
STRIFE: A Life and Death Tale

This is an action-packed story based around the second generation of Life and Death. The two entities are to come together to stop the rising of a looming enemy that threatens their very Omniverse. Balance is at stake as they take on old friends, enemies, and new ones alike!

Shiishii_Gaia · Action
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150 Chs

110.) My Bullets Last Forever

Joseph Trigerpul, a man whose origins have been a mystery for quite some time. Even his younger sister draws a blank when thinking of her past. They were both recruited by Haydes when journeying the span of their home Colossaverse. One could deduce that they have SOME Gahwardian in them considering the markings on their necks. But… their use of power and the clan techniques they have honed DO NOT belong to the Gahwardian lineage whatsoever. They span from a different clan found in Colossaverse I. One that constructs and materializes weapons for battle.

In the chronological order of things, they were the second pair to be recruited by the likes of HellBlazer. Kitiro and Demetri came well after that point. Once the crew had become whole, Joseph took it upon himself to take on everyone to prove he could lead. In his quake, he had succeeded, but not without close calls. Such as… the mystery behind the odd fluctuations from Tailee's essence. The same odd signal that Angelos sensed when he fought her. Though most wouldn't know it, due to how feint it is, Meilee seems to have a similar case. An ominous essence within herself that not even she is aware of. Such is the short version of how the team came to be before the introduction of Diablos and Angelos.

Now… we find that same ex leader taking it upon himself to stop a six-thousand year old rivalry between brothers. One that means more than life and Death to them both, yet he would dare tread on it for their well being. A naive, yet pure soul at display here. But… Gahwardians care not about such trivial buffoonery. He stands before Haydes, someone who without a doubt will kill without hesitation. One could only hope Joe knows what he's doing.

Haydes: "As I said before… are you sure you want to go this route?" .

Joseph: "Your sibling's rivalry ends here." *FWIP*

Haydes: "So be it, Joe. Shame, I actually am very fond of you. After all, you carry the same scent as we of the Senkozen family."

Joe: (The same scent… as them!?)

Haydes: "Pay attention." *SMACK*

Joe is sent flying back a couple yards. He rubs his right cheek while a tear falls down. Pouting as he tells Haydes he wasn't ready. Haydes shakes his head in disappointment, he was just… baffled. Joseph resets and tries again, this time having his focus solely on Haydes and Haydes alone. He swings with an overhead right that's avoided with a clean bob to the left. Haydes counters with a high kick to his neck. *THUD* Joseph manages to block just in the knick of time. He shows his left eye which is usually covered. A shot is fired from thin air the second he glares at Haydes' face. Haydes simply copies his tactic and glares back with his Contractor's Eye, countering Joe's blast with ease.

(Dammit all!!) Joe thinks to himself as he pushes Haydes' leg off of him and counters with a right legged round-house. Haydes ducks and attempts to trip Joe, but Joe is quick with his counters and glares at Haydes' foot to stop it with a blast. The two bounce off one another, giving Joe the chance to stomp down with his right leg once more. Haydes manages to leap back just in the knick of time, watching as the platform they created was shattered by the attack.

Haydes: "You even have that brute strength we all carry. I truly do wonder, just who are you and your sister boy? Where do you reign from?" *Fwish*

Joe: "Hmph! *Swip* (Close one, his claws nearly got to my left eye!) That's simple, we're from Constructo Primus… the Construction Clan!" *SWISH*

Haydes: "WHAT!? *PRCH* Oh… damn." *Rub*

Gaia: "But that's… n-no way."

Kareezim: "Do you know their true origins, even deeper than them being Constructians?"

Gaia: "Not sure yet, I'll know when I get Haydes to ask 'em this. (Haydes!)"

Haydes: (What's up Gaia?)

Gaia: (Ask him… if they're royalty from that Clan.)

Haydes: (Mhm… good one, you must know something.)

Gaia: (You'll be the first to hear it when I get to hear his answer.)

Haydes: "Hey Joe, are you two… royalty by any chance."

Joe: "Yeah… why?"

Haydes: "What level… of royalty?"

Joe: "Our Mother is the queen and creator of the Clan."

Gaia: (H-Haydes… do not kill him!)

Haydes: (What do you know!?)

Gaia: (The creator of the Construction Clan… she is… the first born child of Death I. My cousin and your… aunt. Meaning that is your younger cousin there, your first cousin at that.)

Haydes: (Auntie Shiitania had more kids!?)

Gaia: (Seems so little cousin. Try your best to avoid the worst, after all… you aren't total scum.)

Haydes: (I'll try.) *FWIP*

Joe: (His demeanor has changed quite a bit. And his approach also got less aggressive.)

Joe blocks a sudden kick from Haydes, using his left elbow as a way to repel the attack. Both back up a bit with Joe being the first to leap back in. He calls out an attack as his left first thrusts forward. "PISTOL JAB BARRAGE!!!" He yells and a cluster of left handed jabs reveals itself. It almost resembles that of Haydes' 100 War Fist technique. Haydes summons a war shield and expands it using his essence.

Haydes: "100 Soldier Spartan Shield."

Joe meets with the shield head on and pumps his attack into it with added assurance. But alas, his attack was repelled by the shield. It stood tall with barely any scratches to be seen. Haydes busted through and kicked Joe in the chest. Focusing greatly on impact as to not knock him away. Joe was stunned from the attack, allowing himself to be hit with a mean, left handed uppercut to the chin. But he again goes nowhere, and is instead stunned once more. A right hook sends him packing as he crashes into the floor at top speeds. *CRASH*

His body drags across the surface of the planet for more than ten-thousand miles. He manages to drag his hands into the ground and stop himself just before reaching the massive ocean. He looks up in anger and turns his arms into guns, capable of firing atomic blasts of the catastrophic level. He uses them as mere thrusters to boost himself back to Haydes in mere seconds.


Haydes: "He's irritating me to no end now. What a nuisance!"

Joe attempts to ram Haydes head on, only to be hammer fisted into the floor. He immediately dashes back up with a dragon kick that misses. He turns around and fires a barrage of subatomic blasts at Haydes. Haydes pulls out a shield and blocks the onslaught. The shield appeared to have a hole at the center, just big enough for a spear to fit through. And that, that is exactly what came crashing through, breaking Joe's guns as he uses them to block it. As a result, the Shockwave threw him off balance. This gave Haydes the opening he needed.

Haydes: "This'll hold you still so Shiishii and I can do battle…"

Gaia: (Do what you must, I'll revitalize you to Shiishii's levels-)

Shiishii: (No, I'll break even with him as a gift for taking on the burden.)

Haydes: (Much appreciated big brother, let me get this done then.) *Fwip* "Study+Element: War Wolves' Gigantic Astral HUNT!!!"

A gigantic, translucent wolf was summoned from Haydes' hands. It quickly formed its shape and hovered over a stunned Joseph. He shook his head only to see a dark cove in front of his person. But… he was in the air and caves don't have Uvulas. The wolf snapped down on Joe just as he noticed what was happening before him. He was quickly swallowed and throttled into the stomach regions. It was there that he found himself trapped in a ball shaped like a stomach. The wolf completely formed and sprouted six tails that held their own magnified balls of essence.

"RUAAAARGH!!!" The wolf went as a light lit up from within its gullet. Solidifying the Wolf's shape and layers. All while this happened, Shiishii rose from the crater where he lay in wait. He had a line of essence flowing from him to Haydes. Sharing what he had promised so long as Haydes took care of Joe. Which he was well under the impression that he had done so. But… Joe had other plans.

Joe: "I… won't! *THRASH* Let… you idiots!! *Crack* *Smash* CONTINUE THIS FARCE!!! *kaBOOOOM*

Haydes: "Tch!"

Shiishii: "Mhm… he doesn't seem to get how far we'll go for this."

Gaia: "Mhm…"

Kareezim: "Hm… (That eerie feeling returned tenfold. This ain't looking good b.)"

Just as Joe was breaking out of his cage, Sonya and Demetri could be seen dashing for his location. There were tears flowing from Sonya's eyes and for what reason…. She couldn't figure it out. All she knew was… the feeling she had was intense and a dreadful one. Demetri could tell just from looking at her, there was no need to read such blatant energy.

"We have to HURRY!!!" Sonya said just before blasting off at even greater speeds. Demetri was quick to follow behind her as they continued their jet towards the danger. And where that same danger lied, also lied the very first time we bear witness to… a Construction Clan form.

Shiishii: "So… he's our cousin huh?"

Haydes: "Strong genes indeed, brother?"

Shiishii: "Yeah… he smells just like us too. Gonna be a shame if he makes you go too far. Want me to trap 'em this time?"

Haydes: "No… I got this."

Gaia: "Mhrm!"

Joe came out of the Wolf trap glowing in a bright, whitened purple light. His form had changed drastically with his innate concept of guns reigning Supreme in his form's design. Joe had two blasters on his wrists that looked like very small cannons. His body was covered in metallic runes that mashed together to form a battle ready suit that was entirely sky blue in color. He wore a long white scarf as he does in his dual mode, but it was naturally tattered as if part of the design. His hair was spiked up and both his eyes had the targets within them, having "Pull the Trigger" being inscribed within them. But the biggest and most out of this world detail? Well that was the gaping hole at the center of his chest… well that, and the tail he was sporting. It was made of a bullet holster and held more than 1000 rounds on it. From 9mm's to 50mm bullet, and even shotgun shells could be found. The inner lining of the hole in his chest was shaped, and detailed as if it were a gun barrel.

Haydes: "Well… he sure does know how to keep to the topic of design."

Shiishii: "Yeah he does, mhm… easy to say that he's at a good… 32.5 on the scale?"

Haydes: "Yeah, just about."

Shiishii: "Mhm… then I'll restate what I said. I'll keep the feed going until-"

Gaia: (No… I'll keep you both at full power, just knock him out Haydes.)

Haydes: "I plan on it!" *FWIP*

Joe: "Mhrrmn!" *FWIP*

Shiishii: "Hm… (I… I don't like this. This feeling…)"

Haydes rushes in on Joe with a very potent and dense ball of essence. It was met by Joe's blazing fist, which had a charged blast within the barrel of his wrist blaster. They collide and cause a massive explosion that bursts into the outer atmosphere. A second explosion goes off, that of which was caused by the wrist blaster. It completely overtakes the range and damage the first blast did by two times the amount. But even that was withstood by the Shield of War that Haydes had summoned. Joe looked onward with the perfect poker face… a nonchalant blank stare.

Haydes: "Cheeky bastard, you thought that second blast was going to do a thing-"

Joe: "Barrage!"

Haydes: "Son of a-" *kaB-BL-BL-BLOOOMMM*

A series of explosions occurs, each one having a far greater magnitude than the joined explosion they performed before. Haydes was consistently pushed back miles and miles away as his shield breaks and withers away. He yells something along the lines of "Times Ten!", making the shield rebuild itself as well as swell up. It became large enough to completely shield four full grown male adults at once. This allows him to completely null out any potential damage the attack before him could've caused. Joe takes heed of this and flanks his six with another blast ready and set.

"Too bad, Plasma's Calamity!" Joe yelled out as the blast shot towards Haydes. He attempts to sandwich him between the two for maximum damage. And yes… yet another goddamn explosion goes off that dwarfs what we witnessed before it. One could see Joe staring as a pillar of plasma essence shot into space. A nearby planet more than three-hundred Astronomical Units away was struck and decimated. Joe didn't want to end it there and charged a Black Plasma beam into both his wrist blasters. Firing them off without a word to be said, creating a beam more than a quarter of the size of Jupiter.

Shiishii: "Sheesh man. The feeling is getting worse!"

Gaia: "Damn…"

Kareezim: (What has her so befuddled!?)

Joe: "That should leave a mark."

Haydes: "You're more irritating than Shiishii or Kishin has ever been. Even Jollister doesn't compare."

Joe: "Hrnh!?" *Stagger*

Haydes: "My Gahwardian shields are unbreakable, a huge step above the Spartan and Viking Marauder style ones I prefer to use." *Tink* *SHING*

Joe: (A tall shield in the shape of a tall Emerald jewel. The Gahwardian insignia is even glowing in a blood red state.) "Wait… did you-"

Haydes: "Incinerate the blast?"

Shiishii: "That he did."

Joe: "Damn… Tch!" *PEW*

Haydes: "Mhm…" *FWIP*

Joe accelerates with the blasters on the soles of his feet. Haydes copies the Death-Yu stance and swipes Joe's hand to the side. Knocking him off balance while grinning sinisterly at Shiishii. Shiishii only shook his head with a cheeky smile to boot. Joe thrust the booster within his right leg to force a flashing rotation. The kick comes blazing towards Haydes' neck… which he blocks using the fundamentals of the Hellsin Sin arts. An elbow for piercing the nerves strikes while also stopping the kick. Joe feels splitting pain in his ankle, but before he could react. A Wing Chun style hick kick nails him in the gullet, sending him floating upwards in a folded position.

Joe: "DUOOOOH!? (What the hell!?)"

Joe enters a series of mid air, toppling backflips in order to avoid further damage. He lands on Haydes' platform and dashes forward, blazing his thrusters at the last moment. A right handed superman punch misses its mark as Haydes bobs to the left. Joe lowers his center of gravity while thrusting his right let's blaster for extra momentum. A sweep kick is checked by a sturdy stance and left legged pivot from Haydes. Joe quickly activates his left leg and arm blasters simultaneously to cause a rapid burst of spins. Creating a tornado of plasma in his quake, moving forward slowly in an attempt to corner Haydes once more.

Haydes simply stares onward with the same expression Joe had once before. Slowly reaching out his left hand and creating a stiffened open hand. All fingers were lined up and pointed towards the wall of Plasma before him. A blood red essence was summoned and wrapped itself around his hand and arm. A rose red hue lined on the outer edges of his arm, blending with the blood red essence as battered, bright orange lines of coding appear along the coating. It was Haydes' version of Physical Zenchi.

Haydes: "The first contact pierced, and the second broke through. With the blessings of improvement… the third shall SHATTER! Zenchi's Improvement: Hellsin Sin's One-Inch Punch!" *TEWF* … *POW*


Joe: "Guaaaargh!!! (M-My… armor plating… has been shattered!?)"

Haydes: "Hmph! Stay down."

Shiishii: *Whistle* "That oughta do it!" *snap*

Gaia: "Impressive."

Kareezim: "Yuuuuurr! You ain't neva lied, that shit was dope beyond measure, son!"

Gaia: *Giggle* "Man, I love your speech pattern." *Reach*

Kareezim: "You already know b, but I be deadass all the while, son!" *Bump*

Gaia: "Hehe, I know Kareezim, I know. Still amusing nonetheless."

Kareezim: "Facts."

Joe falls to the ground once more, creating a small cloud of dust and dirt as he pummels into the gravel. Haydes and Shiishii float above him with green lines of essence attached to their backs. Just as they began to think Joe might've finally decided to give in. A barrage of 50mm shells came flying their way. Each one was imbued with heavy amounts of Black Plasma. Haydes shoves Shii out the way with a heavy look of irritation on his face. Haydes activates his Physical Zenchi on both arms and goes ballistic. Knocking each bullet that comes near him out into the upper atmosphere. While he does so, a line of smoke ascends above him from the rear. And from it came Joe who leapt out into a series of front flips. He ascends high only to come crashing down like a meteorite. He ends the descent with a tail smack of grand proportions.


"HMPH! Such a thing won't work on me-" Haydes stops himself as he notices each bullet on the tail began to shine with the same color of light as his essence. Joe wastes no time in enacting his attack, and detonates all 1000 rounds of ammunition held by the belt-like wolf tail of his. A large series of explosions occurred, knocking Haydes into space.

Joe: "Now you're mine Haydes! This next attack will contain my all, it'll be more than enough to knock you out and end this before Shiishii kills you! HOOOOOAAAAAAAHH!!!!" *PEWFFF*

Haydes: "N-Nrgh… (Before Shiishii does WHAT!?) *FWIP* … *Fwe~FWI-FWIP* You've gotten too ahead of yourself!"

Shiishii: "Looks like Joe is serious about this next one."

Gaia: "They both are Shii."

Shiishii: "Hm?!" *Turn*

Joe charges a large amount of essence with his mouth and with his chest. The chest was swelling up at higher rates, but the light was still far more dim, and much smaller than what was being charged by the mouth. Haydes looked onward as if he were trying to get a read on what was to happen next. One may think it was a stupid decision not to attack, but… Joe had NO openings for even Haydes to exploit.

Joe: "Now then… Elemental Birthright: Howl of the Reality Wolf!!!"

A massive barrage of hyper waves were launched at Haydes. They were no ordinary waves though, they carried a large concentration of Plasma type essence within them. And have the structural dexterity needed to handle speeds well beyond light's own. Allowing for a full on blitz towards Haydes and his senses.


He was trapped in a barrier made by those same waves. Having his nervous system, essence system and five senses all jumbled and attacked at once. It took a major amount of his concentration away while withering at his natural dexterity and durability levels. The senses were being dealt with differently though. Plasma couldn't penetrate Haydes structure, so the reality warping effects casted false happenings onto each sesne. Even his sixth, seventh and eighth senses were throttled. The constant distraction from such an attack allowed Joe to charge his attack all the way up without failure. His chest illuminated the very solar system they were in from his position on Gaia's planet.

Shiishii: "Sheesh, that's bright as all hell!"

Haydes: "N-Nrgh… GR-GRAAUGH!! (Goddamned brat has done more than enough. I'll have to face Shiishii's wrath anyway, so who cares about a little add on. I'm done!) F-Focused… I-Im… PROVEMEEEENT!!!"

Joe: "Zenchi's Reality Plasmacalysm!!!"

Shiishii: "Sheeeesh- *FwiTING* (What's this… this bloodlust!?) *Glare* (HAYDES!?)"

Haydes: "Tsss… Ah." *Inhale*

Joe's blast instantly engulfed the totality of EVERYTHING in the southern direction of Gaia's planet. Crumbling more than thirty-five percent of her universe, while pulverizing ten more. Folding Reality on its head as space is filled with star systems of the plasma type attribute. Haydes was nowhere to be seen as he was the first to take the blow from Joe. But that was the issue, Haydes wasn't weak enough to be killed by this… yet his presence and essence signature have completely vanished.

Joe: "W-Where the hell is he!?"

Haydes: "Your annoyance ends here, boy."

Joe: "What the!? (He basically walked through my blast while hiding his presence!?) *STAB* (Uh…) *BLEHK*

The blast instantly vanished without a trace, leaving behind nothing but the carnage it caused in its quake. At the site of the source of said blast, we find three Gods floating in place. A surprised and distraught Shiishii. He stares onward at the results of a taboo committed by Haydes. For he held the literal heart of Joe in his left hand. With a bloody and limp Joe skewered through with that same left arm. His eyes look onward in disbelief as the light struggles to hold its shine within them. His form was fading as the essence from his body leaked and decimated into the atmosphere around them. Sonya and Demetri could only look on in horror.

Demetri: "It's exactly as Young Kenny said, Haydes would kill him for his treachery."

Sonya: "A-Ah… aa~AAH nhnm~mh-mhm. J-J… Joseph no-Joseph NOOOOOOO!!!" *FWIP*

Demetri: *Grip* "No! You can't go up there and be killed too! It's harsh too say, but it may be too late for him… f-for *Sob* Joe!!!"

Sonya: "Nrghhh!!! JOE!! No! (Why is this happening!?)"

Ebon: "Hm?"

Vashjai: "You good?"

Ebon: "Nah… I smell… Death, Vashjai."

Vashjai: "... Mhm, I can feel it too. Let's go check it out then since we've already beat these two. Not much of a challenge huh?"

Ebon: "Let's just go." *PEW*

Vashjai: "Ight." *PEW*

They flew to where they could sense the eerie ruse of Death within the air. As they did, Haydes had began to speak to the fading Joe just before enacting that of which even Gaia would've never thought he'd do. An act of true violence from one who was once known as the kindest amongst the brothers. A time before Morpheus was born.

Haydes: "You thought I hadn't noticed your heart was still there? It was your literal trigger for firing such large amounts of essence. All it took was me adapting to your essence and it was easy."

Joe: "D-Damn you."

Shiishii: "Haydes… wh-what… have you done!?"

Haydes: "What both you or Gaia would've done in the end."

Shiishii: "Yeah, after all else had failed, but to brush past it all and kill him in cold blood? You're too far gone!"

Haydes: "Such a weak statement and viewpoint from our lord and savior, Death II. Whatever, this is over. Oh yeah cousin Joe, just in case you're a Key as well… take these extra measures as a going away present!" *FWIP*

Joe: "G-Gah… (Sonya, I was a fool… but I tried anyway. And I even gave it my all while I was at it… I'm truly sorry little sis. Truly…)"

Sonya: "JOE…" *SOB*

Shiishii: "Haydes… Doooon't!"

Gaia: "He… he wouldn't."

Kareezim: "His intent says he would, son. Ya cousin is mad crazy foreal."

Haydes: "War-man's QUAZAAAR!!!"

Ebon: "What the…"

Vashjai: "Bro get down!" *Tackle*

Everyone: "NOOO!!!"

Joe: "... mhm… Heh *Grin* (Dueces-) *FwASH*

*Tssssss… ka-BLOOOOOMMM*

The blast swallows Joe whole and launches him into the ground. The collision caused it to detonate and a blast with a radius greater than 40 Saturn's put together erupted from it. It was stained with a blood red light that carried the remaining essence of Joe with it. Shiishii, Sonya and the others all looked on in horror as they witnessed the death of a family member. One of which was held near and dear by many. The feeling was so intense that even the other combatants whose battles had yet to end, ceased their squabbling to bear witness to what occurred. They all could tell a warrior had fallen.

Sonya: "Haydes you son of a BITCH!!! I'LL KILL YOUUUU!!! GRAAAAUUUGH-ah HA HAA!!! *INHALE* Whyy!!? WHY HIM!? Brotherrr!!!"

Demetri: *SOB* "S-Sonya, please calm down. You're making the hurt worse, gah… DAMMIT!! JOOOOE!!!"

Jollister: "Hm!?... no. *SMASH* Damn you Haydes!"

XigXahm: "What happened?"

Jollister looked over at XigXahm with a tear in his eye. Turning his back towards him as he walks past the throne and into the shadows where light barely shows. Behind the pillars of the throne room for the four kings of TRUTH. There, Jollister found himself staring out into the abyss of Space.

Jollister: "My damned cousin not only buried a Key out of our reach. But he also took the life of my youngest brother. Just… damn bim!"

XigXahm: "Tch! So he snuffed out Joe, did he?"

Clarissa: "If that's an issue then allow Mitto and I to go pay them a visit."

XigXahm: "Clarissa? Why the sudden interest?"

Clarissa: "Simple… There's a catastrophe I need to witness. I'll bring an orb for live feed, it's something we all need to see. The existence of the further beyond and those that fight them." *Grin*

A looming cloud drops on the lives of many. A warrior of great Valor and bravery was lost to foolishness, at the hands of Haydes. Putting everyone into a state of shock like no other. With the looming wrath of Shii heading his way, the battle erupts further as war… Rages ON!

???: *Flick* *flick* "Mhm… *Inhale* this don't taste bad at all. I see the Minettíans still got that magic touch. Their divikeef just can't be beat. *cough* *Hack* Oof, got ash on my red combat cargos."

The strange figure looks onward into an orb that was oddly focused on Kenny. The God looked to be about 6'9 in height and sported a red, skintight, combat-style crop top. And as he said earlier, he had matching red cargo pants. His shoes resembled a premium pair of swayed, red timberland boots. He toted a gahwardian chain with tattoos of tally marks on his right bicep. He even had the Gahwardian symbol on his neck. He wore an odd white mask with no face or detail on it. There weren't even any holes for looking, just a plain mask made of hardened material. The rest of his head was hidden within shadows

???: "All seems well down there. Meaning I have more time to focus on the unwanted guest that'll be breaking through soon. Kuhuhuhu! Happy hunting to ME!" *Grin*

Next Chapter: Shiishii's Wrath! Haydes'

Determination and Drive!