
Stray field

In every fairytale you see heroes slaying creatures like dragons, orcs, demons and even gods. They hold the title of a main character, it is which they are protected from the concept of death. They vary in personality, appearances and mindset. All of which have a gigantic pool of diversity. They experience countless events that drive their character to change accordingly. Their worlds include creatures such as dragons, gods, demons and other mythological creatures. And that what makes a classic story. However, what if you erase all those components and start on a different path. Threatleis... A strange world not filled of gods, dragons, demons and of various other myths. But written by the flesh of the fantasies of a mysterious being, I. That being created a world so massive that one continent is larger than ■■■■■■■ stars. As said by that being once: Imagination is power And his imagination created a new tale... Stray Field

Disappointed_Man · Fantasy
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7 Chs


So hello this is the annoying author and I just wanna say that the prologue chapters are finally finished, the main story will then continue on the 25th day of june. It will also continue at chapter 4 of the story, also the pace of the story will also be slower than before

Thank you for reading