
STRIFE: A Life and Death Tale

This is an action-packed story based around the second generation of Life and Death. The two entities are to come together to stop the rising of a looming enemy that threatens their very Omniverse. Balance is at stake as they take on old friends, enemies, and new ones alike!

Shiishii_Gaia · Action
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150 Chs

125.) Dazzles and the Great Inventor!

Dawn: "Alright boys, let's Dazzle 'em all!"


Dawn: "Theo and Mavi, stay back and help Lord Dante heal the others!"

Theo & Mavi: "Yes ma'am!" *FWIP*

Dawn: "Shak and Voldeus, follow me into battle against the Three Rays while Meas'll takes care of Meachie and Platinum, better to say Father Neal Lanthermines."

Voldeus: "You bet, Dawn! I'm rarin' to go!"

Shak: "Likewise!"

Meas'll: "So the Platinum Luum was the great priest for the Lanthermines House after all. He and Meachie are a tough duo indeed."

He pulls out his thin long sword, The Skewer. Adjusting his glasses as his newly formed halo shines brighter than ever.

Father Neal: "I do apologize about what we did to your home. But I owe a debt to Meachie and I'll help him with whatever he needs. That includes dirty deeds to keep his family safe. They're like my family as well."

Meas'll: "Noble, that's why I simply wish to repel you rather than kill you like we were the first go around. But… if you two force my hand…" *Shing*

Meachie: "Show us your new found strength then, Meas'll!" *Swish* *Fwoosh*

He brought about a golden Sabre from within his armor.

Dante: "They're all dressed in Navy style captain suits. Black loafers and heels with white gloves to boot. Donning their flowing white capes as they finally make it back to us all. Meas'll loves his shoulder capes. Leave it to Voldeus to have one sleeve missing with a mask and new tattoos to boot."

Aurorin: "Mhmm (Voldeus has his tattoos. The twins have their Halos on their backs along with Meas'll's head halo. Then you have Dawn and Shak with their crowns. Just like Dante over here. That means they all have awakened their Drive forms.) Ah, so that's it eh? They've all awakened to their individual Drive Forms just like Dante here did."

Dawn: "Yep, and to think he has a crown just like I. That means we were meant to be babe!"

Dante: "Heh! *grin* Oh how I've missed you, my love."

Dawn: "We'll be able to catch up soon, but for now… we all have a job to do. The Great Inventor didn't help us for nothing!" *PEW*

Shak: "Hmph!" *PEW*

Voldeus: "Gwuahahaaa! You're mine, Ny'Eiir!" *PEW*

Ny'Eiir: "Bring it!"

Voldeus smashes into Ny'Eiir with their forearms clashing at full strength. They caused the cosmos to shake as they erupted into a barrage of strike exchanges. Smiling at one another as they slowly figure out that they are evenly matched. The same can be said about Tomford and Shak.

Shak: "Explode!"

Tomford: "Hrnnm!! (Delete!)"

Their attacks clash repeatedly as they create a carpet of explosions going across the universe. Their attacks grow in potency and began to basically cancel each other out without fail. Shak takes heed of this and shoots beams of explosive essence. Causing Tomford to dance about the cosmos as he dodges this large beam. Shak adapts a bit more and uses his beam as a whip to make for a more difficult attack to dodge. Tomford avoids going into a number of maneuvers, taking the fight directly to Shak. Dodging his attempts to whip him out of the sky. He charges his Deletion essence into his fist, prompting Shak to do the same as he notices his whips have failed. Their fists clash as they run into one another.

Shak: "Gotcha!"

Tomford: "Nrgh!" (What the!?)

Shak: "Connect to the Explosive Lineage: Deleted Explosion!!!"

Aurorin: "He can connect to the Lineage!? Just who did they train with to learn such a difficult feat!?"

Berixan: "This is what Connections looks like?"

Dante: "Hmm… Connect to the Archaic Lineage- *Tsueeww* (Damn… I can't do it just yet!)"

Shak's fist summoned a warp within the space around them. Forcing himself and Tomford to separate. Tomford attempted to delete the attack, but it was nulled out instead. Dumbfounded and confused, he found himself witnessing the rebirth of an explosion.

Shak: "You see, I can actually spawn and recreate explosions from different times in history. So long as it's within my strength margin. So be faced with the detrimental event known as the Clan Divider. An explosion that equaled more than thirty big bangs put together!!!"

Tomford: "Shhhiii… mrhm (How irritating!)"

He balls up to defend from the brunt of the attack.

Tomford was completely engulfed within the blast's entirety. The blast held a lot of force behind it, which resulted in Tomford blasting quite far away. Hitting the edge of the universe within mere seconds as he unballs himself and begins his counter strike. Deleting the blast from the inside out. Adapting to the essence the blast gave off and learning to delete such a substance of natural energy. Shak couldn't tell that this was going on due to Tomford masking his presence.

In the midst of this event came Dawn as she approached the battlefield where Diane and Maliik fought. Maliik was busy using his AntiMatter Sabres to try and cleave Diane down. He wasn't worried about killing her considering it'd be too difficult. All he aimed for was a severe enough injury to repel her before he could run out of essence. Though it was looking dire due to her being able to counter his strikes with her famous Star katana. Plus her ability to also connect to the Lineage of her origin concept. Something Maliik was only on the verge of mastering, meaning his version of the technique wouldn't stand a chance against hers. Though… you never truly know until you've tried it.

Diane: "Your swordplay is definitely better than mine by a little bit. But… you fall short when it comes to speed, which evens us out. And you'd be a bit pressed to know that I don't care if we sit here in a standstill. You'll be running out of essence long before I do!"

Maliik: "Tch! Thought you of all people would want to show off your new strength with some tasty feats."

Diane: "Against you? The love of me life? No sir, but against you AND Lady Dawn. Well I can't help it, so watch me go for et!"

Maliik: "Mhm, is that so?

Dawn: "Heh!"

Diane: "Connect to the Star Lineage: Polarity Gauntlet!"

She holds out her left hand, creating a very small star that was the size of a mere basketball. This acted as her center point for the constant pull of polarity!

Maliik: "What the!? She can access EVERY ability of a star including its base functions!?"

Dawn: "It would seem so, Sir Maliik. But I can definitely counter that if you can close the distance and knock her off her game, deal?"

Maliik: "Yeah, plus I'd love to see this new found power you've acquired in this past year. You're nearly at my level!" *Grin*

Dawn: "Indeed, now watch me work dear sir! Connect to the Depletion Lineage: Deplete."

Diane: "H'What, but how!? (She can use the Lineage class techniques as well!?)"

The polarity that Diane brought about began to shrink rapidly in potency and power. Becoming nothing more than a gentle pulling breeze flowing in her direction. As she kept the flow going for the polarity, Dawn kept her power going for the Depletion. The two forces constantly clashed with no ground gained on either side. Leaving only Maliik who was coming into contact with Diane. He wrapped warping essence around his fists and gave them the affects one is granted when commanding true polarity. This allowed him to suck in and warp anything that came within inches of his fists. Let alone touching them.

Diane: "Mhm (So she'll keep my little technique here in check while he comes at me directly. Heh! Alright then!) Burst! "

Maliik & Dawn: "What!?"

The pull from her polarity was reversed with a huge jump in prowess. Sending force Great enough to knock both combatants back a few Astronomical Units. Diane used that opportunity to chase after them with thick layers of Stardust wrapped around her entire body. Maliik recovers before Dawn could and shoves her out of the way. Dawn was baffled by this development, regaining her balance and immediately looking towards Maliik. He had covered his entire body in the AntiMatter essence he wielded.

Maliik: "I can't allow you to have your way here, Diane!!" *FLASH*

Diane: "And I can't allow you to intrude on my mission, Maliik!!!" *FLASH*

The two deities clash head on, causing a massive implosion of essence to stir about. Its influence and pressure spread throughout the entire multiverse they were currently within. Touching and affecting more than thirty whole universes. The others around them, including Dawn, could only protect themselves until the phenomenon died down. Ny'Eiir and Voldeus formed a dome that allowed them to keep crossing fists whilst this all took place. Same can be said about Shak and Tomford. Both gods smiled at one another while mowing down the phenomenon with their Deletion and Explosions. Meachie and Father Neal are steadily pushed back by Meas'll who fired shots from within his dome. Making sure they couldn't protect themselves from the combined might of Maliik and Diane. Then the likes of Mavi, Theo, and Dante held up a dome while healing the entirety of the team.

Billard: "I can't thank you enough for this Mavi." *Bump*

Myne: "Yes, they had thoroughly put us in sight of Shiishii. Our souls were nearly at their wits end when it came to being attached to our bodies. We truly can't thank you enough!" *Hug*

Mavi: "It's no problem at all guys, just happy we all made it in time!"

Theo: "Yeah, the old hag was cutting it close with the final steps of our training. We almost didn't make it."

Dante: "Well it's lucky for us that you did! We truly are grateful to you six!"

He places his essence on Berixan, Aurorin, Maeli and Mackey. Healing them with one of the previous owners' greatest techniques. Their wounds began to disappear almost instantly. Regaining their strength and potency within this modern world.

Mavi: "It's seven actually."

Dante: "Seven!?"

Doc-Martin: "Seven? Wait a second- One, two, three- erR.. four… five, siiiiix? See… where the hell is this seventh person!?"

Mavi: "They're here… just wait on it."

He gazes up into the cosmos as if he were looking up at someone.

Theo: "We didn't come here to kill them. We came here to repel them so that we can all regroup and catch up."

Berixan: "Hm… then I suppose the one who stays hidden is of an even higher level than you six Lūmendäzz?"

Mavi: "Yeah, they definitely are above the rest of us."

Aurorin: "Mhm…"

Dante: (Just who could this mighty comrade be?)

Diane and Maliik's clash grew more fierce as they traded blows within their already expanding implosion phenomenon. For every right hook she lands, he lands a fierce left palm. For every kick he manages to get through, she counters with one of her own. They beat each other senselessly, clashing more than ten-thousand times every five seconds. Dawn stood on the side instead of joining in. Making it her mission to tame their raging essence and stop it from destroying the cosmos any further. Whilst she struggled to keep that all in check, Voldeus and Ny'Eiir have revved their battle up to a level that caused both to sustain heavy injuries all over. Smiling and healing their wounds as they cause more right after.

Voldeus: "I never once thought you were THIS damn tough, Ny'Eiir!" *PRCH* *THUD* *SMASH*

Ny'Eiir: "The same could be said about you, Voldeus. Just who the hell trained you all!?" *Prch* *Fwrp* *POW*

Their exchanges continued to grow more fierce right alongside Maliik and Diane's own. Shak and Tomford were now on the defensive end to keep the implosion from catching them. Blasting at it with everything they had whilst still blasting the other. It looked like a war torn battlefield, and it was only three fights raging onward at such a pace. Seeing as Meachie and Father Neal were near their limits. While Meas'll sat handsomely within his created throne chair. Staring down at his comrades as he assures all have been healed and brought within the lines of safety.

Meas'll: "This is all starting to go a little overboard. (Dawn, should we call it before the headquarters and everyone becomes collateral!?)"

Dawn: (Yeah, I can't hold this off for long even if I transformed. Best we call in the big guns instead of letting 'em watch.)

Meas'll: "Alright! Meachie, Father Neal… you'll get away this time. But just know we'll be coming to topple those corrupted houses you all serve!"

Meachie: "Hmph… and may you succeed in the end. It'd take quite the load off my back!" *Grin*

Father Neal: "Indeed. May we all find our way back to peace and prosperity." *Bow*

Meas'll: "Hmph! *Grin* Now then, Mavi and Theo!!!"

Both brothers look up at their subordinate with confused looks. Looking at the symbol he held up looked like a 'B'. They spend time understanding what this meant, nodding their heads as the atmosphere changes.

Mavi: "Make the call, Meas'll."

Meas'll: "Hmph! It would be my pleasure! *WHISTLE* It's time to wrap it up!"

All members of the Lūmendäzz took heed of this warning and took a step back. Leaving their adversaries high and dry as a shadow lights up the entire multiverse.

Voldeus: "Mrhm, we'll have to finish this next time!" *PEW*

Ny'Eiir: "Huh, what the- ARGH… wh-who the hell is… that!?"

He covers his eyes to shield from the intense light above him.

Shak: "Ah, damn… he's gonna make his move now. See ya Tom!" *PEW*

Tomford: "Mrhm? Mhm… (What, wait?!) *Reach* (This essence….)"

Diane: "Dawn… just who is that final gentleman you brought with you? And how is he stronger than Maliik and I!?"

She stares at a man dressed in a royal King's robe. Its blood red cloth flowed in the force created by his essence. The robe had a white fur trim on the lining and ends of the sleeves. Underneath the robe was a navy blue suit with a white button down underneath that. His gators were pure white with a black trim and sole to the shoes. His gloves were glossy black and reinforced with minerals of light. He wore platinum shades, grooming his long white beard as he looked down on everyone. His golden curly locks flowed in the breeze alongside his robe. He wore a crown, but it wasn't from him awakening his Drive form. Meaning he was a true king, and make no mistake, he was a Drive awoken warrior. One who woke to a halo instead of a crown. His halo was of a golden light and held at the back of his head. He smiled before he spoke.

???: "Dawn… my daughter, move aside with everyone else. As promised, no one will die today!"

Diane: "Dawn is his daughter…" *GASP*

Meachie: "Tch, I was sure we killed you, old man!"

Father Neal: "Tough one… isn't he?"

Golden: "Hmm… if that's the case. Then I should make my move now before we go." *PEW*

Billard: "Look at thaht, the 'ol buzzard managed to avoid kicking the damn bucket. Now isn't that pip."

Doc-Martin: "Damn right! Welcome back, King Luu!"

King Luu: "Heh! *Grin* The fighting ends here!" *VWIIIM-POP*

Dante: "Woah… what a massive amount of essence instantly brought about like that-" *PEW*

Golden: "Dante, boy!"

Dante: "Huh, what the… the Golden Luum!? What can I do for ya, mate?"

Golden: "Heh *Grip* I should've known you wouldn't recognize me. My essence may be the same as back then…" *Lift*

He removes his helmet to reveal his true identity and self.

Dante: "Gah… g-gah. N-No way… y-you're!!"

Golden: "Nishishi, Ello… my dear boy!" *Chuckle*

Dante: "Tch!"

The Golden Luum and Dante had themselves a little chat whilst King Luu Dazzle brought forth a huge ball of the collected essence from the battle and multiverse itself. This was due to his Birthright, Dominion. It allowed him to command a domain as wide as his essence range itself. Seeing as King Luu was currently a 69 on the scale. His range could go further beyond even that of a Large Multiverse. Essentially being able to affect whole Clans now so long as there isn't any resistance from the inhabitants. That would put his range well into the thousands for the amount of universes that would be affected.

King Luu: "Cease your squabbles or be punished here and now. The choice is yours." *Glare*

Maliik and Diane stop their fighting, which led to their implosion finally stopping and the danger averted. Diane looks onward at King Luu, weighing her options. After careful consideration and the fact that Maliik alone can hold her off while he and dawn can push her. Adding King Luu to any fight currently would put the Rays and Luums at a huge disadvantage. So with all that added into the equation, her decision was simple.

Diane: "Hmph… we'll fall back for today. Rays, Luums… Return to the houses of Lanthermines and Lumiairess. We have some scheming to do."

Aurorin: "Tssch!" *Glare*

Doc-Martin: "Seems we'll be handed the victory today."

Berixan: "One small battle one within an endless war."

Diane: "Indeed, enjoy your victory and plan well. For the end is coming near for you all, sadly." *FWIP* *PEW*

Her two brothers join her at her side. Staring at the forces of the Rebellion in contempt.

Ny'Eiir: "Next time Voldy." *SWISH*

Voldeus: "Damn right!" *Swish*

They perform a type of fist bump with their essence.

Tomford: "Mrhm, Kahs! (Next time, Shak!)"

Shak: (You got it!)

King Luu: "Thanks for the words of wisdom, but…"

Dawn: "Next time, we'll be bringing the fight to you!"

Golden: "Well, that's my que, young one. Until we meet again, I'll be taking these pages of the Archive to add to the ones I already have, nishishii! Wish to grasp them once more? *Grin* Come get me within the Lanthermines Keep!" *PEW*

Dante: "Mrhm… I'll make sure of it." *Glare*

The Golden Luum makes their way into a portal created by Diane. Flying through with the rest of their forces as they exit the realm of the Rebellion.

Diane: "Aurorin, Dawn, Maliik, King Luu and most importantly, Lord Dante. I'll be seeing you all very soon, you five are easily the greatest threats King William has to face. Watch yourselves until this is all said and done! Farewell to all." *Wave*


The portal closes behind her, leaving the likes of the Rebellion to themselves and the damage caused. They look about to see many scars plagued on the multiverse they decided to hide within. One may deem it lucky that they chose a Void Multiverse, but the multiverse itself is still a powerful entity who is worth caring for. Their faces showed dread when taking a real good look at what's been done.

Aurorin: "No reason for us to dwell on it now. Let's just fix what was broken and regroup within our headquarters. We need to Heal those we shacked away when the brunt of the attack was said and done."

Dante: "She's correct, afterwards… we can clean ourselves up and get to the bottom of all this."

Mavi: "Bottom of h'what?"

Dante: "Bottom of how we'll go about attacking their forces. Seeing as they now know who we have within our ranks."

Dawn: "Oh… I hadn't even thought of that."

King Luu: "Indeed."

Dante: "Right, as well as who the hell trained you all. Just what kind of monster can create more monsters. Wonderful, versatile and powerful monsters!"

The members of Lūmendäzz all smile brightly after hearing Dante's words. Staring at their comrades with joy as they were finally home. They could all finally enjoy this moment now that the fighting had stopped. Dawn had flown into Dante's arms, kissing him all over as they fell to the floor. The couples and leads to the other Houses all embrace one another with signs of relief within their faces. Quite the harmonizing moment after such a close call with Death and a one-way ticket to the walk with Shiishii or Gaia, maybe even both.

Mackey: "Man… I'm tired as all hell. Mind if we all go inside finally. King Luu already fixed the Multiverse's damage."

Aurorin: "Indeed, we should definitely get inside and get to healing our troops. They deserve to relax as well."

Dante: "Yeah, mates. Let's go on in and get this all going."

Everyone: "Rightio!"

The leaders of the Rebellion all storm into the Headquarters and make their way into the infirmary. Where they took every injured member there and healed them entirely. Advising all to stretch and get a small workout in to make sure they were all good and reset. Many cries of relief and joyful laughing could be heard. Seems everyone present were all scared it could be the end. Not just for them, but the entire clan would be under a complete corrupt and hostile takeover. The Rebellion is their way out of such a fate, so they all cherish the damn thing as well as each other. For they all contribute to the efforts to liberate the clan.

Dawn: "Now that that's all settled. Shall we all take a quick rest to clean up before we start our meeting?"

Dante: "Yeah, that's for the best, mates. Plus some of us stink and have wounds that aren't all the way healed just yet. Meet back within the meeting room in thirty minutes."

Everyone: "Sounds good!"

The entire crew split up and went to their individual quarters. Cleaning themselves up after such a grueling battle. Dawn and the other members of Lūmendäzz wandered through the headquarters. Getting a good look at their base as it's been quite a long time since they've been within these walls. You can see the excitement on their faces, thinking that they were finally home. Having the new found strength to even liberate their Clan alongside the Rebellion. Just reveling in the fact that they knew their strength could get the job done. Now all that was left was to plan how to go about it.

Dante: "Alright…"

Dante activates the intercom within the base. Announcing the commencement of the meeting between the Captains of the Rebellion.

Intercom: *BELL* "Uh… Testies 1, 2, 3… Testies 1, 2, 3. Good evening to all, this is your Captain Delio-Dant speaking. I need all of our captains to report to the meeting room. I have some news for us all. That is all." *BEEEP*

Dawn: "Guess that's our que then!"

Theo: "Yeah!"

King Luu: "Let's get a move on then. Best not to keep my future son-in-law waiting."

Shak: "Heh, got that right!"

Voldeus: "Let's bust a move then all, tally-ho!"

The Lūmendäzz make their way to the meeting room along with the rest of the Captains. Walking down many hallways that had showings of great warriors that have served the cause well. They could see many of the Fallen Dazzle house members' photos on the walls. It brought tears to some of their eyes, knowing they would be able to avenge their people soon enough. After taking some time to reminisce, the Lūmendäzz arrive at the entrance to the meeting. Looking within to see that everyone was already within and waiting. Doc-Martin waves them all in with a bright smile on his face.

Doc-Martin: "Come on in now, we have to get started after all."

King Luu: "Ah, come now… I hear ya loud and clear. Let's go Däzz."

Dawn: "Take a seat everyone, I'll be the one to explain our situation when the time comes." *Sit*

Voldeus: "Sounds good to me." *Sit*

Meas'll: "Indeed, no qualms here." *Nudge*

He adjusts his glasses while grinning at everyone.

Dante: "Alright, seems as though we have everyone here. Meaning we can start."

Sammy: "So what's this news you wish to speak of?"

Katrina: "Certainly so, let us all hear you."

Dante: "Mhm…" *RISE*

Dante stands from his seat, his demeanor and Presence changing in a mere instant.

Aurorin: "Hmm…"

Dante: "Alright, so before King Luu could end the battle and repel the combined forces of the Luums and Rays. The Golden Luum approached me."

Dawn: "The Golden Luum? But h'what for?"

Dante: "He basically came to reveal who he was to me. And surprisingly enough, he is one of the few who are NOT corrupted within this Clan's army. He was also someone I never expected to run into again. I always thought of that man as being dead after the corruption of King William. But there he was today, with the missing pages of the Archive. Taking a few more pages with him as he left."

Berixan: "Wait…"

Dwayne: "There's only one man that had pages to that book."

Maliik: "Yeah Dante, don't tell me…"

Dante: "Yeah… the Golden Luum was none other than my uncle, Ro'Kanthir!"

Aurorin: "What!? *SLAM* That's insanity!"

Berixan: "Has he been the Golden Luum this entire time!?"

Dante: "I'm afraid so, but that will all have to wait. I just wished to at least tell you who he was. Which makes me wonder who the others may be."

Meas'll: "Hm… indeed my dear sir. But, since you shafted that for the time being. I'm guessing it's high time Dawn revealed our master and trainer. The person, or better to say Goddess that got us this far!"

Aurorin: "I'm quite well versed within our great Omniverse. You say a Goddess, and earlier I heard THE Inventor. I can only think of one woman that's of that caliber. And those symbols she left with your suits are a clear indication. But… I can't believe she was the one who you all were sent to. I'm envious."

Berixan: "Symbols? *Glare* hm!? No way… those belong to…"

Aurorin: "Glad you caught on."

Everyone within the room were all confused whilst staring at the symbols on their suits. No one could truly tell who it was they were all speaking so highly of. "What Inventor?", they all thought.

Dante: "Wait, before you get to that… I did ask two others to join us. They just weren't people we needed to wait on for this to all commence." *VWIMP*

Dawn: "Woah…. WOOOOAH!!!"

Meas'll: "Well I'll be damned, the two of you are here?"

???: "Hahahaaa, hell yeah we are. It's good to meet you al- woah. Gaia…"

Gaia: "Yeah, Lady Dawn, I presume?"

Dawn: "Yeah, it's an honor to meet you Lady Gaia, Lord Shiishii!" *Bow*

She and the other members of the Rebellion all bow to Gaia and Shiishii, showing a large amount of respect for both. And it seems the feeling is mutual as their bow is met with a bow.

Gaia: "No, the honor is all ours. But Dawn, those symbols belong to who I think they do, don't they?"

Dawn: "Yes ma'am."

Shiishii: "Who would've thought I'd see such a marvel just after fighting Loki. Heh, you guys were trained by the great Inventor and Junkyard Queen Herself. An member of the ORIGINAL STRIFE, the group my grandfather, her mother and one other led during a monstrous era full of conflict and wars for territory and dominance. Yes, we're talking about the legendary Goddess of the fourth Colossaverse. Hera'May Sueyerd, said to be the strongest member amongst the old crew!"

Dawn: "And there you have it."

Everyone: "WHAAAAAAAAAT!?!"

The Lūmendäzz have finally returned to their home with power beyond belief. Repelling the Rays and Luums and bringing back some peace to the rebellion. With Ro'Kanthir's return and the Junkyard Queen being the master of the Däzz. The hopes for prosperity returning to the Clan are within reach!

Next Chapter: Beel VS Dante!

Whose Strategy Will Prevail?