
Stray Clouds

Shiori Inabi, a young girl fresh into highschool, has a hard time making friends or even tolerating people in the first place. She feels everyone around her isn't worth the time because they are all toxic and evil anyway. But before the school year even starts she is thrown into a situation far crazier than anything she has ever experienced. Now she has to figure out how to deal with the flood of new emotions and events going on in her life. Will she be convinced to change her ways or only be solidified in her belief that people are bad?

SCandleStudios · Teen
Not enough ratings
161 Chs

Vigilantes Retired. A New Club On The Horizon

Everyone is surprised as Lucy and Sugawara fight back tears. Shiori and Hikigaya are stunned for a moment before the kids talking about her before speak up.

Kid 1 "Hey, we're sorry Hikigaya. We didn't realize it was your sister."

Kid 2 "Yeah, I'm sorry man."

Hikigaya is still surprised but smiles softly after a moment.

Hikigaya "It's okay. It's not your fault."

Touma then stands up and places a hand on Hikigaya's shoulder. He pats him gently and goes back to his seat as Chizuru watches him with slight blushies on her cheeks.

Hisana "Oh what a man!"

She says with heart eyes and steam coming from her head.

Kitaro "Would you shut it?"

He says as he bonks her on the head. Hikigaya, unsure of how to feel, turns to face his lunch again before the kids speak again.

Kid 1 "Hikigaya, my name is Danny, and he's Chikao. Let us know if you need anything."

Chikao nods, letting him know to which Hikigaya smiles back. Shiori watches him and smiles too when she sees him smiling.

Shiori 'I guess he is okay after all.'

As she looks at him, Kitaro looks up at Shiori. He stares for a moment before realizing something.

Kitaro "Hey, Shiori. What's with your eye? It's pretty weird."

The others all turn and look at him as if ready to defend her as Shiori is shocked by his question.

Hisana "Hey! You can't call a girl weird!"

She bonks him on the head like he did to her a moment ago.

Hisana "Besides, it's not weird. It's actually… really cute."

She bites her lip at Shiori a bit.

Hisana "I never realized you were so pretty…"

She says with an attracted smile on her face. Shiori blushes and looks away. Hikigaya gets a little jealous but doesn't say anything.

Kitaro "There she goes flirting again. She can't help herself."

He says, leaning back to Haru.

Hisana "Well yeah! It's a little hard when she's this pretty!"

Kitaro "Yeah, yeah, anyway. I just noticed you weren't wearing your eyepatch. I thought you had some horrible injury or something you wanted to cover up. I didn't expect you to have a cool colored eye under there. What made you want to take it off?"

Shiori "Oh uh, I just got some encouragement, is all."

She answers nervously as Haru and Lucy look at each other smiling as if they know who encouraged her and give each other a fist bump. Kitaro also gives her a cool smile.

Kitaro "Well I like it."

Hisana "Me too!"

She raises her hand in the air as the others laugh. She smiles warmly.

After school, the gang gets ready to head home but this time with a couple extra faces, Kitaro and Hisana. They wave goodbye as they head home together as well as Sugawara and Haru doing the same, holding hands as they go. Shiori smiles while watching them.

Shiori "They're so cute aren't they?"

Chizuru nods enthusiastically.

Hikigaya "Aw, Shiori has a soft spot for cute romances?"

Shiori "Shut up."

She rolls her eyes in agitation at his comment as he giggles.

Hikigaya "We're gonna head home. See you guys tomorrow!"

Hikigaya waves at them while Shiori does the same as they walk off. The others wave back as Lucy turns to Ryuji.

Lucy "You wanna get dinner tonight and watch a movie? I heard this new one came out called Grin. It's a horror movie but I'm sure you'll be fine."

Ryuji "I can't. I have things to do."

He then turns and begins walking away. Lucy looks confused and sad at his cold response.

Lucy "He… never turns down a movie night…"

Chizuru "It's okay Lucy. Maybe he's trying to finish a new recipe? You know how focused he can get."

Lucy lowers her head.

Lucy "No… It wasn't like that… He's been different ever since…"

She thinks back to her yelling at Chizuru about not liking him and how she never will and how he heard her say that. She strains as she thinks about what he could be feeling. Chizuru stares helplessly.

Lucy "I didn't… mean it…"

Chizuru approaches her and gently places her hand on Lucy's back. Lucy lifts her head a bit, surprised by the gesture.

Chizuru "I know you didn't Lucy. But he doesn't know that. I know you struggle with change and like the way things are but… things are changing."

She gives Lucy a sympathetic but reassuring look. Lucy composes herself a bit and gives Chizuru a weak smile.

Lucy "Heh, big talk for someone fresh out of the hospital."

Chizuru "It's not my first time you know."

They laugh a bit.

Chizuru "So what's this about a new horror movie?"

Lucy looks at her surprised a bit but smiles warmly.

Lucy "You sure you can handle it?"

Chizuru "I'm pretty confident I'll be able to sleep in the next few days."

They laugh as they head off home together.

Shiori sits with her eyes closed. She is back in the infinite flat desert with many clouds covering the sky. Although this time, there are few places in the sky where you can almost see through the clouds. She opens her eyes, not wearing her patch here like before. She sighs and looks at the ground for a moment before she hears a voice.

Boy "Why are there so many clouds here?"

She lifts her head, a little surprised by the voice, as a young boy not much older than eight sits with his back against hers. His hair is large and spiky but his eyes are covered in white light.

Shiori "I'm not sure. I came here a long time ago and it was just like this. It used to even rain all the time."

Boy "Did you have an umbrella?"

Shiori "Nope."

Boy "Hm. That doesn't sound fun at all."

Shiori "It definitely wasn't."

She chuckles to herself a bit. They sit in silence for a moment before she speaks again.

Shiori "What am I supposed to do?"

Boy "About what?"

Shiori "Hikigaya, Amber, everything that happened… I can't stop thinking about it…"

She lowers her head trying to fight back the sadness.

Shiori "So much went wrong, I don't know what to do now."

The boy doesn't answer immediately. They sit together in silence once more.

Boy "I wish I could give you the answer."

She lifts her head up a bit and stares off into the distance with a saddened look.

Shiori "Yeah, me too."

They sit in silence one more time before the boy says something that piques Shiori's interest.

Boy "At least you don't have to be alone here. The clouds can keep you company."

Her eyes widen a bit as she turns around.

Shiori "You're…"

The boy slowly turns to look at her with a warm smile as she stares at him with wide eyes before waking up in her bed. She stares at the ceiling back in her room. She sits up and looks around the room before rubbing her eyes and calming down. She leaves her room, now dressed in casual clothes and not pajamas, and approaches Hikigaya's door. She pauses for a moment but knocks on his door. There is a pause for a few moments with no response. After the moments of silence, Hikigaya opens the door. His eyes are rough and have bags under them as if he was crying or not sleeping.

Hikigaya "What's up Shiori?"

Shiori "Are you okay?"

Hikigaya "Yeah I'm fine. Did you need something?"

She gives him a look of disbelief but continues anyway.

Shiori "We need to talk about Fullsky and Watchdog."

He looks a bit surprised but agrees. They both sit on his bed facing each other as they talk.

Shiori "I know what we did was a good thing and probably saved a lot of people's lives but… I don't think I can do it anymore."

Hikigaya "I know what you mean. When I first started, I thought I'd be fighting off thugs and low criminals. I didn't realize there was such a large crime operation going on like the Syndicate."

Shiori "I know I should use my powers for good and maybe one day I will be strong enough to be Fullsky again but for now… I'm not ready for that responsibility."

Hikigaya nods, agreeing.

Hikigaya "I love helping people and beating up bad guys but right now… I don't know if I could bring myself to do it again…"

He looks down for a moment at his hand with a sad look. Shiori knows why he feels the way he does and she too gets a sad look. Hikigaya then shakes his head just a bit and looks up with a soft smile.

Hikigaya "Besides, Chief knows his way around the city. He can handle himself pretty well. He was before we showed up, that's for sure."

Shiori "Haha yeah. And after a loss like that, I'm sure the Devil's Syndicate will be quiet for a long while. I will miss being able to help people out though."

She says as she nods slowly. Hikigaya looks at her for a moment then gets a smile and looks like he got an idea.

Hikigaya "Well, there is another way we can still help people."

She looks at him for a moment with confusion.

Haru "You wanna make a club?!"

Back at school during the day.

Hikigaya "Yep."

Lucy "Why?"

Chizuru "Don't get me wrong, I love clubs. I was totally gonna try to join one or two during the festival but you hate clubs."

Haru "Mr. 'Clubs are a waste of time and only morons join them'."

Haru mocks him as Hikigaya gives him an angry glare.

Shiori "Wow, so much disdain for clubs. What happened?"

Haru "Hikigaya over here used to think that hating things made him cool and interesting. Little did he know, it doesn't."

Hikigaya "Alright, I get it. This is dumb and I shouldn't've said anything."

Hikigaya lays his head down in defeat as the group looks at him then each other realizing their poor response.

Chizuru "It isn't dumb! It's just unexpected!"

Haru "Yeah, c'mon, tell us more!"

He slowly lifts his head and gives them a look of distrust for a moment before sitting up.

Hikigaya "Fine, but if you make fun of me again, that's it."

Everyone "Yes yes."

They nod all together agreeing. Hikigaya smiles and continues.

Hikigaya "So you know the club festival is coming up where all the clubs try to recruit new people and new clubs make their appearance right? Well, I want to start a new Helpers Club and make its debut during the festival!"

Sugawara "Helpers Club?"

Hisana "What's that supposed to mean?"

Hikigaya "My idea is that this club exists to solve problems. Like, something is missing, another club needs help, relationship trouble, anything you might need help with! Other students will come to us with a problem and we will fix it or do our best to help huh??"

He says enthusiastically. No one responds for a moment and they just give him blank stares. His smile slowly fades as no one responds. Kitaro then places his hand on his shoulder and looks him in the eyes with a cool expression.

Kitaro "Hikigaya. That is a great idea for a club."

Lucy "And so you."

Haru "The Helpers Club! Let's go!"

Sugawara "Yeah!"

They raise their fists in the air with large smiles on their faces. The others all smile in approval.

Hikigaya "You guys really think so?"

Chizuru "Of course! It sounds like it could open the door for many fun adventures too."

Ryuji "The cooking club looks lame anyway."

He says with a cool smile. Hikigaya smiles and looks at Shiori who gives him a warm thumbs up.

Hikigaya "Then it's settled. This year, we're gonna start our own club. The Helpers Club!"

They cheer happily for a moment before Ms. Samuel calls to them.

Samuel "Shiori, Hikigaya. Principal Ai would like to see you in her office."

They look at her then at each other confused. They both take a seat back in her office once again like orientation day over a year ago. Principal Ai sits waiting for them to fully sit down.

Hikigaya "Brings back memories doesn't it?"

Shiori smiles in response.

Principal Ai "It certainly makes me happy to see such bright expressions coming from you two, especially you Shiori."

Shiori looks at her surprised for a moment then blushes a bit out of embarrassment.

Principal Ai "First off, I have to start with a good job. You made it through the year with only minor hiccups but even then, those weren't entirely your fault. I am proud of you two for that, but let me be clear. You aren't off the hook yet. You both are to stay together like before and though your classes will still be scheduled for you, I will allow you to attend school events. On the condition that you will not be allowed to join any clubs until you prove yourselves another year."

Hikigaya/Shiori "What?!"

Hikigaya "You can't do that! It's the one thing we were looking forward to!"

Shiori "Yeah! What about our good record last year? Doesn't that mean anything?"

Principal Ai "I will admit, it surprised me to hear so little from you both but there is a reason we put you on this program in the first place."

Hikigaya "Please, just hear us out real quick. We were talking and we decided we wanted to make a club."

Shiori "Yeah, it's called the Helpers Club. The whole point of it is to help other students with any problems they have! Wouldn't that be something to help us prove ourselves?"

Principal Ai stares at them for a moment before grabbing her chin and thinking it over.

Principal Ai "Hmm… I suppose that does sound like a productive idea. And combined with your year of good behavior I really can't find a good reason to deny the club request."

Principal Ai has a look as if still trying to think of a good argument against the club while Shiori and Hikigaya get looks of joy as they see Principal Ai progressively becoming defeated.

Principal Ai "*sigh* Alright look. Based on your good behavior and valid point about the club I am willing to allow you to develop this club. On the condition that you will need to have a club stall created in time for the festival, get at least four other members, and solve at least three problems, real problems, by the beginning of the new year. If those requirements are not met, I will personally see to it that this Helpers Club is disbanded immediately. On top of that, I am going to be more strict on your good behavior. If you step out of line and fall back to your old ways I am shutting you down immediately. Am I clear?"

Shiori "Very."

She says with a big smile on her face. Principal Ai smiles in return as if satisfied with their determination to make this work.

Principal Ai "Great. I'm sure you know the festival is in a few days so I'd get moving if I were you."

They both get surprised looks, obviously forgetting when it was. They sit staring for a moment before Principal Ai motions for them to get going. They then quickly scramble to their feet and begin to make their way out her door. Just as they're barely out her door, she calls back to them.

Principal Ai "Oh yeah, one more thing."

They both freeze and look back. She reaches into her desk and pulls out a key she had at the ready. She tosses it to Shiori who catches it and looks at her.

Principal Ai "Your club room will be Room 108 in the Club Hall. Don't disappoint me now."

She gives them an approving smile as Shiori smiles back widely before taking off with Hikigaya. A man, another staff worker in the office, steps across the doorway, stopping in front of it with a cup of warm coffee in hand, staring at Shiori and Hikigaya as they leave the office. He looks back with a smile at Ai.

Ayumu "You were gonna approve their club anyway."

Ai simply shrugs with a smile on her face as she turns to face her computer. Ayumu just chuckles a bit while shaking his head and continuing down the hall.