
Seeing it

3 years ago



"Damn", my eyes scanned him up and down. And without my permission, I bit lower lip while looking at him. Damn this guy is hot.

To my confusion, people's eyes were on me. Wait...

Did I just pervertedly checked him out in front of EVERYONE???



It's lunch time and I'm heading to the cafeteria. I still can't believe what I did earlier this morning. I just said DAMN out loud looked at him up and down like I'm some freaking scanner and bit my freaking lip?!? And in front of people to top it of? It's your first day of college and this is what you've already become ? Embarrassing, disgraceful, foolish. Ugh.

I hope to never see him outside of Psychology class. No, I refuse to get a sight of him outside Psychology class. I wish he would stop going to that class so I can rid get of him for good. I have one more class in the afternoon and I doubt he's taking it too. Good.

I'll get over this. I've done a lot of embarrassing things all through out my life, I farted loudly in my class on fifth grade, I swore to never eat spicy mexican tacos after that, got punched by a boy named Ted after professing my crush towards him then almost kissing his lips when I was a freshmen, and many more that I choose to not remember. This is just one of them.

I don't know if that made me feel better or worse.

I reached the cafeteria and decided to sit at the corner to get less attention and eat in peace.


A familiar voice says. My nerves start to shiver.

A man with raven hair dressed in all black sat at my table. Sipping his carton of strawberry juice.

What the hell?