is this? It's… like. It's like it's malice incarnate. Joelli doesn't have anything on this…"

Gaia walks up from behind the group.

Gaia: "So you can all sense it too? And what of you few up there?"

Amiyama, Aiyama, Kimichi and Kaguro all look down at Gaia with pale faces. And they nod as they return to look in the direction the signal was coming from.

Gaia: "Good good. It seems everyone that's a 23 and up on the scale are capable of perceiving the happenings within a quadrant. This creature… MorZick."

MorZick: "Yes, It's exactly like that of… Rashomon."

Shiishii: "I thought so! Gaia, do you know what these creatures are? You too pops."

Gaia: "Yes…"

MorZick: "I as well…"

Aiyama and the others come floating down from the balcony. The elders also approach Gaia from their perches and positions as guards around the dome. Each wondering just what these creatures of great potency may be.

Gaia: "The creatures, Rashomon Rashudo Ma and this new creature whose name was told to me just after they beat it into a corner. Atomen Particula Ma."

Shiishii: (That thing appeared in the dragon clan. Is… Morpheus alright!?)

Haydes: *pat* *he places his hand in Shii's shoulder* "Don't worry. He got hit before it got away but he'll be fine."

Shiishii: "Thanks for that, Haydes."

Gaia: "These two creatures are better known as Living Studies. Or their true names, Stuliathans and Conceptinaughts, higher dimensional beings."

Shiishii and the others were all frozen by the shocking news. Not just one, but TWO creatures of higher dimensional class have made their way to the front door of the Omniverse. And the unfortunate chain of events that have been transpiring ever since Shii was revived.

MorZick: "I noticed you called it Ma. Does that mean…"

Gaia: "Yes, from what my mother told me when I was younger. These two specific Living Studies are siblings."

Amiyama: "What's the true nature of a Stuliathan anyway? Just what are they exactly?"

Flametress: "I'd like to know as well."

Gaia: "They're the creators of the studies we use today. Living hosts to concepts and their abilities."

Amiyama: "No way…"

Flametress: "Well that's interesting indeed. Just where did this "Atomen" emerge from?"

Shiishii: "He emerged in the dragon clan it seems. But pop, Gaia and Haydes!"

All three looked at Shiishii with concern as his voice deepened and hus demeanor changed. Something was definitely wrong with the situation.

Shiishii: "We need to get Vashjai and Kishin then make our way there. Morpheus was hurt, badly!" *Glare*

All three glared back while the others sat in disbelief.

Haydes: "You've said all you needed to. Let's go!"

The four of them go and pay a visit to Kishin and Vashjai who they planned to heal if they weren't already up to par. For this was a family emergency and under the agreed upon guidelines for the Senkozen bloodline. One must drop everything at the sight of a family member in need. And seeing how this is the youngest and newest addition to the family, they were all intensely angered by his current situation. Off to Morpheus they go.

But in other news. We find ourselves trailing after a familiar silhouette. The small body that could weigh no more than 130 lbs and a height no more than 5'5. The being wore a long robe that had broken down dragons and dragom bones plastered all over it in the shape of particles. A perfect decal for the being who wears this body. A blackened crown covers his head with horns protruding from both sides. His hair was still in a free growing afro that was slowly twisting itself into locks. Eyes were blacker than night with a menacing, yet malicious glare that told anyone who looked at it, "This guy is truly within his element!" Dragon claws and feet were drawn out with a wagging tail, all of an emerald green color. The boy we see here is none other than the possessed Zoshen. Or one should call him Atoshen, the possessed dragon. Who was busy sapping the particles that make up the entirety of a planet, to nothingness. A feast truly fit for a higher being.

Atoshen: "Ah!!! This is truly a divine meal for me. But with the 10 planets I've already knocked back. I should be more than juiced enough to take the study I need. STRIFE… shall pay!!"

Only a few hours have gone by since his awakening and a large solar system falls. A large curtain of black begins to cover our fair omniverse as yet another anomaly occurs. STRIFE is in for quite the battle as Haydes' search for the keys continues.

Next Chapter: The Stuliathan, Atomen!"