
STRIFE: A Life and Death Tale

This is an action-packed story based around the second generation of Life and Death. The two entities are to come together to stop the rising of a looming enemy that threatens their very Omniverse. Balance is at stake as they take on old friends, enemies, and new ones alike!

Shiishii_Gaia · Action
Not enough ratings
143 Chs

23.) The Five Generals.

Back on Vonra 9, the battle was getting intense as the five steadily mow down the enemy forces. Not letting a single blow get through so that they're completely prepared for the generals. Tailee took the lead as they charged at their main forces.

Tailee: "Meilee, Taishin! Come to my flanks. Demetri and Kitiro, use your combo elemental to create an opening. We'll blitz the generals."

Everyone: "Right!"

Demetri: "Hmph! Prepare to burst through!"

Tailee: "Mhm hmm!"

Kitiro: "I'll start us off. Plant Life: Planetary Forest Creation!"

Demetri: "Hmph! Phoenix Flame: Omega Dancing Wyvern!"

Both: "Fusion: Pyro Frolicking PHOENIX CREATION!"

General 1: "Oh well, that's troublesome. Hmmph! Phoenix Burst: ….

Generals: "Yiridian Blanket!!!"

The blazing flames met with the glistening vines of flames coming at them. The two attacks clashed with the resulting burst on impact, eliminating their forces. Leaving only the generals and the five left. It was incredible... the corpses danced and panicked as they scurried about. They tried their best to resist the flames, but they were far too much. A blanket of black painted the battlefield while lights of green, blue, and red flames raged about. 

Demetri: "Everyone stay ALERT! They're no pushovers. They're from my home empire."

Tailee: "Warning heard and heeded. Let's take them down quickly then."

Taishin: "Roger." 

Meilee: "Mhm."

Kitiro: "Gotcha."

General Tak: "Let's take the lot of them down. And bring that traitor home."

General Miaz: "Easy. Phoenix Burst: Limit Revision!"

A grand Phoenix came from out Miaz's hands as its size continued to expand with no limit in sight. 

Demetri: "Hmph! You think you've got us, don't you? Pathetic! Phoenix Quazaar: Meridian Comet!"

A colossal comet comes crashing into Vonra 9's armosphere and smashes right through the Phoenix as it heads straight into the generals. 

General Tak: "Moltra… get rid of this pebble."

General Moltra: "Tigga toggem. I got 'em. Phoenix Omen: Shield of Ra!"

A massive shield with symbols of the Sun Phoenix all over it covers the generals completely. The comet rams the shield only to be redirected and boosted as it flies at the five Destrucìon members. 

Taishin: "Tch! Enough of these games. Begin a blitz when I smash this thing. We'll close the distance… *FWIP* NOOOOOOW!!!"

The comet is smashed with a single kick as it creates a smoke screen, covering both parties entirely. 

General Tak: "What childishness. I'll have to clear th-" *FWISH*

General Miaz: "What the hel-" *FWISH* 

General Miamori: "Hmm… I see *FWISH* *GRIP* That's what's going on."

Tailee: "This one's… different. Entirely different."

Miamori: "Hmm. *FWISH* *FWISH* So it's all onto one on one's eh. That's fine by me, girly."

Tailee: "Alright then, lil lady… Let's see what YOU GOT! *SWOOSH*

A mighty kick is blocked by General Miamori. The impact cleared the smoke as all the generals were now spread across the planet. 

Miamori: "Good impact. And you're holding back. A match I could lose if I'm careless. Hmm, care to wager?"

Tailee: Hrmm!.. Huh!? *Fwip* What kind of wager?"

Miamori: "Well, it's a simple one, really. Your power would be useful for my Empire's forces. So if I win this, you join us. But if I lose, I'll join you in exchange. My prince is here with you... being with him during these times will be wonderful."

Tailee: "Oh? Demetri, huh? Chh! Hahahahahaaa, well, of course I'm ok with that wager! Let's go!" *PEW*

Miamori: "Indeed. Have at thee!" *PEW*

The two clash head on as flames roar for miles with a mighty force that follows. Their elements clash with each blow. Tailee's roundhouse kick meets Miamori's high kick. Followed by five fast collisions of their jabs meeting head-on. 

"Phoenix Burst: Ol' Mighty Screech!"

Tailee: "Tch! Force Burst: Chaotic Howl!"

Their attacks meet head-on, no different from all the others. They cause an instant crater with their clash, as the attacks form into a tornado that stretches beyond Vonra 9's atmosphere. The two meet in the center. With one quick screw punch from both Tailee and Miamori, the attack was demolished instantly. 

Miamori: "Daaamn bitch…. You're good!

Tailee: "Aww, thanks bitch. You too!"

The current power scale levels for both Tailee and Miamori were… 10.5. 

Demetri: "Tak. Turn away now and you can hold stead to your dignity."

Tak: "You're a fool young prince. You'll return with us and your older sister this instant. Don't be a fool. You've never been able to beat me. *FWIP*

Demetri: "That's because I've never tried."

Tak: "Huh!?"

Demetri releases 20 blows to Tak's torso. Then a mighty kick smashes the poor fool into the floor.

Demetri: "Dude… like dude. I'm a 10 nowadays. Aren't you just a 8.5 now? You've been too cozy. There's monsters in this world… monsters far beyond my folks."

Tak: "I know of those damn monsters… and. You're not ONE OF 'EM!!!" *SWISH* *SWISH* *Swish*

Demetri: "How slow… my turn I guess."

*SWOOSH* *PRCH* *PSH* *PRCH* Three blows meet Tak's face with a final high 180 degree angle drop kick. Knocking Tak into Vonra 9's core. 

Tak: "Ngh… n-ngh! Gah… DAMN YOUUUUU!!!"

Tak goes flying out of the ground at speeds greater than light. 

Demetri: "Oooh?! You can actually move at the speed of light?"

Tak: "Tch! Bastard… STOP MOCKING MEEEEE!!!"

Demetri: "Tch! No. You stop… MOCKING ME!" *PRCH*

Tak: "Ah!... A-ah. A-a-ah… ah!?"

A clean cut haymaker meets Tak head on as he dashes in on Demetri. The momentum of Tak only served as a helper to the impact. 

Demetri: "Losing your composure? And over what… verbal abuse?! You're far too sad for someone who I once saw as my checkpoint. You're a fool."

Tak: "Ngh… damn! GAAAAAAAH!!!" *FWOOM*

Demetri: "Oh?"

Tak: *Inhaling* *EXHALE* "You're right. So let me come to you with respect, young prince."

Demetri: "Good… you're back to your senses. Let's fight then."

Tak: "Hmph! On guard!" *STEP* … *STEP* *FWIP* 

Tak dashes at Demetri with flames around his hands and feet. Then releases a quick 30 hit flurry of punches. Demetri quickly dodges half of them, then blocks the rest. He counters rapidly with a backwards unorthodox heel kick. Tak quickly blocks the attack, then releases a high flying knee with flames wrapped around it. 

Demetri: "Hmph!" *SWISH* *Sizzle*

Tak: "Dammit! Then how about this?!"

Demetri: "Heh."

Tak does a flaming high drop kick from 50 feet above Demetri.

Demetri: "Damn he blasted up there so quickly!"

Tak: "HAAAAAAA!!!"

Tak comes flying down in an instant, creating a slicing-like effect as he slashes down on Demetri. The line is cut, and time seems frozen only for a grand flash of flames to burst as the two separate. 

Demetri: "You're far better than before! But…

Tak: "A-a-ah… g-good match little… baastarrd." 

Demetri used a reverse flame burst technique. Completely forcing the flames of Tak's attack back at him. With twice the potency and force, Tak stood not even a trickle of a chance.

Demetri: "Hmph! T'was a great match. Rest up I'll be back eventually. Especially if sister Yama comes for me personally."

Tak: "Indeed. I'll s-see you around…  prince."

Demetri: "Likewise." *STEP* … *FWIP*

Tak: "Ah… *THUD* (The day you return… I'll show you just how far i can go!)

On the outskirts of Vonra 9's atmosphere was a grand battle coming to a near close. Taishin was just about finished dealing with General Mork. A Phoenix highmen that specializes in Phoenix style Tai-chi & Wing chun. 

Mork: "How… how the fuck is this even possible. You despicable bastard."

Taishin: "You guys are far too naive and full of yourselves. Generals my ass."

Mork: "Tch… Damn bastard. Me naive!? The nerve of you trash."

Taishin: "Oh? Take this then. Force Palm: …"

Mork: "Tch! (Damn… I've got no way to counter. Just defend.)"

Taishin: "100 Waves!"

Mork: "Ngh! D-Daaaaammmiiit!!"

100 blows instantly bombard Mork, completely tearing him apart. Utterly defeated, Mork falls to Vonra 9's Sea of density waves. Sinking in and slowly being crushed as the pressure greatly increased with every foot descended. 

Taishin: "Hmm. Orb!"

Orbis: *WIT* *WOW* (Yes, master?)

Taishin: "Save 'em."

Orbis: *PEW*

Taishin's orb successfully brings Mork back from the depths of density and leaves him unconscious on a nearby island. 

Taishin: "Good job orbi."

Orbis: *PEW* *PEW* (Thanks, master)

Onto the next battlefield, we find Meilee pushing Miaz back without breaking much of a sweat….

Miaz: "Tch! Two of us have fallen already!? This is insane!"

Meilee: "What's insane about it? That we can win? Or that we're actually stronger than grunts? Tch! You guys truly are pathetic!"

Miaz: "Ch- ho- grrrr… fuck you bitch!"

Meilee: "Hahahahaa! You're too cute when you're flustered!"

Miaz: "Mhm… hmph! Phoenix Calamity: …"

Meilee: "Calamity!? Damn ORBS: Renegade Ra Manifesto!" 

Miaz: "Hoo? Phoenix Apocalypse!!!"

A massive wave of Phoenix birds come flocking at Meilee from Miaz's hands. Meilee retaliates with Five orbs that quickly form a line in front of the sea of Phoenix. Then the orbs begin to absorb the energy at a decently fast rate. Once they absorb half of the wave, they burst out sending their own wave back at Miaz with double the power. 

Miaz: "Tch! Cheap trick. HAAAAA!"

Miaz boosts the power within her Wave of Phoenix and cancels out both attacks. Only to have Meilee come flying through the remains and slashing straight through Miaz with her orbish Blade. 

Maiz: "Gah! N-Ngh… Damn it all!" *Flame BURST*

Meilee: "It's ove- huh!? He-her wounds…. HEALED!?"

Miaz: "Indeed. Though that last blow took a bit to heal. Seems I only got enough juice left for some last ditch efforts."

Meilee: "Hmph! Seems I might just have this wo- hmm?" *FWIP*

Miaz: "Haaaaa!"

Maiz rushes Meilee, throwing five quick jabs at her face then going for a leg sweep. Meilee instinctively counters, by dodging the five blows as she leans back then leaps into a twirl right above Miaz's leg. Immediately after the twirl comes a quick mid kick aimed at the crouching Miaz's face. Miaz uses a slight burst of flames to move her head out of the way. 

Meilee: "Woah. *Shutter* (Damn… this bitch is skilled!)"

Maiz then grabs Meilee's leg and lifts her up, then smashes her into the ground. 

Meilee: "GAH!"

Miaz proceeds to jump on top of Meilee for some ground and pound play. She lands four quick blows on Meilee's guard. Miaz goes for a fifth blow but it's dodged by Meilee who quickly counters with a jab to Miaz's chin. Rattling her brain and discombobulating her.

Miaz: "What the!? (My sense of direction and equilibrium are all thrown off.)"

Within that quick moment, Meilee quickly comes in to end it all with a high, left 170 degree angled hook kick. Miaz instinctively closed her eyes to sense out the intent and energy within her attack. Using flames yet again she pushes her body back, causing Meilee to miss her kick completely. 

Meilee: "Damn! …then I'll just-"

Miaz: "Hmph!"

Meilee quickly turns back around after missing, only to be met by 2 mighty chest blows that sends her back a few feet. 

Meilee: "URRRGHH!!" *CLENCH*

Infuriated, Meilee does a blitz dash beyond light speed and throws Miaz off-balance with 4 precise heavy blows to Miaz's chest. 

Miaz: "Gah!" *Cough*

Miaz coughs a bit of blood up then a quick chop meets her neck, nearly knocking her unconscious. But Miaz fires her own attack back on herself to get a quick kick. 

Meilee: "Damn… she's so persistent. I love it!" Force Palm: Screw Force!"

Meilee releases a right hook wrapped in rotating force essence. Aimed right for Miaz's face. Miaz with that last burst knocked herself back into alignment and dodged the massive punch last second. Then counters with a mighty right haymaker full of Burst particles. 

Miaz: "BURST: Phoenix ARROOOOW!!"

Meilee: "Damn! (Too fast!) *PRCH* *BOOM* GAAAAAH!!!" *CRASH*

Meilee is sent flying into a nearby mountain, causing it to collapse and crumble. Even with the presented situation… Miaz was still tired out of her mind and exhausted completely. 

Miaz: "Hehe! I got far… but this is my loss."

A ticking orb had been left by Miaz in the midst of that rapid counter strike struggle. The ticking became very rapid then… a burst of massively, compacted force touches the entirety of Miaz's front side. Sending her flying halfway across Vonra 9, right into a nearly beaten partner, Moltra.

Moltra: "Gah! What the- MIAZ!? (She was defeated… by how!?)"

Kitiro: "Ngh! (I can sense Meilee's energy on her! And a message. Hmm.)

"Don't kill her!?" Fine. Plant Life: Stasis Vine!"

A vine immediately pierces Moltra's chest, stemming itself to every vein and artery in his body. Shutting everything but the heart off. 

Moltra: "Uh… u-uh. D-Damn youuuu!" *THUD* 

Kitiro: "Damn..  Dat bastard was strong as hell. Tanks for that little assist Meilee, ya gwamgal! Woooh!!"

Meilee: "Seems I made it. Miaz was a cool gal. I'm hoping to see her again soon!"

Miamori: "Well damn… Seems my team's down."

Tailee: "Yeah… Seems only two of my members have any energy to spare. Hmph! Shall we continue?"

Miamori: "Yes ma'am!"

Tailee: "Haha, here I come then!" *FWIP*

Miamori: "Hup!"

Tailee enters with a low kick sweep. Miamori dodges then uses her flames to repel herself from high upwards, and  down into Tailee. Tailee uses her control of force to lower the momentum of Miamori. Giving her the chance to counter the mighty punch coming her way. 

Miamori: "Tch! Smart girl. HWAAA!!"

Tailee: "Haaaaaa!"

Their fists clash and split the planet from where they stand. Causing a cataclysmic phenomena to occur within the planet. The core began to crack. 

Tailee: "Tch!"

Miamori: "Hrm."


Their clashes continue to make Vonra 9 crumble and its core crack. Going at each other relentlessly. 

Miamori: "Hyyyaa! *Dink* *DINK* What the!? That was no mere force wall. It felt spherical."

Tailee: "Indeed. My study is at a passive level right now. So it's starting to activate without fail the weaker I get. Getting hard to hold it back."

Miamori: "Ah a study huh?. I'm the only one out of these generals to actually have a study right now."

Tailee: "Oh yeah?"

Miamori: "Yeah, let me show you. True Burst: Combusted Release!"

Tailee: "What the!?"

Miamori: "My bursts allow me to automatically combust great flames of the hottest temperatures. They have a slight ability to transcend that I'm trying to make far more potent. But in a weak universe like this, on the lower plains of the dimensional rifts. I can easily burn…. SPACE."

Tailee: "She literally burned the space that was here. What the hell!?"

Miamori: "Now this space that's been burned is temporarily mine for the time being. BE TIMELESS!"

Tailee: "Ngh! (I'm frozen solid!)"

Miamori completely burned the space around her and Tailee, giving her free control by spreading her energy around the nothingness left by her heat burst. Then controlled the space and caused time to be frozen. Her particle control is far more precise than most. 

Miamori: "Now then. TAKE THIIIIIS!!!"

Tailee: "N-n-ngh… GRRRR!!! (Orbs: EMBRACE!)

Miamori: *DINK* "What the!? Her Orbs work in this plain!? MY plain!?"

Tailee: "Of course it does. My embrace cancels out effects within the space its enclosing. And without having a power scale signal far higher than mine… your control of this space means nothing! HAAAA!"

Miamori: "Damn!" *PRCH*

Tailee: "Ha!" *PSH*

Miamori: "This is… *TRSH* FUN!"

Tailee: "In- *PRRCH* DEED!!!"


Tailee and Miamori continuously go at it blow for blow. Blowing a chunk of Vonra 9 to pieces with every exchange. This was true ecstasy for the both of these fighters. A battle they didn't need to hold back on. 

Taishin: "T-this is insane Demetri!"

Demetri: "Yeah… she's stronger than any member from Le Destrucìon. When did she get this far!?"

Taishin: "No idea, but all this… and that General can still keep up at an even pace. How is she so far above the others??"

Tak: "He wouldn't know… none of us in her squad even knew, including me. And I'm the damn leader. I spend one on one time with all my members. And I've never seen such power from her until now."

Demetri: "Hmm… well that's just nuts. Two hidden figures facing each other. And their teams had no idea…"

Taishin: "It's an unprecedented discovery. Guess I've got some catching up to do."

Tak: "Indeed."

Demetri: "We all do."

Demetri, Tak and Taishin float above the crumbling Vonra 9, waiting for their teammates to all wake up from their battles. While waiting… they watch as two goddess go head to head without restraint. Two titans on a foothold that could've never held up. That was the immeasurable situation that unfolded before them. But back near the base… 

Aiyama: "Hmm!?"

Amiyama: "What's wrong!?"

Aiyama: "It seems that our small army and all of our Generals except one…. Have fallen."

Amiyama: "It was expected. They were able to leave most of the five exhausted so they'll be of no concern for now."

Aiyama: "Yeah… plus Sanjin and Bujuro are holding up. As well as Kimichi and Kaguro. They're actually winning their bouts."

Amiyama: "Good… lets do the same here and win this damn fight."

Aiyama: "Right!"

Vashjai: "HUH!? *Huff* *Huff* *Huff* What… the!?"

Tristan: "What's wrong cousin!? You good man!?"

Beeso: "Yeah brodies… you good!?"

Vashjai: "Y-you guys… didn't feel that??"

Beeso: "Feel what!?"

Tristan: "… Don't tell me!"

Vashjai: "Yeah… yeah Tristan. I can sense… DEATH!!!"

Beeso & Tristan: "WHAT!?!?"

It seems the essence of THE Death can be felt by his fellow Clansmen. With Amiyama pushing forward the way she's been. Death's revival draws everyone closer. The time to rise is now!!!

Next Chapter: Strife Gathering Part 1