
STRIFE: A Life and Death Tale

This is an action-packed story based around the second generation of Life and Death. The two entities are to come together to stop the rising of a looming enemy that threatens their very Omniverse. Balance is at stake as they take on old friends, enemies, and new ones alike!

Shiishii_Gaia · Action
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150 Chs

45.) Gaia's Recruitment Pt 2!

Within the Great Hall of Mobuisse, a battle of sorts took place. The young prince wanted nothing to do with Gaia during her visit and attempted to force her out. He called a few of his guards, but all were beaten into the dirt. In doing this, Mobiusse has angered Gaia like no other. 

Gaia: "Hmm… Don't act as if this is the time to cut corners. *Smack* Where is your father?"

Prince Mobiusse: "You think I'd tell you after you touched my blessed face with your filthy hands?"

Gaia: "You're being far too idiotic right now. Just tell me where the king is!"

Prince Mobiusse: "Why? Should I? Hmm, I'd prefer you bow before me first, wench!"

Gaia: *sigh* "Priiinncce! You need to quit these childish antics! You're only digging a much greater grave."

Prince Mobiusse: "Gaia. There's probably not much you yourself could do against someone such as I. Truth be told, it's your mother that we fear and respect. We respect you as well, but you have no power here. I need not bend to your request."

Gaia: "Ah, I get ya… I get ya. So what you're saying is… *Glare*

You want to be dominated and commanded? That's fine by me." *Grin*

Prince Mobiusse: "You'd be pretty dense and stupid to think you can do such a thing to me - … huh!? What in the?"

Gaia: "Resonate."

Prince Mobiusse: "Wha-what's happening!? I can't move a muscle besides my damn jaws and eyes. What in the world have you done lowly WENCH!?"

Gaia: "I simply resonated with your being. Soul, brain, body, and all. I'm just allowing you to talk for now."

Prince Mobiusse: "What!? You don't even have such an ability! So how!?"

Gaia: "Even simpler than before, boy. I can resonate with ANY life below my own. The stronger I get, the less life forms there are that can resist me. You're just unfortunate enough to have lent me an opponent near my own level. I've now grown .5 on the scale. He was worth it but not for skill, but just for the right push that put me above you. Now then… where is the King?" *Pwetyuuh*

Prince Mobiusse: "N-Ngh…. He's within his personal quarters for once. If you go to the throne room at the center of the castle and enter the door directly behind the throne. That's where… he'll be."

Gaia: "Hm. Now, was that so hard?"

Prince Mobiusse: *Grit* "Mm.. M-mm… (You dirty FUCKING BITCH!!! I'll… I'll destroy you and make you BOW!!)"

Gaia: "Such foul thoughts you got going through that thick head of yours. *chuckle* I'll leave you with this." *Smooch* 

Prince Mobiusse: "YOU FUCKING- Huh? Uh… what might this be lowly foul?"

Gaia: "Hmph. It's an insignia that's able to directly link you to me by simply willing it to be so. That's the command. So call on me when you want to challenge me. The stakes? You gain command of me for a century or vice versa. *Mwuah* Bye-bye now." *FWIP* 

Prince Mobiusse: "Tataaa now. It seems I have a way to gain my dream girl after all. I'll actually train for this one. Kukukuuu!" *sinister smile*

Gaia leaves Prince Mobiusse's corridor and heads to the King's throne room. The travel from the prince's corridor to the throne room is a literal mile with all the cuts and turns needed to get there. Gaia reaches the doors to the room within a second. Honestly before Prince Mobiusse could even begin his monologue. 

Gaia: "Ah… such a lovely door. Showing off the artistry within gears and their all so beautiful shape. It almost looks like an alchemy circle from FMA surrounded by patterns for a classic mage's grimoire. Ah yes…. Now it's coming back to me." *Pat* *pat*

Gaia begins pushing the doors open as it reveals a grand room filled with gear tuned statues of the last leaders. Each molded to perfection. The symbols found on the door rest on each of their chests' as well as the walls and ceiling. Even the rugs, carpet and tile were covered in them. Amongst other divine blessings and more. To its center rests four thrones for the King, his wife and their two children. And behind there was the door the Prince was forced to speak of.

Gaia: "Mortals and non-mortal Kings- no, leaders have very few that can go without having guards at their sides. But I completely forgot about the King and Queen's obsession with magic and the mana arts. I love it!" *Big Smile* 

The King lay waiting in his quarters, doing paperwork for the masses and creating new laws. His precious baby girl was busy studying for her upcoming test to get a job at the grand council's central office. A great leap in her career as one of the 100 goddess of records for the omniverse. The queen was busy typing a few speeches her and the King was to give to the public in the coming weeks. Well into their work, Gaia knocks at the door. *Knock* *knock* *knock*

King Mobiusse: "Were… either of you expecting someone?"

Queen Themma: "I believe this might have to do with that explosion earlier." *tap* *tap* *tap* *tap* *tap* *tap* *tap*

Thiemme: "Hm… *Gasp* It's Lady-"

Gaia: "Gaiaaaaaa! Open up you old fool!"

King Mobiusse: "Well I'll be damn! *Woosh* *grip* *click* I've longed to see her again." *twist* 

Queen Themma: "As have I." *rise* 

Thiemme: "YAAAAYYY!!!"

King Mobiusse: *Open* "GAIAAAA!!!"

Gaia: "Mobiusse the First, how have you been? *Hug* How have all of you been?"

Queen Themma: "We've been great, Lady Gaia, and you?"

Gaia: "I've been great ever since my precious Shiishii returned. Thiemme, how's it hanging girly?" 

Thiemme: "I've been great, girl. I'm just studying so I can get this position as your ma's secretary." 

Gaia: "Girl Whaaaat!? Omg I'm so proud of you!" *hug* 

King Mobiusse: "And I've been dealing with goddamn paperwork for my subjects. But uh… what brings you here? You usually get in contact with us via long-distance telepathy." 

Gaia: "Ah yes, about that. I had initially come here in hopes of recruiting your son into our ranks within STRIFE."

King Mobiusse: "Oh?" *turn*

Queen Themma: "Hmm… and how did that go?"

Gaia: "Well… first, I was attacked by the grunts that protect the young prince. Then, after politely knocking them out with Mental Zenchi, your son sent one of your upper guards to challenge me. His name was Sir Tron, I believe."

King Mobiusse: "Goddammit, Jr.!"

Thiemme: "Well, sorry you had to go through that girl. My brother is a pain in the ass sometimes."

Gaia: "Quite the overconfident young god indeed. I Thinking he could just take me as his goddess. Entertaining, to say the least, but disrespectful all the more. Where did he get the ideal that I have no authority?"

Thiemme: "It's this weird image he's painted within his head. It'd be the ideal way for him to run the clan after my father steps down. His clan and his. Clan. Alone!"

Queen Themma: "Apologies for his behavior, Lady Gaia. What shall we do this time around my King?"

King Mobiusse: "Simple… he'll be locked in my dimension again for a few weeks. And have to do battle with the avatar I created for the zone. That should teach him. We don't live outside the rules of the Omniverse."

Gaia: "Hmm… that could work for me. I've already left him a challenge. He doesn't seem to get how "two-faced" my power and levels are."

Queen Themma: "Seems as though you've got your own punishment planned." 

Gaia: "Indeed, but hey, Thiemma? You can see the entire Colossaverse, can't you?"

Thiemma: "Umm, yeah, actually. Why? Did you need to see something?"

Gaia: "Yeah, connect me to Shiishii, please."

Thiemma: "Easy."

King Mobiusse: "Man… Something tells me he's the reason she had to come."

Gaia: "Yes… he is the reason. Fucking bastard."

Thiemma: *VWIMP* "Ah… seems he's with the young Dragon princes and their friends. They just got done shopping actually."

Gaia: "Oh really. Faze me in."

Thiemma has an ability that's similar to absolute levels of clairvoyance. It's known as All-Seer, an ability that allows one to view the happenings around them as far as a Colossaverse. They can also peek into the past as far as 5,000 years ahead of their birth. On top of great seeing range, the user can also seemingly open portals to places they may be viewing at the time. It's quite the convenient ability all around. In this instance… Shiishii is in for one rude surprise.

Shiishii: "Aye man… I'm just saying. The fits are nice you know, I do my thang when it comes to fashion bruh."

Zo'Elgor: "I'll admit… that was pretty cool. Getting to see more of the great places our clan has built in this territory. But a whole planet for shopping?! Amazing."

Morpheus: "No kidding, but thanks big bro. Really appreciate it."

Amera: "Thankyou, Lord Death II."

Ju'Mosi: "Good looking out brah."

Shiishii: "No problem lil' godlings. Now then let's get a move on-"

Gaia: *VWIMP* "What's up buuuuddy!?"

Morpheus: "Sister Gaia?!"

Gaia: "Hey Morpheus? How's school, you little twerp?"

Morpheus: "It's been great! Been getting help from Zo and Malikai, as well as Amera over here." *Pat* *pat*

Gaia: "Oooh? How nice… hm hmm, Is that your girlfriend?"

Amera: "Working on it."

Morpheus: "Y-yeah." 

Gaia: "Nice… now then, hey you!"

Shiishii: "Me?"

Zo'Elgor: "Definitely talking to you."

Zoshen: "No doubt about it."

Malikai: "Gone… get!"

Shiishii: "Ah come on Gaia, you can't be mad about the Prince- *Grasp* *Squeeze*

M-My face!!"

Gaia: "Sorry guys, but now that Zo'Elgor has been recruited. His time here has to come to an end, you'll see 'em soon Morpheus."

Morpheus: "Alright.. See you guys later then! Thanks again Shii!"

Zo'Elgor: "I'll be coming to Gahwardia within a month's time as agreed. Be good brother Shii."

Shiishii: "Alright you guys. See… YA-"

Gaia: "Bring your ass." *Zwip*

Shiishii: "AH!"

Gaia pulls Shii through the portal created by Thiemme's ability. The portal immediately closes and they are now back within the Machinelord's throne room. 

Gaia: "Alright then, since you have Zo'Elgor and I've got my guy from the Kingdom of life clan. I believe we should go talk to Dante and the twins."

Shiishii: "So, I guess Mobiusse wasn't a go huh?"

Gaia: "No… I ended up having to fight his favorite guard. No thanks to your ass."

Shiishii: "M-my bad girly. But I do agree we should go and see Dante. He told me the issue from way back when, still goes on today."

King Mobiusse: "Young Shiishii, you look well."

Shiishii: "You too Lord Mobiusse, all of you actually. It's great to see you guys again after so long."

Queen Themma: "Indeed it is. But this is some good advice if you're actually going to the Light Clan. Please be wary of the leaders. There might be far more corruption within the ranks."

Gaia: "We'll keep that in mind."

Shiishii: "Thank You Lady Themma."

Queen Themma: "Just giving a helping hand."

Gaia: "Alright then Thiemme, thankyou for everything." *Hug*

Thiemme: "No problem baby girl *Hug* Path me when you get there."

Gaia: "Alright, will do. Let's go dumb dumb."

Shiishii: "Psh!? Yeah alright let's get a move on. I'll visit again soon guys." *Fwip* 

Gaia: "Alright y'all." *Fwip* 

Thiemme: "See ya!"

Queen Themma: "Alrighty then!"

King Mobiusse: "Come back soon! Hm… I still feel sorta bad for Gahwardia. Having to deal with that monster now."

Queen Themma: "MorZick and his people can handle such a thing."

Thiemme: "It's the light clan I worry about. Their king… isn't their King anymore. The corruption might've spread too far into the clan now."

King Mobiusse: "Hmm. Very worrisome indeed. (You guys better be safe. You'll need to be if this is true.)"

Gaia has completed her business within the Machinelord clan. Now she and Shii head for the Light Clan where multiple cases of corruption take place. Their target? Dante!

Next Chapter: Problems from within.