
Stray Clouds

Shiori Inabi, a young girl fresh into highschool, has a hard time making friends or even tolerating people in the first place. She feels everyone around her isn't worth the time because they are all toxic and evil anyway. But before the school year even starts she is thrown into a situation far crazier than anything she has ever experienced. Now she has to figure out how to deal with the flood of new emotions and events going on in her life. Will she be convinced to change her ways or only be solidified in her belief that people are bad?

SCandleStudios · Teen
Not enough ratings
161 Chs

Watchdog Vs. Strife Climax!

Strife gives him a look of disappointment before firing the shockwave. Watchdog disappears, dodging it before appearing next to Strife with his fist pulled back. He throws a punch but it collides with the open palm of the energy arm. He throws a second punch with his other arm but that one too hits the other energy arm. After pushing for a moment, Strife lifts his synthetic arm and points it at Watchdog. His eyes widen as Strife fires but just in time, Watchdog releases a third arm and points Strife's arm upwards, just missing Watchdog. Strife is surprised by the extra limb when a fourth arm comes out and grabs him by the leg. Watchdog yells as he spins and slams Strife onto the ground. He props himself up and struggles a bit when he sees Watchdog getting ready to release another punch. Right as he's about to throw the punch, Strife shouts.

Strife "Miss!"

Watchdog's glowing eye widens as he turns and throws the punch into the wall beside him. He growls before spinning and swinging a back kick across Strife, hitting him into the wall as he blocks with the energy arms. Watchdog dives at him to follow up but before he can attack, Strife smacks him with the energy arm and sends him tumbling over. Watchdog lands on all fours and gets ready to dive at him again but before he can, hands come out of the ground and grab onto his arms. His eyes widen as Strife raises an extra large energy arm above him and smashes the fist onto Watchdog. He struggles as he tries to remain up as he coughs out blood from the heavy attack. Gallow then appears next to Strife.

Strife "You shouldn't be here. You're injured."

Gallow "I can still execute my orders."

Strife doesn't respond but allows her to fight. Watchdog stands, struggling a bit. He gives a look of determination. Gallow then makes a duplicate behind him try to grab him but he ducks down and grabs her then throws her in the air where he follows up with an extending punch to the face and smashes her into the roof.

Watchdog "The both of you are quite tricky. This isn't going to be painless at all."

As soon as he says this, Strife fires a shockwave at him but he dodges and dashes towards Gallow and throws a punch but is stopped by the energy arm. He then quickly spins and tries to kick Strife past the arm but Gallow grabs his leg stopping him. Then a second Gallow falls from above and punches Watchdog into the ground. He had his arms up to block but hitting the floor still did some damage. The second Gallow continues to punch Watchdog while standing over him. He blocks for a moment before growing two more arms and grabbing her arms. He holds them out as he uses his first two arms to deliver a heavy blow to her body. The duplicate spits out blood as it dissipates to black mist. He flips backwards a few times to gain some distance before throwing two punches that extend quickly at Strife and Gallow. They both dodge in different directions as they run towards him. He stays in the same place watching as they rush him. Gallow makes the first move by running and flipping over him with her palm over his face.

Gallow "Double Impact."

She says. She prepares the attack but in that instance where she is in the air above him, she is wide open and Watchdog takes advantage of that. As her attack begins, he trades with a heavy punch to her face as another impact attack like before hit him right in the face. She flips back as blood comes from her face and lands as Watchdog slides back, blood also coming from his face as well. Before he even finishes sliding back, Strife releases a shockwave around Watchdog. He takes it for a moment before leaping out of it. He aims for Strife as he flies through the air. He pulls back getting ready to throw a punch so Strife prepares to block like before with his energy arms. Right before Watchdog throws the punch, however, he spins in the opposite direction, dodging the arms and crouching low on the ground to Strife's right. His eyes widen as Watchdog throws a heavy punch to Strife's side. Blood coughs up out of his mouth as Watchdog surely breaks some bones. Almost immediately after impact, Gallow appears next to Strife and lands a wide kick to Watchdog's face, sending him flying back.

Gallow "I'm sorry, I wasn't fast enough."

Strife "No, I miss calculated. He is not just all brawn. His fighting sense is incredible."

He says as he tries to straighten up while holding his side. Watchdog stands up straight too giving them a look of unwavering determination.

Strife "We will have to take more caution."

He says as he squints.

Watchdog "You're much more brittle than the others are. You sure you're fit to be a Pole?"

Strife "Your taunting will get you nowhere. I am aware of my weaknesses. As well as my strengths."

He says with an ominous tone as if having some trick up his sleeve.

Strife "Take a knee."

Watchdog's eyes widen as he falls to one knee, he looks up to see the two energy arms shooting towards him with open palms and slams into him. He flies back a bit as blood comes from his face. As he slides back, two Gallows come from the ground and grab ahold of his arms, holding him in place. He looks up to see the energy arm coming from above and slamming onto him again with no defense. After a moment, Strife pulls the arm away as Watchdog coughs. He sits up only to be met with Gallow's open palm aimed at his face. His eyes widen as he leans over and dodges the Double Impact. It destroys the ground behind him but the dodge catches Gallow off guard. He quickly follows up with a heavy kick to her side. She stumbles over as he follows up with a heavy punch aimed at her head.

Strife "Stop."

His eyes widen again as the punch that would have landed, stops just before her face. After just a second of stopping, he then extends his arm to try and do at least a little damage but she jumps back. He then turns to Strife who is still standing in the same place. Watchdog stares intensely for a moment before closing his eyes and exhaling calmly. Suddenly, Gallow kicks at his face but he blocks with his right arm and grabs her top with his left. He extends his arm and slams her against the wall. Strife slams down his right energy arm which Watchdog flips over and steps on to get a good landing to shoot a straight kick at him. Strife puts his left arm up to block but the kick still causes him to slide back. After a second, Strife's eyes widen as he looks to his left to see a swinging kick coming for him. He puts up his normal left arm to try to block in the slightest but it does no good as Watchdog swings and slams him against the wall. Both his legs retract back as he lands on them. Then Gallow comes from behind with an open palm for a Double Impact but he turns and barely dodges the attack as he leans in close and lands a devastating punch to her stomach. As he dodges, an open palm presses to his back.

Gallow "Double Impact."

The force blasts through his body as he coughs out blood. He then spins and swings his right arm back to deliver a heavy backhand but her body phases into the ground dodging it. Her other body isn't even fully in the ground yet when another Gallow comes up and delivers an uppercut to Watchdog's jaw. He reels for a moment before there is a shockwave that blasted his wave. He jumps up to dodge as it dissipates the duplicate Gallows. He looks over at Strife and throws a large extending punch. Strife jumps to the side to dodge as his fist slams through the wall. Before he could retract it, Strife grabs his arm with his energy ones and pulls him over. He swings him to the side and slams him into the wall at full speed. Watchdog coughs a bit from the attack as the dust clears. He looks over at Strife and Gallow standing next to each other.

Watchdog 'I'm not getting anywhere. I have to take them down one at a time. I'll start with Strife!'

He then dashes at them, throwing a heavy punch. Strife pushes Gallow to the right to dodge his punch since he was going so fast. Gallow jumps back but before Strife could do the same, Watchdog spin kicks him back into the wall. Strife was able to get his energy arms up to block and they stay up as Watchdog starts unleashing a barrage of attacks. Strife struggles to keep his guard up as he pounds him with a flurry of attacks when a stray punch lands right onto the same spot Watchdog hit before, on the right side of his body. Strife grunts loudly as he coughs up some blood and Watchdog notices it.

Watchdog 'That's it!'

He pulls back the punches and gets ready to release a large punch in the same spot but Strife raises his normal arms and aims both to fire the shockwaves at him point blank. Before he could fire them, however, Watchdog grabs his wrists with two extra arms coming from his shoulders and pulls them to the sides. Strife's eyes widen as Watchdog is mere moments away from finishing this fight. Gallow dashes towards them and makes two copies of herself to help but is not able to get there in time. Right before Watchdog can strike, suddenly another shockwave comes out and hits Watchdog right in the chest, sending him rolling backwards. He catches himself and slides back, obviously feeling the pain of the attack. Before he even stops though, an open hand presses onto his back while another presses on his chest. His eyes widen as he hears.

Gallow "Quartet Impact."

An extra large impact force is shot into his chest from front and back causing him to cough out a lot of blood and strain hard just to stay standing up. The copy from behind dissipates while the main Gallow from the front steps back holding her arm feeling the pain from the large impact force. Watchdog stands still, staring up while he coughs out blood in little spurts. He struggles to look down at Strife.

Watchdog "How did… He…"

Strife is still standing as the dust begins to settle. Watchdog's eyes slightly widen despite the pain as he sees the sight of Strife. Strife is bleeding heavily from the mouth and wobbling. He falls forward before using the energy arm to keep himself up right. He strains and coughs out blood and struggles to breathe. He pants heavily as Gallow steps next to him.

Gallow "You know you can't handle your power naturally."

Strife "I had no choice. *pant* It's better than the alternative."

His voice sounds torn apart. Watchdog leans forward and begins to fix his breathing as Strife stands up and does the same.

Gallow "He is much more of a nuisance than we anticipated."

Strife "He cannot last much longer."

Watchdog "I can say the same for you. This fight will end soon."

They stare each other down for a moment in silence. Then, a stone falls from the roof and lands on the ground loudly. As soon as it does, Gallow drops three copies above Watchdog. He looks up with sharp eyes and bends over. Three spikes made of bone burst out of his back and impale the copies. They dissipate as he uses his arms to throw himself forward. He punches down where Gallow was standing and she jumps away to dodge. Instead of falling up with her, he continues forward and strikes at Strife. He blocks with the energy arm but struggles. Watchdog pushes harder but is kicked in the stomach by Gallow. Before she can take her leg away, he grabs onto it and swings her up. He throws her back against the wall hard and follows up with a heavy punch to her stomach. She coughs up blood but before he can do any more, Strife punches him in the back with the energy arm. He rolls forward and throws a punch back at Strife but Gallow appears in front of him and kicks his arm up. Then a couple copies of Gallow come from the ground and grab onto his waist and legs holding him in place. He looks up to see the energy arm swinging at him and clotheslines him. Watchdog feels the heavy attack. His eyes, empty. Blood rolling down his head. The Gallow copies slowly let go as he steps back once then twice. Strife slowly pulls his arm back and looks sharply at him.

Strife "It's done."

Watchdog then slowly begins to fall backwards, unconscious. Before he hits the floor he snaps forward and catches himself. As he snaps forward, he slams the heads of the copies into the ground. He looks up and his eyes are back to his bright blue color with no green in sight. He then dashes towards them and punches Gallow to the side heavily. She smashes into a large stone rubble then hits the floor. Strife looks at her, sweating and concerned but his attention is immediately taken over by Watchdog slamming a heavy punch into his energy arm guard again. This time, instead of pushing the punch he pulls it back and throws another, then another, and another. He continues to throw punches at high speed into his energy arms. Strife is backed against the wall as he tries his best to guard from the assault. He gives Watchdog an intense glare when he notices his energy arm cracks. His eyes widen as the cracks quickly get worse. In a single moment, both the energy arms explode and shatter as he is left defenseless. As soon as he destroys them, Watchdog swings his arm back for one more final attack.

Watchdog "This is it! You're done!"

He swings his arm and delivers one massive punch to the ribcage but Strife does not collapse. He does not even flinch. Watchdog's eyes widen as he looks up to see Gallow coughing out blood as he punches into the same spot Sahara stabbed earlier. He follows through and sends her flying into the wall beside them. Strife had a look of shock when he saw her appear in front of him but it quickly turns to displeasement. Watchdog turns to try and hit Strife with another punch but is soon bombarded by a massive shockwave. Strife steps forward as Watchdog is pushed back and to his knees. This shockwave is much bigger and more powerful as it even begins to bend different parts on his synthetic arm.

Strife "I must admit, you got much farther than I thought you would and I cannot understand why? Not only is your power lower than the three of ours, but you will still suffer the same excruciating fate as I. Once this is all over, the only thing left for you is a painful death. So why not let me put you out of your misery?"

As he finishes his statement, he pushes the shockwave even harder. Watchdog's clothes begin to tear, his sleeve, pants legs, hood and even his face mask completely tear off. Blood begins coming out of his ears and nose as he struggles to move at all. Then he remembers something. He thinks about Fullsky.

Fullsky "What if we can't do it? What if we can't stop them? Are we… just causing more problems?.."

Watchdog "As long as we stick together and keep doing the right thing we'll be okay."

As he thinks about Fullsky and remembering why they are here, doing what they are doing, his eyes open wide. He struggles to get himself to a more stanced position, on only one knee and his arms out in front of him to try and block some shockwave force. In that moment, Watchdog breaths in as much as he can before letting out one massive yell causing a shockwave many times more powerful, completely dissipating Strife's shockwave. In the process, the force destroys Strife's synthetic arm and slams him against the wall as well as shattering glass in a large ring shape around the building. The rumble of the shockwave is felt throughout the building causing Chief and a couple other officers to stumble over and use the wall to hold themselves up. He checks the officers for a moment before patting them to keep going.

Chief "Man, what are those guys doing? Gonna end up destroying the whole building before we can even capture them."

He shakes his head as he continues on. Strife coughs up a little blood as he struggles to try and pick himself up. Watchdog stands over him with blood falling from his mouth and nose. Strife just sits against the wall and stares at him.

Watchdog "I am sorry your sacrifices to take me down were for nothing."

Strife "Don't pity me."

Watchdog just looks at him a little upset he couldn't end this without hard feelings, at least bring a little honor to it. He then pulls his arm back and delivers one last punch to his face, slamming his head into the wall. Strife is knocked unconscious. Watchdog stands up, his lower face still covered in shadow.

Watchdog "You're under arrest."