
Streaming through Realms

My name is $ù$^ù*^ù*, a name that holds significance beyond your worth. Nah, just kidding, it's Arthur, a simple name with profound meaning. Welcome to Earth. In the past, I was a low-ranking angel burdened with mundane tasks in the celestial hierarchy. However, when an individual attempted to initiate a revolution in the heavens, it ended in failure. I made the daring choice to align with their cause, resulting in my fall from grace and expulsion from the heavenly realm. Unlike my fellow fallen, All For One bestowed upon me a vital and significant mission. My task was to observe humans and assist them in their awakening. But why me?? I didn't know??? For centuries, I reincarnated from family to family, from country to country. However, this century was pivotal. The awakening was near, and I was there to aid them, but how? I know!!!!! I'll start streaming and earn money at the same time. What a genius idea I have, hehehe... All my days were about streaming and going to school. I would wonder to myself, have I become insane??? Am I really the chosen one?? I was lost in my memories... Am I truly who I am... Why do I stream... Why do I feel so lonely in this world... So many questions without answers...

ZERO_TO_ONE · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Prepare for the Awakening Trials !!

Just two sentences, yet brimming with inherent meaning. Like a virus, the world received the same message at the same time:

"Prepare for the Awakening Trials. Your destiny awaits."

(And so it begins) thought Arthur with an expression not of surprise, but of perplexity. According to his knowledge... Humans were supposed to go through a tutorial where they could choose from four modes: Easy, Normal, Hard, and Hardcore.

Just like in a game, the Easy and Normal modes were the most straightforward to pass. The Hard mode was a bit more challenging but not impossible to overcome. However, the Hardcore mode was tailored for the daredevils; the trials were a hundred times more difficult than the Hard mode...But you know the deal, the more challenging the tutorial, the greater the rewards that await.

But why was Arthur so perplexed? Because the tutorial wouldn't accept all humans on the same day; it would be divided into batches. However, at the same time, it would become progressively more difficult. The tutorial experienced by Batch 1 would be a far more easier from what Batch 4 would encounter...

As Arthur was lost in thought, a blue screen appeared in front of him with the words boldly displayed:

[Please select your batch...]

[ Batch 1 ]

[ Batch 2 ]

[ Batch 3 ]

[ Batch 4 ]


As Arthur stared at the screen, deep in contemplation, he sensed a movement beside him. Issei, his best friend, also seemed to have received the same message on his own screen. The two exchanged a quick glance, a mixture of excitement and uncertainty in their eyes.

"Did you receive a blue screen asking about a batch?" Issei asked, his expression full of intrigue.

"I did, but what is it?" Arthur replied, his tone questioning.

"I don't know... The message we received earlier is also strange." Issei said, his brows furrowed in thought. The two friends exchanged puzzled looks, both wondering about the significance of the message and the trials they were about to embark upon.

Suddenly, an idea struck Issei. He furrowed his brows, deep in thought. Wasn't there a streamer who explained that they were there to help? Could that streamer possibly know the answers to their questions?

Issei looked at Arthur with a serious expression, his eyes searching for a sign of agreement. "Do you trust me or not?" he asked, his voice tinged with a mixture of urgency and determination.

Arthur's initial response was a playful one, yet his eyes sparkled with curiosity. "OF COURSE... NOT!!!!" he exclaimed, a mischievous grin forming on his lips.

Issei rolled his eyes at the mock response, but his seriousness remained. "Ha ha... very funny, but I'm not joking now," he said, his tone firm and his expression unwavering.

A moment of contemplative silence passed between them, their unspoken thoughts hanging in the air. Arthur finally nodded, his features transitioning from playful to earnest. "Of course, yes!" he replied with conviction, conveying his trust in Issei's judgment and the shared understanding that they were in this together.

So, Issei proceeded to explain his theory. According to him, the streamer "FallenGuys" was there to assist them during the Awakening. Issei had received his awakening as a mage thanks to the guidance of this streamer. He had genuine faith in the words of this person, believing that they held valuable insights for their situation.

" So what do we do? Should we wait for his stream before making a choice?" Arthur inquired.

" Yes... we wait," replied Issei.

Arthur pretended to ponder for a moment and then responded, "Alright then!! I'll follow your lead."


The day passed swiftly. It was a complicated day today, with everyone talking about what was happening. Even the teachers discussed it, and theories were popping up in online forums.

Curious, our protagonist had even visited some of these forums to read the theories. However, one particular discussion caught his attention: 'GO WATCH FALLENGUYS STREAM'.

Arthur clicked on the thread and started reading through the comments. To his surprise, he found a post from a user named ERO-MAN, claiming that Fallenguys had awakened him as a mage. At first, people didn't take ERO-MAN seriously, but he proved his claim by sharing a video of himself using elemental water magic.

He felt a mix of excitement and validation. Today would be the first time the world would come to know him as "The Helper"...

"Phew..." Arthur exhaled deeply, standing in front of his computer. He initiated his live stream... and to his surprise, there were already over 400 viewers present even before he began. Adjusting his mask and making sure his door was securely closed, he launched the stream.

*Viewers*: 437

"HELLO EVERYONE, TODAY IS THE DAY, THE DAY OF YOUR REAL DESTINY..." Arthur declared to the camera, his arms open and a confident smile on his face.

The chat was ablaze with messages from excited viewers. Emojis, comments, and questions flooded the screen as Arthur's stream gained momentum.

"Tell us everything, FallenGuys!"

"Are the Awakening Trials real?"

"What's the deal with the batches?"

"Did you receive the message too?"

Arthur couldn't help but feel a rush of adrenaline as he saw the chat explode with curiosity. He took a deep breath, his excitement evident in his eyes, and began to explain what he had learned about the Awakening Trials, the different batches, and the choices they would have to make.

"As many of you know, a mysterious message appeared for all of us, asking us to prepare for the Awakening Trials. And yes, it's real. This is not a drill," Arthur announced, his tone serious yet filled with excitement.

He continued, "The trials are designed to test us, to push us to our limits, and help us awaken our true potential. But here's the kicker – we can choose our batch. The difficulty of the trials will increase with each batch, ranging from Easy mode to Hardcore mode ."

The chat erupted with reactions, some expressing determination to choose the most challenging batch, while others were more cautious.

"And here's the exciting part," Arthur continued, his smile growing wider. "The tougher the trial, the greater the rewards. It's like a game, where the harder the level, the better the loot!"

Questions and comments kept pouring in, creating a dynamic and engaging interaction between Arthur and his viewers. The excitement in the virtual air was palpable, and Arthur felt a sense of camaraderie with his audience.

"But that's not all," he said, leaning in slightly, his tone becoming more serious. "Today, I will tell you about the Mana Pearl and the Warrior Pearl."

The chat was surprised; they had learned from ERO-MAN that becoming a mage required awakening the Mana Pearl, but no one had ever mentioned the Warrior Pearl before.

Seeing the chat's reaction, Arthur proceeded to introduce the Warrior Pearl as the counterpart to Mana Pearl, focusing on the aura aspect which was more physical in nature.

As Arthur delved into the details, his words flowed with a mix of passion and conviction. "You see, the Warrior Pearl is all about awakening your inner strength, your physical prowess, and your sheer determination. It's not just about harnessing the elements around you; it's about channeling the energy within you and pushing your body to its limits."

He paused for a moment, letting his words sink in, as the chat buzzed with anticipation and questions. "Unlike the Mana Pearl, which can be awakened by connecting with the surrounding elements, the Warrior Pearl demands rigorous training, discipline, and a deep understanding of your own body. It's not an easy path, but those who choose it gain incredible strength, endurance, and a unique form of aura ability."

The chat was alive with reactions, some expressing excitement and curiosity, while others voiced their doubts. Arthur continued with an air of reassurance, "I know it might sound challenging, but the rewards are tremendous. Embracing the Warrior Pearl can lead to a form of aura that's grounded in your physical being, making you a force to be reckoned with."

He leaned in closer to the camera, his eyes shining with sincerity. "Ultimately, the choice is yours. Whether you're drawn to the ethereal beauty of the Mana Pearl or the raw power of the Warrior Pearl, both paths hold the potential to unlock your true potential as a mage."

The chat scrolled rapidly, filled with reactions and questions, and Arthur smiled. "I'll be here to guide you every step of the way, no matter which path you choose. And to provide even more assistance, I'll be creating YauTube videos about 'How to Awaken the Mana Pearl' and 'How to Awaken the Warrior Pearl'."

#MagixxManiac: And what about us? We never received the information!!! ( Angry face )

"Hey there, MagixxManiac. I'm really sorry for that oversight, it was completely my fault. However, don't worry too much because you can awaken both pearls. But I must warn you, it's quite dangerous. You'll need to find the right balance between the two, otherwise your body won't be able to handle the dual energy."

As Arthur responded to MagixxManiac's concern, more questions and comments flooded the chat. He did his best to address each one, reassuring the viewers that he would provide detailed information about the awakening process and the risks involved in his upcoming videos.

The stream was abuzz with excitement and anticipation as Arthur delved deeper into the intricacies of the mana and warrior pearls, explaining their significance and the challenges that lay ahead for those who chose to embark on this journey.

The chat continued to be active, with viewers sharing their thoughts, concerns, and even personal stories. Arthur felt a strong sense of connection with his audience as he navigated through the discussions. He could sense the collective determination and curiosity among his viewers, all eager to take the next step on their path of awakening.

But a question kept coming up: "How do we select our batch and have you chosen yet?"

Arthur acknowledged the question with a nod, his expression thoughtful. "That's a great question. Selecting your batch is a crucial step in this process. As for the batch you want to be in, it's all up to you. I'm not your parent, and I can't influence your decision. Remember, I'm here to guide you and help you. But I'll repeat, the more challenging the trials, the greater the rewards, but they will also be more dangerous ."