

You'll agree with me,when I say love is a beautiful thing. what happens when a definition of beauty transforms into something we'd call a monster, that'd would be so devastating. As Curious as you may be. Pick up a glance you'll find out there's more to love than love itself.

DavidKim2001 · Action
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Chapter 2: Course Defense

Checking his wrist watch, wow it's 12:00 already, well I was able to cover up some basic chapters in my note. Hopefully I'll be able to defend this, Isreal it's our department going first bro. Isreal, "yeah it is. look man we have nothing to be scared of okay? we will definitely conquer this course defense okay bro, please stop the panicking. Besides our Hod give us a clue about the upcoming questions, it's all about being able to defend your skill as a student of business management, We should be able to defend our skills as a marketer and that's all. so we probably don't need this atom of fear around us please okay.

yeah yeah man and besides lecturer Johnson has taught us some skills for marketing and it's process,I feel motivated and seemly ready to go bro. that's the spirit bro now let's head back to the hall and go wrap this all up.

(Walked in together into the one thousand capacity hall,built for school event's related to this)

Course ◀️ Defense

( inside the hall everybody necessary all sited and go to go for the event,all students available and anticipating for the kickoff time.)

(Mr wale the announcer,walks in the hall with a well fitted t-shirt, befitting for a well sized D&G design jeans trouser)

Announcer, "Good day ladies and gentlemen,hope y'all re doing good this wonderful Monday morning, Well without much of a do, let's get down to business as usual. As a 400 level student of Dennis osadebay university delta state, Going through all obstacles of your 100,200,300 and now 400 level. That's something I call a great achievement and thanks to consistency you're all sited here today for one purpose,for one reason. today is your course defence. Like I said earlier consistency and hard work is nothing but a weapon that generates desired achievement. I'm just here to say good luck to y'all and wishing you success ahead, thank you ( drops the microphone and walks towards his sit, students all round giving him a resounding standing ovation for a second to none good speech of excellence, After that the program kick's of officially)

Announcement, "please all students should please be sited properly and all manner of items that re liable to implications should please be eradicated with immediate effect,thank you. immediately you hear your name please step forward thank you once again.

(Business management register)

(Victor Williams, Becky Eze, Isreal okafor, Travis Kendall, Oluchi Alex, Cynthia ifeoma, Peace emetore, Emeka Johnson fidelis, Segun oluwa, Precious odogwu and Peter oburo.)

Announcer, "the above names called out should please step forward please.

(Walking towards the front sit at the hall, Travis and Isreal glancing at each other with a smile that tells the whole story of fears written boldly on their face. Victor Williams being the first name appeared to be the first guy manning the stage of profession)

Announcer, "Victor Williams please

present sir, (Question) For a new firm or an organization seeking to be successful and be a part of the top leading business Marchants of all time,what do you say re steps of greatness for such organization?

victor thinking for a while then pop's up with something to say, I'll say first for such organization I'll recommend one good marketing techs, Employment of well to do staffs, Selfless managers and directors that knows what a good and successful business organization looks like and also not forgetting a treatment that defines equality between all staffs and workers in order to keep a consistent happy face that drives energy and passion going. thank you sir.

Announcer, "That's okay, you may have your sit now.

victor walks back to his seat,with fingers crossed

next on our list we have Becky Eze.

walking so slowly and filled with nervousness Becky facing all her course mates with an expression that easily tells she's scared to the brim

Becky as a manger of a top bank ,what re steps of achieving good customer service to your clients?

Becky in a battle with her thoughts, looking around and thinking of a word.

Becky, "for my own understanding I will say steps towards achieving such greatness. Having a good relationship with your client,good manner of approach towards your client thereby being careful and watchful of your conversation with your client, and also be the source that generates desired results,in terms of advice and guild lines through certain issues that troubles a client. thank you sir.


Okay okay that's beautiful,you may have your sit.

Becky walked back to her sit

Announcer, "Isreal okafor please step forward

Walking to the stage in a gentleman form


As a good marketer how do you convenience your client about a certain new product fresh of the market?

Isreal with a smile, "Okay first for me

I'll go down to business and explain the uses of my products,also the advantages of using my products and go further explaining the need and giving reasons to my client why he/she should be involved in the process of acquiring my new products, thank you.

Announcer, "That's brilliant, you may go back to your sit.

Isreal "thank you sir .walks back to his sit

Announcer "next on our list, Travis Kendall.

I stood up and walked down to the stage, feeling a little bit nervous but I'm fine I think I got this.

Question. As a new employee of a firm what re the steps of achieving greatness and good employee relationship between you and your boss and also your colleagues?

for a moment I smiled to myself because I found the questions easy and not worth all my fears, I know how Isreal must be filling now so I'll rather dedicate this answers I'm about to drop to my friendship with Isreal,this is for you Israel In a low tone I said to myself.

"First of all I'll say hard work and continuous devotion to your job, making your job your top priority. Setting up a goal working towards achieving your goal and not forgetting keeping your cool always, thank you sir.

(Announcer "that's magnificent,you may go back to your sit now.

Walking back to my sit , I felt honoured and a little proud of myself answering that question with a thunder bolt of boldness and keeping my heads up, I'm sure Israel was also a partner of my happiness I knew that through his congratulatory hand shakes to me.

Well to cut the long story that was all for today's course defense, everybody did well I guess judging from the announcer's perspective and rewards of happiness for every speech made.

finally the course defense that almost took my guts away is done and dusted,

Rosslyn and I went home feeling happy for all my efforts.