
STRIFE: A Life and Death Tale

This is an action-packed story based around the second generation of Life and Death. The two entities are to come together to stop the rising of a looming enemy that threatens their very Omniverse. Balance is at stake as they take on old friends, enemies, and new ones alike!

Shiishii_Gaia · Action
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143 Chs

29.) Haydes VS. Amiyama!

As the battles erupted at an even larger scale than before, there were a few that had begun to arrive in universe 9. Nearing where Di'Angelos and Sanjuro were doing battle. There were three groups arriving at once. The first of which was Gaia and Zigorim. Their speed and head start were simply unmatched between those who received the signal. Next to arrive was Kishin, who had used his mastery of the Speed Verse study to hurry and reach the revival spot of Death. Right behind him were Zenki, Amir, ZeeArc, Zo'Elgor, Dwayne, and even Zeeshift, ZeeArc's younger brother, who has more than just Annihilation as a way of destruction. He's also a master of Devastation, as that is his element. Finally, we find ourselves welcoming Dante and the twin Light warriors, Divina and Katrina Lyster. They arrive only to find Solar system 9 of universe 9 in the 1st Colossaverse, gone. All that was left was that of Le Destrucìon's base. 

Zenki: "It would seem we've arrived just in time to see Death II's revival. The battles that caused this seem to be all but finished."

Kishin: "Indeed uncle. But do you see and sense that being well over there? He's fighting that man with the explosive green energy slightly below my own. It would seem he's almost an exact replica of Death II."

Zenki: "Yes, I can see him, Kishin. Quite the being he is. He's about an easy. "5" above your own power on the power scale."

Kishin: "Indeed. But that's not the only thing I'm looking at uncle."

Zenki: "Ah, you seem to mean the fighting style and weapon of choice he pulled out."

Kishin: "Yeah, that's the Death-Yu Tempest style at a masterful level. I'd say he's better than even Morpheus, far better at that."

ZeeArc: "It would seem that way indeed. He's quite ruthless with it, too. I'm not even leaving the slightest opening for that other one to get a lick in."

Amir: "I can sense the presence of mortality coming from the one that emits the god slaying particles."

Zenki: "It would seem that those two beings fighting over there are unity forms. The one shining with that of a green hue is actually made from two separate ascended mortals. Brothers, to be precise."

ZeeArc: "Your perception of essence and its make-up are still unrivaled as far as I've seen. I can also sense the presence of a few others here. There are some docile bodies to the far east of here. They appear to be observing quite a fierce battle."

Dante: "Yeah, brother ZeeArc. Those two females are emitting power scale signals even greater than my own. A Phoenix and a… Gahwardian? Who is that young lady Kishin?"

Kishin: "Dante! My man, my fucking man. *CLAP* *HUG* That right there is my younger cousin. The prodigy of this generation, Tailee Monte'Hue Senkozen. Ah, and it would seem you brought some lead assassins and diplomats from your clan."

Dante: "So that's who she is. It would seem she's in leagues to win that battle she's in. But that other one is nothing to laugh at, I shouldn't count her out. But yes, these are the Lyster sisters. They came to observe this marvel, mate."

Kishin: "Lyster sisters eh? Hmm… Katrina *Point* and Divina *Point* right?"

Katrina: "Indeed. You got it right. You're Vashjai's elder brother right? Kishin "The Plague"."

Divina: "Yeah that's him alright sis. And… ZeeArc! Your bitchass killed my men." *STEP* *STEP* *STEP*

Mind you they're in space… she created step plates just so she could stomp to ZeeArc in anger. That's… her level of petty here. 

ZeeArc: "Now, hold on! Hold on! Chill out now. I told them I'd spare them if they simply turned around and not to interfere here. Yo men didn't listen so I had to do 'em in."

Katrina: "Ha! That sounds like your dumbass men sis! Hahahahaa. Your decision was just sir ZeeArc. Ignore her."

Divina: "Grrrrrr! Sparring match after your leader is brought back boy. I'll hold back."

ZeeArc: "In jest of his return. Make it a hand to hand match with Zenchi augmentation?"

Divina: "Hmph, I'm game Sir Annihilation II. Ah, my manners. Hello sir Zenki and ZeeShift. You too Lady Amir. A pleasure to see you all again." 

ZeeShift: "The pleasure's all ours ladies. Apologies for my brother's rude actions towards your men. He's always been known for going too far."

ZeeArc: *FLICK* "Shut your dirty mouth little brother."

ZeeShift: "Ah! D-Don't be mad at the truth, brahsome."

Divina: "You guys are hilarious. Dwayne!"

Dwayne: "Y-Yes Madame Divina!?"

Divina: "Where's your brother at?"

Dante: "Yeah, where is Beeso?"

Dwayne: "Huh? You mean guys can't sense that essence of light charging at us. I'd say they're near the middle of the universe right now. Charging straight for here."

Dante: "Hmm… Ah. I can sense him now. Kishin's younger brother and cousin seem to be with him. They'll be here in about thirty minutes or less, mates."

ZeeArc: "And it would seem your brother and friends are nearly here, Zo'Elgor."

Zo'Elgor: "Yeah… but I'm more focused on the huge signature beaming here with my nephew. Its identical to Zenki's. Oof, there's even a Phoenix with them too. Why're so many Gods making their way here for this?"

Zenki: "Hmmph! That would be my younger twin brother, MorZick. But as ZeeArc once said before… they all come to witness and give their word to Death II. Trust me when i say he'd be beyond even my reach right now if he had these last thousand years to focus on his strength. Isn't that right Gaia?"

Gaia: "Ha. Of course it is. I mean I'm beyond your reach as is. You sense your son and Curti?"

Zenki: "Yep. Seems the meeting went well. You fix that multiverse girly?"

Gaia: "Psh! Zenki, come on… it's me. Of course it's fixed."

Zigorim: "It was quite the spectacle to behold honestly. How's things been at the sect while I've been away. Has Ziggerott or Chinlee been back?"

Amir: "No but they have sent word of their progress. Ziggerott said his joint mission with the Grand council member, Baagerdier(Badge•er•Deer) is going well. Though that's only in regards to finding "it"  , beating it has been a whole different challenge altogether."

Zenki: "Chinlee is nearly done on her mission though. She'll be back by time this is all settled."

Zigorim: "Ah ok. Yo… Amir. You good?"

Amir: "Hmmmmmm. No. It would seem THAT "Kimichi" is down there battling more of Zenki's family. I'm nearly failing… t-to hold myself back!"

Zenki: "Tch! I knew I wasn't crazy."

ZeeArc: "Woah, woah woah there babe. Calm down. It's still being investigated. You can't possibly still be blaming that on her right?"

Amir: "Of course I am. And I'll get the bitch this time. I won't let this slip by me this time. Not. This. Time!"

Kimichi: *Fwitinng* (Hmm. It seems as though a large number of high leveled beings has arrived here. Even Amir's there as well. Her essence has spiked in hostility ever since our eyes met a moment ago. Seems I'll have to fight her right after this too.) "Ha!"

Sonya: "Gah!!! *FWOOSH* Damn. At this rate, the best I can do is get her to fall with me. She's just too damn precise. And her essence directly counter's my own."

Kimichi: (She's been dragging this bout. Ill have to finish her soon. Or my form will start causing drawbacks.) "You'll have to fall for me here Sonya. There's not much time left for either of us. You've got a minute left at best!"

Sonya: "And with that minute- *GHACK* W-We will… w-we WILL!"

Joe: "Gain victory! Construction BURST!"

Kaguro: "Anti CANNON!"

A large explosion occurs with the force to decimate a large star with ease. Kaguro and Joe are sent flying in opposite directions, as Kimichi and Sonya repeatedly clash swords. Neither side would give even an inch to the other. 

Sonya: *FWIP* *TING* *TING* *PRCH* "Haaaaa! Constructor TYPE, Sword: Almighty FLARE!!!"

Kimichi: "Tch! She's good. ANTI FLARE BLITZ!!!"


Sonya: "HAAAAAA!!! (N-Ngh… thirty seconds!)

Kimichi: "Lets GOOOOOO!!! (Just a bit more!)"

Di'Angelos: "Hmph. Your ability to create God Slaying weapons is quite impressive. Though that doesn't matter if I just keep smashing them to pieces one… after De OtHeR."

Sanjuro: *HUFF* *Huff* *huff* "Heh. Well this latest one has yet to fall. So I'll keep coming at you… without rest. I'll crush you… and Haydes right after."

Di'Angelos: "Tch! If you can't even beat me then you have very little chance beating that of Haydes. But I guess I'll have to end this in order to show you." *FWIP*

Sanjuro: "Hmmph! And I'll show you that you don't have what it takes to end this." *FWIP*

Di'Angelos rushes in with a flurry of kick from his right leg. While doing so he rotates his scythe at high speeds. Sanjuro parries the flurry of kicks and counters with five swift swings from his mortal staff. Di'Angelos dodges and does a heavy wide swing with his Scythe. Sanjuro jumps over it and does a quick frontflip bringing down his staff as heavy as possible. 

Di'Angelos: "Ngh! Damn his staff is getting heavier by the second. (Is he absorbing my divine essence?) Tch! Enough!!!"

Sanjuro: "Huh!? *Fwip* *SMASH* GAAAAH!!!"

Di'Angelos: (That heavy blow should've knocked 'em back a few. Now for the finale.) Death, ELEMENTAL Burst: Essence Drain!!!"

Sanjuro: "Chh! (He's stealing back what I took in our last exchange.) Slayer Code: Extinguisher's Mallet!!!"

Di'Angelos: "What a bother." *FWIP*

Di'Angelos jumps away to avoid contact with the mallet Sanjuro summoned. 

Sanjuro: "Damn. I-I'm not getting anywhere in this damn fight. He's adapting way too fast."

Di'Angelos: "Hmm… Defiled Essence: Impure Gray."

Sanjuro: "What the? The space around us has become gray. What the hell is going on here!?"

Di'Angelos: This technique creates a world filled entirely with Holy particles and particles imbued solely with malice. Those particles are some of which I have complete control over. And this realm is filled with those same ones. I hope you're prepared." *Fwip* 

Sanjuro: "Hm…. *Prch* Gaaah!! (Damn… where'd that come from!?)

As Di'Angelos and Sanjuro enter the climax of their battle, Tailee and Miamori were upping the intensity in their battle. Fists were flying as they took every blow the other could muster. No longer caring for finesse and the lot. Just about who would give in first."

Tailee: "I've never had a battle this exciting before. Feels as though my body could explode from all the excitement. Thrilling to know someone like you were amongst the ranks of the Phoenix Empire's military."

Miamori: "Indeed Tailee. There's nothing like it honestly. But I'll be the one to win this and you'll have to join the Phoenix ranks."

Tailee: "As if. You'll fall to mee- uh… oh. That's quite a few large essence signatures I'm sensing. Wait… isn't that?" *PEW*

Demetri: "Aye! Where the hell is she going?"

Taishin: "She's going… ah! Come on, lets follow her!"

Meilee: "Right!"

Kitiro: "Right behind you, mahn!"

Miamori: "Tailee!? Where are we going!"

Tailee: *PewTINNG* "Hmph! Uncle."

Zenki: "Niece."

Tailee: "Have you guys been enjoying the shows we've lined up today?"

Zenki: "Well of course. I'd say you're able to take on Kishin and even Hideaki now. Quite the startling amount of growth you're showing."

Kishin: "Indeed. Hard to believe she was barely a "7" one year ago."

Tailee: "Hmph! I wouldn't stay the same forever. Especially being a prodigy amongst we Gahwardians."

Zenki: "Of course. But you should finish your battle with that young lass. I'll talk to your siblings and friends in the meantime."

Tailee: "Heh. Right! Lets end this Miamori!"

Miamori: "Already well ahead of you. I'll finish this with this next attack."

Tailee: "Right. Lets blow the remains of this solar system to the next dimension!"

Zenki: "Oh this'll be grand. Mwuhahahaaa."

As the tides of battle finally begin to calm within solar system 9. Haydes and Amiyama's battle only grows in intensity. The shockwaves could be felt by those present in Universe 9. 

Amiyama: "Your will to stop us is unfathomable and its pissing me off. I'll show you my grit and what this truly means to me you bastard." *PRCH*

Haydes: "And I could care less about your ridiculous need to revive that bitch."

Amiyama: "Gaaah! How I hate your existence! Phoenix BURST."

Haydes: "War Hammer."

The attacks clash and the two are blown away from one another. Amiyama quickly rebounds and rushes Haydes, Landing a series of punches on Haydes' upper body. "GAAAH!", yelled Haydes as he takes the beating and counters with a heavy kick to Amiyama's stomach. "DAAAAMN!", said Amiyama as she was sent hurling into an asteroid belt. 

Amiyama: "Perfect. I'll just."

Haydes: "Hmmm… what the hell is she- OH damn! Contract, DEFENSE: Ronin Shield!"

Haydes summoned a mighty shield made of even more smaller shields imbued with god essence and wartanium. Amiyama had sent more than 100 Gigantic flaming asteroids at Haydes. As he defended against the onslaught, Amiyama quickly sneaks up from behind and lands a direct blow to the middle of his back with her Cosmic flaming fist.

Haydes: "Gaaaaaaaaah!... You.. You damn BITCH! Shield Barrage!"

Amiyama: "Tch!" *FWIP*

Amiyama dashes away as hundreds of shields come flying at her with speeds greater than light. Five times greater to be exact. She fires off barrages of fire balls that instantly melt the shields as the flames adapt to conquer all material. She then sends out a massive comet made of her Phoenix Fire to melt the remaining shields following her. The burst is great enough to be considered a supernova yet… some still slipped through, hitting her head on.

Amiyama: "Damn! If I hadn't managed to block at the last second. That would've been bad for me and reaching my goal. (I've got to get out of here now before they unfuse!)"

Haydes: "Pay attention!"

Amiyama: "Huh!?"

*SMASH* Amiyama was sent flying yet again by Haydes' devastating right hook. He tries to follow up with a high speed fist combo, but is countered by Amiyama's blinding flare. Then is let with more than 20 flaming fists that send him flying THROUGH the same asteroid field Amiyama was sent into.

Amiyama: "Hmph! I sent you through it instead of into it. That's how you conquer some shit you rookie. Aiyama! Switch now!"

Aiyama: "Right!"

HellBlazer: "Oh no you don't!"

HellBlazer sends a few essence blasts at the retreating Aiyama, who was dashing towards Haydes at full speed. Amiyama intercepts the blasts and knocks them back towards HellBlazer. 

HellBlazer: "Damn it all. That wench is always getting in my way. I'll stomp hwr ass here and now!"

Amiyama: "Ha! As if. I only came to send you back to Haydes. He currently doesn't have the strength to take on Aiyama if he boosts from our birthright again."

HellBlazer: "What!? You jest!"

Amiyama: "I don't joke about these kinds of things, HellBlazer."

HellBlazer: "As… if. You could possibly send… ME back to Haydes. I hate your ridiculous jokes, AMIYAMA!!"

HellBlazer rushes in at Amiyama with a flurry of strikes meant to kill. He wraps his limbs in his war essence to reinforce his blows. Amiyama effortlessly blocks each attack and counters with flames at the tips of her fingers. She strikes each "bell" within HellBlazer's inner temple of essence. Which caused him to turn back into pure essence and return to Haydes.

HellBlazer: "Y-You damn whore. How dare youuu." *FWIIISH*

Amiyama: "Oh please. You can be of real use now as part of a prodigy like Haydes. And now I must head to Di'Angelos. (You got this right?)"

Aiyama: (Yes, now go! Fullfill the mission we came to do!)

Amiyama: "Hmmph. Thank You Aiyama." *PEEEEW*

Haydes: "Damn! She's going straight for Di'Angelos! I've gotta stop her!"

Aiyama: "Naw brotha. Just surpass him at the level he'll be reborn in. Right?"

Haydes: "Oh… you little prick. Alright you first… then that wench."

Aiyama: "Ha! Bring it then Haydes!"

Amiyama dashes off at her highest speeds possible to make it to Di'Angelos before he unfuses. But to her disadvantage, his battle with Sanjuro was also coming to an end. 

Di'Angelos: Oh you're quite the sturdy one. To believe you learned to apply the essence you stole from me so that it heals your wounds. Seems I'll have to use the tactic I had originally planned for you."

Sanjuro: "Hnmph! At this point. I can only imagine you're bluffing yet again. You've nothing to put me down with so long as I can steal from that bottomless pit of essence you got going."

Di'Angelos: "Ah… it seems tasting my essence has gotten you drunk to the point you're imagining you have the upper hand. Oh… how I feel for the youth these days. You're a fool boy. And I'll show you that now."

Sanjuro: "Pfft. Heheahahahhaaaa! You'll never be able to accomplish a thing! I've managed to come back from what should've been an instant kill! Nothing you can muster will get me now Di'Angelos."

Di'Angelos: "Hmm. Guess it's no use talking to this Neanderthal type. I'll have to show 'em. Since you have Sanjin as your darkness and Bujuro as your light. I'll have to take control and separate the two."

Sanjuro: "Again. You're a bluff, nothing you can do will-"

Di'Angelos: "What're saying bro? I've already begun. Grey WORLD:..."

Sanjuro: "What is this… feeling?"

Di'Angelos: Law of Separation!"

Di'Angelos within the blink of a God's eye(10 times the speed of light on average), he tore Sanjuro back into the two halves that made him. Proving he was not of bluffing nature when stating he'd end it here.

Sanjin: (What the!? He actually-)

Bujuro: (Split us apart in just one move!)

Di'Angelos: "And if you even think about continuing this farce or re-summoning Sanjuro… I'll kill you without hesitation. And send you to Gaia over there."

Sanjin: "A-Ah…. He's actually… too much for us."

Bujuro: "We were too naive and overconfident. We had best retreat, Sanjin."

Sanjin: "Yes, brother. We can try this again another day. The way things stand now… we'd die in vain."

Bujuro: "Yeah. *FWIP*

Sanjin: "Hmmph! (We'll crush you and that bastard Haydes soon enough!)" *FWIP*

Di'Angelos: "Wooh. Now that that's settled I can leave this form before "he" takes over. (It was him controlling this body when fighting the whole time just now. Seems we're at the end of freedom guys.)"

Zenki: "Ah and just as everyone else is about to arrive. She's made it back just in time to converse with them. This is it everyone."

Zo'Elgor: (So that's Miss Amiyama, of the Phoenix Empire. She's quite beautiful.)

Dante: "So this'll be the Omniverse's last few moments without it's Death God… tch! Been long enough, mate."

Kishin: "Indeed. Indeed it has."

ZeeArc: (My best friend is finally returning. Do what must be done…)


Di'Angelos: "Hmph! Alright, time to unfuse and meet up with HellBlazer."

Amiyama: "That… won't be necessary Di'Angelos."

Di'Angelos: "Huh!? You're the Phoenix Princess, Amiyama. Right?"

Amiyama: (Even in this false form. He still manages to shine through as the man I love and married.) "Yes, that's correct. Visiting HellBlazer won't be necessary right now. He won't be needing you. Instead."

Gaia: "I'm going down with her. I need to explain something to those two halves of his before he comes." *FWIP*

Zenki: "Gaia…"

Di'Angelos: (It's weird… but I know this woman well.)

Amiyama: "How about you have a little talk with me… and Gaia instead."

Di'Angelos: "G-Gaia!?"

It would seem Amiyama has come just one step from her goal. She meets with Di'Angelos in order to speak to Diablos and Angelos. Along with Gaia, she'll explain to them what they truly are. The time for Death's revival has come!!!

Next Chapter: His Great Return!