
Stray Clouds

Shiori Inabi, a young girl fresh into highschool, has a hard time making friends or even tolerating people in the first place. She feels everyone around her isn't worth the time because they are all toxic and evil anyway. But before the school year even starts she is thrown into a situation far crazier than anything she has ever experienced. Now she has to figure out how to deal with the flood of new emotions and events going on in her life. Will she be convinced to change her ways or only be solidified in her belief that people are bad?

SCandleStudios · Teen
Not enough ratings
161 Chs

Conflicting Priorities. Riku Falls?

Back in the Conarc building, Shiori waits even more impatiently than before as she looks back at the clock. It reads 11:13 as Shiori sweats. Suddenly, the door to the lobby opens as a man walks through.

Murphy "Osaki, have you heard any word from my 11 o'clock?"

He asks with a confused face. Shiori shoots up from her seat with wide eyes.

Shiori "Yes!"

Murphy looks over surprised as Shiori clears her throat.

Shiori "Yes, it's me. Shiori Inabi."

He looks at her for a moment, puzzled.

Murphy "How long have you been waiting there?"

Shiori "Since 10:50.."

She answers softly as Murphy turns and glares at Osaki who just shrugs.

Osaki "Whoops."

Murphy sighs before approaching Shiori with an open hand.

Murphy "My apologies Ms. Inabi. My assistant can be quite irritable with new, young authors such as yourself."

He shakes her hand before motioning towards the door he just came out of.

Murphy "Now, shall we?"

Shiori nods with a smile before following the man back to his office. At the school, the next competition begins. One by one, the classes toss the balls high into the air and into a bucket. Some miss and some only manage to land them in the lower, wider buckets but eventually Riku's turn comes. He steps to the line with the rubber ball in hand and a nervous look on his face. He sweats as his class shouts at him.

Student 1 "C'mon Riku! Don't mess this one up too!"

Student 2 "Just make it in the big one and we win this round!"

They shout with irritated tones. Riku's gaze sharpens as he tries to focus. He breathes out before launching the ball, only for it to hit the edge of the bucket and bounce right off. Riku's look drops to disappointment in himself as the crowd awes and his class scoffs, leaving him standing there.

Announcer "What an unfortunate miss! Not to worry, there are still quite a few rounds left! Let's keep this festival going!"

He shouts as the classes cheer, anticipating the next event. In the Conarc building, Shiori stares at the clock in the office with a worried look.

Murphy "Ms. Inabi? Are you alright?"

He asks with a slightly concerned look as she snaps her head back to him.

Shiori "Yes! Of course!"

She answers nervously and slightly embarrassed.

Murphy "I'm just making sure because you seem to keep looking at the clock. Is this perhaps not a good time?"

Shiori "No! That's not it. I'm fine, really!"

She answers rapidly, trying not to blow her shot. Murphy looks a little concerned but continues anyway. 

Murphy "Well everything looks good!"

He says while closing a booklet. 

Murphy "It's even better than the synopsis you sent us. And this is only the rough draft? Not a first or second?"

Shiori smiles bashfully.

Shiori "Yeah, it's just a rough draft. I've still got a lot of work to do."

Murphy "As far as I can tell, it seems we'll be working on this together."

Shiori's eyes widen.

Shiori "You really think so?.. You want to edit my book??"

She asks excitedly.

Murphy "I do. I think it has a lot of potential, and I mean a lot. It would not only be stimulating to read and edit, but also be beneficial to Conarc to have our brand attached to the much successful book I'm sure it will become."

Shiori looks very pleased and happy at hearing that.

Shiori "That's great news! I look forward to working with you as well!"

She turns and looks at the clock again, her look shifting to one of concern. She then stands up with a nervous look.

Shiori "Thank you so much for this opportunity! I can't wait for our next meeting to begin work on my first draft."

Murphy "Woah, wait a minute. Not so fast."

She stops and looks at him surprised as she pulls out a packet of papers.

Murphy "There's still some paperwork we have to go through to get you properly integrated into our system."

Shiori sweats with a worried look.

Murphy "I know this may seem like a lot but I assure you it's worth it. The benefits you'll have from our system and making sure your IP is properly protected and in your name. We should probably start with…"

As he speaks, Shiori gets a worried look as she looks back at the clock one last time. 

Riku "You're coming, right?"

She hears her brother's voice in her head and his smile on his face. She gets a conflicted look as Murphy continues.

Murphy "I think that would be the best approach, I think."

He says with glasses on and papers in his hands before Shiori speaks.

Shiori "Mr. Law."

He looks up with a surprised look as she stands in the doorway, a weak smile on her face.

Shiori "I'm really sorry but I think I have to go. My brother needs me."

She says before rushing out of the office and the building. Murphy stares, confused as Osaki walks in. 

Osaki "I told you she was no good. Kids that young always try to make it big with their books but never have the determination to stick it out."

Murphy just smirks as she takes off his glasses, not listening to what she's saying. At Riku's school, the main event begins. A relay race between the three first year classes. 

Announcers "Runners, on your starting points!"

He shouts as the students begin to spread out to their positions. As Riku ties his shoe, a few students walk by.

Student 1 "Try to be of some use this time."

Student 2 "You better not mess this one up, Stinku."

They say meanly as Riku stands up, obviously frustrated. He looks over to his family where Hikigaya gives him two thumbs up and his parents smile at him but Shiori is nowhere to be seen. Riku lowers his head as he makes his way to the final position as the anchor of the relay. 

Announcer "Runners ready?"

The students all prepare themselves as the announcer starts the race. The kids take off running as Riku watches, awaiting his turn.

Riku 'I won't mess this up again. I'll show them!"

Soon, the students start making their way to them. Riku begins running, waiting for his classmate to hand him the baton. In a quick hand off, Riku grabs the baton and takes off running.

Takanou "Go Riku! Run!"

Asami "You can do it little man!"

They shout as Riku begins making ground over his peers. They run and run as Riku focuses intensely, gaining distance from the others.

Riku 'Come on Riku, keep going! Don't mess it up!'

He thinks as he pants heavily, running as fast as he can.

Riku 'Just don't-'

Before he can finish his thought and on the first corner, his foot slips. In an instant, his eyes grow wide as he swiftly falls to the floor and tumbles over. He grunts in pain as everyone gasps. Riku lifts himself up just a bit as he struggles, scraped up on his leg and arm. Tears then begin to fall to the ground as Riku begins to cry softly. 

Riku "Why..? Why can't I do anything right?.."

He asks softly as he lays on the ground before suddenly, a voice yells out to him.

Shiori "Get up!"

Riku's eyes grow wide as he looks up. He looks straight at his family where Shiori stands, cupping her mouth and yelling at him.

Shiori "I've seen you fall worse! Get up!"

She shouts.

Hikigaya "Keep going, Riku!"

He shouts too. Riku's face flips like a switch as a look of determination spreads across it. He grabs his baton before bolting up to his feet. He runs harder than he had before, giving it his all and soon even manages to catch up to the other kids. He pushes himself harder and harder until eventually, all the students cross the finish line. Everyone cheers as the students rush to the runners' sides.

Announcer "Class 1-3 has won yet another event! They are on fire today!"

Riku bends over with his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath. His class surrounds him as he looks at them. He stands up and looks away, disappointed.

Riku "I'm sorry guys. I lost it for us… again."

He says softly when the class cheers. They even lift him up with smiles on their faces.

Student 1 "That was so cool!"

Student 3 "It was like watching a movie! Way to go!"

They shout together.

Student 2 "Hey Stinku."

The student gets his attention before smiling at him.

Student 2 "That was pretty awesome."

Student 4 "Yeah! Good run!"

Riku smiles at them warmly. 

Riku "Thanks guys."

He says softly.

Announcer "Now that is what I'm talking about. There is nothing better than good sportsmanship and a class coming together to encourage one another. That will definitely be worth some points!"

He says enthusiastically before the event continues. The classes play event after event, each one, Riku shines better than the last as the class comes together and enjoys a fun day of activities. Soon, a late lunch is gathered in the courtyard as families join each other to support their students' hard work. Riku takes a big bite of a sandwich happily, now with bandages on his scrapes. Hikigaya gives him a big head pat.

Hikigaya "That was some good running out there! If I were you, I probably would've just gone home."

Shiori "Yeah, that's because you're a quitter. But my brother and I are no quitters, right?"

She asks as Riku nods happily. Hamasaki looks at Shiori confused.

Hamasaki "But I thought you had a meeting for your book today and couldn't make it?"

Shiori droops a bit.

Shiori "Don't remind me.."

They gasp.

Takanou "You left your meeting to be here for your little brother??"

Shiori "What can I say? I'm the best sister in the world."

She says casually as Asami hugs her.

Asami "You're such a good big sister."

Happy tears rolling down her face.

Hamasaki "Yes she is."

She says with a warm smile. 

Shiori "I could always find another editor but there won't be another first time sports festival, right?"

She says with a smile while looking at Riku. He smiles warmly at her.

Riku "Right."

He says before leaning his head against her arm.

Riku "You are the best, Shiori."

Shiori smiles warmly as the family enjoys their lunch together.