
Stray Clouds

Shiori Inabi, a young girl fresh into highschool, has a hard time making friends or even tolerating people in the first place. She feels everyone around her isn't worth the time because they are all toxic and evil anyway. But before the school year even starts she is thrown into a situation far crazier than anything she has ever experienced. Now she has to figure out how to deal with the flood of new emotions and events going on in her life. Will she be convinced to change her ways or only be solidified in her belief that people are bad?

SCandleStudios · Teen
Not enough ratings
161 Chs

Touma's Big Sister. The Helper's Club Next Mission?

Emiko "Mr. Goda used to be a trainer at a place I worked out. Eventually he left because he got a job as a P.E. teacher and I was so excited when I realized it was here. He said now that he's a teacher for a different class, he'd be technically competing against me and that my winning streak was gonna end soon because he found two newbies who have talent like no other. Of course, I love a good challenge but I didn't really expect to be challenged very hard. Turns out, I might actually need to watch my back this year, won't I?"

She gives them a big approving smile.

Shiori "Yeah, that's all super interesting and stuff but what does that have to do with beating us up or attacking Touma?"

Shiori asks, obviously slightly irritated from getting hit earlier.

Emiko "Well, I gotta make sure my little brother is well trained in self defense. Believe it or not, despite his size, Touma is a big push over. Our whole lives he's let people walk all over him so I gotta make sure he knows how to stand up for himself."

She gives a thumbs up as Touma looks not approving of her actions.

Touma "I've told you before, I don't need to know how to fight. I need to know how to talk to people.. I want to make friends but it's hard to do that when talking is so hard and I'm this big…"

He looks down, upset by his lack of communication skills. The others look at him unsure of what to do, then Chizuru places her hand on his arm.

Chizuru "If it's friends you want, you can start by being my friend. Only if you want.."

She says slightly nervous. He looks down on her and smiles a bit. As they do this, Shiori thinks to herself for a moment.

Shiori 'He wants friends and better communication skills, huh?.. This sounds like a job for…' "The Helpers Club."

He looks at Shiori with a confused look.

Touma "The… Helpers Club?"

Shiori "Yeah, it's a new club we made. If you want to work on your communication and friend making skills then you should come to our room after school. We'll help you get sorted real quick."

Hikigaya "Nice one, Shiori."

He whispers to her. She gets a confident smile and rubs her finger under her nose.

Shiori "I know."

Touma looks at them unsure then back at Chizuru. She gives him a reassuring smile.

Chizuru "We're pretty good at helping people. You definitely should come."

Touma "If you think that's the best thing to do…"

Emiko "Do it, little bro!"

She gives him a thumbs up. He smiles a bit nervously then nods.

Shiori "Great. Now that's all in order, we should probably get back to what we were doing before Ms. Samuel kills us."

They nod then begin to head out before Emiko speaks.

Emiko "I suppose I'll be seeing you both again soon, as rivals!"

She says with a big, confident smile on her face. Shiori and Hikigaya turn to look at her then at each other then back at her. They smile back.

Shiori "I guess so."

They then turn and head back upstairs with their boxes while Emiko rubs Touma's head.

Emiko "Good job on making some new friends! I knew I was helping!"

Touma rolls his eyes a bit but smiles at her praise anyway.

In Shiori's room, at her desk, she sits writing in her journal that Hikigaya got her for her birthday almost two months ago now. As she writes, Hikigaya comes to her door.

Hikigaya "I'm glad to see you finally putting my gift to use."

She is surprised by him for a moment but smiles at him.

Shiori "Yeah, I've been planning to start something new and finally got around to doing it."

Hikigaya "Something new? Like what?"

Shiori "Well I've been writing ideas out for a book I want to write but I think I finally have it all together. I'm gonna start writing my full book."

Hikigaya "Oho finally! We've been waiting for you to start. Mom has been asking about you and when you would actually start writing so she could give you some tips."

Shiori laughs a little and nods.

Shiori "Sorry to keep her waiting."

They sit in silence for a moment while she writes but then she pauses. Without turning to look at him, she asks.

Shiori "How is she doing? With everything that happened?.."

Hikigaya is surprised by her question for a moment but looks away with a neutral expression.

Hikigaya "As fine as a mother would be right now. I've heard her cry every now and then but your parents have really been helping her through it."

Shiori tightens her grip on her pencil.

Shiori "And what about you? Are you okay?"

He is again surprised and looks at her this time. He pauses for a moment before answering.

Hikigaya "Let's not talk about this right now."

He says softly. Shiori turns and looks at him with an awkward smile.

Shiori "Right, right, sorry!"

She awkwardly laughs and sweats a bit. They sit in silence for a moment before Hikigaya speaks.

Hikigaya "Hey Shiori, if you… ever want me to, you totally don't have to, but I could maybe draw up your characters or cover art..?"

He says awkwardly. Shiori is shocked by his offer.

Shiori "You're saying that you, the great Hikigaya, are offering to draw my characters and stuff? You want to actually help me?"

She says sarcastically. Hikigaya just rolls his eyes and stands up from her bed.

Hikigaya "Alright, yeah I get it. I guess I just won't offer then."

Shiori "No no haha! I'm joking! I just didn't expect you to ever offer something like that. You're always so reserved about your art. I'd love it if you did that."

She says softly with slight blushing in her cheeks. He smiles back with blush in his cheeks too.

Hikigaya "Well you better whip me up some character descriptions if you want them drawn."

Shiori "Yes sir!"

She says while saluting him with a playful look on her face. He giggles to himself a bit before leaving her room. She smiles warmly before turning back to her desk to continue.

At school during Physical education class.


Mr. Goda shouts at his class as he makes them run laps around the school track. Most of the class complains about running as he continues to shout at them.

Goda "Shiori! Hikigaya! Pick it up, you two should be done with your laps by now!"

He shouts at them as they come around the bend on their last lap. As soon as they pass the starting line they walk to the grass center trying to catch their breath.

Shiori "How *pant* long was that?"

Hikigaya "We ran like *pant* three kilometers."

Shiori "Jeez…"

Goda "Did I say you're done?! Now drop and give me twenty push ups then flip over and do twenty sit ups!"

They look at him then roll their eyes before doing as they're told. Haru and Lucy jog next to each other, both slightly winded but staying at a steady pace. Haru looks at the others as Mr. Goda shouts at them.

Haru "He's really been pushing them the past few days, hasn't he?"

Lucy "Yeah, Chizuru said it's because of the Sports Festival coming up."

Haru "He wants them to be the head runners or something?"

Lucy "Yeah something like that but he hasn't even actually asked them yet. He just assumes they will."

Haru laughs a bit.

Haru "Well I guess we'll see if they do. Our class is definitely gonna win if they do decide to be our head runners though."

Lucy smiles and nods as they continue jogging. Shiori and Hikigaya finish up as other students like Ryuji and Touma begin to finish running their laps. Hikigaya sits up while Shiori lays on her back panting.

Goda "Alright, good job. NOW GIVE ME ANOTHER THREE LAPS!"

They look at him for a moment before speaking,

Shiori/Hikigaya "Yeah, that's not gonna happen."

Goda "Worth a shot."

He gives them an approving smile before turning his attention to the class. After class, in the locker rooms. Shiori sits on the bench in front of her locker as Hikigaya walks to his locker next to hers. He holds a small towel in front of her. She looks at it surprised then takes it. She begins wiping her sweats around her head as Hikigaya does the same with his own towel.

Shiori "Thanks."

He smiles at her before beginning to take his shirt off. Shiori blushes a little as he does, noticing his body but before long she notices some scars across his chest.

Shiori "Where were those from?"

Hikigaya is surprised by her question and looks at his chest.

Hikigaya "Oh these were from one of the Pillars. You know, like Keeper. Her name was Sahara I think. She had big claws and hit me pretty good."

He pauses as he remembers that night and the outcome. He shakes his head a little.

Hikigaya "Yeah, usually I can heal faster than it could scar but I guess she was a pillar for a reason."

He tries to smile at her but she can tell it was forced. He continues to change as he looks at her taking her shirt off. She takes her towel and wipes herself off around her neck and under her arms and across her belly. Distracted by her, he blushes and stares. She notices and blushes a little too.

Shiori "What are you staring at?"

Hikigaya "Oh uh, nothing really. I was just curious uh… where did you get that sports bra? Is it new, I haven't seen it before."

He asks, coming up with an excuse. Fortunately, it works.

Shiori "Yeah, I got a small pack of them when I went swimsuit shopping with your sister. I'm surprised you haven't seen them yet, I wear them all the time."

She looks at her bra then at him with a smile but it fades a little when she realizes about his sister. He smiles softly but obviously saddened. He shakes his head a little again.

Hikigaya "I'm glad you and Amber got to be so close."

He says as he puts his uniform on. Shiori nods a little.

Shiori 'Oh man! Why do I keep bringing it up? He's obviously still hurt by it! I have to think of something to change the subject!'

She looks around and sees the towel he gave her. She gets a look as if coming up with an idea.

Shiori "Where did you get these?"

He looks at her confused a little but answers anyway.

Hikigaya "Mr. Goda handed them to me on our way in here."

Shiori "Just to you? Think he's trying to earn our favor?"

She leans forward and lifts an eyebrow as if baiting him to think about it. He smiles a bit

Hikigaya "Haha probably. Instead of outright asking for our help, he's just gonna try to be nice and push us."

Shiori laughs a little back before pausing and getting a look as if getting another idea.

Shiori "Wait, Hikigaya that's it!"

He looks at her confused as he grabs his bag from the locker. She gets a look of determination as she stares at him.

Shiori "I know what the Helper's Club's next mission is."