After they posted the picture the comment section exploded
In the comment section, many various texts appear the moment the posts were sent.
But the people who posted it didn't seem to notice at all, but in another place other people did.
Sitting down on a chair facing the ceiling to the floor window was a woman who looked to be only in her thirties, with a cigarette in hand she took a long drag of smoke, looking down on to her smoke she puffed out a cloud of smoke. With an unnoticeable smile on her face she said: "Tsk, those kids really do cause a lot of attention."
In the room with her were two men. They were seated down on the sofa looking at the woman holding a cigarette. They both looked at the women with unprecedented attention, not for her looks but for the influence and authority she has.
The two middle-aged men who looked to be about thirty years old looked at each other with a tacit agreement 'We should never make an enemy out of her!' giving a slight nod at the non-verbal conversation they looked back to the woman and saw her looking at them with a smile in her eyes. Although she smiled it didn't seem to be friendly but instead brought about a chill to their spines.
Standing up from her chair she walked toward them in slow and steady strides "What are you thinking? Hmm...?" She sits face to face with the two men.
The man seated to the right clasped his hands together and drew out his biggest smile to flatter her "Ah, we were thinking about how capable your subordinates are, Mrs. Hughes. To be able to quickly advertise our brand the moment it was posted."
Giving them a sidelong glance from the corner of her eyes said: "Hm, they are not my subordinates, just a bunch of naughty children waiting to be taught some manners." While saying that the look in her eyes had a slight ferocious look in them.
Back to school ...
It was already recess and the group was heading towards the benches outside of the building to eat.
"Guys, what do we do now?"
Hearing the anxiety in Eleanor's voice Casie turns to her and puts her arm around her shoulder in an attempt to console her "Don't worry about it."
"When you say 'Don't worry about it' it makes me worry about it even more! Aaahh!"
"It's okay Eleanor. Mrs. Hughes won't be too hard on us. Besides if all else fails we can just go to Mr. Hughes for help" replied Kyle as he wraps his arm around her waist.
"But what if Mr. Hughes can't help us, then that means we would be killed by her ahhhh! What do we do? I don't want to die!"
Coming back from the cafe with a bag of food Theresa hears the conversation "It's okay Eleanor. The punishment would be too bad. Don't be so pessimistic. Here I got you a cookie from the cafe. It can take your mind off the problem for a while."
Taking the cookie, Eleanor takes a huge bite and starts calming down and talks about the requirements given by Mrs. Hughes.
Sitting down near Ruth, Kyle looks at the laptop and asks "Hey Ruth, what are you up to?"
"I'm doing some homework due next week."
"What's it about?"
"It's about our new literature topic. We have to do an early study of this. The teacher mentioned this in class already."
"Really he did? Well, I didn't notice." While he was conversing with Ruth, Kyle noticed from the corner of his eye Madison and the others coming out of the building heading towards them "Hi guys." he said while waving to them.
"Hey guys." replied Christine "So, tell me again why are we eating outside in the snow"
"It's because this is where we usually eat and because there are some people who want to stay in the cold and we have no choice but to follow them." as he says that he looks at Casie and Theresa playing in the snow in front of then. Casie is gliding in the snow while Theresa is building what appears to be a snow mound.
Looking at where Kyle is looking Christine sees them and flips her hair back "Well, okay."
"Guys, me and Madison will go to the cafe to buy some fries." saying that Callahan points behind him and at the building.
"Okay" answers Christine
Hopping over the rails, Kyle heads towards Madison and Callahan "Ah, wait let me come with you. I'm gonna buy some fries too."
Looking around Christine notices Liam isn't near "Hey guys, where is Liam?"
"He already went to the cafe to buy some food." answered Ruth.
The sky was blue with the sun shining through the clouds. Even though the sun was out the air was still cold to the touch.
Coming back from gliding in the snow, Casie was covered in bits of snow all over "Guys let's plan for what we're gonna wear for Anime Con. So what do you guys want to cosplay as?"
"Wait, I still haven't asked if I was allowed to go yet from the president," Eleanor replied.
"Well, I still haven't asked, let's go ask later during the meeting with him to allow us, although I think he will though," said Christine.
"Okay, let's go later to ask him, but I swear if he doesn't allow me to go it won't be my fault."
"Aww, don't worry about it Elle I'm pretty sure he will allow you, besides we' re both gonna go anyway."
Biting her nails Eleanor replies "Okay, if you think so."
Coming back from the cafe Madison, Callahan, Kyle and Liam go to the bench and hang around them.
"So guys what should we cosplay as during Anime Con. Well, we should cosplay with a theme, so what kind of theme should we have."
"Oh, we should each do a cosplay of our favorite character from an anime," suggests Eleanor.
"Yeah, but like if we do that we won't have a theme with how we cosplay," answers Christine.
"She's right" echoes Casie.
"Darn it" as Eleanor says it, she bites her nails in frustration.
"How about we all cosplay as guys while Kyle will cosplay as a girl." as Callahan finishes his suggestion he starts laughing which causes the rest to laugh as well while Kyle was fuming with anger.
Heading towards Callahan, Kyle punches him in the back "Hey, how about you cosplay as the girl."
Still laughing Callahan answers "There's no way I can. You're clearly the best candidate for the job" after finishing his statement Callahan continues to laugh.
"How about we cosplay from Black Butler if we are then I'm going to cosplay as Madam Red," suggests Madison.
"Oh, that's a great idea. We should do that," exclaims Casie.
Raising both her hands in the air Christine answers immediately "If we're going to do that then I dibs on Alois,"
"Oh, oh I'm gonna cosplay as Grell. What about you guys? Who would you cosplay as Ruth?' says Casie while looking towards Ruth.
"Hm, I think I'm going to cosplay as Mey-rin."
"Who could be the butlers?" asked Christine.
"Kyle and I can do it," replied Liam "What do you think Kyle? Would ya want to be a butler with me?"
"Yeah, sure why not."
"Okay since there are two butlers, Claude and Sebastian you guys have to choose who you guys will be. I suggest you use rock, paper, scissors to decide if you can't choose" Casie answered.
"No need, I'll be Sebastian" replied Liam.
"Then that means I'll be Claude sure," said Kyle.
"Ah, I think I'll just be Tanaka instead" smiled Callahan and shrugged.
"What about you Eleanor? Who would you be cosplaying as?" asked Casie.
"I don't know..." shrugged Eleanor "I don't watch it,"
"What!!!" exclaimed Christine.
"I never watch Black Butler and I never will because of the torture. There was a scene I saw that was torturing Ciel I think," replied Eleanor " You know I'm sensitive to that."
Madison laughs and says "Pretty ironic as you did see-"
Before Madison could say anything, Eleanor covers her mouth. "Do not speak of that." She says in a deep tone.
"I know, you can cosplay as Elizabeth!" Christine spoke.
"Ah, but where is Theresa." Looking around Ruth notices that Theresa is nowhere to be seen.
"Oh yeah, where is she?" questioned Casie.
"Ah, if you're finding her then she'd be inside that snow igloo thing. She's been in there for quite some time now," commented Liam.
"What where?" looking left and right Casie was trying to find the igloo.
Walking toward Casie, Liam shows her by pointing towards a small snow mountain near a tree "Over there she's inside."
"Ah, okay."
Walking towards the small igloo, Casie peers over the wall of the small igloo and sees Theresa along with Mielle making snowballs.
"What are you guys doing?" Casie asked.
"Making snowballs of course," answered Mielle. Then suddenly, a chunk of snow flies and hits Casie's face. "What the-" Casie looks up to see Theresa and Mielle giggling. "Okay, now you're gonna get it." Casie starts making snowballs, thus escalating a snowball fight between the three.
Everyone laughs at the commotion except for Eleanor who has a disappointed look. She sighs and leaves the others, heading inside. There, she meets a student who appears to be a third-year, and someone who she knows very well.
"Hey Elle, it's nice seeing you here." the boy speaks.
"Hey Paul, I'll just hang with you for a little while." Thus, the two start walking around the corridors and pass by a fourth-year. He grins and raises his eyebrows passing by the duo.
"James!" the two exclaims in unison.
"Yes, my name is James," he says walking away. Eleanor and Paul sigh and continue walking.
Back with the others…
The small and light-hearted snowball fight turns into a heated battle royale as everyone is now playing and fighting to be the last one standing. After a few minutes, it is now a stand-off between Madison and Theresa.
"Why are we all so quiet…?" Casie whispers but no one gives an answer.
"Y-You're not scary, Madison. I will win this!" Theresa says determinedly. She throws her one snowball only for Madison to quickly dodge. Madison then throws her snowball and it hits Theresa's face as a bullet and Theresa falls to the snowy ground.
Everyone laughs at the defeated Theresa and Casie helps her get up. Some claps calling it a good game and others clean themselves up from the snow.
Suddenly, Christine notices someone is missing from the group and asks "Hey… where's Elle?" The noise fades and everyone starts looking around the area but cannot seem to find her at all.
"What the heck?! This is the third time she disappeared." Ruth says in frustration. "Where do you think she went off to this time."
"Oh, I think she went you-know-who again" While saying this Theresa raises her eyebrows and smirks.
"Ah, okay, okay." Ruth laughs at the realization of where she could be.
"Or she could just be heading to class early since it's almost time." Kyle anxiously says.
"Oh well we may never know will we, Kyle, whether she is with you-know-who or she is walking to class, do we now?" Theresa jokingly asks.
The looks in Kyle's eyes had frustration in them. He clenched his fists to what he was hearing from Theresa. But before anything can happen, Casie speaks trying to defend Kyle.
"To be fair, after break Eleanor is usually the first one out of all of us in the classroom. And she doesn't really like getting in our shenanigans. So you may have a point, Kyle." she said.
"Yeah, but we don't really know so yeah there is a chance they are both wrong, so let's just go before the bell rings," commented Christine.